The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 251 Andis Basin

Needless to say, Commander Man Yu, the first summer when the Jacob River returned to flow, there was a lot of rain. After more than 300 years of silence, this land is rejuvenating.

Although Sangset Peak keeps the water vapor from the east in the Andes Mountains, it can also keep the water vapor from the west in the west.

In the past, it was because the source of the Jacob River was gone, and the source of water vapor was gone, but now there is again.

In winter, there was a heavy snow covering the entire army, which was as deep as an adult's knee. Of course, many unprepared soldiers froze to death.

But for this land, this is a great thing.

At the beginning of spring, when everything is dying, there are countless tender green branches breaking through the ground, which is the nature of the whole army.

If you look down from the sky, the former leader of Manyu is like a scar on the continent of Arshan, an irregular dark yellow scar. Now this scar has been rejuvenated by the washing of the Jacob River, and the shortest period is three to five years. , as long as ten or eight years, here will be completely revived.

But if you want to turn back into one of the world-famous granaries, don't even think about it in a short time.

Man Yu's army was originally sparsely populated. After several years of war, many died and fled, and the population was not even one-third of that in its heyday.

Without enough manpower to cultivate, no matter how good the cultivated land is, it can only be barren.

Because the final decisive battle between Patrem and Philip triggered by the Quartet Council was also anticlimactic, and finally died down.

The main reason is still in the three parties of Princess Regent Sophilia, Countess Angelberina, and Yongye Army Leader Sean.

They did not reach an agreement with Philip, so it was naturally impossible to fully help him sit on the Grand Duke's seat.

At the same time, we will not see Patraim supported by the Holy See of Saint Ether.

If Philip is at a disadvantage, they will increase their investment in Philip. If they are strong, they will reduce their support, making his original perfect attack plan full of mistakes.

In the end, the two sides became a big saw, and neither could eat the other.

Even if Philip knew the reason, he cursed the three parties who caused the ghost a hundred times, but it was in vain.

Even if he was willing to lower his noble head, it would be too late now. He performed too badly in the Quartet Council and missed the best time.

In addition to the fact that the three parties have no way to give him too much trust, it is also because they all have their own plans to implement, and there is no way to invest too much energy here, and maintaining the status quo is more powerful for them.

Philip can also draw his salary from the bottom of the pot and give up the fight for the position of the Grand Duke of Manyu's army, so naturally he will not be used by others.

This is the choice that Philip can only use when he is tired of life.

The battle for heirs is a road of no return. You either go forward bravely or die. There are almost no people who give up halfway but can retreat unscathed.

Those who sit in high positions don't believe them. In order to stabilize their rule, killing them all is their usual tactic.

Entering the summer, the Swamp of Despair turns into a huge steamer, steaming.

One-third of the day was shrouded in white mist, and part of the water vapor turned into light rain and fell down, but it evaporated again soon.

A small part of the water vapor transpired into the high altitude drifted to the Cartel Hills and the Huayu Plateau, and most of it was drawn into the Andes Mountains.

Before the Jacob River resumes its flow, the water vapor will turn into rainfall, flow into the inland lake of Andes, and then be brought back to the Desperate Swamp by the Despair Nu River, completing a big cycle.

Now there is a large gap in the Jacob River, and more than 90% of the river water has gone through here.

The Desperate Nujiang River has once again turned back to the Donau River in those days, continuous but without any rush.

The water level of the Swamp of Despair is receding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The army led by Yongye Army is also gathering in the inland lake of Andes.

The Kingsley family is full of peeps at the Swamp of Despair and attaches great importance to it.

But compared to the leaders of the Yong Ye Army, they were far behind in terms of preparation and emphasis.

The leader of the Yongye army blasted the mountains and rivers to allow the Jacob River to flow back. What they planned was the Swamp of Despair. This is the land of grain they want to obtain after gambling their luck. Whoever robs them will be interrupted. minions.

After the water level of Andes Inland Lake plummeted by more than 120 meters, it gradually stabilized. The area was only one tenth of the original area, only 30 kilometers long, and only 13 or 14 kilometers wide.

Most of the lake floor became the Andes Inner Basin again.

It has become the busiest place in the Andes Mountains.

Since the Jacob River stabilized last year, the people of Yongye from the original Jacob River went upstream by boat, and the entire village and village were relocated here, starting a new round of land reclamation.

After Jacob Jiang returned, they looked as if they lost everything and started all over again.

But if you are really in it, you will know that the situation between the two is completely different.

Whether it is spiritual outlook or farming experience,

At that time, whether they were voluntary, coerced, enlisted, or forced to join the Yongye Army Leader, they were full of confusion at that time. It is not clear which step they will go to, and many have muddled their minds.

Even if the Yongye army leader enters a state of rapid development in the future, many leaders are still worried about gains and losses, lest it will disappear in the long river of history if it is a flash in the pan.

Now, everyone is full of confidence in the Yong Ye army leader, and believes that they will lead themselves to a better life.

Even if they have nothing, they can create more wealth with their own hands.

Facts have proved that the Yongye Army Leader did not live up to their expectations.

Without the ancient channel of the Jacob River, they are now given a wider Andes Basin with a more livable natural environment.

The food was brought in countercurrently by boat after boat, giving them a reassurance.

As long as there is food to fill their stomachs, they have the strength to create everything with their own hands.

The Andis Basin did not disappoint Xiao En and the others. After three hundred years of accumulation, the fertility here is beyond imagination. In the first year when the lake water just went down, countless weeds and trees came out of the land like crazy.

Those Yongye citizens who had just moved here, casually sowed the seeds on this land, and they all got a bumper harvest.

This greatly stimulated the labor enthusiasm of those citizens.

The mountains and plains are full of busy figures.

Reclaiming wasteland, building workshops and factories, building villages, building roads, building auxiliary facilities...

Large in scale, but orderly.

The administrative team led by Marshall has honed a wealth of experience in large-scale population diversion and collaborative work time after time. In addition, the preparation time for this plan is long enough, and many things have been refined to individuals, who is responsible for which part .

In collective work, the most fearful thing is that the division of labor is not perfect and unreasonable.

Once this happens, many people will have nothing to do or do useless repetitive work, and one hundred people can only exert fifty people, or even lower labor efficiency.

But if there is a reasonable division of labor, it can burst out 120% of the energy.

The Yong Ye army leader dare not say that it can be done in the most reasonable way, but it is not a problem for them to exert 80% or even 100% of their abilities.

The entire Andes Basin is different every day.

Being in it, you can fully feel the powerful creative ability of people.

What the Eternal Night Commander built this time was no longer the fortress that prevailed in the ancient river of Jacob, but a town in the true sense.

Walled forts, this kind of building, mainly consider their own defense capabilities, as for comfort and other aspects, they are basically not considered.

At the beginning, when Jacob's ancient river was popular, it was naturally forced to do so. At that time, the Yongye Army occupied such an ancient river, and there was no depth at all. Once someone broke in, they could only use these strongholds to defend layer by layer.

Fortunately, the development of the Yongye Army is fast enough, and God is good enough to pose the greatest threat to them. The leader of the Man Yu army fell into civil strife and kept them on the offensive, without burning the flames of war into their homeland. .

Not so now.

The geography of the Andes Basin is good enough.

In the north, there is the northern fortress as the gateway, and there are hundreds of kilometers of mountains as the depth.

To the west is Twin Harbor City and the 400-kilometer Jacob River, which is now the absolute control area of ​​the Yong Ye Army Commander.

To the south is the shrinking Andes inland lake, and the Jacob River and Donau River connected to it, and further down is the desperate swamp that spans hundreds of miles.

The only thing worth worrying about in the east, apart from the Cliff Clan who is in the honeymoon cooperation period, the Yongye Army Leader is renovating the ancient fortress group left over from the ancient Andes Empire.

This historic fortress group was the last line of defense prepared by the ancient Andes Empire for the barbarians on the Kentana Ice Field.

The fortress group consisting of three large fortresses and five small fortresses can be said to be the greatest wealth left to the Eternal Night Army by the ancient Andes Empire.

The majestic architectural style and magnificent handwriting can really make people who see it for the first time speechless.

In comparison, the northern fortress built by the leader of the Yongye army is just like a child's play house, and it can't even keep up with the smallest small fortress in the fortress group.

The reason why they are called small fortresses is because of their status in this group of fortresses. If you pick one at random, it can be regarded as a medium-sized fortress in the Byron League. A large fort that is three times larger than a small fort.

Even though they have been silent at the bottom of the lake for more than 300 years, their main bodies have not suffered destructive damage, and they can be put into use after repairing, which really saves countless efforts for the leader of Yongye.

In this case, there is no need to build a fort in the Andes Basin. How can the towns here be suitable for living?

If the enemy can really come here, it means that the regular main force of the Yong Ye army has been defeated, and it is meaningless to have them to do strategic depth.

These newly built towns pay special attention to the drainage system, which is naturally the only one imposed on Ferdinand by Sean who played a leading role.

The most serious city Sean has been to in this life is Dusuoluo, the leader of the Manyu Army. Looking back now, the most impressive thing about that city is the poor drainage system.

All kinds of domestic sewage flowed across, and there was an unbearable smell everywhere.

At that time, there was still little rain in the Man Yu army, and now it either doesn’t rain, or once it rains, it’s a bit of a headless, I can’t imagine what Solo City will be like when it rains.

As a military leader's face, if he has this virtue, how can other cities be better?

The poor living environment is the best medium for the plague.

Once the plague broke out in the Byron Union, the entire town would die for no reason.

What's more, the experience of the previous life also told Xiao En that the more complete the preparations for the infrastructure work of a town at the beginning, the less troublesome things will be in the future.

At the beginning, he lived in a third-tier city, and that was the case. The road was dug today and tomorrow, and after laying this kind of pipeline and that kind of pipeline, there would be no rest for a day.

Of course, there are factors that society is developing at a high speed.

But in the place where the city is built, there is no rational planning, and the construction is not planned, which is also an unshirkable responsibility.

Judging from the current development speed of the Yong Ye army leader, the more complete the preparations now, the less repetitive work will be in the future.

Some defensive fortifications are still essential.

But there are other threats in the mountains—beasts.

Ordinary beasts, even the silly Andis giant bear, would not easily attack human towns.

But those beasts that entered Huigu are not necessarily.

The incident of wild beasts returning to ancient times has not decreased with the passage of time, on the contrary, according to the official statistics of the Yongye Army Leader, it is steadily increasing, and there is an accelerating trend.

After the beasts returned to ancient times, they became more likely to attack people. It was not that their thinking was affected and became more ferocious, but that they urgently needed energy, a large amount of energy, to support their bodies to complete the retro-ancient transformation.

If there is no way to absorb enough nutrition and energy before returning to ancient times, the returning to ancient times will be incomplete, neither the body shape nor the ability will be ideal, and the body will collapse and there will be no place to die.

Naturally, these beasts don't know the consequences, and they act completely on their own instincts.

In the mountains, the towns of the Andes are the easiest and most stable source of food.

The number of mountain patrol guards is limited after all, and most of the time it is an afterthought. When they arrive, it is likely to be a murder scene.

Towns still need to retain the last means of defense.

To say that the most lively is the Andes Inland Lake.

On the surface of the small lake, hundreds of boats were crowding back and forth, and countless soldiers were sweating profusely, shouting and killing.

No matter how big or small, every boat is like a swimming dragon, advancing or retreating, very agile, obviously not a day's work.

If you want to enter the Swamp of Despair, you need ships, and you can't do it without being proficient in water warfare.

Since the leader of the Yongye army built the shipyard in advance and built his own fleet, he will naturally prepare his own navy in advance.

In fact, from the day of the flag-giving ceremony, the Yongye Group Army no longer has three legions, but four legions.

This fourth legion was not merged into the Yongye Army, but was named as Nutao——Raging Wave Navy. It was also divided into three regiments, built with three buildings and ships.

The soldiers of the Raging Wave Navy are mainly from the fishermen of Sishui City. After nearly three years of training, they are already ready for use.

In the past three years, not only they have been training around the clock, but all the other regiments led by the Yongye Army have been transferred over in turn, and they have to conduct two to three months of water training every year, including the northern regiment in the northern fortress.

Even if you can't reach the level of proficiency in water warfare, at least you won't get seasick when you get on the boat.

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