The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 247 Hawkeye Gathering

The personnel are all here, let's start formally. A man in black robe said humanely.

Everyone is here? Where's No. 6? The young man who came in last had a lot of doubts in his tone.

Number 6 has already died in the line of duty. The man in black robe who spoke first replied.

Death in the line of duty? What's going on? Is it safe here? Knowing that No. 6 died in the line of duty, why did you hold a secret meeting?

This news caused a commotion, and it was obvious that not only the young man had just heard the news, but others did not know it before.

They couldn't help being nervous. Although No. 6 didn't know the identities of all of them, once the information leaked, their lives would not be easy, not to mention the location of the meeting, the other party knew it all.

Don't worry, No. 6 didn't reveal his identity and died in the line of duty, but was assassinated by the opponent in the gang struggle. The man in black who spoke first explained.

Speaking of this, No. 6's identity in Geqi City's public face is desirable, but no one has revealed it.

Because of their dual identities, Hawkeye also bears double risks. Not only is their identity exposed, they have the risk of being chased and killed, but they also bear the risk of covering their identities. Sometimes, in order to obtain more information more conveniently, they must Climb harder than others.

There was a silence in the secret meeting room, as if he was mourning the death of his companion.

A few minutes later, someone said in a pious prayer tone: May the mountain god guide him and return his soul to his hometown.

May the mountain god guide him, and his soul return to his hometown. Others echoed.

Few of Eagle Eye believe in gods. Even if they have faith, it is belief in their own territory and generals. This sentence can be regarded as the common spiritual support of all Eagle Eyes.

From the day they joined Hawkeye, they knew that the chances of them being able to return to Dashan alive were very low, and the chances of their remains being transported back to Dashan for burial were extremely small. The hometown of struggle and protection.

This oppressive atmosphere only lasted for a while.

Those present are all seasoned veterans who have experienced countless lives and deaths. I dare not say that they are very indifferent. At least they have learned how to adjust their mood and not be swayed.

Before getting into the topic, let me convey some good news from my hometown to you. Although you have more or less heard of these news, it is still more formal for me to inform you.

It was still the man in black who spoke first. Judging from the arrangement of the seats in the secret meeting room, if everyone used numbers instead, he should be number one.

My lord, you have officially sworn allegiance to the Princess Regent of the Lancelot royal family of the Byron Alliance, and you have been canonized as a baron. Our hometown has also been officially renamed as the leader of the Eternal Night Army. From now on, we are part of the Byron Alliance. No matter what you do, you can be famous and smooth.”

The general's move is really clever. A verbal allegiance in exchange for unlimited future possibilities is probably a preparation for entering the Byron Alliance in the future. The black-robed man sitting in the third seat said with a smile.

Those who can be selected as Hawkeye must be smart people. In addition, they have traveled a lot outside and seen a lot, so their horizons will naturally be wider. No matter the overall situation or the analysis of intelligence capabilities, ordinary people cannot compare.

The same news fell into their hands, and what they saw was completely different, especially when they always believed that the general had a heart for the world, and the association was farther away—if he didn’t have the world for the world, why would he throw so much at the Byron League? Hawkeye?

Don't talk about the military policy. Have you forgotten what our first lesson is? Listen more, read more, memorize more and talk less. Misfortune comes out of your mouth. Say more and make mistakes, and speak less and make mistakes. The voice of No. 1 There was obviously a hint of displeasure, this kind of words that would obviously bring more hostility to my hometown, if you can not say it, don't say it, even if it is only in the situation of your own people.

But people have their own personalities, knowing it doesn’t mean they can do it.

I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing. Number three also realized that he was quick-spoken, and apologized hastily.

No. 1 is not stalking on this issue. They are all veterans who have been hanging out for many years. Then he said what he had said before.

Not long ago, the lord held a flag-giving ceremony in the Twin Cities, and officially confirmed our military flags and emblems, including our eagle-eyed ones. Unfortunately, our military emblems can only be reissued to us after we return to the territory. But here I have a sketch drawing of the military flag and emblem, please take a look, it will be our logo.

While talking on the 1st, he passed the thin blueprints to others.

These Hawkeyes, who have experienced many battles and seen countless storms and waves, could not help shaking their hands when they took this thin piece of paper, as if what they took was not a piece of paper, but a heavy burden.

When seeing the sketches on paper, many people couldn't help but burst into tears.

Although it is a few simple strokes, the white mountains and black waters outlined above remind them of the situation in their hometown in an instant.

Some even whispered, Baishan Heishuiqi.

Okay, the name is good, and this painting is also good. It is very representative. Once you see it once, it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.

These wanderers outside, the sympathy for this flag is far higher than that of ordinary Eternal Night citizens.

The golden nest and the silver nest cannot keep up with their own kennels. In the eyes of outsiders, the Andes Mountains are as remote as they are. That is also the hometown where they were born and raised. What's more, they know in their hearts that their hometown is now ten times better than outsiders imagined. And this is what they are fighting for at the expense of their lives.

If everyone has remembered it, burn it! No. 1 took the lead in throwing it into the brazier in front of him.

Hey, I really want to see what my military emblem looks like now.

Yes, when you return to the territory, you will not be supplied with ordinary military badges, but elite military badges, and may even be heroic military badges.

Oh? There's another saying? What's the difference between the three?

I really can't say what the specific difference is. I only know that if you want to obtain the latter two, you must have enough meritorious service. It is better to be short than to be indiscriminate. Many generals who are in high positions but have no actual combat achievements are not eligible. According to The habit of our military leaders, this kind of item will be named separately, it will definitely not be an ordinary item, as long as we go back, we will definitely have a chance to get it.

Thinking about these things is too long-term, and completing the current task is the first priority.

Although the Hawkeyes were reluctant to part with it, they looked at it twice more, and after imprinting it firmly in their minds, they stood up and threw it into the brazier.

As the second rule of Hawkeye, try to keep as few items with high identification as possible on your body. If you can remember it in your mind, you must never leave paper evidence. If you have to, you must use a special Yinfu password to record it. .

After the main news has been delivered, let's get into the main topic. For this mission, everyone basically knows that the emissary of the Kingsley family has arrived in Geqi City and is contacting and recruiting larger forces. They want to turn this place into a place for them to march into the Swamp of Despair. Bridgehead, this is something my hometown doesn’t want to see, we must completely sabotage the opponent’s plan this time, and buy more time for my hometown, now let’s talk about the situation we’re in charge of, and let’s make a comprehensive analysis.”

Number One looked around and asked, Who will come first?

Let me go first. Number three raised his hand first, The crocodile clan that I am mainly in charge of, the special envoy of the Kingsley family also tried to send someone to make a match, trying to test their tone, but was directly rejected After several years of contact, I found that most of the crocodile people are very stubborn and accept death, and it is very difficult for outsiders to integrate into it, but once they integrate, they will definitely be treated as relatives by them.

The crocodile people have a very bad sense of the Kingsley family. It is basically impossible to win over the grievances of more than ten years. In the short term, this is good news, but in the long run, it is a problem. bad news.

How to say? Everyone showed a listening look.

Needless to say in the short term, they will definitely become the biggest obstacle for the Kingsley family to win over the criminal alliance headed by Getch City. In the long run, they will also become a big obstacle for their hometown to enter the Swamp of Despair, because their This kind of character is doomed for them to eat soft and not hard. If we use the soft policy and spend decades to nibble and influence them, there is a high chance that we can pull them into our arms, but our hometown doesn’t have that much time. With force, these seemingly disjointed crocodiles may unite.

This news is very important. Have you passed it on to your hometown? Number One asked solemnly.

It has already been passed back. My hometown attaches great importance to it. Let me continue to follow up. If there is a chance, it is best to find out the general size of the crocodile tribe. Their xenophobia is too serious. Even the core of their organization in Geqi City, I haven't even been able to enter, let alone touch the state of the Swamp of Despair, I was thinking, can we take advantage of the Kingsley family's opportunity to win over the criminal alliance and help me create a chance to complete the mission?

What do you mean to say, not only destroy the Kingsley family's plan, but also severely damage the power of the Crocodile tribe here, and support you in the position?

It almost means that the crocodile tribe's own race is very strong in Geqi City, and naturally they don't value foreigners, but their own race power has been severely damaged, and there will inevitably be a power vacuum for a period of time. They can only rely on the aliens who are attached to them At that time, even if I can't take the opportunity to enter the Swamp of Despair, I can still deduce a lot of things from information such as resource allocation.

This is just a matter of pushing the boat by then. It shouldn't be too difficult. We will pay attention to it when we make a plan later. No. 1 just thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed. No. 3's goal and the overall plan There is no conflict, and maybe it will kill two birds with one stone at that time.

Thank you. Number Three thanked him.

They're all my brothers, why are you being polite, continue, who's next?

Let me come, on the side of the miners' union, the attitude of the Gaeling Party is basically clear. They will vote for the Kingsley family. At that time, the Kingsley family will support the Gathering Party to gain the dominance of the entire miners' union. In this way, the Liberal Party They will inevitably rise up and resist, they will be our main force, and, compared to the platform of the Gathering Party, the Liberal Party is more in tune with our territory, and they will be the main direction of attack for me and No. 4.

This time it was number two who spoke.

There is no problem in determining the main direction of attack. The situation on the side of the United Party should be grasped as much as possible. Even if it cannot be won, it will be regarded as knowing oneself and knowing the enemy.


No. 5, tell me about the situation of your gang.

The situation on the gangster side is more complicated. The bosses of the gangsters are old and cunning old foxes. They don't have a single truth in their mouths. I'm laughing at you today, and things like white knives in and red knives out tomorrow are not uncommon. Originally No. 6 has the highest position and the greatest influence, and it can still produce some effect. I didn't expect that at this critical moment, I encountered a disaster, and now I have lost the biggest point of leverage. No. 7 and I can play a very limited role.

Compared with the other two factions with clearer attitudes, the situation on the gangster side is the most complicated, not only because there are many gangs, but also because there is no good bird who is in charge here, and most of them rely on own evil.

Most of these people's values ​​are quite weird, and there is no way to measure them with ordinary people.

The timing of No. 6's accident is too coincidental. Do you think it has something to do with the actions of the Kingsley family? No. 3 questioned.

Number four hesitated for a while and replied: It's hard to say. On the surface, it should be a normal revenge. Some time ago, number six suppressed the enemy too hard for the sake of superiority, and he was about to collapse. Abusive means, but...

but what?

Number 6 has always been very careful in his actions, and he also knew that the other party was likely to snipe, so he stayed in his own hall all the time, but Number 6 died in another tavern. There must be someone he had to meet, and Number 6 took the risk to come out. Yes, but I really can't think of anyone worth taking the risk for Number Six.

Let me say that, there are indeed many doubts. No. 1 nodded and said, The news of No. 6's death in the line of duty will be delayed and sent back to his hometown. Everyone, pay attention to see if there are any clues related to No. 6's death. Thoroughly verify the cause of No. 6's death, this matter may involve the safety of everyone, it cannot be ignored.

Understood. Everyone responded one after another.

The situation has been summarized, do you have any good ideas?

Just kill that special envoy of the Kingsley family. Number Seven gestured to wipe his neck.

Number Seven, have you been in the gangsters for a long time, and you really think of yourself as a gangster? This special envoy has no value in itself. His real value comes from the family he represents. When he is dead, the Kingsley family can at most It’s enough to send a new one over, but we have exposed ourselves, and the loss outweighs the gain.”

Sihao is right. Not only do we want to destroy the Kingsley family's plan, but we must also not reveal our identity.

Then there is no other way to think about it. The old way, let's use our strength to completely muddy the water. If the whole Geqi City is in chaos, even if the special envoy has a great ability, he will not be able to use 30% of it. , then we will take the opportunity to act again.

There are too many uncontrollable factors in this kind of chaos, it is difficult to maximize the benefits, and it is impossible to determine the development in our favor.

Then you have a better way?

This is not thinking!

Completing the task is the first priority, and whether we can maximize the benefits is secondary. We must ensure that the task is completed first, and then consider other things. After all, our manpower is too small. Whether we can muddy the water is still a problem.

Have a little confidence in yourself. No matter what we say, it's because of our mental calculations. If we can't even do this, all these years will be in vain.

Damn, when did reading your chapters become my hobby, I read ten or eight times a day to see if there are any chapters! Hey, could it be that being brittle is also addictive! Especially Yinglong Tiantian, your world view is really unique, you have the time to join the group, discuss and explore the world view! Group number 689095708

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