The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 236

An anomaly who just learned to walk and began to assimilate the people around him. With a lot of accumulation, it was like a snowball. It took less than ten years to complete the road that many forces have to go in a century, and they are still expanding at an even more terrifying speed.

Compared with the Kingsley family's preemption everywhere, the Yongye Army, which also has plans for the Swamp of Despair, is not in a hurry. Up to now, it has not shown the slightest intention to enter the Swamp of Despair.

there are many reasons.

The most important factor is of course the natural environment. Just as the Jiangnan Plain cannot become a Swamp of Despair in one day, the Swamp of Despair cannot be restored to the Jiangnan Plain in one day.

Cutting off the largest water source is only one of the reasons for the Jacob River to flow again. We have to wait for the natural environment to respond and take away the original flooded water source.

In fact, this has already begun.

Not only are the water levels in the Swamp of Despair dropping, but the amount of rainfall has clearly begun to decrease.

On the contrary, the flooded Manyu army leader has already ushered in many rainfalls. The Gobi desert, which was already withered and dead, has begun to rejuvenate, and countless green plants have grown. The tenacity of nature is sometimes even stronger than human imagination. Be strong, those seeds that have been buried in the ground for hundreds of years still have vitality.

For the military leader Man Yu, it is a disaster in the short term, but in the long run, it will benefit endlessly.

Just like the leader of Manyu, who was flooded with a large amount of river water just now, the danger level of the Desperate Swamp has been greatly increased, and even the local aboriginal crocodile tribe dare not run around in an unfamiliar environment.

Because a lot of security is false, those lands that look dry may be covered up under the mud, and once they sink in, they can never get out again.

In this case, there is no way to develop at all.

If there is no way to develop it, simply occupying it is meaningless to the Yongye Army. It's better to slow down and spare more energy to do other things. Anyway, the Swamp of Despair is there, and they can't escape. They have no way to develop it. Others also have no way to develop.

There are many things that the Yongye Army can do now.

Opening up the water trade route on the Jacob River is just one of them.

The second is the development of the Andes Inland Lake.

To be more precise, the water level has dropped significantly, and the restored Andes Basin is being developed.

During the period of the ancient Andes Empire, there were four major production areas: Plain Junzhou (now Asia Minor Plain), Manyu Junzhou (now Manyu Junling), Jiangnan Junzhou (now Desperate Swamp), Huayu Junzhou (now Flower Language Plateau).

But in terms of richness, the Andes Basin is no worse than them, and it is famous for its good weather. After all, the internal environment of the Andes Mountains is self-contained, and it is more than enough to support the imperial capital with a population of over one million.

It was not able to be listed as the top five production areas. In addition to being much smaller in size, it was also because of the arrogance of the people of the ancient Andes Empire that they believed that they were not qualified to be listed alongside the unique Andes Basin.

The Andes Basin has been nourished by the biological remains in the Andes Inland Lake for hundreds of years, and its fertility is only higher than that of the Desperate Swamp. Naturally, the Eternal Night Army must make full use of it, not to mention the construction effort. This is where they took root.

Land reclamation is even more familiar. The people who lost their land due to the reflow of the Jacob River moved here with their whole villages in order to clear up wasteland. In the first year, they spent all kinds of miscellaneous grains on the land, and they could directly plant winter wheat in autumn.

Although the Jacob Paleochannel is in the same mountains as the Andes Basin, the environmental systems are quite different.

Although the Andes Basin is extremely cold in winter and sultry in summer, it has a relatively clear climate, which is more conducive to the growth of winter wheat. It can be harvested twice a year by staggering the seasons.

One season of staple food and one season of miscellaneous grains and vegetables, although not self-sufficient, can greatly alleviate the Yongye Army's dependence on food imports.

In addition, there is another reasonable and unexpected harvest-the ruins of the ancient Andes Empire town.

The Andes Basin was one of the most prosperous areas in the ancient Andes Empire. In addition to the imperial capital, there are countless large and small towns dotted on the land with a radius of hundreds of kilometers.

As the water level of the Andes inland lake continued to rise, they were gradually abandoned in the following decades.

For Sean, who is very interested in the study of the history of the ancient Andes Empire, he is more excited than winning the tens of millions of lottery tickets. Maybe there is a huge treasure hidden in it.

Compared with the hands of the Andes people, the Andes inland lake bottom is obviously safer. As long as the years and water bubbles cannot damage the things, most of them can be preserved in a relatively complete appearance.

While the Yongye Group Army sent people to guard them for the first time, they also specially mobilized people to set up an archaeological team to clean them up, study them and seal them up.

The captain of the archaeological team is naturally Mr. Lan Xili, a professor of the Language Department of the Ancient Andes Empire at the Military Academy Affiliated to the Eternal Night Army. His love and research on the culture of the ancient Andean Empire is unmatched by the entire Eternal Night Army.

When he heard that a large number of well-preserved ancient Andes empire town ruins were found at the bottom of the Andes inland lake, he was as excited as a child, jumping three feet high.

The main members of the archaeological team were also recruited from among the students he taught. Although the majors are not suitable, they are the closest. They have some contact with the things of the ancient Andes Empire, and it is easier to get started.

This kind of thing naturally cannot do without the presence of Sean, and the warlock's creation still needs the warlock to do it himself.

Although he didn't say it clearly, Lan Xili knew exactly what Sean was looking for. After all, the soul beast card was transferred from his hands to Sean's. , besides Ms. Elena, he is the one who knows the most about this matter.

Afterwards, Sean also consulted him on this issue many times.

After all, Ms. Elena is his mother, and some issues are inconvenient to discuss, especially those related to Sean's safety, which are prone to extreme and biased views.

Although Mr. Lan Xili is not a warlock, he has a wide range of fields, which is not inferior to ordinary warlocks, and can provide some theoretical support and broaden his thinking.

Although he has a scholarly air about him, he is not so pedantic, he distinguishes the serious from the serious, and his mouth is very strict.

All the suspected sorcerer's creations discovered during this archaeological process were kept in safekeeping, waiting for Sean's verification.

Hard work pays off.

After the soul beast card, in the ruins at the bottom of Andes Lake, Sean once again saw a warlock creation from the ancient Andes Empire—a one-handed sword.

In terms of self-worth.

This one-handed sword is not the same as the soul beast card.

According to Xiao En's speculation, even in the most glorious era of warlocks in the ancient Andes Empire, the soul beast card was quite a creation of warlocks. Leaving aside other things, just absorbing the power of magic spells and self-healing is powerful enough to make people Look sideways, not to mention the taboo topic - the soul.

If it is popular, the imprints left on the materials and documents cannot be so few.

The appearance of the one-handed sword proves this in disguise.

After years and the erosion of the lake, this one-handed sword was severely damaged, and the archaeological team took a lot of effort to restore it to 50 to 60% of its original appearance.

Not to mention absorbing magic power to repair itself, Sean almost missed it. After being stimulated by magic power, the traces of magic that it revealed were too dim.

Using it on the battlefield is not as easy to use as holding an iron bar, at least it has the advantage of being strong.

But for the Yongye Army, its research value is immeasurable.

Because its principle is similar to the enchanting equipment spontaneously created by the Institute of Biology based on the talent organization.

In other words, the Eternal Night Army is embarking on an old path that the Warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire had walked. The so-called enchanted equipment is the original version of Warlock creations.

After verifying the news, Xiao En sat in the research room for a long time, and the thing he was looking for was actually something that could be produced in small batches in his own territory. The complicated feeling was really not enough to be humane to outsiders.

Perhaps because of the mysterious soul beast card, Sean subconsciously set the Warlock's creations too high, and most Warlocks' creations should be like this one-handed sword.

The reason why they are rarely seen now is that they were not burned like many documents as originally speculated.

But as the age of doomsday became more and more serious, the technology experienced a serious fault, and the power of magical creations became weaker and weaker, and finally there was a situation where few people knew about them.

However, magical creations have not completely faded out of the world's sight, such as the sword of courage of the royal family of Lancelot, the scepter of God of the Holy See of Ether, and the heart of the witch of the secret society of witches.

There are many legends, and the legends have powerful and unique magic power.

In the past, Xiao En took it for granted as a legend that was spread out of rumors, and it was artificially exaggerated and embellished.

If not?

What if the legend is real or stronger than the legend?

nothing is impossible.

When Sean's soul was able to run or fly in the body of an animal, he knew that the world was far more magical than what he had seen.

Aren't they just a living warlock creation?

Sean's gaffe only lasted for half a day, he fell asleep and recovered his fighting spirit the next day.

To a certain extent, this one-handed sword also proves that there is no problem with the research direction of the Yongye Army. According to the current direction, there is still greater potential to be tapped.

The archaeological team led by Mr. Lan Xili not only was not withdrawn, but further increased investment.

The research value of the one-handed sword is still quite high, not only because the magic circuit inscribed on it is not available in the Yongye Army, but also because the magic circuit displayed on it is simple enough and somewhat similar to words. , the creation of warlocks during the ancient Andes Empire was an unknown number of steps ahead of the Eternal Night Army.

If you want to catch up head-on, you don't know how long it will take, and there is a long way to go.

If there are enough warlock creations of the ancient Andes Empire as a reference, the Eternal Night Army will save more manpower and material resources.

There is a more trouble-free way to not use it, and that is a big fool.

It seems that the imperial capital, Brissand, has really been wiped out as recorded in the history books. Sean said with great regret.

The most anticipated object of their archeology this time is the imperial capital of the ancient Andes Empire, Brisan. This city has the meaning of the brightest pearl. There are countless warlocks.

Although it has been said to have disappeared, there is still a high chance that it will be buried under the Andes inland lake.

Mr. Lan Xili had just used an ancient map to locate the location of the imperial capital Bruisan, and Xiao En ran over with great interest.

It turned out to be a miniature lake.

After some verification, this miniature lake is undoubtedly the place where the imperial capital Bruisan is located.

It is now 100% certain that the former first city has completely disappeared, and this miniature lake is the only trace of it in this world.

Sean also specially manipulated the Golden Thunder Eagle to look down on the miniature lake from the air. This miniature lake with a diameter of 20 kilometers is a standard circle, with a high perimeter and a low center.

Very typical explosion crater.

This coincides with the legend of the earth-shattering explosion that happened when the imperial capital Brisan disappeared.

Life is unsatisfactory nine times out of ten. Mr. Lan Xili was more optimistic than Xiao En, Our harvest this time has far exceeded our initial expectations.

I made you laugh. Sean chuckled cheekily and changed the subject, I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you for a while. I'm afraid I won't have time to come here in a short time.

Could something happen in the north? Lan Xili was startled, and asked worriedly.

Before he knew it, he had fully integrated into the group of the Yongye Army, and its safety naturally affected his heart.

With the growth of the Yongye Army, the division of labor has become more and more clear. There are not many things that need to be dispatched by Sean himself. Among them, the defense of the Odin orcs in the direction of the northern fortress Kogel Grassland is the most important.

On the vast Odin prairie, Xiao En's Thunderbolt Golden Eagle's role in scouting is currently irreplaceable.

The people below didn't know it, but the upper echelons of the Yongye Army knew well that Xiao En was responsible for more than half of the success of the series of brilliant victories that the Northern Fortress had achieved.

If it's inconvenient, don't say it. Lan Xili added at the end.

It's not a military secret. This is why Xiao En likes to communicate with Lan Xili so much, he has a sense of propriety, Don't worry, the Odin orcs have no time to pay attention to us for a year and a half, just received a letter from the regent princess Invitation letter, she is going to hold a four-party meeting and invited me to attend.

Four-party talks? Which four parties? Philip? Angelina? Lan Xili is not a political idiot, even if she was in the past, she will improve after reading the internal reports of the Yongye Group Army for several years. If he knows it well, he will know some of it, not to mention that he has always been more interested in these things, and has been paying attention to every move of the surrounding forces of the Yongye Army.

I guessed the idea in an instant.

That's right, it's the four directions. Sean nodded.

This is to prepare for a complete reshuffle of the powers of the Man Yu military leader, and Patraim will be excluded. Lan Xili was thoughtful, and the regent princess Sophilia, the Yongye Army, Angel Bella, and Philip joined forces. , even with the backing of the Holy See of Ether, Patraim will not have any more chances.

Who told him to choose the wrong master? Neither the royal family of Lancelot nor the secret society of witches are willing to see the Holy See of Ether enter the army of Manyu. It will be a matter of time before we join forces. We just play the drums at the right time and join in the fun.

In this four-party meeting, the real protagonists are the other three parties. The Yongye Army will at best put on a show, and fulfill the promise it made with Sophilia, swearing allegiance in name.

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