The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 220

Bilig has made thousands of calculations, but there is only one thing missing from the calculations, and that is the human heart.

He didn't expect Chief Talon to hate betrayal so much, to the extent that even if he gave up everything, he would punish the traitor.

It is not known whether there are other calculations in it.

In the end, although the wolf tribe was annexed by the silver wolf tribe, some fighters survived.

But the gray wolf tribe was uprooted, and the entire tribe was swallowed up to nothing.

All the men above the rut were headed by owls, and the women and children were divided up by the soldiers of the Silver Wolf Tribe. They would be assimilated in a short time.

The smell of blood is self-evident, but this is the survival rule of the Odin orcs. If the Silver Wolf tribe is defeated, this is the fate that awaits them.

The Bad Wolf Tribe was a little better, and a small number of well-behaved Odin orc warriors were recruited by the Silver Wolf Tribe.

Since there is war, there will be no loss.

After all, it is an indisputable fact that the Silver Wolf Tribe is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. The previous melee between the Bad Wolf and the Gray Wolf still caused considerable losses to the Silver Wolf Tribe.

Rakesh must find a way to replenish his strength as soon as possible.

The Yongye Group Army was worried that the Silver Wolf Tribe would turn their backs on them afterwards, so they kept showing off their military power.

The Silver Wolf tribe is also worried that if their strength is too damaged, the Yongye Army will stab them in the back and eat them.

Interest alliances have always been guarded in cooperation, and those naive guys have long become food for cunning people to strengthen themselves.

Regardless of the Yongye Army or the Silver Wolf Tribe, they were unwilling to cause extra problems. If they ate their own part, everyone would be happy.

Let alone the Silver Wolf Tribe.

The post-war inventory of the Yongye Army.

There are more than 5,000 high-quality war horses, more than 13,000 various pack horses, more than 2,000 dairy cows, more than 7,000 various grazing cattle, and more than 300,000 sheep.

Needless to say, all kinds of dead war horses, cattle and sheep, variegated leather armor, broken bows and broken arrows, these are all things for both sides.

Of course, this is the result of the exchange with the Silver Wolf Tribe, and the number is not as simple as 30%. If it is just calculated in terms of quantity, it has already reached more than half of the total spoils.

Except for war horses and cows, Eriksson argued hard and refused to give up an inch. Whether it was pack horses, cattle, or sheep, the Silver Wolf tribe was the first to choose.

The Silver Wolf Tribe was about to move westward for the market. Naturally, they needed the cattle and sheep that had been fattened up in winter to make it easier for them to travel. If they died of starvation or disease on the way, they would be worthless.

The price paid is a compromise in quantity.

The Yongye Army has no worries in this regard, and the Kogel Grassland, which is recovering, will be their best pasture for the next half a year.

If the Yongye Army wants to permanently occupy the Kogel Grassland, it will inevitably be hated and attacked by the Eastern Odin Empire.

However, there is no problem with the short-term entrenching. As far as the communication conditions of these years and the reaction speed of the Eastern Odin Empire are concerned, it will not be able to respond at all within three or two years.

Moreover, the Eternal Night Army does not have the concept of destroying winter pastures like the Odin Orcs. They mainly want to use this foreign money to survive this year's food crisis. The focus of development is still in the Andes Mountains and the Ancient Jacob River. When winter comes, it is not impossible for cattle and sheep to survive in the mountains.

As for which Odin orc tribe foolishly crashes into the Kogel Grassland next year, it doesn't matter about the Yongye Army.

At least the Silver Wolf Tribe will never come to the Kegel Grassland for the winter next year.

Every race has its own kind, and Rakesh is without a doubt the one among the Odin orcs, and maybe the smart people will go the same way, even if they know that the Yongye Army will invade the grasslands of the Eastern Odin Empire in disguise, they will not Play deaf and dumb.

This is something that the Royal Court of the Eastern Odin Empire should worry about. His family has a small business, and digesting the spoils he got this time is a serious matter.

The Eternal Night Army's strategic policy not only in the northern fortress has been thoroughly implemented.

Whether it is organizing the extermination of rats and rabbits by the territorial people, or the fishing in the Andes inland lake, they have achieved unprecedented success.

It is an extremely wise decision to organize those half-children. The enthusiasm and combat effectiveness of these energetic guys are not inferior to adults.

In the middle and later stages, those Yongye leaders who were not assigned to the task also took the initiative to spread mouse traps and rabbit traps all over the mountains and plains.

Not only did the Yongye Army's crisis propaganda work, but those leaders also got a taste of the sweetness.

The voles and hares that my half-children brought back every day made their mouths full of oil, saving nearly one-third of their rations.

They are all shrewd people, and they set up their own traps, wouldn't they save more food by then?

This is what they did in the past, but after they got their own land, they became a little lax, and now they are just returning to their old business.

A good harvest is inevitable.

Compared with the huge Andes inland lake, the materials that the hundreds of thousands of Andes mountain people who lived around him before drew from it are just a drop in the bucket.

In terms of more technological content, the lake water of the Andes inland lake comes from the Andes craters in all directions. It is rich in minerals and microorganisms, and naturally breeds more aquatic organisms.

Using sticks to beat roe deer to scoop fish and pheasant to fly into the rice pot is very appropriate.

In fact, this is the most nourishing place in the Andes Mountains.

Relatively rich products make the people here a little reluctant to make progress, not only the way of fishing and hunting has not changed for hundreds of years, back then Sishui City, as the largest force among the Andes mountain people, stuck to its own territory, Regardless of the mountain people in Xiluan, let them live in dire straits.

If it weren't for the sudden rise of the Yongye Army, this state would probably continue.

The Yongye Army changed its fishing method a little bit, and they reaped a great harvest. Not only did most of the food sources for the surrounding soldiers and civilians be solved, but also a large amount of dry fish products were sent to other areas of the Yongye Army to overcome the food crisis. Contributions, not under the Northern Keep.

Under the series of combined punches of the Yongye Army, the imminent crisis was easily overcome, not to mention that there were still some products left.

But people are not as good as God.

This year's Jacob Military State did not continue the smooth weather of previous years. From the beginning of winter, the rainfall decreased relatively. After the beginning of spring, it was even more dry for several months. Occasionally, there were two rains, and the land was not even soaked.

The spring wheat cultivation of the Yongye Army has been severely affected.

Fortunately, the Yongye Army is not those unresponsive lords and nobles, and made corresponding records as soon as this abnormal weather appeared.

The irrigation facilities such as waterwheels that the Yongye Group Army built in advance began to play a role. Nearly one-third of the arable land was effectively irrigated, and the impact was relatively small.

The remaining two-thirds that cannot be irrigated are replanted with more drought-resistant crops such as soybeans and sweet potatoes. Although there is a certain degree of reduction in production, it is basically within a controllable range.

In the coming year, the Yongye Army's food supply will still be tight.

But compared to the Man Yu military leader, their situation is much better.

That year, Man Yu's army led a severe drought, the rivers were cut off, the land was barren for thousands of miles, and there was no harvest.

Extreme drought and locusts.

The overwhelming locusts, like a yellow tornado, ate up all the green things that Commander Man Yu could eat.

Part of it goes eastward, along the ancient Jacob River, and comes towards the Andes Mountains.

The Yongye Group Army was mobilized from top to bottom as if they were facing a big enemy, trying to wipe out the locust plague before it caused any damage.

It is worth mentioning that the anesthetic diluted into water has a miraculous effect on them. After being sprayed, it is difficult to fly again.

This is not the result of the research department of the Yongye Group Army, but the crystallization of the wisdom of the general public.

In fact, since last year, some people have used diluted anesthetics as insecticides. This year, after research and deployment by the relevant departments of the Yongye Army, they were officially mass-produced and used.

Thanks to the establishment of the Yongye Group Army, the good habit of poultry breeding was vigorously promoted to eliminate insects. Although Jacob's Army Prefecture itself had a certain degree of insect infestation, it was suppressed before it took shape. cause devastating damage.

The larger part of the locusts descended westward, like a yellow army rushing into the plains of Asia Minor.

Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass is left.

The second season of crops in the Asia Minor Plain was severely damaged, and a large area of ​​grain was in short supply. In a few serious areas, there were even bankrupt refugees.

The prosperity of the Asia Minor plain is only relative.

The entire social structure of the Byron Alliance is that 99% of the wealth is concentrated in the hands of 1% of the people. No matter how abundant the land and products are, it has little relationship with the bottom people. It is a bit of a natural disaster. The following People will be displaced.

In the face of this kind of disaster, the New Deal implemented by Princess Regent Sophilia in her fief has shown its power.

Those new municipal officials who need to get paid and look at their performance are much more concerned about the people of the territory than most lords and nobles-whether it is rescue when a disaster occurs or disaster relief after a disaster occurs.

The stability of the people is naturally the highest.

However, after receiving the news, Princess Regent Sophilia left the capital of Vallesta immediately and returned to her own territory. This time, the Knights of the Iron Rose accompanied by an unprecedented scale, more than a thousand people.

Don't think it is too small, each of these thousand people is a regular knight who has been carefully selected after ten years of training and battles. Not to mention the strength of ten, they also have their own subordinate knights.

Although the Knights of the Iron Rose claim to have only three thousand soldiers, the number of soldiers they can truly fight must be multiplied by five to ten. Only the Regent Princess Sophilia knows how many soldiers they can gather.

There are only 1,500 members of the Steel Rose Knights resident in Valesta, and the remaining half have been dormant and guarded in the personal territory of the Princess Regent for a long time. No one knows how many retinues these knights have trained in their manor private soldiers.

The reason for this phenomenon is not that Princess Regent Sophilia has any special preference for elite soldiers, but because of her own status, she can only have so many noble private soldiers legally.

Things like the laws of the kingdom are often just decorations for the lords and nobles.

Princess Regent Sophilia is quite respectful of the kingdom's laws if she is so superficial.

As the nominally supreme decision-maker of an alliance, Princess Regent Sophilia's every move affects the hearts of countless people, let alone such a large-scale deployment of troops.

Nominally, it was because of locust plagues in the territory, and troops were needed to maintain law and order.

However, everyone who knew something about the situation knew it well, and all eyes were on the leader of Man Yu's army.

Affected by this deadly natural disaster, the chaos led by Manyu's army is about to come to an end. At this time, the Lancelot royal family dispatched troops in this direction. If it has nothing to do with Viscount Philip they support, you are a fool will believe it.

However, most of the Grand Duke's families are in a state of watching the excitement.

After all, the Manyu Army Territory is geographically remote and located in the easternmost part of the Byron Alliance. Most families are too far away from here, and there are very few contacts. threaten yourself.

The only people bordering on the Manyu Army were the Strachey family of the Broken Vein Grassland, the Lancelot royal family of the Asia Minor plain, and the Kingsley family of the Carthus Hills.

Among them, the Strachey family in the Broken Vein Grassland, although they have always worn the same trousers with the Lancelot royal family, but limited by the family oath and the threat of the Odin orc, their style has always been relatively detached, unless it involves the Odin orc things, or a direct threat to the dominance of the Lancelot royal family, otherwise they rarely stand up, let alone take the initiative to use troops internally.

After all, the Strachey family still needs to win financial and human support from other duke families.

The Kingsley family led by Carter is known as the stag running on gold coins. As the richest family, they are now even more afraid of the chaos led by Man Yu's army rushing into their homes. Not that strong.

The main reason is that Man Yu’s military leader is too barren. Now the population is too poor, the special products are not special products, and the arable land is not arable. Intervening in it will not only bring no benefit, but will cause a lot of trouble. The Kingsley family is full. , just put a kick in it.

If Man Yu's army is as fertile as the plains of Asia Minor, no, even if it is only half.

The Kingsley family has been jumping up and down a long time ago, how could it be so peaceful as it is now.

On the contrary, the royal family of Lancelot, the Holy See of Saint Ether and the secret society of witches are very interested in this place.

The Lancelot royal family is for influence and the right to speak. If they can control the Manyu military leader, plus the Strachey family who originally supported the royal family, the power ratio within the Byron League will be three to five, with absolute power. The advantage, because the other five are a mess, each with its own plans, including the South Island and North Island of the Gemini Peninsula, both of which are under the control of the Witches' Secret Society.

The Holy See of Saint Ether is almost the same. It is said that it is for the spread of faith. In the final analysis, it is more for secular rights and discourse power. In the past few years, under the high-pressure policy of Princess Regent Sophilia, the Holy See of Saint Ether is a bit sad, but there is no way In the war against him in the Asia Minor plain where the forces of the two sides are intertwined, he has been trying every means to find a breakthrough from other directions. The leader of Man Yu's army is this breakthrough, and now he is holding on to it and refuses to let go.

The Witch Conclave has been operating here for many years, and has always wanted to follow the old path of the Twin Peninsula and secretly infiltrate and control this place, but the uprising slave rebel army smashed all of this.

Compared with the Holy See of Saint Ether, military force has never been what they are good at, and the Manyu military leader is an enclave, too far away from the Gemini Peninsula, the core of the witches' conclave, and the most powerful sea fleet of the witches can't use their strength.

Angel Bernard, whom she supports, has always maintained a low-key and neutral attitude, using the name of the Knights of the Hospitaller to keep gaining goodwill and earning fame.

However, due to innate conditions, the chances of Angel Bella obtaining the right of inheritance are too low.

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