The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 190 The Eye of Odin

Odinken would leave them a way out, but their old enemies would not. They were just a group of wolves who smelled blood and swarmed up, trying to tear a piece of flesh from the silver wolf tribe.

But an eagle is an eagle, even if its wings are broken, it is still an eagle, and it will not be bullied by those wolves who only dare to eat the leftovers of others. The counterattack not only broke the teeth of those jackals, but even broke their legs, making them unable to continue to find fault for three to five years.

For those tribes whose minions have been interrupted, the next few years will also become very difficult. There are countless ferocious birds and beasts around. annexed.

Although Rakesh led his tribe to the final victory, the price he paid was also huge. A large number of brave and skilled fighters were lost, and the herd of cattle and sheep was less than a quarter of the peak period.

That plague hurt the vitality of the Silver Wolf Tribe. Although they defeated their opponents, they were unable to catch up and snatch their dogs, cattle and sheep to enrich themselves. Not only did they not survive the crisis, but it became even bigger. In the coming year, if they don't find a way to grow up as soon as possible, there will be more bloodthirsty wolves targeting them.

But that's a matter of the future. What they are facing now is how to survive this year's harsh winter. In recent years, the harsh winter has been getting colder every year, and various snow disasters have never stopped. If they are not handled properly, they don't have to wait until next year If the blood jackals find fault, the cruel winter will completely exterminate them.

Absolutely not to go to the Balsin Prairie, where a group of lions gathered, and a wounded lone wolf would only end up being torn apart by them.

The Kogel Grassland, the back garden of the Odin Prairie, which they didn't like at first, has become their best choice, and the long and narrow Gobi Desert between the Baksin Prairie will become their best umbrella.

Rakesh is a decisive person. Once a decision is made, it will be implemented immediately. When the forage is the most luxuriant in midsummer, the whole tribe will start to pack up and drive the cattle and sheep to the Kogel grassland.

Although doing so will make their cattle and sheep not fit so well, it will allow them to seize the opportunity and show a posture that they are bound to win.

When they show this gesture, many small tribes with self-knowledge will automatically avoid it, otherwise, once they mention entering the Kegel grassland with this injured prairie wolf, they will be locked in the same cage and become the other party's winter recuperation food.

Rakesh's expression is a little excited recently, not because the Kogel Grassland is close at hand, but because he just got the news not long ago that the two enemies who had just been interrupted by him did not go to the Balsin Prairie, but also directed at Kegel Grassland. Geer Grassland moves.

Obviously, they had the same idea as their own.

Moreover, knowing that the Silver Wolf Tribe chose the Kegel Grassland, they made the same choice, so they came prepared. No need to guess, they must have been in collusion, colluded with each other, and wanted to eat themselves together.

Rakesh is not afraid of this, as long as the sword comes, he will not pay attention to the two wounded wolves.

On the contrary, this is an opportunity. If they can take the opportunity to eat them, even if they can't recover to the peak next year, they will still have a certain ability to protect themselves and will not be squeezed.

Chief, we found this guy in front. Several Odin warriors opened the curtain and walked in.

The reason why the nobles of the Byron Alliance look down on the Odin orcs is that after hundreds of years of development, the Odin orcs have not changed very much, especially in terms of etiquette, including those high-ranking royal families, they don't care much.

In the eyes of the nobles who have a lot of red tape and need to notify others a week in advance, this is simply unbelievable and extremely outdated.

That is to say, in the last half century, because of the cultural exchange and fusion brought about by the war, some Odin orc rulers began to imitate the nobles of Byron, and the result was nondescript, trying to make a laughingstock.

Many more traditional Odin orcs do not recognize this so-called aristocratic culture, and think that doing so discards the tradition of Odin orcs, which is not advisable.

Laksh, the great chief of the Silver Wolf tribe, is such a diehard. He still follows the tradition that the whole tribe is a family. If you are hungry, you can take food and wine at will.

Doing so made the management look a bit chaotic, but the cohesion was one-to-one. Even though the Silver Wolf Clan was suffering from the plague and natural disasters, they were still able to flee from their two forces intact and killed their enemies, relying on this cohesion And the brave blood who is not afraid of death.

Tiger Clan? Eye of Odin?!

Seeing the other party's appearance clearly, Laksh stood up abruptly and strode closer.

That's right, it is indeed the Eye of Odin of the Tiger Clan, because some features are too obvious, and it will never be mistaken.

At the beginning, the warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire were crazy beyond imagination. They experimented with the genes of countless beasts and birds, resulting in a variety of Odin orc races. However, with the passage of time, the survival of the fittest, some races have disappeared or are about to disappear. disappeared in the long river of history.

Now there are eight main races among the Odin orcs—tiger, lion, bear, leopard, wolf, ox, snake, and fox.

The rest of the races, such as cats, eagles, butterflies, swans, etc., which are not dominated by combat talents, either become vassals of those large groups, or linger in the cracks.

Among the eight major races, the tiger and lion races are known as the golden races. The reason why they have such glory and titles is not because their races have stronger spells than other races.

In fact, the racial talents of the Odin orcs can only be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages. In many cases, they need to be combined with their personal combat effectiveness, and they cannot be considered in a single way. Those Byrons without racial talents are not the same as being able to become champion knights. , With the terrifying combat power of seven in and seven out in the army, even the most powerful Odin warriors should be in awe of them.

It can only be said that the Odin orc has a higher starting line than others in becoming an excellent fighter, and what kind of achievements he can achieve in the end depends on his acquired efforts.

The glory of the tigers and lions comes from one person——Odin.

The weight of these two words among the Odin orcs is several times higher than the weight of the God of Truth among the Byrons.

Among the Byrons, there are many people who do not believe in the God of Truth, especially in the desert of the Man Yu army leader, the name of the God of Truth is not useful at all.

Every Odin orc on the Odin Prairie believes in the same god——Odin.

He is not only their god, but also their hero, their king, the recognized king of all Odin orcs, and they are proud of this name.

During the ancient Andes Empire, Odin was just a name, an orc with a mixture of tiger and lion races.

But soon this name became the nightmare of the ancient Andes Empire - he led the tiger and lion tribes to set off a storm of orcs rebelling against the tyranny of the ancient Andes Empire.

The decline and demise of the ancient Andean Empire began from then on, and this point in time is recognized by historians.

This is a legend recognized by the entire continent. The orc empire he created was named after it, and the land he conquered was named after it.

When he was alive, he was the king of the Odin orcs, and after death, he was the god of the Odin orcs.

During the unification period of the Odin Empire, the Lion Clan was the main force, and the Tiger Clan was the supplement. This was not the keynote set by Emperor Odin. Life came to an abrupt end.

It is said that his achievements were too brilliant, and he was envied by the gods. The worldly glory could no longer accomplish him, so he was recruited as the god of the orcs.

It is also said that the warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire, which was on the verge of collapse, hated Odin the Great who set off a wave of resistance, and cast a curse on him.

Another theory is that the Byron Alliance family, which was still in the rebel army at the time, was afraid of the terrifying influence of Odin the Great, fearing that he would lead his troops to break through the Broken Blood Fort, lead the Odin orcs to sweep the mainland, and send the top assassins to assassinate Odin the Great.

There was no definite conclusion on this matter back then, let alone the fact that it has been hundreds of years now, and I am afraid that it will remain an unsolved mystery forever.

The ranking of the ligers and tigers was determined by Miranda, the queen of the fox clan who was the wife of Odin the Great, the most wise man and the most beautiful woman of the Odin orcs.

The greatest regret of Emperor Odin in his life was not being able to leave an heir, otherwise, there would be no subsequent turmoil.

In desperation, Miranda could only rely on his own influence to elect a nephew of the Lion clan who was related to Odin the Great as king, and married a princess of the Tiger clan. It has reached its peak for nearly a hundred years.

Everything was broken because of the rise of a hero in the Tiger Clan——Baihu Chaganbari, the first general of the Odin Empire at that time.

Although he failed to lead the Odin orcs to break through the Broken Mountain Pass, he managed to capture the Miracle Peninsula from the hands of the Byron Empire with a small number of elite soldiers, and drove the original rulers, the Commons family, into the sea, where there are many The floodplains and grasslands are the three famous grain producing areas of the Byron Empire.

Seizing this place, although there is still no way to pose a ground threat to the Byron Empire, it has greatly eased the food crisis of the Odin Empire. The empire was split in two.

On one side is the West Odin Empire with the Tiger Clan as the ruling class, and on the other side is the East Odin Empire with the Lion Clan as the ruling class.

Most of the Tiger Clan had already followed the White Tiger Chaganbari and joined the Theodin Empire.

But there is no absolute, some tigers are not willing to bear the name of betrayal, and still choose to stay in the Eastern Odin Empire.

Time has proved that their choice was wrong.

Because there is another word in this world called anger, many irrational tribes vented their anger at the betrayal of the Theodin Empire on these remaining Tiger tribes.

As a result, these once loyal Tiger tribes were forced to flee to the Theodin Empire, and the remaining Tiger tribes were more suspicious and faced greater oppression and blows. This is a vicious circle.

Ten years ago, the last tiger tribe of the Eastern Odin Empire was slaughtered overnight, and the tiger tribe Odin orcs were rarely seen on the ground of the Eastern Odin Empire.

Suddenly, an Odin orc of the tiger tribe appeared, and he was also an Eye of Odin. If this place was not located in the hinterland of the Eastern Odin Empire, Rakesh would have doubted whether he was a spy of the Western Odin Empire.

The Eye of Odin is a name among the Odin Orcs for a mighty Odin Orc warrior, like the Champion Knight of the Byron League.

The difference is that as long as the strength has been achieved, the people of Byron can call themselves champion knights, regardless of whether you have won the championship in the knight competition or not.

Only a small number of Odin orcs are qualified to be called the Eye of Odin.

You can tell from the name that it must be related to Odin the Great. Among the Odin orcs, as long as they are used to the name Odin, they all have their roots in him.

When Odin the Great was young, he was shot in the right eye by a stray arrow, so whether it is a legend or a god, Odin is the image of a one-eyed dragon.

When Odin the Great was still alive, a group of fanatical followers took the initiative to blind their left eye, meaning that they were the right eye of Odin the Great.

These people call themselves the Eyes of Odin.

After the death of Emperor Odin, this kind of ceremony gradually became standardized, and it had a sacred and religious nature. It is not possible for someone to poke his left eye blind and call himself the Eye of Odin.

To be qualified as the Eye of Odin, one must go through many tests, and under the auspices of the shaman of the Temple of Odin, blind the left eye with a secret medicine.

It is said that the secret medicine is blessed by Odin, and other compensations will be given in the process of blinding the left eye, giving it a unique mysterious power.

Whether it is true or not is unknown, and those inherited Odin's Eyes have kept it secret.

A powerful Odin orc warrior is not necessarily an Odin eye, but every Odin eye must be a very powerful warrior.

The Eye of Odin of the Tiger Clan in front of him is not at all miserable.

The body is covered with tattered animal skins, many of which have become strips of leather, entangled with the half-foot-long beard and hair, lumpy, and countless bugs crawling in and out of it, obviously they have settled down here.

Even the Odin orcs, who don't care much about hygiene, can't bear the smell that emanates from their bodies.

From the point of view of body shape, he is also a strong man among the generally taller and stronger Odin orcs, but now he is skinny and bone-covered, thin and out of shape. If it is not for the ups and downs of his chest, he would have thought it was a mummy!

What did he go through? Toss an Odin's eye like this.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or the cause of the bumps, but the Eye of Odin woke up and unconsciously moaned, Water...water...

Give him water, give him water quickly! Rakesh said hastily.

An Odin warrior hastily brought a large water bag to the mouth of the Eye of Odin.

The Eye of Odin, which was about to dry up, sucked the water bag tightly, and in just half a minute, it sucked up the water bag that was enough for a warrior for three days.

It is indeed the top strength of the Odin orcs. After a water bag, the whole person recovered a lot immediately, especially the one-eyed, piercing, swept across the body of all Odin warriors, and finally stopped at Lak On Shi, he opened his mouth and said: Hull...Thank you all...Thank you for your life-saving grace. If you can donate a little food, Hull will repay you with information related to your life and death.

The Eye of Odin, named Hull, seems to have not communicated with anyone for a long time. He stumbled at the beginning and gradually became smoother and smoother. However, his vocal cords seemed to have been injured, and his voice was extremely hoarse and dull. Like a pile of sand rubbing against it.

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