The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 185 The Culprit

Just because he has transformed into a beast doesn't mean that Xiao En has the consciousness of a beast, and he has to go to the beast's way.

As the practice time is still short, Sean is now at best used to running on all fours. Some primate movement habits have not been changed, and if he does it unconsciously, it will greatly affect his balance.

Secondly, he was not familiar with the animal way, so taking a shortcut rashly would not only shorten the distance, but might take a long detour. It would be better to follow the road opened by the Third Corps back then, since he would not meet anyone here anyway.

In more than half a year, it was enough for nature to wipe out most of the traces belonging to humans, and there were traces of beasts and birds again here.

The high-frequency signals surrounding the Odin Grand Canyon are also one of the research objects of the Institute of Biological Anomalies.

At the beginning, they thought that the high-frequency signal was to catch and control all living things. Later investigations completely overturned this view.

If this is the case, among other things, even if the surrounding ecosystem does not completely collapse, it will become extremely chaotic. It will not take long for a certain species to become extinct, or a certain species will be flooded.

The army of beasts and birds they encountered at the beginning would be multiplied by more than ten times, and there were no insect-like creatures in it.

Therefore, the organisms affected by high-frequency signals should be selective, and preliminarily speculated that they should be able to produce mutations, whether they are benign or malignant.

As for whether it is affected by the high-frequency signal because of the mutation, or it is more likely to be mutated due to the influence of the high-frequency signal, the order of the front and back is unknown.

However, one thing is certain, the closer it is to the Odin Grand Canyon, the more powerful the impact of this high-frequency signal will be. Back then, the Third Corps had already approached a critical point, and if it passed that critical point, it was likely to be a pass kill.

It only took Sean an hour and a half to arrive at the battlefield between the Third Army and the Beast Army.

At the beginning, the Third Corps withdrew in a hurry, and many defensive buildings were not demolished in time. After more than half a year, this place has become a world of plants again, lush and lush. The strange thing is that there is not a trace of animal roars, birds, or even insects. There is only endless silence.

This change of direction verifies the speculation of the Biological Anomaly Research Institute that the killing range of the high-frequency signal is increasing, and the original range of influence does not cover here.

With this piece of information alone, Sean's risk today was not in vain.

Although the information he received was extremely frightening, Sean didn't have much emotional ups and downs.

Sean has noticed this for a long time. The longer he is in the state of Soul Eater, the less ups and downs of human emotions will be. The one and a half hours of fusion is longer than the total time of all previous fusions. Normal human emotions such as fear and joy , excitement, etc., have been wiped out, and there is only endless calmness, like a robot.

When he came to the abandoned camp of the Third Corps, Sean didn't come here for nostalgia, but for the Snake Cave that almost capsized the Third Corps in the gutter.

At the beginning, they guessed that the exposed snake cave is only the tip of the iceberg. It is very likely that the surrounding area is also karst terrain. There are huge underground caves under the mountain, which may lead directly to the Odin Grand Canyon.

It was originally planned to send people down to explore it the next day, but many soldiers of the Third Corps began to get sick and had to choose to retreat, so they had to build simple cover-ups on it.

At the beginning, they also considered the possibility of coming back again. The cover-up was not sealed, but a secret door was left for entry and exit.

However, there is not much difference between Sean in the state of the Shadow Soul Eater, and it is impossible for him to come with the key.

After a little observation at the door, he made sure that he didn't feel any abnormality or danger, and directly turned into a shadow, and got in through the crack of the door.

This is the scariest part of the Shadow Soul Eater Leopard, as long as there are shadows, it can penetrate everywhere.

Any ability has its flaws, and this ability of the Shadow Soul Eater is no exception. The consumption in this state is quite high, whether it is alive or transformed into an energy state.

What we are talking about now is the energy state Shadow Soul Eater controlled by Xiao En, and the living Shadow Soul Eater is understood in a dreamlike state, and what we know is only superficial, and the accuracy cannot be guaranteed .

Even if you are not moving, just lying quietly in the shadow state, the energy consumption per hour is as high as 300. If you are in the moving state, the energy consumption will be doubled directly, and the moving speed is very painful, especially those who are in the normal state. The narrow gap that the Shadow Soul-devouring Leopard can't get through is even faster, which is far from the mysterious high speed Xiao En expected. It took nearly three minutes just to pass through a door.

But feeling the whole process, Xiao En felt that everything was reasonable.

During this process, the Shadow Soul-devouring Leopard needs to completely break up its own energy skeleton, flow it in the form of energy, and then reshape the energy skeleton. The whole process naturally consumes a lot of energy and time.

The burning traces in the bottom of the snake cave still exist, including those snake corpses that will not be cleaned up in the future. Due to the influence of high-frequency signals, the insects are extinct, and they can only rot slowly, and many of them have been completely air-dried.

Fortunately, Sean is now in a state of energy and has no sense of smell, otherwise the smell here is enough for him to bear.

Sean stayed where he was for a few seconds, fully adapted to the dark environment, and then proceeded cautiously.

The most amazing thing about the Shadow Soul-devouring Leopard is that it is obviously an energy body, but many of its characteristics follow the original biological characteristics, such as the skills it possesses, such as the night vision function it uses now, all of which are from the original Shadow Soul-devouring Leopard. ability to have.

As for the abilities that the Shadow Soul Eater didn’t have before, don’t even think about it. It must follow rules that Sean doesn’t know. For the soul, you can directly create an all-powerful energy creature out of thin air. Human brains are not much worse than the weirdness of nature.

The Snake Cave cave is beyond imagination, and it can be called an underground canyon. There are more snake corpses that have not been cleaned up. Most of them died from suffocation or lack of oxygen. They were crowded into a pile and became a pile. A pile of mummies.

Sean slid past the corner as close to the wall as possible. From the moment he set foot here, a lot of common sense no longer applies, and some of them can only be careful, careful, and careful.

There was no surprise or danger along the way, there was no long snake pretending to be dead to launch a deadly attack from the pile of snake corpses, and no newly gathered snakes were encountered, there was only a dead silence, a creepy silence.

If Sean still has emotional ups and downs, it may produce some negative emotions.

Unfortunately, without the cooperation of physical hormones, the changes in this aspect of pure soul consciousness have dropped several levels, as if there is nothing in this world that can make him fear and surprise.

After passing through a long underground cave, the scene in front of Xiao En's eyes changed, and he was refreshed. He knew he had come to the right place.

There are still underground caves in front of me, but there are many artificial traces. Many places are wide and flat enough to run a horse-drawn carriage, but the accumulated dust is half a foot deep. When people came, the ground was full of insects and snakes.

Whether it is from the traces of time, the geographical location, the admiration or the architectural style, the owner who built them is ready to come out-the ancient Andes Empire.

There is a relic of the ancient Andes Empire that has not yet been destroyed.

All the wires are connected. If there are no accidents, Sean is likely to see a buried, um, mage tower that was once buried underground.

The reason why he knew it had been buried underground was because it had appeared in front of Xiao En.

This is a stone tower more than 20 meters high. Due to the terrain, its height does not match the mage tower recorded in the literature, forcing it to develop vertically, like a castle, more than a mage tower.

If the mage tower recorded in the literature is compared to a tall and thin gentleman, there is a short and fat man with a big belly in front of him.

If it weren't for the powerful spell energy fluctuations emanating from it, Sean would have no way of connecting it with the Mage Tower.

This castle-like mage tower is incomplete, most of the buildings have been destroyed, half of them are still deep underground, and half of them are exposed on the surface, and the traces are still fresh. Obviously, not long ago, a comparison took place here. The drastic terrain changes shook out the mage tower hidden underground.

Is it that simple?

The simple movement of the earth's crust shook out the mage towers left by the warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire, and inadvertently activated the remaining devices inside, causing the beasts in the small half of the Andes Mountains to move?

Sometimes things can be as simple as that!

Sean quickly found the library of the mage tower. Fortunately, a small part of the books here were preserved intact, without any traces of mouse bites and insects. Most of the damaged books were caused by the lack of resistance. The years of living have eroded and rotted away.

Soon Sean Bian found what he was looking for—the event log of the Bernard Bloodline Research Laboratory.

This mage tower was presided over by a legendary warlock named Bernard King Ali, and it directly belonged to the Royal Warlock Order of the Ancient Andes Empire. It was engaged in research on bloodlines, and the research object was Odin orc.

However, the Bernard Bloodline Research Laboratory is not researching how to make Odin orcs. Judging from the log description, it was established relatively late, and it is already at the end of the crumbling ancient Andes Empire.

The Odin orcs have been created for hundreds of years, and have developed into a large scale, embarking on the road of rebellion. On the other hand, the rebel army within the empire is also intensifying.

Regardless of the Odin orcs or the rebels, they are full of deep-rooted hatred for the mage tower, especially the mage tower engaged in bloodline research. Whenever they encounter it, they will capture and destroy it at all costs, forcing the arrogant warlocks to create new bloodline research experiments. When building a room, they had to choose to build it in a hidden place or underground like a mouse.

The main research direction of Bernard's bloodline research laboratory is how to control the rebellious Odin orcs, let them return to their own use, and deal with those rebellious rebels.

They are trying to create a tower called the law order to control the Odin orcs through the law order signal and let them use it for themselves.

To a certain extent, the research of the Bernard Bloodline Research Institute has been successful, and the mutated beast army with abnormal behavior is the best proof. If the entire ancient Andes Empire is really full of them, this kind of beast called The mage tower of the law tower, I am afraid that the history of the entire Arshan continent will be rewritten.

But at that time, the coalition forces of the rebel army had already followed the Jacob River to the capital of the ancient Andes Empire, not to mention building the Tower of Laws throughout the entire ancient Andes Empire, even the Bernard Bloodline Research Institute The transfer of funds had stopped three years ago, and it was all supported by Bernard's own pocket.

When the imperial capital was in jeopardy, Bernard, a loyal member of the Royal Warlocks, could not sit idly by and returned to the imperial capital with most of the research materials, hoping that his new technology would be useful for the defense of the imperial capital.

As a result, Bernard was gone forever. After the imperial capital adopted a method of losing both sides, together with the rebel army, the entire ancient Andean imperial capital was wiped off the mainland map. The next few loyal apprentices stood by, waiting for their teacher to return, waiting alone until they died of old age.

The last apprentice, in desperation, sealed himself and the Bloodline Research Institute underground, and it was only now that the first visitor was welcomed.

I quickly browsed through other materials, not to mention the warlock's creation, I didn't even find any core materials, and they were obviously taken away by the owner of the Bloodline Research Institute.

Sean wanted to find more information about the Tower of Law, and even the idea of ​​​​controlling it failed, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Regardless of whether it is a law tower or a high-frequency signal, one of the most basic principles needs to be followed-energy conservation.

Even the mysterious creations of warlocks have not broken this point.

The continuous high-frequency high-frequency signals emitted by the law tower must consume energy, and it is still high energy consumption. As long as the energy supply is cut off, everything can return to normal.

Even if Xiao En doesn't take any action now, all the mutations will naturally end when the power of the Tower of Law is exhausted.

But what Sean is not sure about is what kind of energy the Tower of Law uses and how long it will take to run out.

As far as the series of black technologies recently revealed by the ancient Andes Empire, Sean is not surprised even if the opponent uses nuclear elements as energy sources. To be on the safe side, it is safer to destroy them artificially.

It has to be said that the owner of this bloodline research institute is also considered an awesome figure, relying on his own strength, not to mention a black technology tree, the quality of the mage tower he built is also excellent.

After more than 300 years of time, it has been broken into this virtue, and it can still be activated automatically. The power is so great that the entire Andes Mountains are panicked. What would it be like in its heyday?

Thinking of these things in his heart, Xiao En's footsteps did not stop at all, and he had already appeared under the Tower of Law.

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