The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 180 Subsequent Impact

The little steward of a manor under Xiao En's name, a guy that Xiao En has never met or heard of, actually used his name to bully men and women, use power for personal gain, and was reported to the Military Supervision Office , After verifying it was true, he was sentenced to death by hanging.

After Xiao En learned about it, not only did he not come forward to plead for mercy, but afterward, he strongly praised the military supervisory office for its fairness and rigorous law enforcement in related meetings.

If it is placed in the Byron Alliance, in the eyes of those lords and nobles, this is an incredible and embarrassing thing.

But in the Yongye Army, it is perfectly normal, and it is very warning.

Even if the servants of Xiao En, the supreme commander of the Yongye Army, made mistakes, those who deserved to be convicted were convicted, those who should be beheaded, and those who should be beheaded were beheaded, and when they should pay taxes, what qualifications did they have to engage in privileges? No matter how much they contribute to the Yongye Army, can they be greater than Xiao En?

And this is what Xiao En wants to see. Some things are the easiest to stand up at the initial stage, but they are also the easiest to ignore. When the disease is in the bone marrow, it will be very difficult to treat it again. Even heavy medicines will not work. bad.

Among them, corruption that uses power for personal gain is a great enemy to any force, especially a force like the Yongye Army that focuses on economic development and construction as its main theme from the very beginning, and preventing problems before they happen is the top priority.

Xiao En didn't want the forces he had pulled together with his own hands to be destroyed by the moths inside instead of being defeated by the enemy.

Compared with human self-discipline, Sean believes in a sound legal and supervisory system.

Facts have also proved this point. Before causing more damage, many moths were caught out by the Military Supervisory Council, deterring more potential moths, and allowing the Yongye Army to maintain relative purity—don’t think that the mountain people are simple, This kind of behavior is not easy to happen. When power is in hand, some things will be self-taught. If there is no military supervisory committee hanging over their heads, the speed of corruption will be beyond imagination.

Not to mention the previous life, even now, Sean is not a qualified politician. Many policies are idealized, and the cognition of some ordinary citizens in the previous life is also influencing his decision-making and judgment, but everything has passed by feeling the stones. River, forgivable.

Compared with running a factory, Sean now prefers farming.

After all, opening a factory is more likely to cause interest disputes with the Yongye Army. Instead of competing for profits, many boundaries are difficult to draw clearly, and a little carelessness will become the export of interests.

It's not necessarily that Sean would do this, but that when the people below did it, they would involuntarily do it out of concern for his face, doing wrong things with good intentions.

Farming is not so much trouble, as long as you pay taxes on time and in sufficient amount, you can do whatever you want to do with the rest.

Even if it is farming, Sean can grow tricks.

In addition to self-sufficient food, Sean's estate is more inclined to cash crops, various vegetables and fruits.

This is also related to the fact that the main arable land of Sean's manor is distributed in barren mountains and mountains, and Sean avoids the matter of competing for interests with the people as much as he can.

In his hands, the barren mountains and wild mountains can also create wealth.

The most representative of them is the spicy fruit tree. After nearly three years of continuous planting, it has already seen initial results. Many barren mountains and mountains that are not suitable for farming have been filled with this vegetable that grows on the tree by Xiao En.

Although the spicy fruit tree was found in the Swamp of Despair, this kind of tree really doesn't need much water, and it is not difficult to adapt to the arid environment.

The taste of the fruit will also vary depending on the amount of rainwater it absorbs during fruiting, even within the same variety.

Too much rain produces less capsaicin and a sweeter taste, more similar to a strange fruit.

If there is less rain, the fruiting rate will be greatly reduced. At the same time, the capsaicin will increase sharply. The kind of single fruit that is on the verge of dying from drought and only bears one or two dried balsamic fruits is the most ferocious. Take a bite and you can eat it. It makes people's esophagus spicy and numb, and it can even cause stomach bleeding if the stomach is not good.

For ordinary people, this kind of extreme spicy fruit is useless, a little ordinary spicy can be used as a daily condiment, but for a water magician like Angel Bena, it is simply a treasure-level medicine.

Angie Bella now enjoys all kinds of spicy food, eats one a day, her body is in good health, and even her magical powers are advancing rapidly.

What's more interesting is that those burly men of the Skull Crusher Legion who have the blood of the Kentana barbarians are also very fond of spicy fruits, but they are not used for eating, but for brewing wine, and the spicier the better.

The spicy fruit wine soaked with super spicy fruit will greatly stimulate their blood vessels, thus entering a state of berserk similar to the Kentana barbarians. Not only their strength has improved, but their perception of pain has also been greatly reduced. Aside from a bit of fatigue and drunkenness, the side effects are minimal. This kind of wine is also called crazy wine, and it is a strategic material exclusively for the Skull Crusher Legion.

In addition, Sean Manor has the most types of fruit trees. Rather than an orchard, it is more appropriate to call it an experimental field. There are many kinds of apples and peaches on one tree.

To be honest, in this era of scarce supplies, it is not easy to eat some delicious fruits.

Seasonal wild fruits represent pure nature, and most of them represent sour and refreshing.

Many fruits that adapt to human taste are not natural, but carefully selected and cultivated by human beings.

In this area, the Andis mountain people are poor and white, whether they eat well or not depends on the gift of God.

Byron Union is just in its infancy, with few varieties and not a good taste.

What Xiao En's orchard needs to do is to select the best-tasting fruits through artificial grafting, and after they are stable and mature, the Yongye Group Army will vigorously promote them.

In exchange, some wild fruit trees with unique flavors will be searched for by the Yongye Army.

It is a mutual benefit model.

As for the bad-tasting fruits produced in the past two years, it's not a problem for Sean.

Manually boiled and pitted, added with honey and mountain spring water, sealed and stored, that is a canned fruit that is sweet and sour.

Not to mention that those mountain people couldn't resist the temptation of this kind of food, even the nobles and nobles led by Man Yujun were full of praise after tasting it, and became the biggest customer of Sean Fruit Cannery.

In addition to these high-sounding reasons, Sean has personal considerations for setting up a small personal treasury.

After all, the Yongye Army is a group, and if they want to withdraw funds from it, there must be a similar reason. Even if he is the supreme commander, he still has to perform layers of procedures, which is time-consuming and laborious.

And many things in Xiao En's mind are far beyond this world. Before the results come out, many practices, even the Yongye Army after his influence, seem a little unbelievable.

Sean still can't explain many things, because sometimes he doesn't know the bottom line.

Just like this large-scale collection of antiques from the ancient Andes Empire period, it is the most typical representative.

Sean couldn't tell them that he was looking for a magic creation from the Andes Empire period, right? Wouldn't this expose the mysterious animal skin paper?

Without any explanation, it is possible that Xiao En could not have contributed to this matter based on his reputation in the Yongye Army, but in this way, it became his monopoly, which obviously did not match his own ideas, and he did not want to see it.

If you have your own small treasury, you don't have this trouble at all.

If it succeeds, everyone is happy, and the Yongye Army will also benefit from it.

If he failed, what he lost was only Xiao En's personal property, which had nothing to do with the Yongye Army, and his prestige in the Yongye Army would not be damaged.

Although the beast mutation incident has posed a great threat to the Yongye Army, life is still going well.

Before you know it, it's another year, and it's the day that every mountain dweller loves to see - the harvest season.

The second season of spring wheat cultivated by the Yongye Army has matured.

This year is counted as good weather and a bumper harvest. The taxes collected by the Yongye Army have more than doubled compared to last year.

In the past year, while the Yongye Group Army was expanding its campaign, the people below were not idle. Having tasted the sweetness, they became more motivated to work and reclaimed more land.

In addition, nearly half of the territory of the Walled City Alliance was swallowed up, not only the number of residents increased significantly, but also the amount of cultivated land increased significantly.

The Walled City Alliance followed the example of the Yongye Group Army and encouraged the mountain people to open up wasteland and farm land, but the auxiliary facilities for irrigation and the cultivated land were not legal. Compared with the cultivated land under the jurisdiction of the Yongye Group Army, the same land did not even have half the yield. .

After the Yongye Group Army occupied this place, they raced against time to build various irrigation facilities. However, the paved stalls were too large and there were too many places requiring manpower. Important projects such as the Twin Cities could not be stopped, and the progress was relatively slow.

In a hurry, only one-third of the ancillary facilities in the area can be completed. This is still the result of using work-for-work and employing a large number of former leaders of the Walled City Alliance. It will take at least a year to complete the renovation. .

However, in line with the idea that no matter how small a mosquito’s legs are, it doesn’t matter whether the land is good or bad, whether it is intensive farming or extensive planting and harvesting, the seeds are smashed first, as long as the seeds can be recovered, the rest will be counted as harvest——As for Labor cost, is that counted as cost?

With this season's harvest, the Yongye Army's rule over the newly occupied area is not as stable as Mount Tai. At least the people who were still a little turbulent in the past have gradually stabilized, and the possibility of the Walled City Alliance wanting to regain lost ground has become even smaller.

The Walled City Alliance seems to have no thoughts on this aspect at all. It is true that Ban Hebrew swallowed the Walled City Alliance with his own superb means, but it is not an easy task to complete internal integration, because it will It touches the vested interests - those big and small city owners.

No one would be willing to cut their own flesh, right?

What's more, the beast mutation incident is not only in the territory of the Yongye Army, but also in the territory of the Walled City Alliance. They failed to discover it in time like the Yongye Army. , tortured those mountain people in unbearable pain.

Not only the villages and people were attacked, but because of the abnormality of the animals, the entire ecosystem became extremely chaotic.

Take the Beast Corps slaughtered by the Third Corps of the First Corps of the Eternal Night Army last year in order to explore the Odin Grand Canyon, especially the large number of pythons that were burned to death in the last fire.

The ecological balance of the Andes Mountains has been severely damaged. In the spring of this year, a large number of natural enemies, hares and voles, were born like crazy. The latter, in particular, has a very short physiological period and can lay two litters a month. There are not ten litters in each litter. In less than two months, small voles will become big voles, and they can also give birth to cubs. It is like a snowball. The later the stage, the faster the growth rate, and the outbreak of rabbits and rats, that is certain.

Because the Yongye Group Army knew the situation in advance, they took precautions throughout the winter, encouraged the mountain people, dispatched all of them, set traps for the hares, and dug the caves and granaries of the voles and mountain mice, killing a wave of them.

Even so, at the end of the next summer, the number of hares and voles was still scary. Even when the whole population was hunting rabbits and mice, the crops were still harmed by them a lot. Otherwise, the grain harvest this year should be better.

However, hares and voles are not considered a source of meat. Using them as subsidies, the loss is not that big.

This is the case with the Yongye Army, which has been prepared for a long time, let alone the unprepared Walled City Alliance and mountain people.

The large-scale plague of rabbits and rats has greatly reduced the production of the small amount of food. In summer, you can barely make ends meet through hunting. What happens once winter comes?

Without food, those mountain people just sat and ate and waited to die.

No one wants to die.

In order to survive, these mountain people will start to flee famine before winter.

At that time, their choices will be nothing more than two, the Yongye Army and the Walled City Alliance.

Except for those who were influenced by the cavalry and knew that they were going to the Yongye Army, the rest of the mountain people who had no information would definitely follow the principle of proximity.

This will be a joint test for the Yongye Army and the Walled City Alliance.

If it is handled well, it will be an opportunity for strength to skyrocket, but if it is not handled properly, it will be a disaster.

This ebb and flow may even directly change the pattern of the Andes Mountains.

The military staff of the Yongye Army has already calculated this situation and is actively preparing for it.

Ban Hebrew of the Walled City Alliance is struggling to deal with the plague of rabbits and rats. Even if he can see so far, he is powerless.

Compared with the mixed situation in the Andes Mountains, the leader of Man Yu's army is calm and scary. Not only are Philip and Patlem unable to retreat, but even the aggressive slave rebels who have been gaining the upper hand for the past two years are also Very quiet.

This should be the calm before the storm, with both sides waiting for this fall's harvest.

The two consecutive years of fighting have caused a food crisis on both sides, including the two heirs Philip and Patraim, who are backed by the royal family of Lancelot and the Holy See of Saint Ether.

The long distance is the biggest obstacle. The amount of grain transported from the Asia Minor Plain is limited after all, and can only be used for emergencies. Daily needs still depend on the output in their own territories.

The same is true for the food trade between the Yongye Army and the slave rebel army.

At most, the Yongye Army is considering the political aspect. It is impossible to trade a small amount of food to the other party for emergencies. Even if the Yongye Army now has a certain amount of military reserves, the relationship between the two sides has not yet reached the level of sharing weal and woe, and taking such a big risk Degree.

The two sides are likely to break out a decisive battle around this autumn harvest.

But how to fight, no one can say for sure, who made the slave rebel army now have a military commander who uses soldiers like a god!

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