The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 177 Dream Back Three Hundred Years

All beginnings are hard.

Whether it is for the papermaking workshop, or for the education career that the Yongye Group Army has just started.

As long as the first piece of paper is produced, regardless of whether it is good or bad, it will prove that their craftsmanship is fine. The rest is to adjust the process, test various raw materials, compare the pros and cons of the produced paper, and choose the best one. .

Improvement is naturally much simpler than creation.

The sewing machines for making Tang's studded nails are the best proof. In the first few batches, each machine required two to three people to operate. After only two years, the technology has been updated five times, and one person can easily operate it. Not to mention, the output is only a lot more than the primary model.

Now the new model is being improved, but the direction of improvement is no longer the development of light and personalized operation, but the development of complex and large-scale development, and plans to integrate waterwheels into it to reduce manpower and increase production.

If it was two years ago, whoever shouted such a slogan would definitely be spit on, because reducing manpower and increasing production are inherently contradictory, and the number of people is the most basic guarantee for production.

The large-scale application of windmills and water mills has already told them with empirical evidence that it is not impossible, but they were too ignorant before.

The various research and development departments of the Yongye Army are highly confidential to the outside world, but internally they are divided into three or six grades for information sharing. Departments with higher confidentiality levels share more information, such as black powder research and development departments, medical research bases, The arsenal, etc., and the paper mill's secrecy level is currently at the highest level.

This is done to avoid duplication of work and research. Over there, a more labor-saving and trouble-free method has been developed. It is most undesirable to still use the old method or try to research a new method here.

Although those research units with low confidentiality levels have no way to share the core information of high-level and high-density units, some general technologies will still be sorted out and shared with them.

That's good, that's good, there's still time, there's still time. Lan Xili herself knew that this kind of thing couldn't be rushed, so she turned the topic to what Xiao En cared about most, After receiving your letter, I went through all the relevant literature and classics again, and found not much useful information. The most useful one should be this one, The Encyclopedia of Warcraft in the Ashan Continent. I have always read it as a fiction. After reading yours Xin, I feel that the situation you mentioned is similar to the one described above, you can see for yourself.

The Encyclopedia of Warcraft in the Ashaen Continent? Sean snatched the book from Lan Xili's hand.

The distressed Lan Xili yelled, Take it easy, take it easy, take it easy, even if this isn't a rare copy, it's about the same. I've only seen such a copy for so many years. If it breaks, you won't have to read it.

Don't worry, I won't hurt you at all. Sean responded without raising his head, and began to look through it impatiently. After all, after consulting so many historical materials of the ancient Andes Empire, it was the first time that something related appeared.

What Lanxi Li gave was not so much a volume of books as a few pages of paper, which should be tanned with some kind of animal skin, at least not the cowhide or sheepskin that Sean is familiar with. Over the past few hundred years, it is also very textured and feels very comfortable to the touch.

But it is not complete, it seems to be a part torn from a certain literature, even these few sheets are incomplete, bitten by moths and rats, many key parts of the handwriting have been bitten off, but they have been painstakingly pasted , repair, sticky patch.

This is naturally written by Lan Xili, who is not only an archaeologist and linguist of the ancient Andes Empire, but also an expert in ancient book restoration.

This is... Before Xiao En had time to read the above content, he was attracted by the abnormal situation displayed by those pieces of animal skin paper.

In Lan Xili's hands, the ordinary animal skin paper, which can no longer be ordinary, began to show a strange shimmer in his hands. At first I thought it was an illusion, but in the end the light became more and more intense, and what surprised Sean even more was , My own magical power surged like a tide, uncontrollably, and continuously flowed into the unknown animal skin paper in my hand.

At this moment, Xiao En felt that what he was holding in his hands was not a few pieces of animal skin paper, but a miniature black hole, a black hole that absorbed the power of spells, and seemed to suck his brain and consciousness into it together.

Patton, watch Baozi, don't mess around.

Everything happened so quickly, Sean only had time to finish his sentence before his eyes went dark and he fell straight to the ground.

At the beginning, everyone didn't understand why Xiao En said such a sentence inexplicably, until he fell down.

Baozi, who had been standing quietly behind Sean, grabbed Sean with a big hand, and at the same time roared like a wounded beast, staring at Lanxili with fierce eyes.

Fortunately, Barton, who received Sean's last instructions, had already let out a series of barks and blocked Lan Xili before that. Otherwise, it would not be as simple as glaring. I am afraid that Lan Xili has been torn by the champion knight. .

How did this happen? How did this happen? How did this happen? Lan Xili was also dumbfounded, this situation was completely beyond his understanding.

It has not been a day or two since these broken animal skins have fallen into his hands, and he has read them no less than ten or eight times. There has never been any accident. How come such a moth appeared in Xiao En's hands?

What made Lan Xili even more unbelievable was that the few pieces of animal skin paper in Xiao En's hands had undergone unimaginable changes. All the traces of his pasting on them disappeared and became a complete whole.

Lan Xili thought that her old eyesight had made a mistake, so she rubbed her eyes one after another. That's right, all the traces of acquired treatment disappeared, and now Xiao En was holding a few complete pieces of animal skin paper, which were brand new. , exuding a weak light, giving people a feeling of being revived and rejuvenated.

Hell, a few pieces of animal skin paper actually give people an illusion of life force, as weird as it really is.

Lan Xili wanted to take a closer look, but Baozi let out an angry snort.

Lan Xili could only stop, rubbing her hands together in embarrassment and said, I'm just looking at the situation of Teacher Xiao En, to see if his life is in danger.

But this was obviously useless to Baozi, holding the unconscious Xiao En in one hand, and holding the long sword in the other, as if he would kill anyone who dared to get close.

Even if Lan Xili turned around and let the dog Barton be a lobbyist, it would not work.

Fortunately, Xiao En was simply drained of his magic power, fell into a coma, and entered a deep sleep state of self-protection. He woke up after only four or five hours.

Sean fell into a long silence when he heard Baozi's reaction after he was unconscious.

He actually ignored this fatal flaw in Baozi's body. If it wasn't for the fact that his magical power had been emptied before, as well as other internal and external injuries, Baozi's hostile situation, which was somewhat indistinguishable from friend and foe, would have delayed his medical treatment?

At that time, it wasn't as simple as a sore back and sore back, and it was very likely that one's life would be involved, and that would be called death's injustice.

However, the skill of the opponent's champion knight made Xiao En reluctant to give up. The Yongye Army did have a few champion knights now, but there was really no one more suitable than Baozi who was drawn out to serve as Xiao En's bodyguard.

No matter whether it was Achill or Andis Tiger Tagore, even if they were willing to serve as personal guards for Sean, Sean would not dare to use them.

Skull Crusher McGee, who seems to be doing nothing, also has a job of his own. At least one week of military training per month, he must attend in person, and there are some military meetings that require him to sit in charge. After all, he is the first military officer. General.

To a certain extent, Baozi obeyed the command of the head dog Barton.

But no matter how smart Barton is, he is still just a dog, and he can execute relatively simple commands. His dog brain can't figure out too complicated interpersonal relationships. The most important thing is that he can't speak, and he can't express himself. , and secondly, its strength is relatively low, and it may be specially targeted.

After much deliberation, the only way is to equip another guard so that he can also gain Baozi's trust, even if he doesn't fully trust him, at least he can convince Baozi at critical moments.

Of course, this is just a double insurance.

Even with the champion knight Baozi at his side, Sean usually avoids as far as he can from taking the initiative to die. Not to mention being in a coma, Sean rarely let himself suffer from ordinary injuries.

After all, in the age when there was no antitoxin, tetanus was also very fatal.

Today's situation was completely an accident, and he has not fully understood the situation until now, his mind is muddled, and many things have completely shattered his cognition of this world.

For example, brand-new animal skin paper just out of the oven.

Damn it.

When he just picked it up, it was obviously full of patches.

Is there something wrong with my memory?

Judging from Lan Xili's expression of looking at the animal skin paper over and over again, it's not that there is something wrong with Xiao En's memory, but that everything really happened.

But this is really against the laws of physics that Sean knows.

How can an item be repaired for no reason?

Is it because of the influx of my own magic power?

Even if this is the reason, what principles are followed?

Magical power is an invisible and intangible existence, how can it repair the real thing?

Where did the substance in the repair process come from?

Transformed by magic power? Or is the animal skin paper transformed by itself?

This series of questions kept rolling in Sean's mind, and he couldn't figure out a clue or convince himself of the reason.

In fact, Xiao En is much more difficult on the path of spells than ordinary warlocks in this world, because the knowledge he learned in his previous life was too systematic and solid, and he had a preconceived notion. , I always want to transform it into the knowledge of my previous life to explain.

It's okay to explain it well, but what if it doesn't make sense?

Such is the existence of magical power. The various assumptions raised at the beginning can barely be established, but as the power of magic becomes stronger and stronger, the original assumptions are a bit untenable. Sean must find a new set. Explain the theory, regardless of whether it is about the nature of magic in this world, because it is not used to teach others, but to persuade oneself to continue on the path of magic power.

If it is an ordinary warlock in this world, the power of spells is the power of spells, which is used to cast spells. What's the trouble with this? As for the nature and principle of magic power? Does this have something to do with having sorcery power and casting sorcery?

It’s not that Sean never thought of smashing his world view to reshape. It’s easy to say, but it’s hard to do, because the knowledge is in his mind, and there is no way to block it, even if he has the power of magic now. .

This power does develop the brain to some extent, but it is still a long way from controlling the brain. Even Darnell, the master warlock, Xiao En has not heard that the other party has one aspect of the ability.

This cannot be done unless Sean loses his memory.

But apart from the aspect of magical power, in other aspects, Sean's memories of his previous life are the most precious treasure.

In addition to the old-fashioned source of magic power and the mysterious restoration of the unknown animal skin paper, another thing that made Xiao En's mind a little confused.

During his coma, he had a dream, a dream that he couldn't tell if it was a dream until now.

Because everything is so real and vivid, as if everything has been experienced personally, the feeling of flapping wings and flying, the hearty feeling of passing through the air, the urge to roar to the sky...

He can now remember it clearly, which is definitely not what a normal dream should have.

In that dream that wasn't a dream, Sean turned into another creature. Sean couldn't remember the specific shape. To be more precise, that body didn't look at him from the beginning to the end.

The situation at that time was a bit like a cutscene in a computer game. All the programs are predetermined, and the player has no way to perform any operations (except skipping). It's just that Sean is not a dream. The dream is of a higher level, and the consciousness is present.

Having said that, Sean's consciousness at that time was like this dream that was not a dream. It was difficult to tell whether he was awake or not. He was completely passive and did not consider these issues at all.

But one thing is certain, the other party will definitely not be a human being, because the other party is flying in the sky and uses wings. Although I haven't seen it, I can be sure that it is a pair of huge wings. Whether it is wings or flesh wings, Sean couldn't tell the difference.

However, the feeling at that time was very strange. The way he flapped his wings with force made him feel very awkward, so much so that now he felt his shoulder blades itching, as if there was something invisible there.

What he saw and heard in the dream also made Xiao En feel like watching the myth of Shan Hai Jing. Not only are the trees towering into the sky, but the beasts are also much larger than normal. The wind, the giant python can drive the fog, the giant bear can manipulate the earth and rocks, the golden eagle that catches the python and fights the tiger...

If it’s just that, it’s better to let Xiao En lose his mind. After all, he has been influenced by modern movie and game novels. What kind of brain hole situation has never been seen before. A tiger that can breathe fire and a mountain wolf that can control the wind are really nothing new. , At best, it is just the concept of Warcraft.

What really made Sean lose his mind was the situation on the ground he saw from the sky.

The mountains are undulating and the rivers are rushing.

It was the Andes Mountains, and it was the Andes Mountains before the Jacob River stopped flowing.

Sean will never admit that he is wrong. Except that the Jacob River has not stopped flowing, the Andes Mountains as a whole have not changed much from now. The sword poked there, as conspicuous as it could be.

This is simply a dream back to the ancient Andes Empire three hundred years ago.

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