The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 171 Internal and External Troubles of the Slave Rebel Army

In fact, Sean's attitude was very conservative from the very beginning. After all, this involved magic power and energy radiation, so he had to be cautious.

This unknown force can affect beasts, and naturally has a high chance of affecting humans.

At first, he still had a fluke mentality, but now the situation is the worst one.

Strategic retreat is the wisest choice. It is an extremely stupid thing to fight against the unknown before fully digesting the news in hand.

Anyway, the Beast Legion, which is the greatest threat to the Andes mountain people, has been wiped out, and there is no rush to investigate the root cause of this incident.

Fortunately, the impact of unknown high-frequency signals on humans is far less obvious than that on birds and beasts. After 30 kilometers away from the Grand Canyon, the symptoms on those soldiers basically began to subside. arrive.

To be on the safe side, the Yongye Group Army still centered on the Grand Canyon, with a radius of 50 kilometers as a restricted area, and set up checkpoints and posts on the surrounding arteries. tragedy.

Those soldiers who appeared abnormal were sent to the medical research base together with the mutant beasts, the biggest harvest of this time, for isolation and observation.

The medical research base mobilized staff internally and set up a special department—the Institute of Biological Abnormalities to follow up on this matter.

Because whether it is Sean or Ms. Elena, Yang or Darnell, they all feel that this matter is not over, this is just the beginning.

Sure enough, within a week, new wild beasts attacked the mountain people again, and the symptoms were very similar to those of the beasts in the Odin Grand Canyon.

However, the place where the beast attack took place was more than 300 kilometers away from the Odin Grand Canyon, which basically ruled out the possibility of the beasts rushing past the Odin Grand Canyon.

According to the conclusion afterwards, the distribution of beasts in the Odin Grand Canyon is very regular. Before the Third Corps got close enough, all they encountered were small groups of wild beasts, and their aggressiveness was far less intense. It was the Third Corps who took the initiative to find them. their business.

After entering twenty kilometers, the conflict between the two sides increased sharply.

When the Third Corps approached the Odin Grand Canyon, those wild beasts gathered to form a legion and launched a desperate attack on the Third Corps.

Judging from all signs, this is more like a kind of self-protection.

But this way of self-protection is too incredible.

If it is said that this is man-made, it is impossible to imagine who in this world has such a unique ability.

If it is not man-made, this kind of thing with a clear purpose does not seem like a purely natural event.

However, compared to the large-scale beast army in the Odin Grand Canyon, most of the beast attacks and beast mutations in other places are isolated cases. Even if they are connected in series, there is no rule at all.

But this kind of individual incident is the most troublesome, because it is impossible to predict the time and place of the next occurrence, so prevention is out of the question.

The time is long and the people are panicked, which is extremely unfavorable to the thriving Yongye Army.

The measures taken by the Yongye Army are still relatively positive. Not only has a special biological anomaly research institute been established to find the source of biological anomalies, but also an excellent old hunter like Carter has been specially recruited to set up a mountain patrol guard to guard against dangerous positions and important roads. , Build outposts and supply stations.

Their main task is to deal with wild animal attacks. Even if they cannot be prevented before they happen, they must find out those fierce beasts that attack people as soon as possible. These beasts that have tasted human flesh and blood are like mad dogs that have eaten people. It will lose fear of human beings, and the threat index will rise sharply.

The second is to maintain the business roads, ensure the safety of the horse team and the porters, and form a more stable business road. Through these business roads, a kind of fetters will be formed for the mountain people who are still huddled in the depths of the mountains, ensuring that when they are willing to walk out of the mountains, The Eternal Night Army in Jacob's Military State was their first choice.

As wild beast incidents happened more and more frequently, many mountain people who were originally as stubborn as rocks began to waver.

The reason why they are unwilling to leave their village is because they don't trust the Yongye Army to bring them a better life.

The difficulty of leaving the homeland only accounts for a small part.

The most important thing is that they are afraid of the unknown. Although life in the mountains is difficult, as long as they can barely survive, they are unwilling to move lightly.

After all, they are different from the mountain people who have been in turmoil in the villages on both sides of the ancient Jacob River. They have not seen the changes brought about by a large amount of cultivated land to their lives.

This is not the case now, the mountains are becoming more and more dangerous.

When life is threatened, the persistence and fear in the past are naturally left behind.

If this situation continues, it won't take long for the Yongye Army to usher in a population explosion.

The Eternal Night Army has already launched active preparations for this, trying to satisfy its new subjects as much as possible. They will be an important cornerstone for the vigorous development of the Eternal Night Army.

In just half a year, Andis Dashan became so strange, it seemed that everything was wrong, not only the beasts, but also human beings themselves.

The soldiers of the Third Corps who were quarantined returned to their jobs one after another. After a long period of observation, they did not show any symptoms of mutation. At first, their thinking was only affected by high-frequency signals.

However, the Yongye Army has poured out a group of magic awakeners, as many as 23 in number.

Of course, this has something to do with the growth of the Yongye Army and the increase in the population base.

But if this kind of crowding has nothing to do with the abnormal incident of the beast, even killing Sean would not believe it.

It seems that above the entire Andis Mountain, there is an invisible big hand, which is changing everything here in an orderly manner.

That's right.

Judging from the feedback from Eagle Eye, this abnormality is only limited to the Andis crater, not to mention other military leaders, even the military leader Man Yu who is close at hand has not sent any similar relevant information, several forces are fighting wits Dou Yong is amazing.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the past six months, Di Kelong has been the most dazzling star of Man Yu's army leader. Not to mention that he has become more and more proficient in the use of various tactics. Complete the transformation from a group of rabble to an elite division.

With a mob of mobs, Di Kelong was able to play around with Philip and Patrem, let alone lead an elite army. Even if the two sides joined forces, they were oppressed very embarrassingly. They could only stick to their own territory. way to launch an effective counterattack.

However, extremes of things must be reversed, and extreme prosperity must decline.

As the power and prestige of the slave rebel army reached its peak, various problems of its own began to be exposed.

Their backgrounds are too low, not only lack of military combat experience, but also lack of low-level management experience, there is no way to mobilize all the people like the Yongye Army to carry out active and large-scale construction, they can only make small troubles and quickly plant and reap quickly, but for For a group of 200,000 people, it is a drop in the bucket, and the hole is huge.

But the problem is that this is not a long-term solution. After two years of siege, the cities and castles of Man Yu's army have been ravaged by them more than once or twice, and almost all the wealth that can be plundered has been plundered.

Lords and aristocrats, big and small, are dead and running, the laws and regulations are completely broken, the local hooligans who are not productive are rampant, and the life of the bottom farmers is even more difficult. They either flee with them or are forced to join the slave rebel army and become Rogue.

When there is no one to cultivate the land, they have nothing to grab!

Fortunately, there is still a Yongye Army, otherwise the slave rebel army would not be able to hold on.

But the Yongye Army is not a philanthropist, and will not support them free of charge. They need to exchange various resources.

The plundered nobles and nobles have limited wealth after all. If the slave rebel army can't start the situation again, after another year and a half, the line of the Yongye Army will probably be cut off. At that time, they will really be at the end of their rope.

However, most of the slave rebels are short-sighted people, and not many people are clearly aware of this. Many people have been dazzled by their series of victories, especially those leaders and generals who have become feudal lords. The dream of becoming a knight, forming gangs one by one, marrying wives and having children,

It is rumored that there is a general who has a special hobby in this area. He has been a groom for thirteen times in a year. Even when he is about to go to the battlefield, his behavior and extravagant life are even worse than the lords and nobles they hated the most. .

They rose up not because of how high their ideological consciousness was, but because they did not agree with the system in front of them because they were the oppressed. When they took power, what they hated the most, consciously or unconsciously the kind of person.

Including another leader of the slave rebel army, General Starbuck, who is different from a relatively pure person like Dixon, he rolled up this slave rebel army with obvious interests.

While Dixon was working desperately in front, Starbuck kept making small moves in private and frequently contacted Philip and Patram, which turned out to be the idea of ​​peace talks.

However, the purpose of his peace talks was not to kill and set fire to be recruited, but to reach a secret agreement. Philip and Patram sat idly by and let them go to the Cartel Hills area.

The idea of ​​fighting is self-evident, the slave rebels go to harm the Kingsley family, when the time comes, the Man Yu army leader will naturally return to their embrace.

If this proposal had been made half a year ago, when Philip and Patlem were at their peak and ambitious, Starbuck's response would have been a resolute rejection.

Although the relationship between the two military leaders is not that close, they belong to the same alliance. If they do this, the reputation of the Manyu military leader will plummet, and they will completely turn against the Kingsley family.

At that time, both Philip and Patraim regarded Commander Manyu and Grand Duke Faerun as their own, so they were naturally unwilling to pay such a high price.

But now the slave rebel army has completely grown up. Although he knows that the opponent has a fatal weakness, as long as he is delayed for three to five years, the slave rebel army may be dragged down.

But the problem is three to five years, and there are too many variables.

Especially behind the slave rebel army, there is now an unknown Andean force, the Eternal Night Legion, looming, if the two sides desperately join forces.

Philip and Patlem really didn't have the confidence to carry it.

The most important thing is that the cooperation between Philip and Patlem was also due to helplessness. They are also in a competitive relationship. If there is no common enemy of the slave rebel army, they would have already pinched each other. There is no trust at all.

One of the situations they are most afraid of is that the slave rebel army jumps over the wall in a hurry, chasing one of their stalkers. At that time, even if the slave rebel army is wiped out, and their own side loses troops and generals, they will still be defeated. Completely withdraw from the battle for the position of Grand Duke of Faerun.

In the past year, Di Kelong has been able to win every battle, like a god of war possessed. Of course, it has something to do with his extraordinary battlefield insight and his ability to easily grasp the enemy's weak points. It also contributed a lot to the complex relationship between the two forces. without.

Di Kelong never gnawed on a force once, but like eating two pieces of bread at the same time, he took a small bite of this piece of bread today, and took a big bite of that piece of bread tomorrow, and then turned around and took another bite. Take a small bite on this piece of bread.

Because he found that when one of the forces suffered a loss, he went to attack the other. The support and response of this side were usually not very strong, and there were obvious suspicions of letting go. The hand of the army weakens the opponent and achieves the goal of balance.

Di Kelong is also very happy to make this gun. After coming and going, the strength of both sides has been weakened, and there is not much trust in the first place.

Even with the Holy See of Saint Ether and the royal family of Lancelot as their backers, they will not be able to organize a counterattack within a short period of time.

Because even Patraim, there is no way to tolerate the large-scale intervention of the Holy See of Ether, Patraim is not a fool, if he really uses this method to sit on the seat of the Grand Duke of Faerun, he will completely change into a puppet.

Now that Starbuck has presented a plan to move the disaster to the east, Philip and Patram are naturally very interested.

As for the issue of face and offending the Kingsley family, how can he care about it when the position of Grand Duke Faerun is in jeopardy?

However, due to the nobleman's last reserve, whether it was Philip, or Patrem's negotiations with Starbuck were secretive and ambiguous, and this in itself was an attitude.

Hearing the news, Di Kelong was furious, and returned to the station in a hurry, furious at the generals who supported Starbuck and the peace talks.

In Di Kelong's eyes, lords and nobles are synonymous with unreliability. Believing in their promises is worse than believing that pigs will climb trees.

Even if he wanted to go south, he would have to completely disable the rebel army led by Man Yu's army and ensure that he had a safe rear before proceeding.

Most importantly, what they did was a kind of betrayal to the soldiers at the bottom.

They hold high the banner of rebellion, which is why they have the cohesiveness they have now. If they go back on their promises now, wouldn't it mean digging their own corners and slapping themselves in the face?

Starbuck thinks that there is nothing wrong with his decision-making. Although they are slave rebels, they don’t need to be enemies all over the world. Some things can be resolved at the negotiating table. Retain your own vitality to the greatest extent.

After all, the Kingsley family already has 100,000 soldiers at the border, even if there are a large number of slave soldiers, it is not so easy to deal with.

Because once they decide to go south, they will lose any room for maneuver. There is no way to fight mobile warfare like they did with Philip and Patlem, but to have a real head-to-head confrontation.

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