The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 158 McGee's Strategy

When do you want to arrange the bet between me and Tagore? Skull Crusher McKee murmured for a long time, and finally revealed his purpose.

There's no need to discuss this matter. Sean shook his head without hesitation. Are you kidding me? Can this kind of gambling be taken seriously?

Regardless of winning or losing, isn't this just playing with the lives of soldiers?

What's more, can such a thing as loyalty be won?

But I already promised him back then, and I swore a poisonous oath!

Skull Crusher McGee also knew that this matter was a bit unreliable. Without Sean's support, there was no way to proceed, and he racked his brains to explain the benefits.

Tagore is known as the Andis Tiger. He is a well-known veteran champion knight in the Andes Mountains. If he can join us, it will be an excellent publicity for our reputation. There will be a large number of mountain people joining us. As for the victory There is no need to worry about the negative issue, fighting alone, I am not his opponent yet, but leading troops to hedge, my Skull Crusher Legion is not afraid of him at all!

I don't think that with the current name of our Eternal Night Army, we still need to use a champion knight to promote it. Even if it is publicity, it will be more effective to use the name of the number one warrior in the Andes Mountains to kill.

Sean retorted mercilessly, Be honest, what is the relationship between you and that guy that made you go to great lengths to protect him?

It's really nothing to do. Before this, the two of us have never even met.

Is there really nothing to do?

Really not. If there is one, he is at most an idol and a goal in my life. Among the Andis people, he has produced some cowards over the years. He can be regarded as a rare hero. I have hunted and killed slave hunters. Skull Crusher McGee showed a bit of sympathy on his face.

Sean can only attribute the relationship between McGee the Skull Crusher and Andis the Tiger Tagore to the sympathy between reckless men.

It's like some people have a natural liking for them even though they haven't met a few times, or there are some similarities in appearance or personality between two people.

Looking at the life experience of the two, we can really find some similarities.

One is of mixed Andean and Kentana savage blood.

One is a tiger child who was once raised by a tiger.

The unique background and encounters in their childhood have created a withdrawn side of their characters, and they often appear out of place.

For example, the viciousness of McGee the Skull Crusher, before he got acquainted with Sean, he was far more irritable and vicious than he is now. In many cases, it is not out of nature, but because of his own inability to express himself and his relatively fragile heart. This kind of protection subconsciously keeps people away thousands of miles away.

Andis Tiger Tagore is like a hedgehog, swearing at everyone, using the most vicious malice to speculate on others.

But from another perspective, why are hedgehogs covered with thorns? Isn’t it to protect their relatively fragile hearts?

Being unkind and rejecting people thousands of miles away, low emotional intelligence is only one aspect, and the other is subconsciously protecting oneself from being hurt.

Sean couldn't stand the stubbornness of McGee the Skull Crusher. Although he didn't agree to the bet between the two, he still agreed to meet that Andis Tiger Tagore.

After Andis Tiger Tagore was captured, it's not like Sean had never met him, but that guy just turned self-protection into a bitch, and because of his status as a champion knight, he was used to being praised by others, and he thought highly of himself. After becoming a prisoner, he was still extremely arrogant and had a dirty mouth.

If it were half a year ago, to be precise, before the champion knight devil training plan was successful, or more precisely, before the Eternal Night Legion had no champion knight of its own, Sean might still have to take a look at Andis Tiger Tagore, and try his best. Ways to recruit surrender, take it for your own use.

But now, there are several certain knights who can become champion knights, and the degree of desire is naturally greatly reduced.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the Eternal Night Legion no longer needs champion knights.

Any force's thirst for champion knights is endless.

As the power and energy of the Eternal Night Legion grew, and the data collected increased day by day, Xiao En specially dispatched several military staff officers from the military staff department to organize and file the military documents of the Asharn Continent for the military officer academy. Prepare for military lessons.

Sean basically has a sneak peek of what has been gained.

During this process, Sean actually had the illusion of rereading the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

It is nothing more than powerful officials such as Cao Cao, Dong Zhuo, Liu Guanzhang, Sun Quan, Yuan Shu, etc., who have become big and small families of the Byron Alliance.

Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Xiahou Dun and other first-rate, second-rate and third-rate generals have become champion knights, great knights, and knights.

Counselors such as Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Sima Yi, and Zhou Yu have become warlocks and university scholars, either skilled in both civil and military affairs, or proficient in governance, each with its own strengths.

In terms of the tricks used, they may not be very advanced. They are nothing more than joint vertical, feigned surrender, fire attack, water attack, etc., which are far from being as enchanting as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Of course, this has something to do with the Romance of the Three Kingdoms itself being a fictional and exaggerated novel. Many characters were deified by the author, either a lot of things were fabricated, or many things that he did not do were also pressed on them.

But in terms of force, based on Sean's current cognition, the reality of the force in the Arshan Continent is very consistent with that from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

In large-scale wars, the role of champion knights will be greatly reduced.

But in small-scale conflicts, they are absolutely invincible. There is no general with similar force to resist, no, no champion knight with similar force to resist, a one-sided massacre is inevitable.

The gladiator uprising launched by Starbuck and Dick Long was the best example.

Without responding to single-body force suppression, the two champion knights are like fierce tigers. In street fighting, they are unstoppable-although there are various human factors in it, it is undeniable that their individual force played a role in it. It is said that it is changed to an ordinary person or a knight, even if it is changed to a great knight, the effect is not the same as it was before.

But when Angel Bena led the elite cavalry regiment of the Faerun family to launch a large-scale attack, the two champion knights could only change the local battle scene, but they could not control the fate of the entire army.

Every lord has fantasized about leading countless champion knights to charge, and Sean is no exception.

From the perspective of the long-term plans of the Eternal Night Legion, it is very unwise to take the initiative to lower one's standards because of the status of the opponent's champion knight.

Afterwards, a series of counterattacks were launched against the Walled City Alliance. Sean was like a spinning top, busy spinning around. He didn't have the time to pay attention to Tagore, and kept him in prison.

If McKee the Skull Crusher doesn't come to Sean, Sean is going to cool him down for another year or so, to completely wear off part of his temper.

You bastards, how long are you going to lock me up? Whether to kill or let me go, let me tell you something, I'm going to be bored here! Where's McGee the Skull Crusher? Let him come to see me. He made a bet with Lao Tzu! What about Sean? Let Xiao En come to see me, believe it or not, I will tear down your bird cage sooner or later, and kill one of you to bleed like a river!

When Andis Tiger Tagore heard the opening of the cell door, he immediately yelled loudly.

Xiao En heard it from a distance, turned his head and left, the more than three months of captivity did not let the tiger learn any lessons, learn to be good.

Thinking about it, as a champion knight, what he lacks most is a strong will. If he was wiped out so easily, he would not have achieved what he is now.

It seems necessary to transform his prison into a confinement room. I don't know if he can still have such a spirit after squatting in a completely isolated environment for half a year.

Skull Crusher McGee grabbed Sean, with a big smile on his face, he made a gesture of showing me some face.

Just this once!

Xiao En made gestures, he really wanted to see what this idiot was up to. As for the gambling, don't even think about it, every soldier in the Eternal Night Legion is precious, and he won't waste it on this day. On the other hand, even if it is to win the allegiance of a champion knight, a champion knight whose loyalty cannot be measured is not as valuable as a loyal soldier.

Skull Crusher McKee clicked repeatedly, then straightened his appearance, and walked over in a swaggering manner, What are you yelling about, I'm here.

You bastard, why don't you let me go out quickly? We agreed at the beginning that life and death are guaranteed in a fair and aboveboard game. If it weren't for this, I would have killed you and ran away. You won't regret it?

Tagore kicked the poured steel and half-foot-thick iron gate with a bang. Obviously, the prison life in the past few months was not comfortable. He threw a person who was used to the mountains and fields into the narrow room only three spans away. In the space, it is no different from a tiger locked in a cage. This resentment is naturally recorded on the head of Skull Crusher McGee.

Compared to the beginning, Tagore has been relatively restrained, because he knows that once he really breaks the iron gate, he will suffer.

The other party smoked with a certain kind of ointment, even if he was a champion knight, he would be sore and weak within a short time, like a pool of mud, at the mercy of others.

Tagore didn't pay much attention to the sequelae of numbness all over his body for a period of time afterwards. What really embarrassed him was that once the smoke cream was inhaled too much, it would cause incontinence.

In the beginning, the Eternal Night Legion had no way of knowing how much to use for a champion knight, and they all added heavy doses. If it wasn't for the timely rescue, Tagore would have suffocated to death.

After coming here several times in a row, Tagore became obviously a lot more honest. He was just rough and not stupid, so he would not send him to the door as a test product for the Eternal Night Army. Being more and more precise, being able to put yourself down without causing too much side effects to your body, isn't this just an experiment by the way, what is it?

Since then, Tagore also put away the last trace of contempt for the Eternal Night Army. The opponent's ability to come to the present is definitely not a fluke or luck.

I'm not blaming you. It's not serious. I almost didn't save my life. How can I pay attention to you? No, I just came to see you at the first time, and I don't miss you every day. , what is missing for you to drink is to have a smaller range of activities, as a man, I can't bear this grievance?

When McGee the Skull Crusher opened his mouth, he also yelled at his grievances, but he never mentioned the fact that he was in confinement. If he talked about his embarrassing things, the other party would not only not sympathize with him, but instead increase his capital to laugh at him.

Don't pretend to me here. I didn't count what I did myself? At most, you can lie down for a week, not to mention that you should enter the re-strengthening period of the champion knight now, eat more meat and drink more wine. It will recover in a few days, let me go out quickly, and prepare good wine and meat by the way, I will almost fade out.

Andis Tiger Tagore sneered at Skull Crusher McKee's justification.

You can have good wine and good meat. Let me let you out. I can't make the decision.

McGee, the Skull Crusher, was clearly prepared. After he greeted him, a large amount of food with the characteristics of the Eternal Night Legion was brought up. Seasonal side dishes, fresh fruits, steamed, fried and boiled meat and vegetarian dishes were all available. The most rare Yes, there are still two barrels of monkey wine. Once the lid is opened, the room is full of fruity and winey aroma.

In this era, wine is definitely a luxury, especially wine made from grain. When it is a problem to even have a full meal, there is no surplus grain to make wine, and fruit wine is inevitable.

The Andes people also have their own drinks, and the monkey wine that McGee brought out is one of the representatives.

Monkey wine is just a name. It is learned from monkeys, not really brewed by monkeys. The monkeys in the Andes Mountains are indeed a bit smart, but they are far from smart enough to make wine. Even if it is really brewed, most of it is by mistake, without screening and filtering, the only thing that tastes good is the hell.

The Monkey Wine of the Eternal Night Legion is brewed from a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and wild fruits, so it is also called Baiguo Wine. It is a newly launched luxury product. Among the nobles led by the Man Yu Army, It can be regarded as a little famous and very popular.

If some medicinal materials are properly matched, it will immediately become a medicinal wine with unique effects.

This thing, as long as the momentum is well done, even a glass of plain water can be blown into drinking immortal water, not to mention the medicinal wine of the Eternal Night Legion, it is indeed somewhat unique, and it is sold at a sky-high price. Nothing could be more normal.

The supply is still limited. As for whether it is because the craftsmanship is cumbersome and the supply is not enough, or the Eternal Night Legion is engaged in hunger sales, only the decision-makers of the Eternal Night Legion will know.

Although the Eternal Night Legion does not prohibit alcohol, it does not advocate drinking alcohol, especially in the army, that is, the veterans of the Skull Crusher Legion brought out by McGee the Skull Crusher have this hobby. The younger generation has the influence of Xiao En Next, they are very self-disciplined.

Wine is a thing that has both good and bad reputation.

However, in social situations, it does have a unique effect. When two people who were originally hostile, when they are drunk, they will tell their heartfelt words, and they may be able to untie a knot, and then call each other brothers and cry. .

This is quite suitable for Skull Crusher McGee and Andis Tiger Tagore.

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