The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 149: Night Leopard Kills

Charged into the battle, the affiliated engineering corps is indeed not the opponent of the main corps, but when it comes to infrastructure construction, they have rich experience, and they have already figured out a set of their own models. Stupid steampunk style, no one cares.

Some use these days is not bad, how can we pay so much attention to it.

This tactic was dubbed the tower defense tactic by the Eternal Night Legion. Although it was a bit boring and mindless, it was really easy to use and could torture the enemy to death.

Those who deserve the time-consuming and laborious tower defense tactics of the Eternal Night Legion are, after all, a minority, and most of them fled before the indiscriminate bombing tactics.

This is the biggest difference between ordinary people and regular soldiers.

The latter has become tenacious during long-term military training. The more elite they are, the more tenacious their will and the higher the bottom line of tolerance for casualties.

Most of the time, the former rely on their blood courage for a while. When this blood courage is wiped out with blood, they will flee at an astonishing speed, and even engulf others.

The defeat of the army is like a mountain, which is the situation.

As long as you follow behind these routs, they will open the gates of other cities for them.

Even so, it only took a short week for the Third Corps to rendezvous with Xiao En and the others, and one-third of the territory of the Three Cave League had already fallen into the hands of the Eternal Night Army.


night leopard.

A hunter unique to the Andes.

The creatures in the Andes Mountains are generally larger than those in other parts of the Arshan Continent. Whether it is herbivorous or carnivorous, it is said that they are not born this way. It is also related to the crazy blood research of the warlocks of the ancient Andes Empire. .

But there are exceptions to everything, and the night leopard is one of them. Even though its size is a little smaller than that of ordinary mountain leopards, it is one of the deadliest hunters in the mountains, especially at night. It stares, and the chance of seeing the sun the next day is only one in three.

Among the big cats, the night leopard is the best at lurking and has the best patience, which forms its unique hunting method.

The night leopard would either not launch an attack, but once it did attack, it would be fatal. If it missed a hit, it would immediately flee back into the darkness, waiting for the next opportunity to launch a fatal attack.

There is also a unit named Night Leopard in the Eternal Night Army.

The full name of this unit is the Night Leopard Army Special Forces. Like the Eagle Eye Special Service Division and the Skull Crusher Corps, it belongs to the special organization of the Eternal Night Army. It has a relatively independent organization. Although it is not large in scale, it has surpassed the ranks and directly belongs to the military. The staff department is in charge and is loyal to General Xiao En. If you want to mobilize this force, you must get Xiao En's nod.

The reason why this troop is named Yebao is to imply the fine traditions represented by Yebao - forbearance, perseverance, and a fatal blow.

Compared with ordinary troops, the training of this unit is harsh. The training intensity is not only several times that of ordinary soldiers, but also to learn some unconventional skills, such as night combat, lurking, water combat, camouflage, assassination, shooting, etc. A strict elimination system was implemented. Once one of the items failed to meet the standards, they would be immediately repatriated to the original unit. Soldiers who had this kind of experience wanted to die.

In the Eternal Night Legion, ordinary soldiers are proud to join the Night Leopard.

However, the threshold for Yebao is very high, and most of the soldiers will be turned away by just one item - they must have knight-level physical fitness, otherwise, even if they arrive at the Yebao training camp, they will be rejected in the first round of routine tests.

Although the life of the Eternal Night Legion has improved a lot in the past two years, at least it can fill the stomachs of the soldiers, but it is far from a reasonable combination of nutrition. The soldiers have entered the period of personal strength explosion, which is still relatively limited, except for personal efforts. , It also requires a certain amount of personal talent. It is quite remarkable for one of the two teams to become a knight.

Even if the days of the Eternal Night Legion become richer and the nutrition is reasonable, the chance of becoming a knight will only increase by a few percentage points.

Adequate food is, after all, a basic condition, not a necessity.

Not to mention that people's physical conditions are inherently different, and their own effort level also has a lot to do with it. Don't think that there are no lazy and unmotivated people in the group of Eternal Night Legion.

When there is no survival pressure and life becomes better and better, this kind of person is an inevitable product.

It's just that the Eternal Night Legion implements relatively strict military management. Such people have not shown much yet, but if they want to become knights, the training intensity of the Eternal Night Legion alone is not enough, and they need to work hard in private.

After all, the military training of the Eternal Night Legion is aimed at groups, and the standards set are quite broad, far from being able to squeeze their own potential.

It has been more than half a year since the establishment of the Night Leopard Marine Special Forces Team. The number of members has not increased but decreased. From the initial two hundred members, it has been eliminated to less than a hundred now. There are no more than three special warfare teams that can be established. The battle team, including the principal and deputy captain, has a total of ten people.

In other words, there are only thirty members of the real Night Leopard Marine Special Forces team, and the rest are substitutes.

Those who survived this harsh elimination mechanism were all top-notch, the best of the best.

And the special warfare team that can get the number one is naturally the No. 1 among them.

The first mission issued by the military staff to the Night Leopard Marine Special Operations Team naturally fell on the head of the Night Leopard First Special Operations Squad without a doubt.

Lying day and night, they are like ghosts. It took only three days to reach the designated location, lurking silently, not to mention the mountain people, even if many wild animals passed by them, they did not notice their presence.

Captain, we've been lurking here for almost a week, and there's no one there. Who are we going to kill? A night leopard soldier disguised as a bush asked the captain beside him in a weak mosquito voice. Ten meters are under his monitoring range, there is no one, and he is still subconsciously vigilant.

Shut up, you're the only one who talks too much. If you continue to talk so much and go back to the camp, I'll be the first to replace you and memorize the rules of the Special Forces three times silently. The first team of the Yebao Marine Special Forces Captain Barry is a young man who is not too tall but full of agility at first sight.

In fact, few of the night leopard soldiers selected were tall and simple.

Special operations need to face all kinds of complex environments, and it really won't work if you don't have a bit of cleverness.

Oh! The night leopard soldier suddenly fell into silence, and on the entire mountain ridge, only the wind blowing grass and trees and the roaring of animals and birds and insects were left.

This silence lasted less than ten minutes, and the Night Leopard soldier said again, Captain, I finished reciting silently, and you haven't answered my question just now.

Barry wanted to jump out and give this guy a hard time. He asked him to recite the rules of the Special Forces to remind him not to speak freely during the execution of the mission, especially this kind of wild speculation about the mission is a big taboo .

If he hadn't been the best sniper crossbow among all special forces, he would have kicked out this guy codenamed Tanuki long ago.

It’s just that there are no perfect people in this world. Talking is an old habit of civet cats. I don’t know how much I have suffered from it, and I can’t change it. Because of this, I was almost kicked out from the night leopards. The talent won back the opportunity to stay on trial.

During the harsh training of the Night Leopard Marine Special Forces, this problem was corrected a lot, and after being closed several times in a row, it seldom happened again.

However, after holding back for a week, I have reached the limit. This kind of aimless and boring waiting is the most exhausting will, and time passes extremely slowly.

Fortunately, they have all undergone strict training in this area, and their endurance in this area is far above that of ordinary people. After waiting for a week, except for some minor problems of their own that started to break out, the overall situation was not affected much.

Although this is the first actual battle of the first night leopard team, their combat experience is very rich, because they usually conduct military exercises, and they are also fighting against the specially trained night leopard team. In order to compete for the first place Heads, they don't know how to release water, all kinds of weird methods emerge one after another, the two sides lurked and confronted each other, moved forward inch by inch, and squatted for weeks in a row.

Seeing that Captain Barry didn't respond to him, the civet cat could only mutter to himself, It's too far away from the Third Corps, so it's unlikely to intercept and kill the dispatched messenger. After all, the battle line is so long, even if the opponent sends one or two A messenger is useless, and it is impossible to be a large army. Even if we are all big knights, without a follow-up army, we are still looking for a dead end.

I heard that Your Excellency, General, sits in the medical research base. We are now stuck on the only way for the Three-hole League to go here. Is it to prevent the assassins of the Three-hole League? They won't be so stupid and fall into the same trap twice, right? ?”

Shut up, someone is coming, enter the first level of alert. Barry shouted, and at the same time echoed three unique bird songs, lifelike.

It's finally here. The civet cat was shaken, with a solemn expression, although his lips were still moving, but no sound was coming out. This is an original method he invented to overcome his own problems, and it is very useful.

Silently, the sniper crossbow has been wound up, and Wangshan is calibrated, and the sniper scope is carefully installed.

This is a good thing, with this little thing, he can clearly see a rabbit three or four hundred meters away, and with it, the power of the sniper crossbow is immediately increased by ten times.

This treasure, even in the Eternal Night Legion, is a scarce item, and only the head and above are equipped, and their Ye Bao relied on the principle of priority equipment, and they did not exceed five pieces.

For these five treasures, Yebao's three teams almost beat out their brains.

Relying on the superb cooperation among the members, their first team snatched two pieces, one in the hands of the lookout and one in his hands.

Three minutes later, three figures appeared at the corner of the mountain. They were all dressed up as ordinary mountain people, with bows and arrows, and seven or eight hounds. , How can a person who can possess knight-level strength be an ordinary mountain dweller, and there are three of them as soon as they appear.

Especially the one at the front is full of energy, and there is no prestige between looking around.

Anyone with a little training can tell that this is a great knight.

The big knight obviously had some doubts on his face, and his eyes always inadvertently swept across the hiding place of the members of the first special operations team of the Yebao, as if he had found something, but there was really nothing there, so he could only keep urging the two A knight attendant, quicken the pace.

boom! boom! boom!

Just as the big knight led the two knights away from the valley, several roars came from the mountainside on both sides, and seven or eight boulders left their positions at the same time, and rolled down rumblingly, following closely behind. Behind them was a pile of thick, roughly shaved logs.

There is a trap! Back!

The big knight suddenly changed color. No wonder since he entered this valley, he has always felt that something is wrong. It turned out that there was something wrong with the placement of those boulders, and he didn't even think of the simplest rolling stone trap.

The big knight's reaction was swift, he dragged the two attendants and ran back crazily.

It's not that he doesn't want to charge forward, but that the trigger of the trap is very accurate in timing. The rolling wood and stone trap covers a wide range, and the front occupies the majority. Even if he has a very small chance of rushing over, let alone with two a burden.

Wang! Wang! Wang!

There was a hound's screaming from behind the great knight.

Although these hounds have been trained for a long time, they are still not enough to look at the vicious traps of humans, and none of them are spared, and they are all folded here.


At the moment when the rolling log and stone trap was launched, the civet cat pulled the trigger without hesitation. The sound of the sniper crossbow that had been specially silenced was not loud, and it was completely inaudible amidst the huge roar.

The thick and long crossbow almost crossed the boundary of space, and appeared directly in front of a knight, without even having time to reflect, it was directly nailed to the opponent's neck, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

The civet cat's first sniping target did not choose the strongest knight, but chose one of the two relatively weak knights. Not only did they have poor reflexes, but now they were dragged into the hands of the knight, and they couldn't help themselves.

At the same time, the civet cat also showed a beautiful prediction. What he predicted just now was not only the reaction of a knight, but also the reaction of a great knight. This is a bit scary. This is why he can become the night leopard ace The root of the hand.

After the big knight completely avoided the trap of rolling logs and rocks, only two dead bodies were dragged in his hands.

Although the other attendant knight was not attacked by the sniper, he was possessed by bad luck and was pierced through the chest by a broken branch brought by the rolling wood and stone.

Who! Who are you? Come out to me! Come out to me!

The big knight was going crazy. How could someone set up an ambush for a very simple envoy mission?

Without even seeing the face of the enemy, he became a loner, naturally shocked and angry.

Who is making life difficult for the Three-hole League?

Could it be other members of the Walled City Alliance? Heard some rumors and wanted to get in the way?

its not right!

Of the four major city lords, one was killed, one was seriously injured and captured, and the other was captured alive. Only his own city lord escaped the catastrophe. The remaining small city lords were forced into a mess by the Eternal Night Army. Now they are devastated and can't take care of themselves. What does the League do?

Who exactly?

Why do you want to do this?

Could it be that he ran into a strong man in the mountains and wanted to rob money?

The big knight was almost laughed at by the last thought. If anyone robbed this barren mountain and wilderness here, he would have starved to death a long time ago.

All kinds of distracting thoughts flashed through the big knight's mind, but he was not idle, while moving at high speed, his eyes were like eagle eyes, looking around, looking for the hiding place of the ambush.

The other party is obviously good at this aspect. The big knight just found several suspicious places, but he is not sure if there are any Tibetans there. In this situation, the other party obviously will not give him a chance to investigate one by one.

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