The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 138 Training in progress

Darnell started the real training without giving Ms. Elena any more time to think.

From the beginning to the end, Darnell did not expect his own words to make these people realize their epiphanies and become champion knights.

If champion knights were really that easy to appear, they wouldn't be offered up as treasures by those lords.

Darnell didn't have much confidence in this training plan for the champion knight devil. It's normal for one of them to fail.

If one succeeds, they are considered successful.

If there are two, they are lucky.

It is unimaginable that there will be three, and it will be the most glorious thing in Darnell's life.

As for the appearance of more than four, it is purely a dream. If Darnell really had this ability, he would have been confessed as a half god by the Holy See of Ether.

Actual combat is Darnell's real training method.

And it's a stressful battle.

A duel between a grand knight and a grand knight.

A melee between several great knights.

In the end, Darnell went off in person, facing several great knights at the same time.

Although it was not the first time to see the champion knight make a move, when Darnell made a move, Sean was still relaxed and happy. The kind of swordsmanship full of artistic beauty makes people never get tired of watching it.

A duel between a champion knight and a grand knight is different from a duel between two champion knights.

This is a one-sided suppression, even if several great knights are facing Darnell at the same time.

Dangerous circles are born.

Darnell with a sword in his hand and Darnell without a sword in his hand are two completely different people.

When he was on the battlefield with a sword in his hand, the gentle and humble missionary disappeared without a trace, and what was left was a cold and hard stone, and the sword and the sword were all rushing to kill the opponent.

To be more precise, the swordsmanship of champion knights is a murderous swordsmanship that has been honed over thousands of years, and has nothing to do with their personalities, because it has been integrated into their physical instincts. It is extremely difficult to let them release water.

As for the swordsmanship of substituting defense for offense and yielding three points, it only exists in legends and imaginations.

Even if there is, the person who uses this kind of swordsmanship is either an idiot who has never been on the battlefield and fought with others, or the grass on the grave is already ten feet high.

No matter how good the defense is, there will be loopholes. Once someone catches the loophole, it will be fatal. What's more, a sword is not a shield. If you use a sword as a shield, isn't this purely brain-dead behavior?

The gentleman's swordsmanship of humility.

That's even worse, because swordsmanship is integrated into the body's instinctive reaction, let alone a champion knight, even a great knight, the body reaction speed is often faster than the brain reaction speed.

I have really practiced the gentleman's swordsmanship of three points of humility. Isn't this purely courting death?

Your opponent will not give in to you.

After discovering this point, Sean never dared to practice with great knights and champion knights who surpassed him too much. If the opponent was not careful and showed his instinct, he would be killed.

He is still laying the foundation now, and it is imperative to hone his physical fitness and fighting skills to the peak.

In Darnell's words, not learning to walk is like trying to run without fear of breaking bones.

He should do a good job honestly, his logistics support work!

Before the formal training started, the originally scheduled six and a half became six.

Training went on for two days, and six became four.

The two great knights Yarman and Barron were also brushed off, one with a broken leg, and the other with three broken ribs.

Had it not been for the great success of Sean's medical experiment under the leadership of Manyu, and Darnell's assistance, Yarman, whose ribs were broken, might be in danger.

Their foundation is still too shallow, let alone compared to Darnell, even compared to the other four people, there is still a distance.

Their injuries were not caused by Darnell, but by Xiao En's bodyguard, Baozi.

Others still know how to stop. This guy usually looks so stupid and stupid. Once he enters the fighting state, he is no different from a wild beast. Now only Sean can barely cool him down. The temptation is to let him withdraw from the fighting state, otherwise he will die forever.

Facing this fighting style, even Darnell has to be careful.

When confronting Darnell, even if you are wearing heavy armor, you must be careful. The power of a long sword in the hands of this humanoid monster is completely different from that of ordinary people. It is not difficult for them to cut through steel armor.

In the beginning, there were two people facing Darnell, but they were crushed too hard. Later, it became three, and they were still crushed. In the end, the four went into battle together, and they were supported by Darnell's crazy attack.

It's just hard support, and it's basically impossible to fight back.

Darnell fully demonstrated the phrase of standing on the top of the world by personal force.

His flashing trick is really rogue, we must find a way to break it, otherwise, even if we repeat it a thousand times, we will still be crushed and beaten.

Soaking in the hot spring with no less than a hundred kinds of medicinal materials, the Great Knight of Agel, while enjoying the loosening of bones and tendons of professionals, closed his eyes and recalled the whole process of the noon battle, discussing feasible tactics with others.

It's really a rogue. The whole thing is a flash bomb, which makes people hard to guard against. Before you can react, the battle is over. It's impossible to avoid it. I think it's more appropriate for you to work hard on blind combat. In this respect , the buns are made very well.”

Although Sean can't participate in the training, he can still be a dog-headed military strategist, especially as a bystander, he can see things that people in the field can't notice.

His mind was already full of weird things, and the opinions and tactics he came up with were also unexpected.

It was precisely because of such unscrupulous heresy tricks as lime-sprinkling that they barely survived, otherwise they would have been brought down by Darnell on the first day.

Darnell's spell power is a very rare light system, but his light spell power is not very helpful for healing, not even as useful as Sean's fire system, at least it can burn and stop bleeding.

Thinking about it, people are not plants, and they don't know how to photosynthesize. Where does the healing of the power of light come from?

On the contrary, there is a certain reason for the nourishment of the body by the power of water spells. After all, 70% of the human body is composed of water!

Darnell's power of light spells is more inclined to the ability to manipulate light. For example, he can manipulate the surrounding light to make himself disappear from the eyes of others, so as to achieve the purpose of invisibility. In fact, he himself does not Not moving, like magic, confuses your vision.

Another example is a little spell material, coupled with its own control of light, the alien version of the flash grenade will appear, which can cause blindness to the enemy for a few seconds, and blindness for a few seconds in front of a champion knight, which means there is no need to say more , Even if he is also a champion knight, it is enough for him to die several times, let alone a great knight.

For the time being, we can only strengthen blind combat practice. Ajel said helplessly.

In fact, there is another way, that is, the oppressive Darnell has no chance to use the flash bomb, but they are obviously not qualified.

The high-intensity battle for three consecutive days tortured them to the point of dying. Even with their monster-like physical fitness, they couldn't keep up with their self-recovery.

At this time, the key to Xiao En's logistical supply is reflected. The high-energy food that is most conducive to their body's absorption and a hearty hot spring medicinal bath can greatly relieve their physical fatigue. They can even clearly feel that, My body is absorbing the special substances it needs from the hot spring water, and I can clearly feel that my body is undergoing subtle changes.

They only experienced this feeling when they were knights.

This greatly stimulated them and made them full of confidence. Even if this devil training could not make them become champion knights, it would pave the way for them to become champion knights in the future.

Uncle Achill, Brother Sean, what are you doing? Playing with water? Ma Ma said, those who play with water are bad boys, are you all bad boys?

A little man appeared by the pool, about three or four years old, carved in pink and jade, dragging a big deer cloth doll, with big eyes flickering, like a deer in the forest that has been lost all the time.

It's little Elena, shouldn't you be taking a nap now? Why did you run out by yourself? The man present couldn't help but disappeared into the hot spring. Although there was only a little one in front of him, it was indecent to be naked. .

The little guy carved in powder and jade is none other than the baby girl Elena, who was picked up by Sean from the ruins of the walled city back then.

Originally Sean was going to take her as his daughter, but after seeing her, Ms. Elena liked her very much and kept muttering. Back then, she wanted a daughter to play with, but in the end she gave birth to a one with a handle and no hair. Chang Qi, what kind of father should you be? If you want a daughter, you have to find someone to give birth to.

In front of the domineering mother, Sean had no strength to fight back at all. His goddaughter was gone, and he became a godsister. Ms. Elena always took her by her side and raised her.

Compared with little Elena, Sean found that his son was a fake.

Ms. Elena loves little Elena to the bottom of her heart. No matter how busy she is, she will spare time to accompany this little guy every day. This is a treatment Sean has never had.

In fact, according to the situation at the time, Ms. Elena was also the most suitable to take care of little Elena.

Because little Yi Lianna was on the brink of death, and she was awakened when she was a baby. It is also a very rare power of light magic.

Awakening spell power in infancy is a very dangerous thing, so there is no need to re-describe it here, just like a child playing with a sharp sword, he will hurt himself if he is not careful.

In this regard, Ms. Elena, an unreliable mother in Sean's eyes, has rich experience. Not only is Sean's precedent, Angel Bena was also pulled back from the hands of death alive by her.

Fortunately, the magic power of the light system may be the least guilty of harming a warlock's body among all magic powers.

Even so, little Elena also had various abnormal behaviors, such as her approach. There were three big knights and a warlock knight present, but she didn't notice it at all.

Her body is always looming, sometimes her arms are gone, sometimes her legs are gone, sometimes even her head is gone.

Fortunately, it is broad daylight now, if it happened suddenly in the middle of the night, I would think it was a ghost baby, and good people would be scared to death.

Even so, in the medical research base, her name as a little ghost girl is still very famous. Some little girls dare not even walk at night, lest they run into her in the middle of the night. After doing this, they can't sleep for half a month.

Fortunately, little Yi Lianna is in the hands of the Eternal Night Legion. If she falls into the hands of ordinary people, what awaits her will be the fate of being sent to the stake.

To put it bluntly, the principle is still the control of light, just like a chameleon, which changes the color of its surroundings according to the environment, but unlike Darnell's complete control, little Elena's magic power is completely out of control, more precisely To put it bluntly, it keeps changing with the change of the owner's mood. If you look carefully, there is still a bit of innocence in it.

There is a saying among warlocks that has been circulating for many years. This kind of young awakened warlock is the most terrifying existence to ordinary people-they don't know how to control themselves, do whatever they want, and sometimes do the most cruel things in the world with their childlike hearts .

Elena also wants to play in the water, but she won't let it go. Little Elena blinked her big eyes, looking at the hot spring with a look of longing. Ms. Elena is very intimidating to her, even if she is not by her side. willing to disobey easily.

Small, why did you sneak away in a blink of an eye? Didn't you say that you can play a game of catching light with your uncle? How can you play hide and seek with your uncle?

Darnell followed closely, ignoring the existence of Sean and the others, squatting down and saying to little Elena with a really kind expression.

Seeing little Elena for the first time, Darnell seemed to have picked up a peerless treasure.

The light element is the rarest of the six magical abilities, but the most common ones are the fire element like Xiao En, and the dark element. It is said that this is directly related to the origin of the magical power.

The power of magic is not innate to human beings. Speaking of this, we need to talk about the history of the Arshan continent.

According to the existing records, the Chronicle of the Arshan Continent is divided into six eras, namely the Age of Gods, the Age of Giant Dragons, the Age of Giants, the Age of Elves, the Age of the Andes Empire, and the Age of the Byron Alliance.

The Age of Gods is basically untestable, and there are no documents or other materials left. It is more like myths and legends. The Holy See of the Holy See affirms the existence of the Age of Gods and believes that they created the Arshan Continent, but those warlocks scoffed. Thinking that this is just their imaginary beautification, the two sides often clashed because of this.

The Age of Dragons and Age of Giants, from some unearthed skeleton fossils and some huge buildings that have been left for an unknown number of years, it has been confirmed that they did exist and ruled this continent, but what kind of life is they? How many years ago did the model live, this has not yet been determined.

The archeology of this world is still in its infancy. It is not based on the idea of ​​exploring history, but is full of utilitarianism. The research is all on the ancient Andes Empire, and it will not go farther than the Elven Empire. They have unearthed knowledge that is useful to them.

Similarly, the age of dragons is too far away from the age of giants, and it is not in the topic we are describing today. The only thing worth mentioning is that the barbarians of Kentana Icefield are said to be the only descendants of giants in this world. There is still a totem worship of giants, but it is not known whether it is true or not.


The next chapter somewhat involves the Chronicle of the Arshan Continent. I didn’t want to write it at first, but the world view of this world is not complete without writing. Some things written by the author, the readers are also confused.

For those who don't like to read long introductory texts, first say sorry, and try to avoid such large introductory texts in the future.

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