The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era [BL]



ASTRID woke up feeling refreshed. Today was an important day. That's why he slept early to make sure he would feel energized for today's schedule. Because today was the first script reading of [Serendipitous Summer].

This would not only be the first script reading for the movie, it would also be his first script reading after being reincarnated in this era. Which was only natural since the roles he'd been given until now didn't need him to participate in any script reading.

In [The Sleeping God], he was only a late addition that didn't have that much screen time. In [Blind Justice], he was only a guest for an episode. And with [The Great War], even though he had a pretty big supporting role, Director Scott didn't require them to have a script reading.

Probably because the series was 35 episodes long, which was unusually long for a limited series of this era. Director Scott was known to not waste time during production. Maybe he considered the time they would spend doing script reading a waste. Something that could be spent filming instead.

That's why this would be Astrid's first script reading. It's not only because of that. There was also the fact that this movie would be his first leading role. So, of course, he would want everything to proceed in the best way possible. He didn't want for there to be any complications.

Today, he would know if there was a sign of any complication arising. After all, he would meet all the cast members today. So, he could observe them and then see if any of them could be a problem. If there was someone, or some people, who would fit the bill, he could make advance preparation just in case they became a pain in the ass later on.

It would have been better if he could immediately kick them out of the production. Just like that old adage, 'prevention is better than cure'. But, alas, he didn't really have that kind of influence in this film. Moreover, kicking a cast member before the production even started meant that it would be delayed again because the crew would have to cast another actor to replace the who got kicked out.

At the end, he could only hope that none of what he's worrying about would happen. And the people he would work with in this movie would have a certain degree of professionalism.

Astrid got up and took a bath. After bathing, he changed to the clothes he had prepared last night. A navy blazer over white button down shirt that was tucked in dark jeans. He finished it off with a pair of white sneakers. It's a comfortable yet neat look.

Although fashion in this era tended to be more elaborate and colorful, he still preferred simple and muted colors.

He just finished styling his hair when a message notification from his Terminal sounded. He quickly opened the message, which was from Ellis.

[I'm already downstairs.]

He replied, saying he would be down in a moment.

Then he walked out of his room.

"Xiao Lan, please take care of the house while I'm gone," he said as he passed by the AI robot cat.

"Yes, master. Don't worry. And have a wonderful day at work," the little cat said.

Astrid smiled and ruffled the cat's head before leaving.

He got on the elevator, and it quickly arrived on the ground floor. Walking out of the building, he immediately saw a vehicle that looked like a mix between a small trailer and an SUV.

This vehicle was often called a 'celebrity car' in this era. Most actors who usually had a pack shooting schedule often used this kind of vehicle to at least have a bit of comfort in between filming.

As soon as he walked beside the vehicle, the side door opened almost automatically. He got inside, greeting Ellis, sitting there.

Hopping inside, the interior of the car again amazed him. Just like he said, it's like a mixture of a trailer and an SUV, so there were a lot of things that could be put inside.

Of course, there was the driver's seat and the passenger's seat. A table on the left side of the car with benches on opposite sides. There was a pantry and a refrigerator that were stealthily hidden. One had to push some buttons in order for them to appear. There was also a closet where he could put his clothes. At the end of the car was a couch that could be turned into a small bed. The only thing missing was a bathroom and one could live here.

The company provided this amazing car for him. One would think that Polaris was being too generous to a rookie actor. But it just turned out that this rookie actor had debuted rank 100th on the [Star List]. An amazing feat that's deserving of the company's investment.

Astrid sat opposite of Ellis, who was sitting on one of the benches. As soon as he did, the car started. Obviously, it was already programmed to do so as soon as he arrived.

"Are you ready for today?" Ellis asked.

"I'm always ready," Astrid assured the other.

Ellis nodded. She knew that Astrid would be ready, but as the other's agent, she still had to ask. "By the way, are you still receiving threatening messages?"

After the release of [Star List] a week ago, the [StarNet] was abuzz. Because a rookie of three months made it to the top 100. A surprise even to her. But a very pleasant one.

She remembered how Astrid made an announcement when she had just became his agent. That he would be at the top 100 once the [Star List] was released at the end of the year. And that announcement did happen. Remarkably so.

But there were also negative consequences of that. The hate comments Astrid received after that were enormous. It even trended on [Cyberspace] for a whole day. Not only that, he also started receiving death threats.

It had been very chaotic since.

We're in the new volume! Yey!~


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