The Novel’s Extra’s Extra

CHAPTER 81 – Weeks prior to the final exam (Part 3)

“Hajin! Welcome!” Fran welcomed Hajin into the orphanage, he came here after I told him to, as we were going to go look for Shina in Gangwondo.

“Hey, man. How are you?” I also said hi to him.

“I’m fine, thanks. I hope I’m not troubling you too much.” He said to Fran. “And, here dude, this is the permit for you to bring Shina.” Hajin said while giving me a paper.

Examining the paper, I found out that it was a permit so I could bring Shina back to Cube and even certified her as a pet. It also had a slight description of her, a big-sized leopard cat with a speck on her left eye and not that many specks on the body, with a long black line going from her neck towards her tail.

“Wow… This even has my name and ID so I can confirm my ownership of Shina on every portal I go through.”

“That’s it. So, you can already go look for her, I don’t have to go, right?”

“Oh well, if you don’t want to.” I shrugged. “I’ll go.”

“Okay, see you then man.”

“You’re staying, right? Hajin?” Fran asked with a smile.

“Oh, sure. I will stay for a little bit.”

“Great, that way you can monitor the kid. Don’t worry about the kids, they are usually fine. But Olivia tends to miss her training.”

“Oh, sure, whatever you say.” He turned his eyes.

“Well, I’m leaving.” I said to him. “I’ll be back once I get Shina. See you then, Fran.”

“Take care! Hope you come here fast!” Fran said to me while waving her hand.

“Yeah, man, take care. Hope you find her quick.” Hajin also nodded at me.

After that, I went towards the portal station, to look for Shina.


Two hours have passed since Cristopher went to look for Shina, Kim Hajin was currently drinking some coffee in the backyard of the orphanage, while seeing the kids train, some of them were meditating, while others were training physically.

“It’s amazing… That these kids are training like this, even at this age…” Kim Hajin said to Fran, who was also drinking some coffee beside him.

“Not really.” She said before sipping her coffee.

“Mm? What do you mean?”

“You see, these kids have nothing on their name, until a few months ago, they were just living, hoping that someday they would be able to achieve their dreams. Now? They’re trying as hard as they can so they could at least do something about their future.”

“And what happened? What made them change?”

“I think you already know the answer, Hajin.” Fran smiled.


“Indeed.” Her smile deepened. “I was surprised when I discovered he didn’t remember us at all… But, deep inside, I felt that he was the same kid I saw growing up. And I was right.”

“He… Didn’t change…?”

“No. He did change. Something from him was not the same.” She frowned. “But that doesn’t mean he became someone completely different… It’s hard to actually put it in words, but let’s just say that it was as if he suddenly grew old, too old, after passing for something difficult.”

“…” Hajin looked down as if thinking about what Fran just said.

“Don’t worry though… It may be me that’s making these conclusions.” Fran shrugged. “After all, how can we know what other people think deep in their mind and heart, right?” She smiled at him.

“Sister Fran!” A sudden voice came from the entrance to the backyard.

“Mm?” Fran turned and discovered a girl and a guy, both young adults that aren’t even in their twenties. “Oh, my! Ryan! Sara! It’s so good to see you!” Fran stood up and walked towards them, giving them a strong hug.

“It’s good to see you too!” The girl, Sara, answered while also hugging Fran strongly. She was a 1,68 meters woman with long dark-brown hair, wearing a black leather jacket and jean pants. While she had the right curves, some definition could be seen on her muscles even through her clothes. “I’ve missed you so much!”

“Me too… I’ve missed you, Miss Fran…” Ryan, the blond-haired guy that was wearing a simple black t-shirt and camouflage military pants said. He had the build of a trained soldier, with some scars on his arms.

“I’m glad you two are safe. How have things been going for you two?” Fran smiled and separated from them.

“Well… It’s been good, really, we’ve been hunting with a team, the pay gets divided, but we at least feel it’s safer that way.” Sara shrugged.

“Yeah, that way isn’t as dangerous as you would expect from hunting solo, at least until we gain some more experience and well, better equipment.” Ryan scratched the back of his head. “Also… What’s happening here? I mean… With the kids, what are they training for?” He turned to look into the garden.

“Yeah, and who are those? I’ve never seen them before… Don’t tell me… Are people abandoning grown ones too!?” Sara shouted alarmed.

“Hahaha no, silly! They’re friends. They’re just visiting us.” Fran shrugged. “And well, to answer your question, Ryan, they’re training. Cristopher is training them, just in case. He wanted to help Antonio with his dream of becoming a hero, and somehow the rest of them joined.”

“Wow! Really!? Even Anne?” Sara was surprised.

“Cristopher…? Where is him, then? Shouldn’t he be here then?” Ryan frowned.

“Come on, Ryan, relax. It’s not time to get into a fight or anything.” Sara pushed Ryan.

“I’m not fighting… It’s just that it’s weird. He was never one to…”

“Haha… You both were always fighting since he was little!” Fran pushed him too.

“It was his fault! If he wasn’t so…”

“So, what? You were the one who was always behind him, trying to play with him.” Sara turned her eyes.

“Well, come here. I’ll present you both to our new friends. I’m sure the kids would also love to see you.” Fran said while guiding them towards Hajin, who was looking at them with some curiosity in his eyes. “Hajin, these here are Ryan and Sara. They were part of the orphanage, but right now are out, trying to make a living by themselves.” Fran smiled while presenting them.

“Um… Hello.” Hajin nodded at them while scratching his head. “I’m Kim Hajin.”

“Hello! I’m Sara! Sara Castillo!” Sara said while putting her hand out for a handshake, which Kim Hajin took.

“My name’s Ryan Jones.” Ryan put his hand forwards, which Hajin also grabbed and shook.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you both.”

“Same here!”


“Well, I guess that’s enough… Mm… We better wait for Olivia to finish her training until she can say hi, haha, you see! Cristopher’s kind of strict with her!” Fran said while looking at the training Olivia, who was working on her magic power control with four knives.

“Mm? Is he training her too?”

“Yeah, he is.” Hajin shrugged at Ryan’s question.

“So… I’ll guess that you both are Cristopher’s friends, right?” Sara asked.

“Pfft… As if he would have friends.” Ryan crossed his arms and looked away.

“Haha well, you see, Ryan. They are Cristopher’s friends indeed!” Fran said with a smile.

“Hahaha did you hear? People change. Ryan. You should grow up too!” Sara also told him.

“Shut up! I’ll change my opinion on him when he apologizes!”

“You’re too hung up on the past…” Sara shook her head.

“Indeed… And well, maybe it would be quite difficult for him to apologize to you… Hehe…” Fran said with an awkward smile.

“Yeah… I would pay to see that guy apologizing…” While Hajin muttered unconsciously…

“Oh, come on! He’s not that bad of a kid, okay?” Fran said while frowning.

“Then? Why do you say he’s not apologizing?” Ryan lifted an eyebrow.

“Because… Well, let’s say he doesn’t remember too much… He has amnesia. And doesn’t remember anything from before entering Cube.” Fran said with an awkward face.

“What!?” Both Ryan and Sara asked in surprise.

“Yeah… So… Try to be as understanding as possible with him. And don’t tell the kids… We somehow got to trick them into thinking he was just playing around when he didn’t remember them haha…” Fran scratched the back of her head.

“Talking about the devil, here he comes.” Hajin said.

And a few moments later, passing through the door to the backyard, was Cristopher, along with a quite big leopard cat on his side, making everyone, except Hajin, look with their mouths wide opened.

“I’m back!” Cristopher shouted at them while smiling and waving his hand.

“Um… Cristopher… Didn’t you say that Shina was a cute cat…?” Fran asked with a worried face.

“Huh? What do you mean? She is! Look at her!” Making Cristopher take a strange pose as if presenting something to them. “Where would you find a cat as cute as her!?”

“… This guy…” Ryan was openmouthed, not even knowing what to say.

“Haha… I guess he’s still the same weird guy as always…” Sara followed.

“Mm? Who the hell are you two? And who are you calling weird?” Cristopher tilted his head while frowning.

*Tch…* You!” Ryan started walking, but Fran put her hand in front.

“Now, now! Let’s calm down. Remember what I told you before?” Fran looked at him, before turning to Cristopher. “They’re the ones I told you about… Well, part of them at least. Remember?”

“Mm? Oh, the older kids from the orphanage? I remember.” Cristopher nodded.

“Kids? I’m older than you by two years.” Ryan said, with a slightly defiant tone.

“He… Really?” Making Cristopher smirk.

“Dude… Relax… The kids are watching.” Hajin suddenly intervened, standing up and walking towards Cristopher.

“Oh well, whatever.” He just shrugged. “So, everything good while I was away?”

“Yeah, they are amazing in a certain sense… I never thought kids would train so diligently like that…”

“It’s good then.” Cristopher smiled.

“Oppa!” Suddenly, a screaming 6yo girl came running towards them, calling Oppa.

“Oh? Anne! Good to see you!” Ryan kneeled to receive the girl with a smile, but she just went past him towards Cristopher. Leaving him with the smile frozen on his face.

“Oppa! Oppa! What’s that!?” She started shouting while pointing at the leopard cat.

“She’s a leopard cat, Anne. Her name’s Shina. Isn’t her cute?”

“Yes!” She beamed with stars in her eyes. “Can I pat her!?”

“Um, Anne… Maybe you should-” Fran tried to say, but was quickly interrupted.

“Of course! She has such a soft fur!” Cristopher said while kneeling down. “Look, look.” And started petting Shina’s fur, making the big leopard cat rest in front of him to be petted.

“Woa!” Anne didn’t wait for longer and also started petting her. “She’s so soft!”

“See? I told you! She’s my cute little cat, of course, she would be soft.” Cristopher smirked.

“Hyung!” Another child came running towards them.

“…Oh? If it isn’t our Antonio! How have you been kid!?” Ryan, as if forgetting what just happened, reached towards the running Antonio with a smile. But once again, was left with his arm stretched and a smile frozen on his face.

“Hyung! Hyung! Can I pat her too!?” Antonio asked.

“Of course! She loves it!” Cristopher smiled deeper. With only Hajin knowing how petty his friend is actually acting right now.

Right after that, the rest of the kids came running, bypassing Ryan and running towards Shina, who was extremely happy to be petted by so many kids, for some reason.

Some of the kids did say hi and saluted both Ryan and Sara, the older ones at least, but most of the kids went directly to rub Shina’s fur.

“Umm… Don’t be sad… It’s just, the kids love cute animals, you see? Haha…” Fran tried to comfort Ryan, who was crouched on one corner of the garden, hugging his knees and looking away.

The rest of the day was just the kids playing with Shina, while Hajin, Cristopher, Fran, and the two newcomers were talking about various things.

Meanwhile, Olivia, who secretly also wanted to pet Shina, was sulking and shedding a few tears while training. Something that both Hajin and Cristopher could see, but didn’t say anything, or she would start shouting at them.

Ryan also tried to pick a fight with Cristopher, which made the latter amused, smirking while retorting to his comments.

After the day was over, and everyone had dinner together, Cristopher, Hajin, Olivia, and Shina, got back to Cube. Surprising everyone on the way, as they basically had a big leopard cat walking alongside them.

A few of the instructors and personnel of Cube questioned them, and even some cops back in Seoul, but it was enough to show Cube’s permit to make them go back without looking for problems.


The next day, on Monday, they all started going to classes again, while Shina just stayed back in the room with food and enough water. Thankfully, she was intelligent enough to understand that she had to wait for Cristopher to attend classes.

Once inside the classroom. A big change took place. Chae Nayun cut her hair short. If it reached her chest before, it now barely reached her shoulders.

Everyone was surprised and had one possibility on their head. It was because of the duel against Kim Hajin.

People talked with her about her hair, while Hajin was constantly stealing glances at her, turning back down towards the desk once he thought she would turn to look at him.

Once the professor of PRAI entered, he started talking about the incoming theory exams and what they would include, which was until Aurora Reaction.

There were a few problems that he was explained, and he actually decided to let both Cristopher and Hajin resolve them, using their answers as an example of how they had to do it. While Cristopher was happy to go back to sleep once he solved the problem; Hajin got a little embarrassed, and tried to cover his face on his desk.

Curiously, Chae Nayun, for the first time, did pay attention to Hajin solving the problem, though, her attention vanished once the professor started to explain again.

After classes, everyone went to do their things, either practicing or studying for the final exams.

That night, as usual, Cristopher trained with Rachel, explaining to her how she could improve her control over her elemental’s fire.

While at the same time, Hajin was practicing in the shooting range before he had to go to the Fitness Center to train with Olivia and Cristopher. But he wasn’t alone, as in the shooting room next to his, Chae Nayun was also practicing, but differently from what you would expect from someone training in the Shooting Range, she wasn’t using her bow, but a sword.

And after a little while, they both coincidently went out of their shooting room at the same time.



Both of them were completely in silence, not knowing what to say or do. Until Kim Hajin decided to speak first, afraid of her attacking him for all he said to her during the archery duel.

“D-Did you finish your archery practice?”

“Huh…? Oh! Y-yeah… I did…” Chae Nayun answered while slightly averting her eyes. Before looking back awkwardly and retorting as she usually would. “W-what? I can’t!?”

“No,” Hajin shook his head. “Keep up the good work.” He said before starting to walk out of the place.

“Um, hey!” Chae Nayun called him, making him turn and look at her.


“You… Um, you said you quit smoking…” She said shyly.

“What…?” He asked back, quite surprised by the question that came out of nowhere. “I did.” Shortly after, he nodded, answering her.

“So, who did you quit…?” Chae Nayun asked, slightly awkwardly.

“…” Surprised again by the apparently irrelevant question, Kim Hajin stood there quiet for a little bit, before answering. “You don’t need to know…” He frowned and then left the place towards the Fitness Center. Leaving Chae Nayun there, looking at his back.


The rest of the weeks passed the same way, with Cristopher either training himself, training with Olivia or Rachel, or training with the kids. He also kept going towards Seoul with Angelica each time they both had free time to spend together, in a strictly informal way, as they agreed upon.

The week prior to the theory exams, messages started pouring down to both Hajin and Cristopher, asking them help with Phenomenon Realm Analysis, the hardest theory classes.

And while Hajin helped only Rachel and Olivia, Cristopher ignored everyone else, while Rachel and Olivia already knew not to ask him, one because she was already shy about asking him for help, while the other because she was rejected thrice already.

Rachel’s training with Cristopher extended until the last day before the final test. As a way for her to improve as much as possible. He didn’t ask for more money, but Rachel still paid him once again without even telling him.

In the case of Olivia, he promised her that he would teach her quick-step after the final exams. As it was a technique that would need a lot of time and effort, which she could better use to train for the final exam.

Finally, only three days were left until the start of the exams. And this was precisely the moment when someone surprised them both, well, surprised Hajin only, really.


Friday, standing in front of the door that led to the classroom, Boss waited, ready to finally enter the place to look into her target and confirm if he’s indeed the one she thinks she is. Even with a plan ready, she’s still hesitating.

[Boss, no one is going to notice your disguise, it’s perfect. Remember, you’re not Boss, but Seo Ijin. Don’t forget about it, act as normal as possible. If anything happens, come find me at the infirmary.]

The voice from Jain, her subordinate, came sounding around her ears, reminding her once again that right now she’s Seo Ijin and not Boss.

“…” Without answering, Boss just nodded her head.

[Ok, go in.]

Jain’s voice came once again, telling her to start her mission, and Boss, disguised as Seo Ijin put her hand over the doorknob, but hesitated.

“Mm?” It was then that a sudden voice came from behind her. “Hey, move it. If you’re going to enter, do so.”

“Huh…?” She turned around, trying to disguise her surprise, after all, she’s not accustomed to someone speaking so rough to her, the Boss of Chameleon Troupe.

“Huh? The heck…?” The guy with a weird white and dark hard suddenly had a surprised face. “Oh… Right…” Before going back to normal. “So? Can’t you understand me or what? Enter if you’re going to.” He frowned once again.

[Boss, calm down! Just go in.]

Jain’s voice came once again as if thinking her Boss would go mad at the rude boy.

“…” Without answering neither of them, Boss entered the classroom. Followed by the rude guy with weird white and dark hair, who without her knowledge was holding his laugh.


Entering the classroom behind the disguised Boss of Chameleon Troupe, I made every effort possible not to laugh at her.

{She sure is quite interested in Hajin, to come herself disguised as a student just to observe him closely.} I thought to myself while walking behind her.

I then make my quick way towards my usual spot, while the disguised Boss was being bothered by some of the friends of the student she disguised as.

“Hey! Seo Ijin! Did you study well?” A man suddenly came towards her and struck her head, leaving her in a daze.

“…Un, I did.”

“What were you doing yesterday? You weren’t respon-” He continued, but was interrupted by another classmate.

“Ijin~” Another girl came and embraced her from behind.

{Right… I forgot she took the place of one of the lowest cadets in the classroom. Though, I’m quite curious, what happened with the original Seo Ijin?} I thought to myself while walking towards my seat.

“‘Supp?” I sat down.

“Hey, did you see that?” Hajin whispered while nodding towards the disguised Boss.

“Mm? You mean the Boss of that thing getting bullied?” I whispered back.

“…” He nodded.

“Yeah. I did, why?”

“This is bad… She’s getting angry…” Hajin muttered.

“Oh well, tell me if someone dies.” I shrugged and got to rest over my desk.

“Hey, hey…” He tried to call for the ones bothering Boss, but he talked too low for them to actually listen to him. “HEY!” He finally had to shout. Making everyone quiet.

Those that were bothering Boss, and well, basically the rest of the classroom, all of them sat there looking straight at Hajin.

“Can you shut up!? I’m trying to study!” But as if not caring for their gaze, he shouted at them with an angry face.

“What…? You think you can tell us what to do just because you’re smart?” The guys that were bothering Boss retorted back, but even then, they still stopped.

“Nice job.” I whispered while giving him a thumbs up.

Meanwhile, I could see Boss giving Hajin a weird look before hiding her face on her desk.

“Ho… You may have a shot at her.” I whispered.

“What do you mean?” He furrowed his brows.

“Haha… Nothing, don’t mind me.” I shrugged.

That weekend once again passed without problems, I just taught Rachel, trained Olivia, messed around with Angelica, and trained the kids.


Without me knowing, the week of theory exams began, but just like last time, I just sleep through them. It sure was convenient having this cheat called ‘Observation and Reading’.

With that said, Friday night finally came, and I was inside the forest with Rachel and Shina, we were almost ready with our usual training. Since this week was full of theory exams, we limited our training time to just two hours each day. But even that was enough.

“So, how do you feel about the combat exam? It starts next week.” I asked her while sitting on the ground while petting Shina.

“I feel great.” She said while smiling with confidence.

“Um? Really?” I smirked.

“Yes! I’m sure I can score really high!” She said with her fists closed.

“Haha, I’m glad then. Well, as we agree upon. Today will be our last session of training.”

“…” She suddenly furrowed her brows and pouted. “Can’t… Can’t we keep training? After the exams… I mean…”

“Mm? It’s not like you need me anymore. After this is better to train by yourself, you know? At least for the moments.” I shrugged.

“But…” She tried to speak, but the words didn’t come out of her mouth.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” I shouted and looked at the hour. “Mm… 10:00 PM…” While frowning I looked at Rachel. “Hey, do you have time?”

“Huh? Right now?” She tilted her head.

“Yeah, right now. Do you have time? Or do you need to be back to your room or something?”

“I was just thinking about sleeping.” She shook her head.

“then I guess you do have time, after all, right?” I smiled.

“Yes. But… Why?” She asked.

“Oh well, it’s just that I had something planned for you, but well, I forgot haha.” I scratched my head. “But we can still do it right now, just that it may take some time.” I shrugged.

“Do… what…?” She asked once again, with a lost face.

“It’s like a congratulatory gift, for being able to keep up with our training.” I smiled at her.

“Oh…” She nodded. “But… If it’s just a gift… Why would we need time?”

“Well, it’s because, for the gift to be quite useful, you first need to meet some requirements.” I shrugged. “So? What do you say?”

“Okay!” She nodded before her face turned quite awkward “But… What are we going to do?”

“We need to go to a lake first.” I said while standing up and grabbing my new backpack, which had expansion magic on it. It’s not my usual inventory, but it’s quite helpful.

“A lake?”

“Yes. A lake.” I said while walking. “Come on.”

“Huh… Okay.” She nodded and followed me. “Um… Don’t you usually go somewhere else at this hour, master?” She asked me.

“Mm? Oh, that? I just canceled it earlier today as the one I train with is tired from studying so much for the exams.”

“Oh, right…” She nodded.

For the record. Rachel has been calling me master since the time she started imbuing her fist with fire. I first tried to make her reconsider and just call me Cristopher. But she insisted, and at this point, I just totally ignored her calling me master.

We then went walking towards one of Cube’s lakes.

{This place sure is enormous, for having so many things…} I thought to myself once we made it to one of the lakes, the biggest one I remembered.

After dropping my backpack on the ground, I took out my black hoodie and my white t-shirt and dropped them over my backpack.

“W-W-W-What a-are y-y-you do-doing!? Cristopher-ssi!?” Rachel stuttered.

“Mm? Oh, I’m just going inside the lake, why?”

“B-b-but why!?” She asked while covering her face.

“Mm? Well, for what we’re about to do you know?”

“…” She turned red and her mouth opened wide, while I could see her eyes also going wide from the spaces between her fingers.

“Come on. Sit close to the lake.” I told her while taking out my shoes and socks.

“… F-f-for what…?” She asked, but even then, left her things on the ground and walked towards the shore of the lake.

“Well… That way it would be easier for you to contract a water elemental.” I shrugged.

“Huh…?” Her arms dropped and her face looked dazed. “Contracting a water elemental...?”

“Yeah, I told you. I have a gift for you. But it won’t be that great if you don’t have a water elemental.” I went into the lake. “So, the answer is easy. We just have to make you contract one, and the best place to do that is close to a body of water like this one.”

“Oh… Okay…” She said, still with a dazed face. “But then… Why are you taking off your clothes and going into the water?”

“Because I want to?” I lift my eyebrow. “I mean… I’ll be swimming a little while you try to contract one.”


“Why? Do you want to swim too?”

“No! I-I-I-I don’t!” She said while shaking both hands in front of her in denial.

“Really?” I smirked. “Because it would be easier for you if you’re inside the water, you know?”

“…” Her face went redder than before, and she had to avert her eyes. “… Really…?” She asked in a really soft voice, almost a whisper.

“Hahahahahaha!” I just had to let my laugh out.

“W-what!?” She pouted. “You’re bad, master… You always laugh at me.” She crossed her arms.

“Haha… Sorry, it’s just that your face was too cute. I had the urge to laugh.”

“C-Cute!?” She then said.

“Hahaha yes, oh well.” I swiped a tear from my eye. “Then? Are you coming to the shore of the river or what?” I smirked while lifting my eyebrow.

“…” She nodded with her red face while walking forwards. “Do I have to do like the first time?”

“Yes. Precisely, but this time. Focus entirely on the water.” I told her.

“Un.” She nodded.

Meanwhile, Shina got closer to Rachel and sat beside her. This made Rachel looked at her, before smiling and patting her head.

“Now, now, focus.” 


“Also, if you don’t mind. I would recommend you to at least put your feet inside the lake. That way it would be easier for you.”

“But… Wasn’t that a joke?”

“Mm? I told you I laughed at your cute face, not because I told a joke or anything.” I shrugged.

“…” Her face went redder than I thought possible. “Okay…” She whispered so low that I could barely hear her.

She then stood up, took off her hoodie, staying only in a sports top, and went into the lake. Just enough so she could sit down and cover half of her body in water.

“L-L-Like t-t-this?” She asked.

“Yes, like that. Now, focus on the water.” I nodded. While I also started to emit Natural Energy around me, going deeper into the lake until all my body, except my head, were showing.

“…” Rachel flinched once she felt my Natural Energy, and like the first time we did this, she opened one of her eyes.

“Focus!” I reprimanded her, and she closed her eyes and started concentrating.

Meanwhile, Shina went inside the lake and started swimming around me, purring at me, while I just played with her in the lake.

{Haha, to think that you like water so much.} I smiled while playing with her.


After almost two hours, Rachel stood up with an excited face and a big smile, looking at me as if trying to shout something, but not quite making it.

“Haha… I guess you succeed then?” I asked.

“Yes! Yes! I did it! I made a contract with a second elemental!!” She raised her arms, and the sport-top did little to keep her assets still.

“That’s good. Now, I guess I can finally give you your gift. Come one.”-I said while going out of the water and towards my backpack. Drying myself on the way with some fire.

“Y-yes…” A shy Rachel followed me, while also using fire to dry herself. A trick she learned on her own once she started to play with the fire element.

“Mm… Where did I put it…? Oh, right, here!” I said, and from the backpack, I took a rapier with an aquamarine blade. “Here, this is for you. I found it not too long ago in a Dungeon.” I shrugged.

“Wow…” Rachel looked dazed at the elegant and delicate design of the rapier. “It’s beautiful…” She said before swinging it, opening her eyes wide.

“Haha… Did you notice? It increases your speed by one.” I smirked. “Of course, that’s not the only thing it does. Here, I wrote its information for you.” I then took out a paper from the backpack and gave it to her.

“…” She took and started reading, her eyes opened wide with each word she read. “This… I-I can’t accept this!” She said while looking at me.

“Of course you can. And you will. I’m not taking it back.”

“But! This is a treasured-rank sword! I can’t accept it!”

“Oh, come on!” I turned my eyes while crossing my arms. “I don’t use a rapier. And you deserve it. You’ve been surpassing my expectations since the moment we started training. As I told you, it’s a congratulation’s gift.” I shrugged while smiling.

“…” Rachel embraced the sword with an awkward face, not knowing what to do.

“Hey, I know that you probably have a better sword back home, but that rapier’s design it’s good for it to at least be a decoration, don’t you think?” I smiled at her.

“NO! I’ll use it!” She shouted at me while frowning. “I… I’ll use it. This sword.” She nodded as if confirming something within herself.

“Oh well, I’ll be glad then if that’s the case.” I smiled, before putting on my clothes. “Then. Shall I teach you how to use it along with your new elemental?”

“Oh, right!” As if suddenly remembering what she just made. “She started looking at her side. Furrowing her brows to communicate to her new elemental.”

{Pfft… Doesn’t matter how many times I see this. It’s just too cute.} I thought to myself while taking out my magic sword to train with Rachel, I can’t risk my cadet’s sword getting cut by her rapier.

“Well, ready?” I smirked at her.

“Yes!” And she nodded with a smile of her own while also putting her sweater and pointing her new rapier at me, not before looking at it with caring eyes.

Meanwhile, Shina was just swimming around in the lake, looking at us from time to time, with a curious glance.

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