The not-immortal Blacksmith

75 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – A Farmer in the Dell

My Dell, the real Western Wilds.

11th of Arah, Second month of Rain.

2137 years since the new gods came.

I have finally managed to chop down a tree. Why did I start on one of the BIG ones? Such a waste of time and resources. It will take forever to dry out. Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will start cutting more reasonable trees. Ones that my 6' saw will actually fit.

15th of Arah,

A good two dozen trees felled and pealed. Next is to move them to the prep... Shit. I need to prepare a proper place for the house. Idiot.

28th of Arah,

Small hill is flattened. I had to resort to magic. Trees and moved, notched, and waiting for assembly. One bedroom, and a living/dining area, plus a spacious kitchen. Brandy is refusing to help if it involves nails.


East. The target has gone east again! Now west. And north. Northwest. That reminds it doesn't. I want bread. No. not bread. NEVER BreAD! BAD. BAD BREAD. BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD. West. More west. Pew pew pew. Boom. Boom stick? Boom Branch!

Thirteen Wyverns. Dead. A feast tonight for the Worgs. The Alpha, had provided. Again.


35th of Arah,

Mosquitoes I Hate Mosquitoes

37th of Arah,

My home is in the middle of construction. I have taken a break to excavate stone from a small cliff face near the empty cave I found. The cart and Wally, my horse, are barely up to the task of hauling the stone. I will need to make more trips with lighter loads. Or use more magic for foundations. Meh. Magic.

43rd of Arah,

Stone hauled.

52nd of Arah,

House is done. Next is the workshop for the forge and tinkering gear. Before that, though, I am going to have to find a town to pick up some odds and ends. I will head out a day or so on horseback. For a starting point, I will head back east, then head widdershins around the dell. I hope I find something early on.

54th of Arah,

Traveling in the rain is a pain. Nothing yet.

56th of Arah,

I am reminded by my journey around the dell that I am some 3000 miles from my birth home. I never expected to be so far away. Even chasing demons, we were never this far away. Huh. Today was the last day of the year.

Almost 40 miles south of The Dell.

6th of Samue, the month of Planting.

2138 years since the new gods came.

I have found a very small village, around 70ish people, almost due south from the Dell. I have picked up seed, and a couple of specialty tools, like a plow, that I didn't already have in exchange for some silver and a glass bowl. Back home tomorrow.

Turns out the weather here has been 'wrong' for a couple of decades. It used to be very cold and snowy. Now it is overly hot.

8th of Samue,

I've been learning how to plow. It is hard work, and Wally doesn't like it. At all.

15th of Samue,

Plowing is done. Planting is done. Now I start to understand why farmers farm. Every day there is something to do. And when you are done, there is satisfaction.

I need chickens and a cow. No sheep or goats for me.

17th of Samue,

WHERE DID THE FLOCK OF SHEEP AND GOATS COME FROM?!? Someone is playing silly buggers with me. At least the birds are OK, even if they are actually turkeys. Idiot birds. Now I need to try and fence the garden.

I think I will put Brandy on flock duty.


The Island Nation of Nortontia.

Northwest of the eastern continent.

2125 years since the new gods came.

I am Robert Vanheim. CIA operative in good standing. I died on Earth. I died on this horrid world. There are gods here. They are all stupid. That stupid baker killed me. I'm in the body if a 16 year magic student. Robert went over the facts in his head, as the lecture went on. He spoke when he was called upon, and went about his days as normal. Halbert was the bodies name. It had 'died' in an explosion from the alchemist department. He had been thrown into it. I will continue my studies here. I will learn to summon and portal. I will find my way home.

The Island Nation of Nortontia.

Northwest of the eastern continent.

2135 years since the new gods came.


It has been five years since I graduated your class. I have continued to learn and experiment. Please find enclosed a brief copy of interesting summoning circle I found on the isle of Nash. It was in the remains of an ancient tower that looked to have been destroyed by warfare. As the island is tiny, only big enough for the tower and a couple of fields, I wonder what actually happened. I do plan on rebuilding the tower, as it's foundation is nigh perfect, and it sits above a small mana spring.

I will write you again soon.

Best regards,



I am glad to hear from you my lad! I will look into that circle for you. It looks very advanced, perhaps even above my abilities. I believe you should be able to make it work. You always were the strongest of my students.

Carry on,

Master Gabe


Garthax, capital of Garthia.

17th of Samue, the month of Planting.

2138 years since the new gods came.

The king of Garthia, a direct descendant of the Queen Mother, woke in his chamber with a scream. A farmstead in a valley. Danger. And fear.

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