The not-immortal Blacksmith

67 The Not-Immortal blacksmith – Candlestick Maker XVII

Baroness, The western Wilds

29th of Arah, the Second month of Snow.

2128 years since the new gods came.

The city state of Baroness is a wonderful town. It is filled with smiling people who have shadows! I have secured a room at a small inn, and will be exploring the town in the morning.

30th of Arah,

Baroness is ruled by a town council of three. The walls are not tall, nor very thick, and mainly designed to keep wildlife out. There are two smiths in town, a baker, and several other trades present. The miles wide Wodburyme river provides transport and food for the locals. The river is five miles wide, if it's an inch!

The mixing of races here is nice to see. Gnolls, humans, an elven family, a couple of dwarves, even a goblin family with their ever present orc protector. I heard a rumor about a troll out in the northern swamps. I dislike swamp trolls.

There is a small boat yard on the river. I may buy myself a small sail boat. Okay, I will be buying a sail boat after I get settled in.

When did I decide to settle here? Just now I guess. Huh.

31st of Arah,

I have purchased a small workshop area near the wall, next to the White Smith/Jeweler. I hope he is a decent fellow. I'm sure I saw that damn cat today, but how did it get here? We are a long way from the school... Meh.

32nd of Arah,

I have met my neighbor, Henriette of Baroness. She is a nice woman. Brandy also met her, and got a broom for her trouble. Mostly because she tried to swipe an emerald. Idiot.


“I'm sorry miss Henriette, Brandywine is more than a bit of a pain, but she is good company.” Maxwell explained to his new neighbor.

“She's a menace!” Henriette replied, broom in hand, still menacing the pixie (who was hiding behind Max). “If she enters my shop again, I will pin her wings to the wall, and use her as a fairy dust dispenser!” She stomped back into her shop.

Max turned and looked into Brandy's eyes, “Way to make a good first impression. Idiot!”

Brandy, head hanging, said “sorry Max. It just glittered so much! I couldn't stop myself!”

“Meh. Whatever.” Max said. “Now, have you seen that damn cat around? I swear I keep seeing him out of the corner of my eye.”


The Celestial Realm

“So, you are telling me that that damn cat ATE the small gods of Mice and Doves?!?” Narissa, goddess of Tranquility, nearly yelled at Maximilian.

“We did a quick survey of the local small god population. Those two turned up missing. We found dove's monocle mixed into some cat poo.” Maximilian replied. “And the mouse's cane next to the grainery.”

“Well, now he really is a small god.” Kocha, up for a moment to observe the chaos, put in his two coppers worth. “Do we have to give him a voice on the low council?”

“NO!” the other two gods yelled in unison.


34th of Arah,

The damn cat showed up. I backhanded Brandy across the shop. The “Naked Eagle Glass and Candlestick Shop” will be having it's grand opening in a week or two. I need to make some inventory.


Tom Cat, El Gato, deposed king of the celestial realm, sauntered into the shop through the propped open back door. He jumped up to the counter, and sat down, fluffy tail wrapped loosely around his feet. “Excuse me, master Smith?”

Max was bent over a kiln, checking on the heating runes when he responded, “What can I do for you?”

“Ahem, I am here to apologize.” Tom said.

“For what?” Max asked, not looking around.

“For marking your box as mine.” Tom replied. “I have been leaving you gifts on your journey, in an attempt to earn your favor.”

Max stood up quickly, almost striking his hear on a cross rack above the kiln. “You what now?” He spun in place to look at the speaker. Seeing Tom, his hand dropped to his hip, where the revolver sat in it's holster, “Really now.”

“Yes?” Tom eyed the weapon carefully, knowing full well what it could do to a human, let alone a cat. “I was informed by someone that it would be a funny joke to play, not a near death experience.”

Brandy took that moment to make haste out the back door.

“So, again, my apologies for marking my territory.” Tom nodded his head towards Max. “I believe I will take my leave now, master Smith.” Tom slowly disappeared from view, leaving behind a smile in the air, that in a moment also disappeared.

“Damn cats.”

When Brandy returned to the shop for supper, Max hit her with the business end of a broom. One that he had borrowed from Henriette for that exact purpose. “You ever try and pull a prank like that again, I will nail your wings to a wall, and use you as a pixie dust dispenser!”


50th of Arah,

The grand opening went well today. I sold some glass pieces, and a few 'sticks. I have received a few commissions for small windows as well. I should be okay living here. I haven't seen that damn cat anywhere either. Really lifts my mood.


The Celestial Realm, again.

“Hmm, looks like something is coming for the demon wastes from the west.” Narissa looked at the scrying orb in front of her on the table. “I'm not sure what, but it will arrive in a few decades.” She sighed, and pulled a scroll of parchment from the air, “Now who do I have available in that area...”


54th of Arah,

I'm going boat shopping tomorrow afternoon. I have already completed my commissions, and feel like taking a short break. I like boats.


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