The Mother of Monsters

Chapter 058 – Wildland VI

The first thing Teyva felt was the wind. It caught her by surprise; a sharp breeze that caught her hair and sent it fluttering around her head. The gust tracing an eager path through the few remaining trees between them and the golden glow of sunlight. The radiant beams blocked a full view of what was beyond; forcing Teyva to step fully out into the unknown. The second thing she felt was the tickle of tall grass beneath her fingers, the plantlife rising up to meet her knees. She blinked, sunlight blinding her momentarily.

Behind her, Azrael and Elat traipsed their way through the last few feet of forest. The silent crunching of The Marbles powerful spider-like legs against fallen leaves punctuating the moment with an eerie stillness. Her vision cleared, her breath caught, and her predator-yellow eyes widened in awe. A sea of golden grass stretched out as far as the eye could see. A vast expanse of waving grain that swayed with the next unruly breeze. Each time the grass bent she watched it glitter, reflecting a bit of the vast blue sky above. Here and there tiny trees broke the illusion of homogeny.

She cast her gaze to the right and saw the faint glitter of blue to the north; a lake, an enormous lake stretching out and wrapping to the north around the curvature of the Balthin Forest. To her left, the trees stretched out until they broke up into more grassland, rolling hills causing the grasses to rise and fall like ocean waves. She looked back up at the sky, it was so big. All of it was so big.

This was a whole other world; far removed from Earth. Far removed from home. And she was never going home, was she? The grains curled and blossomed at her touch, revealing strange reflective blooms beneath. A trail of silver followed her out into the golden expanse as she quietly stepped out into the field. She took a deep breath of the strange sweetness in the air. The wind blew again, catching her hair and sending it fluttering everywhere.

It was so beautiful out here. It was so alien to everything she’d experienced, a city girl all her life. A corporate drone, a slave of monotony. No prospects. No options. No opportunities. Now she was here and she barely could comprehend what to do with herself. She came to a stop, her companions not far behind.

“Teyva?” Azrael’s voice. It seemed so far away.

She sank to her knees in the grass, a wave of silver rippling out around her. How could she feel so lucky and so cursed all at the same time. It was overwhelming. Pressure built behind her eyes and she pressed her palms to her face, trying her best to reign in that mixture of emotions.

She heard the shifting of grass nearby and glanced down to see her mockeries crawling out of her satchel, peering around into the brightly lit world around them. She held out her hands to them and they crawled onto her arms, fifty sets of odd-looking eyes taking her in. “Isn’t it beautiful out here?” She murmured to them. They sent her questioning thoughts, not comprehending the simmer of emotion that was set to boil inside of her mind. She put her hands to their tiny bodies, stroking them as Azrael and Elat hurried to her side.

“Teyva? Are you okay?” Azrael asked, coming to a stop and looking around at the silver-turned grass.

Teyva looked up at her grey-skinned friend, a big smile on her wicked-looking face; “The grass turns silver when I touch it!” She laughed. “Why does it do that?”

“Wildlands grass is sensitive to the cold; it opens in the winter revealing its inner stemline,” Azrael said, extending a hand to Teyva. Teyva took it and Azrael frowned; “Your hands are cold. Your aura perhaps?”

Teyva got to her feet and gave Azrael a wide-eyed look; “How can you be so relaxed about all this? Look at this!” She gestured around her; “It’s huge! There’s so much here!”

“I don’t see anything,” Elat grunted, confused, “You’ve never seen the wildlands?”

Azrael gave her friend a concerned look, “You’re crying.”

Teyva chuckled; “Am I?” She reached up and wiped the single tear that had rolled down her cheek; “So I am, huh, crazy.”

She took a deep breath and turned away, walking through the grass a bit more. She traced her fingers along the stalks and watched the grains bloom into their silver beauty. She cleared her throat and looked up at the sky, watching a few tiny clouds drift by. “It’s just so big. Too big. Too much, Az, way too much.”

“I don’t understand,” Azrael said, walking to her side; “What’s too much?”

Teyva opened her mouth and looked at her friend. Azrael looked so confused. Why wouldn’t she be? She’d spent a week walking these plains just to get to the forest. She’d grown up in the Wildlands, this was her home. She had a place here, a purpose. Teyva felt a lump form in her throat and she forced herself to take a deep, shuddering breath. She ran her fingers through her hair and looked away; “It’s nothing, I’m just a little overwhelmed. I’ve only known the forest, Az. Now we’re here in this amazing place and I just… I just need a minute.”

Azrael reached out and touched Teyva on the shoulder before pulling away with a nod; “Okay, we should get moving soon, though. The Wildlands are pretty, but they’re also dangerous. We shouldn’t stay still for too long.”

“I’ll just be a moment,” Teyva said with a nod.

Azrael let out a sigh and stepped away, walking over to put a hand on Elat’s shoulder. The big orc cocked his head and she shook her own in response. The two stepped away and left Teyva alone to her thoughts. Nephral came in for a landing a moment later, alighting on her shoulders and wrapping his tail around her neck. She reached up and stroked his head while he quietly purred; “You are frightened,” He said.

“Absolutely terrified,” Teyva confirmed.


“Because I don’t know what to do with myself,” Teyva whispered, “Look how big this world is and I know absolutely nothing about it. I’ve barely scratched the surface, dearie. It’s just… endless. Where do I fit? What am I supposed to do?”

“Do the most amazing thing possible, Mother, let your glory wash over the many realms and let the people cry your name in fear and worship,” Nephral said as if it was obvious, his tail flicked, “What else is there?”

Teyva laughed and scritched under his chin; “You have so much faith in me, but I’m just me. I just don’t know.”

Nephral pressed his face against hers and she returned the gesture. “Thank you, Nephy, you’re such a good boy.”

The feline made a small sound of concern but said nothing, glancing out at the horizon. Somewhere in the distance Teyva could make out cliffs forming out of some of the greater hill-shapes. Trees began to change color as the species changed from those native to the Balthin sea to those that belonged out here. She reached up and rubbed her face, clearing her throat and taking a few steadying breaths. She couldn’t just come up with all the answers right then and there, but at the very least she had a goal to work towards in the meantime. There were answers, hopefully, in Osan.

She looked back over her shoulder at Azrael and Elat who had given her enough space for privacy and were talking amongst themselves. “I’m good! Sorry about that!” She called out to them.

They made their way over and Azrael put her hand on the hilt of her weapon, her expression was stoic as always but her eyes were warm; “You sure you’re alright?”

Teyva shrugged; “I’ve got to be, we’ve got a long way to go, right?”

“We do, and it isn’t going to be easy. We’ll have to navigate our way around Rilk nests to be certain. There are other dangers out here as well, not to mention the weather. I’m glad you’re here with us with your wall-making ability. It’ll help for certain,” Azrael said, casting a broad smile at Teyva. Teyva knew she was just trying to cheer her up, make her feel useful, but Teyva couldn’t help but feel a growing pit in her stomach. She had to wonder if there were going to be answers at all in Osan or if she was just going to be as in the dark as before. She stamped down on the thought and scratched the back of her head, shooting Azrael the best grin she could manage.

“Thanks, I’ll be okay, really. You said we shouldn’t sit still for long. Let’s get moving.”

Azrael exchanged glances with Elat and then nodded, “Okay. As long as you’re alright to travel.”

“Better than ever! I want to see more of this place!” Teyva crowed, turning back to the vastness ahead of her and conjuring up her compass. The helpless little thing spun and wobbled before finding a general heading. Azrael laughed and put her hand over the compass, shaking her head.

“Don’t worry about navigation, I’ve got that covered. I know the way back from here. Lady Akura,” Azrael teased. Starting to walk due west, her hand on her weapon and her head held high, nose flaring as she set a vigilant pace.

Teyva forced herself to grin, “Right! Lead the way, Navigator Princess!”

Azrael didn’t even look back; “Not a princess!” She shouted.

Elat guffawed and looked down at Teyva, he gave her a good slap on the back; “Hang in there. It’s going to be a long journey before civilization.”

She waved him off and watched him break into a jog to catch up to Azrael, the woman leaning into him when he matched her pace. Behind Teyva, The Marble stepped up and his mighty frame pressed up against her back. She reached up and rapped once against him with her knuckles; “Thank you love, lets go.”

She took a deep breath and put one leg in front of the other, setting off in pursuit of her friends.

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