The Mother of Monsters

Chapter 053 – Wildland I

Up until days ago, the Balthin Green Sea had been a place devoid of variety. Life was simple there and the creatures that dwelled among the trees were less than diverse. The ocean of trees covered a vast territory that took over a month to cross at some points. The narrow expanse between the furthest reaches of the Human Kingdom of Katal and the Wildlands to the west demanded just over a week of travel. Even so, up until days ago, it was fraught with danger, especially at night.

It had been just over three days since Teyva Akura and Azrael Unabi had descended into the bowels beneath the Balthin Great Tree and excised the cancer that had spread a blight of horrors throughout the forest. There were still remnants of that blight here and there but they were slowly withering away without a source for their evil. Wightlings collapsed and reverted to bones, debris, and muck where they fell. The nutrients that they stole from their surroundings returning to the soil.

According to Elat, the Balthin Sea was completely without competing monsters to harass and hunt anyone who dared settle within the expanse. The Wightlings had seen to that over the centuries. Azrael herself had been fortunate enough to avoid the dangerous creatures by sticking to the treetops as she traveled east on her ill-fated trip to the Human Kingdom. Now, even in the dark, the trees themselves had gone from frightful to welcoming; as if the forest itself was showing its gratitude to the small group as they traveled west.

Teyva had opted to leave as soon as possible, following the advice of Yol, Elat’s father. The aged orc had insisted that they pack with plenty of materials and food for a long journey and had encouraged Teyva to have her familiars and monsters hunt for themselves when they could. The villagers were kind enough to supply most of what they needed, though they were careful to deliver everything to the Underfield; the sacred space beneath the Balthin Great Tree. The simple folk were awed by the place, some of them practically idolizing Deshan, the great wolf lord and aspect being that had taken on guardianship of the forest.

It was while they packed and prepared for their Journey that Teyva spent some time to herself. She had experienced more than her fair share of ordeals and needed time to recuperate and reassess what she had on hand. She resummoned all of her Mockeries, the darling infant mimics that clung to their mother like lost children. She also resummoned her very first heavy hitter, using the marble of the tomb she was staying in. The Marble had proven to not only be loyal but very helpful during the fight against the Bound One and she was not going to miss out on the opportunity to continue using such an asset.

Most of her time, though, was spent in quiet contemplation of her own mortality amidst her meditations on her Mana Manipulation skill. She had died again, this time having to expend the sole extra ‘life’ she had. She was back to zero. She knew that if she leveled up again she would replenish the lost life but she also had to consider Teyva Rani’s threat. The Ancient Queen, obsessed with restoring her race and its dominion over Orum was hell-bent on taking control of Teyva’s body. Just another reason to go visit the mysterious Magi of Azrael’s homeland.

She had other reasons too, but that one was the most pressing.

Her quiet practice sessions had led to some small progress in growth for her skill, at the very least. While she hadn’t come up with any miraculous breakthroughs in how to fend off the ancient queen, she had become more comfortable with the act of controlling her mana. Using the skill had a twofold benefit, she’d found it soothing, for one thing. She thought more clearly when she was reigning in the cloud of mana around her body. The second benefit was a bit more practical, as the skill increased she found that the overall mana cost for her abilities would steadily shrink with it.

Skill Rank Up!

Your [Mana Manipulation] Skill has increased to level 2.
Your current mana cost reduction for spells and abilities is 2%

All this had led up to the final hours before their departure. Elat had been a bit flaky on the idea of leaving despite his father’s insistence but his obvious attraction to Azrael had eventually pushed him to make the obvious choice. Azrael on the other hand had spent the entire time studying every aspect of the strange new abilities she had gained after swearing fealty to Teyva. She now possessed a character sheet of her own, could see the prompts that Teyva saw, and even had a pocket-space inventory that she had immediately stored all of her gear inside.

“It’s liberating,” Azrael said for the tenth time as they walked toward the edge of the open glade surrounding the great tree; “Sorry, I just cannot get over it. I admit I was quite jealous when I first saw you use it, Teyva. You should see if you can acquire the abilities, Elat. They may benefit you.”

Teyva glanced back at Elat and Azrael as they walked, curious about his answer. The new couple couldn’t seem more different. Azrael’s white hair and grey skin had the faintest hint of green. Her eyes were a shocking wolf-like yellow that had come from being blessed with the Aspect Stone of the Wolf Lord. She was tall, taller than Teyva by a few inches, and far more athletically built. Elat on the other hand had nearly a foot on Azrael scraping seven feet in height. He was built like a tank as well which made it strange that he used a bow; until you saw him take a shot. Teyva shuddered, visualizing the tree he had pierced through during a demonstration.

“If it’s all the same, I am fine as I am, I am not here for you; Lady Akura. No offense,” He said, inclining his head to Teyva.

Teyva laughed, “None taken. Glad you have your priorities straight,” She teased, winking at Azrael.

“A shame, he would make a magnificent servant,” came a suave baritone from around Teyva’s neck. Nephral had been quietly listing in and out of consciousness as they walked, the lazy sphinx enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. “The carnage he could elicit with the gift of your powers of growth, it would be awe-inspiring to be sure.”

Teyva smiled at Elat’s annoyed face and scratched the cat’s head; Azrael laughed and shook her head; “You get used to him,” she said, “He’s just a mommy’s boy.”

“I am a Sphinx of the Highest Calibur and my mother’s personal advisor. Do not allow your raised position in her eyes to go to your head; Princess of Demons!” The feline countered, his wings flapping up, one of them catching Teyva in the side of the head.

“Watch it Nephral,” Teyva warned.

“So sorry mother.”

“Mommy’s boy,” Azrael chuckled.

Nephral opened his mouth to continue his bickering with Azrael when Teyva raised a hand to wave at the two figures waiting at the edge of the clearing. The first was a titan of a wolf, almost twelve feet tall at the shoulder and towering over some of the smaller trees. Deshan, the Great Wolf, had made himself seen personally to see them off. Next to him, and far more diminutive, was the hunch-backed Yol of the Orcish settlement. The Elder had that ever glittering look of mirth in his eyes as they approached, waving his cane once at Elat.

“Settling in already boy?”

“I wouldn’t say that, father.”

“Good! Show some backbone! Don’t let this wicked witch steer you to madness! She’s a devious one,” The old man cackled, waving a dismissive hand at Teyva.

“Devious? Hardly,” Teyva grunted.

“Indeed, you have a long way to go, little one,” Deshan added, his eyes fixed on Teyva. Teyva shrugged and crossed her arms, not sure whether or not to take it as a compliment. Deshan turned his gaze to Azrael; “Have you learned much of your powers, Azrael?”

Teyva rolled her eyes; “Here we go.”

Elat laughed and scratched the back of his head while the Greatwolf looked between the two of them, confused.

Azrael jumped right into it; “This Journal ability that Teyva granted me has made it so much easier to learn and understand the powers you granted me; Wolf among Wolves. It gave me a new racial trait that permits me to speak to canids and have wolf-like senses. Paired with my warden ability Ever Vigilant nothing gets past me! I can smell so many new things and with such accuracy! My first two powers are outstanding as well, you must understand though that I am still adjusting to them strategically but as far as using them it feels as simple as breathing!”

The wolf lord doubled back a bit at the winded explanation but she was undeterred. “My first ability, Packleader, allows me to call a wolf to my side to aid me, summoning them if you will. Having the ability to flank an opponent has always been something I have missed though I daresay I still fret about the effect summoning has on the mind. My other ability, Arresting Howl, lets me shout and lock my enemies in place with fear. Tremendous new advantages!”

The eager lecture ended with a sparkle in the woman’s eyes.

“That is so, detailed,” Deshan managed, looking down at the old man who was barely restraining his own laughter.

“I know! If only I could share this ability with my kin, we could understand so much!” She elated before clearing her throat and going a bit warm in the face. She bowed her head to the Wolf Lord; “Thank you for granting me your gift. I will use it well in the service of my Lady.”

“And what about you, girl?” Yol asked Teyva; “Have you read your book yet?”

“Some, I figured since it was a skill book it would magically pop into my head when I opened it.”

The old man laughed; “What by the aspects gave you that idea? You have to read the whole thing!”

Teyva blushed and scratched her nose; “Call it the result of misinformation.”

“Well you know better now, don’t you?” The old man said, “Good! Keep reading it and you’ll be slinging spells like the best of them I am sure.”

The group looked at one another in an easy quiet afterward that dragged on until a moment of discomfort struck them. Teyva rubbed her arms, reaching down to open up her satchel and stroke the pile of fifty bloodthirsty false coins nestled in a silent pile. The Mockeries shuddered with delight at her attention. She cleared her throat; “I think its time we go.”

“I think it is, young lady,” The old man said; “Don’t forget to practice your Mana Manipulation. You will need it in the future I think!”

“A clear road to you, and an easy hunt, little ones,” Deshan added with an incline to his head.

The three of them bowed to Deshan and then to Yol.

“Be safe, son,” Yol murmured drawing Elat’s gaze, “Tell me plenty of stories when you return.”

“I will, thank you for everything, father.”

“Now get out of here! You have four days to march and a week after that if Azrael’s information is correct. That isn’t an easy trip and you are up against time, the Wildlands are an unkind place. They are certainly no Green Sea!”

That was that. Teyva led with her final farewell to the two of them, the villagers had already said their farewells the night before, ensuring that the sendoff would be a private one. Teyva conjured up her compass, the needle wobbling helplessly for a moment before it settled in the general direction of Osan, the homeland of the Azar. From there, all they could do was start walking with a vast world ahead of them.

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