The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

68. The Change After 2 Years.


After 2 years of living inside the SAO world, there are so many things different from the original, thanks to chat group members' various influences in the world. 

For example, there are only less than 2500 players registered known death after 2 years, unlike what happened in the original where 4000 death confirmed dead by the end of the game. 

There are also many more players that become active 'clearers' than the original during this time, with more than 1000 players always available to participate in any floor boss raid. Not to mention, the overall player population is much happier and more cheerful than the original does... Even there are some players who don't mind living in this world forever. 

There are so many other things done differently, but mostly it was for the better.


[Inside the Baroque Work Tavern - Floor 61, Selmburg.]


As the day was about to get dark, 2 players who are best friends each other agreed to drink and chill in the Baroque Works tavern after hunting on this floor for hours. The moment they entered this 3 story tavern, it was fully crowded with players-- some of them were players they had seen on the monster field. Even though this tavern is really big-- roughly 20x20 meters and only on its first floor-- It doesn't help when there are hundreds of people inside it.

It's not surprising for them though, or any players in this world for that matter. After all, this tavern was crowned as the best in the entire SAO world due to its popularity and the strongest guild that backed behind it.


"Agu, where do you want to sit? It's crowded as always." Nero the short blue-haired man asked his best friend.

"How about on the counter, Nero? We never have been sitting there before." His friend Agu, the long red-haired man suggested.

"Yeah, I can see there are 2 spots empty, let's go!"

"After you, pal!"


After that, both players sit on the stool at the front counter and quickly call for an order. Agil, who is the manager in this place notice them immediately and asked, "Good evening, the customer. Do you want to order any drink or food?"

"Nero, what do you want to have today?"

"Mmm...Did you have any special menu today, Big guy?" Nero asked Agil.

Agil nodded and answered, "A new drink recipe came from Totsuki Chef came today and everyone seems to like it. Do you want to give it a try?"

"Ohh...? I am always up trying for something new!" Agu exclaimed.

"Then, make it 2, big guy." Nero followed.

"Understood. Please wait until your order is ready customers." Agil writes the order on a note and quickly leaves them on their own, and then they start talking to each other.


"Speaking of which, there are so many insect monsters we have slayed these days, Nero." 

"Well... It was nicknamed [Insect Land] after all. But the reward of the quest wasn't so bad, right? We also gained a few levels here."

"Indeed. But more importantly... It's all of Uta-sama!"


Hearing Agu's bold declaration, a lot of other players surrounding immediately showed their agreement, since a lot of them seems to have a similar interest.

"Ohh!! You guys here also for Uta concert!" (Player A)

"Another fan of Uta-sama!" (Player B)

"New brother!" (Players C)

"Of course!" Agu who notice everyone also has the same purpose as both of them excitedly nodded and asked, "But I hear the concert only has a limited ticket amount?"

"Yeah, there are only 1000 of them, and would be available for sell on here tomorrow." (Player D)

"That's why we are here, right?!" (Player A)


Almost everyone on the first floor answered at the same time, showing their various excitement for the upcoming Uta concert. The following conversation now shifted to Uta's follow-up concert excitement, which is talked about by everyone in the tavern.

"Obviously, if you are a clearer you can get the ticket for free." (Players A)

"Man, I envy those clearer! Not only they could get a free ticket for every Uta-sama concert, but they were also getting free ticket meals from Totsuki Chef Restaurant!" (Player B)

"Then, why you don't become clearer yourself?" (Players C)

"There is no way! I hear the test to become clearer was so strict!" (Player B)




While the players having fun on the first floor, on the 2nd floor which only VIP members are only people who able to access, Crocodile and Nico Robin currently drinking together while also watching everything that happened below.

"Mr. 0, it seems Uta-san's next concert also going to be a successful one." Robin commented with a smile.


Crocodile take a sip of his drink and answered, "It was already expected. Even without our marketing ability, she is already outstanding on her own."

Crocodile then put his drink and continued, "I just designed a plan where we could use that to our benefit. And it does really work magnificently." 


Since their meeting on the 3rd floor - 2 years ago, every member taking their responsibility seriously to complete the task together. One of them is Uta, who wanted to be not useless in the chat group, as she can't do anything except for singing. 

With a lot of self-training and extreme dedication to her ability, after a year she managed to maximize her singing skill in this game, arguably recovering her diva's voice and perhaps even surpassing her own skill in the real world.

With her voice alone, she managed to gather the majority of the player base as her die-hard fans would do anything just to listen to her live performance.  Thus, Uta has become one of the members who contribute the most to the main task. Using her influence, Crocodile revise a plan where every 'clearer' who participated in any floor boss raid would get a free ticket for every Uta singing performance... And the plan worked too well. 

After players know that information, It quickly changes the situation where no one wanted to be clearers into clearer become the most sought and popular job in this world. In fact, there were so many players that wanted to become clearers, that Kaito asked the Aika group to do a test for players to join the clearers group-- in order to filter the player who was actually worth becoming one, not players who just going to be canon fodder and get themselves killed.


"Oh? Even the cold and calculating Mr.0 praised other people these days. That's really surprising." Robin said in a teasing tone.

"...Save your sarcasm. Even you also have changed, the devil child." Crocodile scoffed but Nico Robin just laugh at his reaction.

"Pffft. That's true, but that's also applied to everyone in the group." Robin nodded as she take another sip of her drink


"Speaking of everyone, Itachi-san didn't come for a report today?" Robin quickly changed the topic.

"I let him go for a week. He is still newlywed with his couple after all. I don't want to ruin their honeymoon, or the owner wouldn't let me go." 

Crocodile was aware that Kaito really pays attention to Itachi well being, to the point where he doesn't want Itachi to die at all despite his tragic fate. Obviously, he also doesn't want to get into Kaito's bad side, so he could only play it safe and let Itachi have his vacation. 

Yes, Itachi finally married Kazehana just 2 days ago in this world, which proved how everyone inside the chat group has changed a lot. Thanks to that, Itachi now changed his mind and don't want to die at all-- as he looking forward to having a happy life with Kazehana.


Meanwhile, Robin once again laughed at Crocodile's reaction, knowing he actually never gives his subordinate a free day before the chat group was a thing. After living 2 years with chat group members who were mostly of good nature and helpful, he was also somewhat affected by it-- although Crocodile definitely still pursues his own benefit.


"The emotionless Itachi-san in the end got conquered by Kazehana-san. That gives me a slight bit of hope."

"Hope? You also want to join the owner harem, Miss All Sunday?" Crocodile asked with a curious tone.

"Perhaps." Robin nodded at Crocodile and replied in a serious tone, "If joining Kaito harem means I could revenge against the world government in our world for what they did to my hometown-- then I will gladly do that."

Hearing his assistant answer, Crocodile couldn't help but smile and commented, "I never know that your hatred was so deep, Miss All Sunday."

"It means you don't know me so well despite all these years, boss." Robin replied.

Crocodile then lit off his cigarettes and then muttered before smoking, "Well... that's your own business. Do whatever you want."


"Hmm... I thought you are going to stop me, Mr.0? You are still a warlord, right?"

Hearing her question, Crocodile snort d and replied, "Against the owner? Hah! I am not that stupid. In fact, I would gladly help you later, when the moment comes. With chat group power, it would be an easy feat to conquer the world where we come in."

Robin nodded and followed, "I can't refute that because you are saying the truth, Mr.0. Saitama-sensei alone could destroy our world with one punch."

"And we also never true power of the owner himself. I believe he never shows his full power to anyone yet-- consider his attitude who loves to play weak... But we all know he is actually quite smart if he tried." Crocodile added. 

"That might be true" Robin nodded and replied, "The system won't choose someone that isn't worthy of becoming the leader of the chat group. And based on how cautious he is, your assumption probably has some truth in it, Mr.0."

"That's also why I accepted him as our leader. He might even be slicker than me. Heck, he is the only one who didn't share the world memories where he lives in." Crocodile explained his assumption which Robin agreed.



[Labyrinth, Floor 74]




"Huh... You can sneeze in this game? Someone definitely talked about me just now... Or I might be just that tired."

While Crocodile and Robin talk about him, Kaito and his party currently hunting intensively on floor 74, while also finding the boss door at the same time. 

Thanks to his responsibility to keep his title as the strongest player in the world-- Kaito mostly spends his time in hunting spots along with his party and barely has any rest during this 2 years task. 

Even when he comes back to their guild headquarters, paperwork soon also come in... Thanks to his role being the guild leader. Thankfully, Miya and Sakuya were able to help him with the work-- otherwise, Kaito probably runs away a long time ago.

"Well... I hope the boss could be found today..."

After 2 years, Kaito's face got slightly matured and a bit taller... but that's it. His appearance is still the same, and his bad luck is also not different. The only difference is that Kaito manages to join rank up his swordsmanship and raise his overall strength evaluation to 4* with it.

As Kaito has just done rubbing his nose after sneezing, Lisbeth who is not far from Kaito's location suddenly called him out, "Kaito...!!! We finally found it, the boss room!"


Kaito moved close to the yell where Lisbeth came from and found everyone also already been there. A huge door with ominous looking-- Kaito quickly identified yep, this is the floor boss room.


"Wow, you guys really found it. Good job." Kaito praised his group member After that, without hesitation he unsheath his sword and ordered, "Well... let's kill it real quick."

"But isn't this fight important for the development between Kirito and Asuna's relationship?" Lisbeth asked with a confused tone. 

One year ago, Kaito finally invite Lisbeth to the chat group after each of his girls told him to do it. Because of that, she finally understood everything, and Lisbeth's perspective on the world has changed since then. The girls also accept her and treat Lisbeth as their sister-- which added more headaches for Kaito.

"Don't worry! There is no way what happened on the memories would happen after everything we have done." Kaito push the door and walked into the boss room, "Now, let's kill this boss real quick before other clearers kill it before us or Kirito comes with Asuna. The exp should be nice anyway"

"Understood." (Miya)

"I feel bad for Kirito but alright then... He should be happy with Asuna anyway." (Lisbeth)

"My shield is ready, master." (Akitsu)

"We still have a lot of paperwork to take care of so perhaps we need to do this quickly."  (Sakuya)

"Please don't remind me, Sakuya." Kaito commented with a distressed tone which made everyone laugh together.



After that, Kaito and his group went to fight against the 74th-floor boss that Kirito soloed in the original. Obviously, it wasn't hard to fight for Kaito and his party who were extremely skilled on their own, surpassing the protagonist with his dual sword skill.

For all the support I got from the last chapter, thank you so much!

Btw, I already planned how this arc would end so we are not far away from there. A time skip is really convenient, huh? Also please no complaints about the chapter title, I ran out of ideas lmao.

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