The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

58. Can’t Find the Protagonist.

When the time showing exactly 5:30 PM, a chiming noise could be heard by Kaito and the girls-- heck, any player in the surrounding, as a clear blue pillar of light surrounded them immediately. It does behave similarly to transfer like the chat group system including in its feature.

"This is the time... Girls, when we got transferred, don't move away from me until it's done" Kaito reminded his girls as the light-filled his sight.

"Don't worry master, we will always follow you" Sakuya answered confidently, followed by a nod from other girls 



When the light fades out a few seconds later, Kaito and the girls who stand next to him found themselves in the middle central plaza, which is the starting point when players come to this world. They are not alone though, as all players also transferred here together--- the same thing that happened on SAO memories.


"What's happening?"

"Can we log out now?"

"Can't they take care of it quickly?"


A lot of similar comments could be heard from time to time, as the players get confused about what is happening. Except, Kaito and his members who know what happened just looked up, waiting for Kayaba Akihiko's arrival.

And then a strange thing happened in the sky. One hundred meters above everyone was checkered in red-- from it oozes a red liquid and then it begins to transform into a twenty-meter tall figure with a hooded robe without a face. Shortly after, the figure move his left sleeve and then a low calm, male voice resonated from high in the air.

"Player, I welcome you all to my world"

Every player seems to get confused hearing the introduction, but it doesn't stop there as the figure continues talking to introduce himself.

"My name is Kayaba Akihiko. Right now, I am the only person who can control this world."


It seems everyone around immediately recognized the name, as that was the name of the creator of this game. After that, like in the memories, Kayaba Akihiko said the same thing, explaining why the log-out button disappeared, how they could die in this game meant they also died in reality, and lastly how to escape from this game by taking down all 100 floors of this world. 

Obviously, some people who have heard that it was insanely hard to get to the upper floor quickly become enraged. During the beta test for about 2 months, the players only managed to get to the sixth floor... which mean, no one could tell how long they would be trapped inside the game.

Not stopping there, Kayaba Akihiko then told everyone to check their inventory and a new item could be seen <<Hand Mirror>> which soon after revealed their true appearance in reality on this game, proving how serious Kayaba was about his intention. It doesn't affect any chat group member though. After all, they come here with their real appearance.

"As expected, it doesn't change our appearance at all" Kaito muttered, and then he throw the mirror to the ground... Which quickly break into blue particles.


After that, like in the memories, Kayaba Akihiko ended his announcement by saying good luck and just gone had just gone out of existence after that. Shortly after he is gone and the world is back to normal, chaos ensues in this plaza as all players realized they were trapped in this game-- a lot of yells, curses, clamors, begging, screaming and desperate cries could be heard anywhere.


"It's a joke right? What the hell is this? It's a joke, right?!"

"Stop kidding around! Let me out of here! Let me out!"

"I don't like this! I want to go home! I want to go home!"

"You can't do this! I am going to meet someone soon!"


Confirming the situation would just become even more chaotic around them, Sakuya takes initiative to ask Kaito, "Master... Now, It's done. What we should do after this?" 

Kaito who have thought about it for a while then suggested, "Let's get out of this place and move to the next village. If the memories were correct, we will meet the protagonist along the way"

"Understood" Sakuya who understand her master's goal, and then replied, "Follow me, master, I have memorized the whole map layout of this town and know the fastest way to escape"

Didn't doubt her capability as a super maid, Kaito nodded and replied, "Good call Sakuya-san, let's go, everyone!"



Following Sakuya from behind, the Kaito group quickly run to the nearest town entrance without any delay, afraid of what kind of chaos would happen if they stay any longer. In fact, all chat group members do the same as Kaito did, thanks to the memories they know the importance of securing the resource in the early game.


Not long after that, Kaito and his group successfully get out of the chaos in the town of the beginning and went to the next village. However, when they arrived at the village (A/N: The village name was never specified in the source), there are no other players could be found besides themselves, which made Kaito feel a bit disappointed.


"Master, there is no sign of player name [Kirito]-- or any player for that matter in the village" Akitsu reported after taking a look on the whole village area.

Listening to Akitsu's report, Kaito can't help but think, "Is that so? Did we head to the wrong village? Or did we come too early?"

"...What we should do, Kaito-san?" Miya asked.

Kaito knows there is no use to waste time their time to find Kirito, especially on the first day so he quickly changes his order, "Sakuya, please secure an Inn for us. The rest will come with me to ask any NPC around whether there is a quest that could be taken so we could earn some exp and money" 

"Understood master" Sakuya complied, and then she quickly parted from the group to find the closest Inn.

"Should we keep moving in order to find the protagonist, master?" Miya asked with a confused tone.

Kaito shook his head and replied, "No... We shouldn't waste our time just to find him, after all, we also need to strengthen ourselves to survive in this world"

"Understood. I will also do my best to keep my eyes in case the protagonist comes to this village" Miya said as she agree with Kaito's suggestion.

"Don't worry, If we can't meet him today, the next day we will move to another village to find him. There should be not a lot of village on the first floor anyway" Kaito added, reassuring his member furthermore.

Following Kaito's suggestion, they all went around checking all the NPCs as they also took all the quests available in the village. During the night time, they were traveling around the village to finish the quests. All Kaito group members managed to level up 2 times, which is a good result for the first day. 

He is still disappointed that they still not found the protagonist-- or any OG SAO character but nevertheless, Kaito believes he would meet Kirito very soon.

Later Kaito would learn that finding the protagonist among 10000 players scattered around won't be easy at all.



Several days later...

After traveling to some villages and grinding their level a lot, Kaito and his group go back to the town of beginning to resupply their resource. While there are people who are still in despair and angry getting trapped in this game, The town situation is still much better compared to the beginning when a lot of violent reactions could be heard anywhere from players.

Well, most 'good heart' members wanted to make the situation a bit better but Kaito wasn't really sure how to do that, even though most members asked for his suggestion about this. He did propose some plans to the chat group such as doing a concert of Uta singing, or a banquet with Erina cooking to cheer up the player's population... but those plans weren't really possible to do for now since both Uta and Erina still low level on their skill.



"Master, you look really tired," Sakuya said, responding to Kaito's sigh.

"I mean, we have been several days traveling around yet we are still unable to find the protagonist" Kaito wryly smiled.

After several days of traveling around with his group on the first floor, they were still unable to find the protagonist which made Kaito feel tired mentally and physically. He begins to wonder whether he should change his current plan to find him as there is no progress has been made. 

"I am sorry that I can't meet your expectations, master" Sakuya apologized.

"No, Sakuya-san. To be honest, I bet it's just my bad luck kicking again." Kaito shook his head and continue said, "I think we are already worked hard enough to find him. I just hope Miya and Akitsu could get some results today on their finding"

"If you say so... Master" Sakuya nodded and then quickly change to another topic, "Anyway master, should we get better equipment? Since we already get a lot stronger now compared to a few days ago"

"Hmm... I think rare dropped equipment from the monster was enough." Kaito shrugged, knowing their equipment was already very good on this floor. 

"On the other hand, do you want to use a set of knives, Sakuya? I know you are most comfortable using a knife instead of a sword" Kaito asked with curiosity.

"I wanted to, but there is no one selling a combat knife. The closest thing would be daggers... but I still prefer combat knives." Sakuya explained.

"We need to find a good blacksmith later to make it for you" Kaito suggested.

The only possible way they could get customed weapons is if they ordered it to a blacksmith NPC or a player who has a secondary job as a blacksmith. Kaito honestly prefers the latter choice, as with players they could negotiate and request more specific things they need for. 

The only problem is a good blacksmith is really hard to find especially in the early game like now.

"That's a good idea, master" Sakuya nodded in appreciation of her master's thought.

"I also wonder if I could find a katana for Miya, as I could tell she does not comfortable either using a sword" Kaito added, genuinely thinking about his members. 

"Understand, Then, finding a good blacksmith will be our second objective" Sakuya replied.

"Yeah. A weapon could greatly affect your performance in battle, after all." Kaito quickly agrees, knowing the importance of a good weapon for people who use it. Kaito was glad this world was all about swords, he couldn't imagine how useless he is if this world was all about projectile weapons like bows and guns-- since he can't use them at all.



After talking a lot more with Sakuya about a lot of different topics while getting the supply they needed for their journey, both Miya and Akitsu come back as they have just been done looking around the town.


"Ah, welcome back" Kaito greeted and asked, "How was the result of today's search?"

Miya shook her head and replied with a regretful tone, "We are done scanning the surroundings and still do not find the protagonist. We are sorry, Kaito-san" 

"Still can't find him huh? Did the protagonist drop dead somewhere? No, the system would notify us if that happened" Kaito murmured as he hold his chin, thinking about what they should do for today. Perhaps they could take a day off today, considering they have been traveling around nonstop since the game started.

"However master, we do find someone who was the part protagonist friend in the memories on the south part of the town currently acts as a street vendor" Miya continue said.


"It was the blacksmith girl... The one who gets her budding love for the protagonist crushed in one episode in the memories" Miya answered.


Hearing Miya's description, Kaito can't help but laugh... Even though she is right. Kaito did remember her name was [Lisbeth] and she seems to be a very good blacksmith, as she is the person who designed one of the protagonist's main weapons...

'A good blacksmith... That we need to have now!' Kaito thought.

Realizing the chance to solve one of their problems, He looked at his members seriously and ordered, "Change of plan. We will approach her now and our goal is to invite her to our group." 


Hearing her master's order, all of his girls looked at Kaito with deadpanned stares-- wondering how shameless their master have become to say it to his girls directly.

Feeling their gaze, Kaito quickly realizes that he just made a misunderstanding but before he was even able to correct it, Miya quickly commented with a sarcastic tone, "You want to invite her to this harem? Well, she would get abandoned so I guess you didn't steal someone SO master. Still, you have become so bold these days huh?"


"No!" Kaito refuse Miya's assumption and quickly explained, "We obviously need a blacksmith that we could trust with our equipment in the future. Isn't she the best candidate for that?"

Even though Kaito already said his reason, it seems none of his girls truly believe it. They are all aware of how dangerous their master's ability to get close to a girl is, especially Miya who has experienced getting pursued by him.

"Are you sure that's your only intention, Master?" Sakuya also asked with doubt.

"Of course! Anyway, let's move before she is gone. We can't waste our time here!"


After saying that, he quickly dashed away toward the south as Kaito knows that it was no use to convincing his girls in this situation, and decided that it was better to move than to waste their time here. Even though the girls were unsatisfied with their master's behavior, in the end, they still followed him to make sure their master does keep his promise.

easily the longest chapter so far, but it can't be helped. I will also switch focus to another group later, as all of them going to have some kind of influence on this world

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