The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 5 Journey to Diagon Alley

Chapter 5 Journey to Diagon Alley

Finny went in and found a goblin, and said,

"Hello, I'm going to get something from the Black family vault."

The goblin looked at Finny carefully, and asked after a while,
"Have you the key, sir?"

Finny took a key out of his pocket and handed it to the goblin, saying,

"Of course, here."

The goblin took the key, looked at it carefully, nodded and said,
"Very well, please follow me."

After speaking, he took Finny and Kreacher into a door next to the hall, opened the door, and saw a narrow stone passage illuminated by burning torches.

This was Finny's first visit to Gringotts, after all his age was placed there.

The passage in front of him descended very steeply, and on the ground was a long track.

Under the operation of the goblin, they got into a very simple car,

The car passed through this bottomless passage along the track, and then came to a huge underground cave. On the wall of this cave, there are many gates.
However, none of them are the targets of Feeney and his party. Their destination is the bottom floor of this underground vault.

The wizarding world 28 holy family has their own family treasury at the bottom of this underground cave. This was set up when Gringotts was established. Even, many families have shares in Gringotts.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a gate. This gate was made of an unknown metal material. It was very tall and hard. Even powerful magic could not open it. Of course, the goblin The magic is okay, after all, they built this place.

Above the gate is a huge portrait, a shield decorated with a mountain symbol, two five-pointed stars and a short sword, and on both sides of the shield are two leaping greyhounds, which is the family coat of arms of the Black family .

The goblin turned to look at Finny and said,

"Give me the key, sir,"

After hearing this, Feeney handed over the key, and watched the goblin open the door with a complicated operation.
Inside the gate is a huge underground vault,

Numerous golden Galleons were discarded in piles in the middle of the vault,

The reason why it is said to be discarded is because compared with other things around, these golden Galleons were indeed placed less solemnly.

Feeney didn't go directly to get Galleon, but walked to a corner of the underground vault,
In the family records, Feeney saw a box fixed with the Untraceable Stretching Curse.
Sure enough, Feeney found this box here. It was a box with the Black family crest printed on it. It was very old.
It is not only a magic item, but also an antique, and it can even be said to be a family inheritance.

This box is different from many boxes with space on the market today,
Rumor has it that decades ago, the famous magizoologist Newt Scamander once owned this magical box, which was made by all the Hofflepuff students and professors at Hogwarts together. .

The space inside that box was very large, and Newt divided it into several areas for raising some magical animals.

Such a box can already be said to be a rare treasure, priceless,
However, the box in front of Feeney is even more precious.

In fact, the space of this box is much smaller than Newt's,
But it is even more precious,
There is a recognized common sense in the magic world that is put on the bright side, that is, the item that has been casted with the traceless stretching spell, because the fixed space magic on it,

It cannot be put into other space objects,

For example, putting a wallet that has been cast with the No Trace Stretch spell into a box that has also been cast with this spell will cause both the wallet and the box to be destroyed, and all the contents will fall out.

Even some poorly made items cannot be cast with other magic, otherwise instability will occur. This is one of the reasons why the Ministry of Magic does not allow such items to be manufactured privately.

The most precious thing about the box in front of Feeney is here. It can be placed in other space items, and it will not be destroyed, nor will it destroy that item.
It can also be used to cast some spells, for example, as long as Feeney wants to, he can cast a shrinking spell on him and put it in his pocket,

And this box also has extremely strict confidentiality magic, only people from the Black family, or people who may be recognized by the Black family can use it,
Once it has an owner, even members of the Black family cannot open its real space without the owner's consent.

"Okay, Kreacher is going to get some Galleons, we're leaving,"

Feeney handed the box to Creech, and casually ordered how many Galleons to take. Feeney really had no idea and didn't care at all.
The Black family is very rich. It is too much to say that they are the richest man in the magic world, but the first few are still more than enough.

After saying goodbye to the goblin who led the way, Finny took Kreacher to the final destination of their trip, Ollivander's Wand Shop.

In fact, Ollivander's Wand Shop was not what it was known for, it was a very small, run-down shop.

Peeling gold letters on the door read: "Ollivander: Fine Wands Since 380 BC."

A wand stood alone on a faded purple upholstery in a shop window.The shop was small and contained nothing but a bench in the corner.

Pushing open the door of the store, a bell rang from nowhere, which was very ear-piercing. What caught the eye was thousands of long and narrow cardboard boxes containing magic wands piled up from the floor to the ceiling, and a thin layer of dust fell everywhere.

"Ah, hello, a young wizard, what do you need?"

A soft voice came from behind the counter,

Fini heard the reputation, and saw a white-haired old man with pale eyes but sparkling eyes standing there, and said to him,
"Oh, excuse me for not noticing the house-elf, so you are little Mr. Phineas Black? I guess you need a wand."

Feeney nodded and did not speak. He knew who the old man in front of him was, Garrick Ollivander, who was also a member of the Pure Blood 28 family.
The Ollivander family is recognized as the best wand maker in Britain, and is also among the best in Europe.The Ollivander family has been in the wand business since 382 BC.Although there were other wandmakers in the UK, most Britons bought their wands from Ollivander, including nearly all incoming Hogwarts students.

(End of this chapter)

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