The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 332 Promotion to Legend

Chapter 332 Promotion to Legend
"Finny! I came over as soon as I heard from Damon that you were back,"

Sirius appeared at the gate of Nico's Manor, walked quickly towards the villa, and at the same time said loudly,
In the past year, Finny fled to America, Harry and Leah took refuge in Hogwarts, Hope stayed in the manor to study alchemy, only Sirius took great risks to make arrangements among the forces of the Black family and control,
He even dealt with the Presbyterian Council and diverted the Presbyterian Council's attention to Finny. Although this could divert their attention and give the Black family enough time,
But it is also very dangerous. You must know that the law enforcement team of the Presbyterian Church has a high possibility of arresting everyone around Feeney just like it did with Cobos, and Sirius is one of them.
However, he still agreed with the idea,
Sirius is very aware of the danger in this idea, and he is also very clear that once their speculation is wrong, he will fall into a land of adversity, without any possibility of turning around.

However, that was his younger brother, the only younger brother he had after Regulus disappeared, one of the few members of the Black family, as the oldest person, this was his responsibility, and it was his responsibility. obligation.

Fortunately, everything is the same as their initial speculation. The main target of the law enforcement team is still on Feeney. Sirius is not in any danger as long as he does not directly meet them.

The past year or so has passed smoothly.


Feeney, who heard Sirius' voice in the villa, also ran out quickly, followed by Harry and the other three,

After the two brothers hugged each other tightly, they came to the living room together, sat down, drank black tea and talked about the past year.
"The law enforcement team didn't specifically search for me, or go to Hogwarts to find trouble with Harry and the others. As you said, they put most of their energy on you. We just released a It's just a warrant,"

Sirius smiled and talked to Finny about the past year, but he didn't elaborate,
"So, as long as I pay attention to my concealment, there is no danger."

Having said that, the law enforcement team did not deliberately arrest and search for Sirius, but his life is still not so good,
The Presbyterian Council issued a warrant for the arrest of several members of the Black family, and the reward was not low, which led to many black wizards being very interested in Sirius,
However, many of the strongholds of the Black family are gathering places for dark wizards, which has led to Sirius being often followed and captured by many black wizards,

He himself suffered some injuries because of this, but obviously he didn't intend to share these things in as much detail as what Finny said. As an older brother, it's fine for him to bear these things alone.

"Sirius, you have worked hard this year!"

Feeney said with emotion, he is not a student like Harry who has not stepped into the society, nor is he a fool, how could he not know the dangers Sirius has faced this year, if it is not because it is necessary to quickly advance to the legend The soul is used as a material, and at the same time it needs to be bypassed by other magic, he will definitely not choose this plan,
According to his original plan, as long as he slowly comprehend the essence of the soul step by step, it would be fine, but that would take too long, and now the Presbyterian Church will not give Finny this time,
Fortunately, everything is fine now,
Just when Finny was thinking this way, Puff appeared in front of several people with Dumbledore,

Seeing the arrival of Professor Dumbledore, several people stood up and greeted him,

Several of them had studied at Hogwarts, and even Hope had been an exchange student at Hogwarts for a year, so Professor Dumbledore can also be said to be their common teacher,

"Finny, how are you getting ready?"

After greeting several people, Dumbledore asked Finny,

Finny nodded.

"It was ready last night,"

As he spoke, he took Dumbledore thinking about going downstairs,

There is the basement specially set aside by Nico to study and experiment with magic when he built the manor.

Nico's former alchemy room is also here, so this is the best place in the entire manor in terms of safety and robustness.

The soul sublimation ceremony needed for Finny to become a legend is the best place here.

Naturally, the soul sublimation ceremony will not be that kind, just close your eyes and rest your mind, sit cross-legged, with your five hearts facing the sky, and meditate quietly.

It's a ceremony and many things need to be prepared,
This is part of what Dumbledore asked about Finny's preparations before, and the other part was to ask Finny about his adjustment status.

Feeney made all the preparations in advance,
The space required for the ceremony, a very strong and safe basement,
The materials used in the ceremony are special candles made of materials that can stabilize the soul and calm the mood.

The most dangerous part of the soul sublimation ceremony is not the attack from the outside world, but the loss of the soul that may occur at any time. After this kind of candle is lit, the smoke released can weaken this situation to a certain extent.

The reason why Dumbledore was called to help is because a legendary wizard who understands the soul can return the soul that has just been lost to its original body. Of course, it is impossible to be effective for those who have been lost for a long time.

Dumbledore took a closer look at the candles and made sure they were not damaged, then nodded and said,

"You're well prepared,"

Feeney smiled, and pointed to a paint-poked pot beside him,

Dumbledore looked around, and his expression, which had always been calm, also changed.

"This,,,, this is,,,,,"

Finny nodded,

"That's right, it's soul sand,"

Soul sand, a product processed by the soul, can have the same effect as the previous candle, but this is only incidental,
Its real function is to help the understanding of the soul. When Finney studied the soul in America, he studied this thing a lot of the time.
However, the most precious thing about this soul sand is not its effect, but its output. Only ten souls can produce one gram of soul sand.

At this time, the paint bucket in front of Dumbledore was at least one liter, and the weight of soul sand was much lower than that of water, almost comparable to the weight of gas, and there was at least one kilogram of soul in the capacity of this liter. sand, and even more,
This is [-] souls, and one soul represents one life. This is what surprised Dumbledore.

The jar of soul sand in front of him is equivalent to the lives of people in a small town. How can this famous white wizard take it with equanimity?

Finny, who guessed the change in Dumbledore's face, explained with a smile,
"Professor, don't worry, the departure of these people has nothing to do with me. I just arranged a device to collect souls in advance in places where death may occur. You know, I have been living in the United States for the previous year. That country , death is a very common occurrence,"

Only then did Dumbledore heave a sigh of relief. If these people were killed by Feeney, or even related to Feeney, and died because of him, he really couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't cultivate one at a time because of fear. Voldemort did not try his best in the process of sublimation of Finny's soul,
Now, knowing that his speculation is just speculation rather than reality, he relaxes a lot, looks at Feeney and smiles,
The two stretched out their wands at the same time, pointing to the jar of soul sand,
With the emergence of magic, soul sand left a huge mark on the floor of this room under the guidance of the magic wand,

Feeney and Dumbledore kept waving their wands, letting the soul sand leave patterns on the ground. Finally, when the two stopped at the same time, it could be seen that it was a huge magic circle composed entirely of soul sand. .

In the middle of the magic circle is a huge pentagram, although in many Muggle myths, the inverted pentagram represents the devil,

But in white magic, it symbolizes that the magician stands between the sky and the earth, the head is in the middle of the pentagram, the hands are raised, and the feet stand on the ground.

This pentagram is not only determining the object of the magic circle, but also the channel center for absorbing the magic power in the air.

The outermost part of the magic circle is a huge circle, which means that the circulation can ensure that the magic power will not be lost.

And between the pentagram and the circle is the magic circuit that represents magic, and these magic returns are the wires that ensure the transmission of magic power.In general, the more circuits there are, the more magic power will be consumed.

There are many Looney characters depicted between these circuits. This ancient magic character is the basis for creating magic, researching magic, and performing alchemy in the magic world today.

The inheritance left by Ravenclaw to Finney is the magic words, and it is most suitable to use them to realize the effect of the magic circle.
After seeing that everything was settled, Finny took a deep breath, walked to the middle of the magic circle, and sat down slowly.
"I'll leave it to you, Professor."

He looked at Professor Dumbledore and spoke slowly,
Dumbledore nodded, as if comforting, but also as if promising,

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen."

Only then did Finny close his eyes, and devote himself wholeheartedly to the perception of his own soul,
This is the first step in the sublimation of the soul, and it is also the easiest step.

But all wizards who are sure to be promoted to legend have a certain understanding of the soul, and must have achieved the level of perception of their own soul.
It's just that no wizard will easily use magic on his own soul before he is promoted. Any magic counts.

The more Finny studied legends, the more he felt that the reason why Voldemort was so crazy, as if his head was flooded, was because he hadn't been promoted to a legend yet, and when he was still in Hogwarts, he had a crush on him. Casting spells on his own soul, splitting it to make the first Horcrux, which caused problems with his own soul,

It is precisely because of this that Feeney has to admit that Voldemort's talent is really good. A wizard with a problem with his soul can still listen to the legendary part of the promotion of soul sublimation.

Of course, it may also be because Voldemort's promotion to the legend is a step-by-step move, rather than Feeney's reason, in order to hurry up and strengthen his own soul while promoting to the legend,

Slowly, Feeney sensed his own soul, and the next thing he has to do is to let his soul ascend to a level of soul, to perceive, understand, everything at that level, and absorb the power of that level, thus make your soul stronger,
This is also the most dangerous part. The level of the soul or the world of the soul, that is, the power of the spirit world is not only the best tonic for the soul, but also the most tempting poison.

When many wizards reach this stage, they will be obsessed with their souls absorbing power in the spirit world, thus forgetting their original goal, and eventually getting lost in the spirit world.

Sensing the change in Finny's soul, Dumbledore's expression also became tense,
Already a legendary wizard, he is naturally aware of the danger in this process and how much the spirit world attracts the soul of a wizard.

However, at this time, Feeney was not really lost, and he could not call Feeney back.
Although even if he makes a move at this time, Feeney can successfully become a legend, but he has lost this best opportunity.

This is the essence of soul sublimation, absorbing the power of the spirit world to enrich oneself, the benefits of this process are huge, so Dumbledore will not take it lightly,

Only when Finny's soul is really unstable can he make a move, because at that time, it is the precursor of Finny's lost soul.
Fortunately, everything went very smoothly,
While Finny was absorbing power in the spiritual world, he never forgot his goal, to become a god and to go home. These four words became his belief and his obsession, but at this moment they became the anchor that held him back. Iron chains so that he won't get lost easily,
When Feeney was sure that his soul had been enriched to the peak of the legend, he slowly followed the chains left by his obsession to return his soul to his original body,
In fact, during this process, the soul did not leave the body, but the feeling at that time was the appearance of returning the separated soul.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows through this airtight space where there is no wind at all, extinguishing the burning candle,
The magic circle drawn by the soul sand on the ground was also blown away by this gust of wind.

Finny slowly opened his eyes,
A burst of blue light scattered from his eyes, illuminating the re-entering dark space,

Even Dumbledore was terrified,
Feeney is only promoted to legend, and the power of the soul is already comparable to him. Once his magic power recovers and realizes his perception of the soul, he will be a very powerful person, and it can even be said to be a demigod. Under the invincible legendary wizard.

(End of this chapter)

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