The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 312 Chapter 310 The Story of Sirius

Chapter 312 Chapter 310 The Story of Sirius

Regarding the matter of Sirius, Lupine's letter was answered very quickly, and Feeney received a reply two hours after sending the letter, which is enough to show that Lupine attaches great importance to his little friend's lifelong event.

After reading Lupin's letter, Finny finally knew why Sirius talked about him during the day,

There is nothing wrong with his guess. Sirius did have a girlfriend when he was in Hogwarts, and they even spent much earlier time together than James and Lily,

At that time, the small group of predators composed of James, Sirius, Lupine, and Peter Pettigrew, as Gryffindor students, caused a lot of trouble at Hogwarts, causing many professors a headache.

Teenagers in the thirteenth and fourteenth years express their liking very unusually. Boys often use a very extreme way to get the attention and attention of the girls they like.
Sirius was like this at the time, in order to get that girl's attention, he kept teasing that girl,
Of course, what he thought was a joke might be a kind of bullying in the eyes of that girl.

The girl was a Muggle wizard from a Muggle family, so she was assigned to Gryffindor instead of Slytherin, and she didn't receive any rejection.
However, compared with Lily of the same background, she is much worse. That girl does not have Lily's talent for magic and potion at all. Many times, she can only be said to be obliterated by everyone, unremarkable.
However, Sirius, who has always been the eldest master and spoiled since he was a child, immediately fell in love with this weak, timid, but courageous little girl,

In the beginning, Sirius was indeed constantly teasing this girl, so that this girl almost dropped out of school and left the magic world.

According to Lupine, things were quite serious at that time. Professor McGonagall directly found Sirius and put him in confinement for two full months. At that time, Sirius got a lot of money from Professor McGonagall. The knowledge of transfiguration laid a part of the foundation for their subsequent Animagus magic,

Of course, the main reason why they were able to succeed was because James Potter had some methods of inheriting the magic of Animagus from the Potter family, which allowed them to shorten the practice time of this magic and strengthen their understanding of this magic. Mastery of magic.

It's a bit off topic, let's talk about the story between Sirius and the little girl,

Lupine didn't know what happened after the confinement. In short, not long after the second semester started, Sirius caught up with the girl, and the two of them got together and became a small group of four of them. You know, they were only in the fourth grade at that time.

After that, the two would get together when they were free, until they were in the sixth grade, they mastered the Animagus, and they used Lupine's identity as a werewolf to make fun of Slytherin's Snape, causing him to almost die.
Although he was rescued by James, many people knew about this incident. Of course, those people did not know the inside story of this incident. a bit dead,
Also because, that girl broke up with Sirius,

The night they broke up, neither Sirius nor the girl went back to the Gryffindor lounge, somewhere,
A few days later, the girl dropped out of school, and she never appeared in the magic world after that.

After graduation, Sirius and the others joined the Order of the Phoenix to fight against the Death Eaters, and took this opportunity to try to find the girl. After all, the environment in the magic world is very unfriendly to Muggle-born wizards.
However, they got nothing. Later, James and Lily got married and had children, Pettigrew Peter's betrayal, Sirius was imprisoned, and Lupine struggled to survive in the magic world because of his identity as a werewolf. A regular job allows him to survive and live an ordinary life like ordinary people.

This is probably the content recorded in Lupine's letter. Although a lot of things were said, it also solved part of Feeney's doubts.
But it also created more problems for him,

Who is that girl, where is she now, and what happened the night she disappeared with Sirius.And why did she drop out? After dropping out, she returned directly to the Muggle world, so she didn't appear in the wizarding world, or did something happen unexpectedly?
After all, in those days, any kind of accident for Muggle wizards was not considered an accident.
After thinking for a while, Feeney wrote out part of his question,

'Lupine, thank you for telling me these things. However, it is precisely because of these contents that I have some new doubts. I don't know if you know the answers to these doubts.What's the girl's name, and her current age.Since you played together at that time, you should know where she used to live in the Muggle world. In short, I have some interest in the news about her, and I can feel that Sirius still cares about this girl very much.looking forward to your reply. '

The letter was still sent by Popsicle, but this time, Lupine replied very late,
Three days later, Popsicle returned to Feeney with Lupine's letter, and after feeding Popsicle some food, Finny opened Lupin's letter,
'Phinney, after receiving your letter, I only know part of the answer to your doubts. That girl is called Hayley Jones, who is one year younger than Sirius, and should be 33 years old now.That's all I know. However, after reading your letter, I also realized that Sirius may not have let go of Haili, so I contacted some former classmates, and only then did I reply to your letter.Hailey used to live in London, but after she dropped out of school, she didn't know where she moved. I asked my classmates who were also Muggle-born, and they looked for Hailey at the time, but they couldn't find her either. After she dropped out of school, she completely left the magic world.The above is all I know, I don't know if I can help you.If necessary, please contact me. '

Finny snapped his fingers with his left hand, and a blue flame appeared in his hand. It was Diemfire. He had been studying Diemfire for the past few days. Although he still couldn't control them as he wanted, he summoned them out of thin air. , and then letting them go out is still ok,

The flames burning on the letter reflected the blue light on Finny's face. He still doesn't want Sirius to know that he is investigating his past pornographic news, otherwise, according to Sirius' aggressive personality, he also pointed out that Not sure what to do.

However, this Hailey did not live in the wizarding world. Thinking about it this way, after she dropped out of school, she should never use magic again. After all, she can keep her wand after dropping out of school, but once she uses magic in the Muggle world, The Ministry of Magic must find and confiscate the wand.

However, Hayley has no records in the wizarding world. In other words, after she left Hogwarts, she really forbeared not using magic for more than ten years.
For such a persevering and thoughtful person to avoid being found by the magic world, it was not easy for Finny to find her.

However, this is also good, that is, she did not live in the wizarding world, but in the Muggle world. Then, the government of the Muggle world would have her social records, and even in the census, there would be no will collect her information for easy management,

You must know that although Britain does not have a so-called household registration system, it still has a complete census and management system. It is relatively easy to use the Muggle government to find a Muggle in the Muggle world.

Thinking of Feeney here, his eyes lit up, and he took out another piece of parchment,

'Damon, I remember we've always been in touch with the British Muggle government, right?I need you to help me find someone through the Muggle government, she was born in 1960, attended Hogwarts at the age of 11, and dropped out to return to the Muggle world around 1976, so, Muggle government There should not be her high school information there, of course, this is not absolute, her name is Hayley Jones, she used to live in London, and moved away in 1976, help me find her current living address, and her past years Details.I believe that these things are not troublesome to you, and I look forward to your reply. '

When tying the letter to the popsicle's leg, the popsicle pecked Finny a few times, as if to say, I just came back, and you asked me to deliver the letter again, even a donkey who pulls the mill has time to rest. !

Feeney smiled and touched the popsicle's feathers,

"Okay, the last trip, I will let you have a good rest when you come back,"

Popsicle just turned its head away, flapped its wings and flew out,

Looking at the departing Popsicle, Finny let out a sigh of relief and went back and forth normally. After Damon's letter, he will be able to find the former girlfriend of Sirius.

At that time, find a way to find out what Sirius said. If he hasn't forgotten about Hailey, and Hailey is not married, Feeney doesn't mind matching the two, and by the way, he can give eye drops to the elders of the family , let them try to make a marriage plan for themselves without their own consent. ,
Damon replied to the letter a few days later than Lupine. These days, Feeney is still studying the magic of Fiendfyre. Feeney is still very interested in this kind of flame that can burn the soul.

He had a feeling that if he could fully understand the essence of Fiendfire's magic, then he would be one step closer to legend.

Damon's letter didn't arrive until a month later, and it was delivered directly by Damon's house-elf, not via owl,
Feeney, who was very puzzled by this, understood Damon's meaning after reading the letter.
'Master, after receiving your letter, I immediately contacted our allies in the Muggle government. After searching, the woman named Hayley Jones who lived in London before 1976 and moved away later has 12 There are so many people, because we can be sure that she once went to Hogwarts, so we focused on their experiences during the period after they were 11 years old. In the end, we identified the Hayley you are looking for, young master. Hailey married a man named Klaus Michelson in 1978. Before she got married, she had a daughter named Hope. However, Hailey died five years ago, and her husband was also there. A year ago, she passed away unexpectedly due to a car accident, so I only found out the current address of her daughter Hope, and this Hope is still a little wizard, and now she is in the sixth grade at the Beauxbaton School of Magic and Magic in France. '

Feeney frowned, Hayley got married, then passed away, and she had a daughter, before she got married, and she got married in 1978, so, this daughter was born before that, And she dropped out of Hogwarts in 1976. Obviously, it was impossible to have a daughter before that, excluding ten months of pregnancy, so there is a high probability that this girl was conceived by Hayley before she dropped out.

If this is the case, the reason for her dropping out of school can be determined. Even, the girl's father is probably Sirius,

Although they don't know why they broke up at the time, and they have a daughter, but the possibility that this girl is Black is very high. After all, she is also a wizard, and obviously the man named Klaus is not a wizard.

Feeney took a look at the address where Hope lives now. It is a French village not far from Nicole's manor. It just so happens that he can take Lia to the manor for vacation before school starts.

Thinking of this, Feeney left Grimmauld Square No. 12 with an apparition, and went to the Greengrass family's manor.

After a brief communication with Phobos, Feeney took Leah away from England and went to Nico's manor that belonged to him.

Because of the special magic characteristics of Nicole Manor, Leah, who was brought by Finny, now knows the location here, but she can't tell it, and she can't bring other people here, unless she gets Finny's permission.

Which is good, because it's arguably Finny's safest safehouse.

"What? You suspect Sirius has a daughter?"

After listening to Fini's main purpose of coming to France this time, Leah asked with a look of shock,
Feeney nodded helplessly and said,

"I'm not sure, I can't ask Sirius what happened before he broke up with the girl named Haili, and this girl named Hope is now alone, her parents are dead, it's okay to be a Blake , if not, it would be very bad to rashly talk to Sirius about it."

Liya heard this, and after thinking for a moment, she had to admit that what Finny said was correct,

It is very easy to give hope to a hopeless person, and it is very easy to destroy this hope, but for this hopeless person, it is a very sad thing.
 There are some Calvins today, so the update is a bit late. In addition, Hailey, Claus, and Hope just took their names, and the characters have no connection with American dramas such as the First Family and Descendants.
(End of this chapter)

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