The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 281 279 Arrangements for Sirius and Hagrid

Chapter 281 279 Arrangements for Sirius and Hagrid
Finny nodded.

"I know, this is actually a declaration of war on the Ministry of Magic, and it is also seeking change."

"A change?"

"Yes, change. Now Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, we are too limited. Not only do we have to fight against the Mysterious Man and the Death Eaters, but we also need to deal with the delay from the Ministry of Magic. Therefore, we need to make some changes. Let one of them become a teammate or an enemy instead of the current state of chaos."

Astoria nodded thoughtfully, and walked into the door of the Slytherin common room,
"Wait, Leah, how are you doing with your roommate?"

Feeney stopped Astoria, who was about to walk towards the girls' dormitory, and asked,
Astoria turned her head and said with a smile,

"They're all nice people,"

After finishing speaking, he bounced into the dormitory, while Finny stood still and sighed, and sat down by the fireplace in the common room.

Today is Halloween, even the little snakes rarely stay in the dormitory, but wander and play in the castle, so there is no one in the Slytherin common room at this time,

Such a quiet environment also gave Finny a good space to think, without requiring him to think in the Room of Requirement.

For Astoria Feeney, she has always had the idea of ​​letting her live in his dormitory, especially after the return of the mysterious man was announced,
Daphne and Draco he wasn't worried,

Although Daphne is also a member of the Greengrass family and a member of the Black camp, she has her own small group in Slytherin. Judging from their performance, it is not difficult to see that these little witches They have great ambitions, and they also want to follow the example of the mysterious man when he was at Hogwarts to form his own team.

As for Draco, he was the shadow prefect of their class, and he had a separate dormitory. As long as no one in their class was his opponent, his position would not be shaken, and Draco had his own training. People are hardly his opponents.

Only the little girl Astoria, because of the blood curse, is not in good health, her foundation is very poor, and she is not a prefect. She shares a dormitory with other people. If the parents of those little wizards return to the camp of the mysterious people, Those little wizards will definitely target her,

However, now it seems that Astoria is still unwilling to do what Feeney arranged, but it is not known whether it is really disliked or caused by shyness.

Speaking of which, Feeney really didn't realize before that this little girl is so shy easily, she blushes every time she talks to herself, and her voice is very small, unlike last year.
Feeney sometimes wondered if something happened to this little girl when he healed the blood curse for her, and she changed to someone else.

While meditating, Draco returned to the common room, and when he saw Finny, he walked over directly,
"Finny, is what Professor Dumbledore said true?"

Finny raised his head and glanced at Draco, pointed to the sofa in front of him and said,
"Sit down first. I don't know what you're asking about. I told you the news of the mysterious man's return when school started, didn't I? As for the resignation of Sirius and Hagrid, it's better that you don't know about it."

Having said that, Finny stood up and smiled at Draco and said,

"Okay, Draco, you don't need to think about this matter yet,"

After saying goodbye to Draco, Finny did not leave the common room of Slytherin to go to the bedroom of the Room of Requirement, but directly lived in the dormitory in Slytherin,
Although no one has lived here for a long time, it is still cleaned very clean and spotless by the house elves of Hogwarts.

It's just that the furniture that Feeney arranged here in the past few years has changed.

The books on the bookshelves have been removed so that they remain empty,

The curtains on the bed were also placed on the big bed inside the suitcase, but the cushions, cat climbing frames, cat litter, and cat bowls that were originally used for chocolate in the corner were still there, unchanged.

I don't know how chocolate is taken care of by Lisa, Feeney secretly thought.

Finny didn't know when the Slytherin snakes returned to the common room. After one night, he got up and washed as usual, but this morning he didn't go to the auditorium banquet hall on the first floor, but went to On the eighth floor of Gryffindor Tower, the headmaster's office behind the two stone statues,
Today was the day Sirius and Hagrid left school, and Finny also had some things to tell them.

"Finny, you're here!"

At this time, Sirius and Hagrid were sitting opposite Dumbledore in the principal's office, waiting boredly for Finny's arrival,
When Finny pushed open the office door, the eyes of Hagrid and Sirius glowed blue, and those who didn't know thought how long they had been waiting.

Feeney nodded to the two, walked to Dumbledore's side, sat down and said with a smile,

"Well, sorry, I got up a little late today,"

Feeney and the three of them greeted each other politely before they got down to business.

"Sirius, the resignation of you and Hagrid was discussed with Dumbledore. Hagrid, Dumbledore and I need you to go to Minsk, where someone found traces of giants. We judge that there There is at least one tribe of giants, according to the information we have received, if nothing else happens, your mother, the giantess Friedwafa, is also there, maybe you want to meet her."

Hagrid's eyes were wide open, filled with a light called shock and joy,

Hagrid had looked for the giants many times and asked them about their own mother, but most of the news he got was such hurtful answers that he didn't know, didn't understand, or was dead.

Now, suddenly getting the answer he dreamed of, Hagrid was a little at a loss, looked at Finny blankly,

Finny smiled and continued,
"The giants are tall, mighty, and have thick skin that can resist spells. They can cause amazing damage on the battlefield. We don't need you to draw them to our side, but we must not let them join the mysterious man. Death Eaters, in that case, our chances of winning will be even lower."

At this time Dumbledore said,
"You can go to Beauxbaton in France to find Ms. Maxime. Like you, she is much better than ordinary wizards looking for giants. They are also unwilling to return the mysterious man, so there is a high probability that she will help us."

Hagrid nodded, his eye circles were reddish, tears were about to fall because he suddenly heard the news about his mother,

But a few people ignored him, and Feeney looked at Sirius and said,
"Sirius, one of the reasons for your resignation is that we also need you to help us with some things, and on the other hand, it is because of the curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class,"

Sirius opened his mouth and was about to refute when Finny interrupted him,

"Listen to me first. I know that you are not afraid of that curse. However, we just want to take advantage of this curse. A wizard who holds this position for a whole year has a high probability of no good results, even if it is not death. To enter St. Munk for a period of time, the woman who took this position after you is Umbridge, and our idea is to use this curse to get her out of Hogwarts!"

"After all, she is an official of the Ministry of Magic. We can't justify taking action against her. Therefore, it is the best choice to let her leave here by accident, and you are only teaching for a few weeks or less than two months. Your influence can be said to be almost invisible, so you can still hold this position next year, and if there are no accidents, we may have already won the battle with the mysterious person by then, and this curse will no longer exist."

"On the other hand, Black, like the Order of the Phoenix, is now the main force against Death Eaters. Most of the time, the Order of the Phoenix fights on its own and does not need a mausoleum guide. Unlike Black, many of the family's forces are mercenaries. They need orders, you and I are the only ones who can give orders, and the fact that both of us are at Hogwarts will cause Black's power not only to be ineffective, but to become a burden."

"Originally, I thought we could give orders in Hogwarts. After all, this is the safest place. As long as we don't have any accidents, Black's power can be guaranteed. However, now the Ministry of Magic will send out communications from Hogwarts to the outside world. It's all locked up, and there's nothing I can do with my original plan, so I need you to get out of here and lead Blake, of course, Lisa will be with you, I wrote her a few days ago to say yes This matter is gone,"

Sirius nodded upon hearing the words, and said nothing more,
"By the way, Sirius, Hagrid, you should pay attention. Since the Ministry of Magic is now monitoring even Hogwarts communications, I have every reason to believe that they will monitor your magic traces, so, unless necessary, try to Don't use magical means to move, Muggle ways of moving are hidden from the Ministry of Magic, they won't easily detect it."

Sirius and Hagrid nodded at the same time, indicating that they understood the matter, and then walked out of Dumbledore's office,

They did not choose to take the Hogwarts Express to leave the school, but chose to take a carriage to Hogsmeade, the largest gathering place for wizards in Britain.

"Will they succeed?"

Dumbledore looked at the backs of the two leaving and asked very rarely,
You know, before that, every time Dumbledore made a decision, he would be absolutely confident that he could achieve the effect he hoped to achieve, but this time, he hesitated, or in other words, he was no longer so confident.

Finny looked back at him.
The long beard that reached to the belly, and the bound hair that was covered by the purple pointed wizard hat, had turned into pure white, just like milk without any variegated color.
Dumbledore's face was also dissatisfied with tiredness, and the originally rosy skin became rough and withered.
The firm back is also slightly curved now, obviously it has only been a few years, Dumbledore looks completely different from when he and Finny met for the first time, as if they were two people,
he is really old

The greatest white wizard who has been the leader of the magic world for decades is really old now.

The parting of old friends, the parting of lovers, and the passage of time have all done him great harm.

Dumbledore never thought of becoming a god, maybe even he didn't know about becoming a god that was hidden by the elders, in short, he was ready to face death with a smile many years ago,
But it shouldn't be this time, it shouldn't be now,

"Don't worry, it won't be now, at least, after sending Tom away,"

Dumbledore seemed to see Finny's thoughts, and said,
Feeney heard that subconscious use has long been his instinctive Occlumency, but the next moment he stopped,
Not to mention the agreement between him and Dumbledore, even ordinary little wizards, Dumbledore would not use the magic of insanity,

Then he remembered the meaning of what Dumbledore said,
It seems that this old man has already had a premonition that his lifespan is coming to an end, and now it is only because the mysterious man is still alive that he will cause enough harm to the magic world, so he will leave with peace of mind until all the dust settles. go ahead
At this time, Feeney suddenly remembered the death of Dumbledore in the original book,
Throughout the entire Harry Potter novel, there are only a few people who are really concerned with Draco's safety. His parents, Lucius and his wife, and godfather Snape are the last ones, and then Dumbledore.
He knew very well that if Draco didn't kill him, he would be killed by the mysterious man, so he was willing to be killed by Draco,
Of course, there may also be some reason why Dumbledore died soon because of the curse itself, but Feeney didn't believe this statement,

You know, this is one of the few wizards who have gone the farthest in the legendary realm in the magic world. Although magic is not omnipotent, it can also turn decay into magic. Time can completely solve it, but he didn't. He gave up his life to delay the mysterious man and give Harry and the others enough time to grow up.

Even before he died, he did not forget to change the old wand in his hand to an unexpected owner. Only in this way, it would not be obtained by the mysterious person.

Shaking his head slightly, Finny shook away the distracting thoughts in his mind, looked at Dumbledore and said,
"Professor, even if the mysterious man has been defeated by us now, I don't think it's time,"

Dumbledore smiled and said,

"Phinney, you have to know that death is not scary,,,,"

Finny interrupted him,

"For the dead, death may not be terrible, but, professor, what about the living? For the living, death is a kind of endless torture, professor, I sent senior Nicole away not long ago , don't let me send you away in a short time, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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