The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 277 Chapter 275 Hogwarts Senior Investigator

Chapter 277 Chapter 275 Hogwarts Senior Investigator

No one is Feeney's opponent, is there anyone who will take the initiative to challenge Feeney,
After looking around to make sure no one would challenge him, Feeney said,
"Very well, then this year it will still be Derian Pussy as your prefect, and what I want is the privilege of the prefect. This is our deal, isn't it? Before you defeat me, you can only choose to agree to this. "

Finny smiled disdainfully, turned and returned to his dormitory, while the little wizards who had been with him for a year in the common room gritted their teeth, not knowing what to say.

At the earliest time, they agreed to this point because they did not allow Black's people to be their prefects. In order to ensure the full strength in their hands, they gave up the privileges of prefects, but now, they still can't beat Finny , so I can only continue to follow Feeney's arrangement,

The days after school started, exactly as Feeney predicted, Umbridge began to wantonly interfere in Hogwarts' internal affairs, using her identity as a Hogwarts senior investigator,
In particular, the Ministry of Magic recently issued an educational order regarding the appointment of Hogwarts professors, which greatly limited Dumbledore's power in Hogwarts, and Umbridge therefore had the right to censor other professors. that power.

Umbridge did not follow any rules to review professors in various disciplines, nor did he limit the grades for review,

The first subject she reviewed after the start of school was Professor Flitwick's Charms class, which was also Finny's class for their school year, and it happened to be Slytherin and Gryffindor's class,
However, it was not bad, because Umbridge just huddled in a corner for the whole class, taking notes on the clipboard, and did not directly intervene in Professor Flitwick's class.

It may also be because of Professor Flitwick's temper. Although she is usually very calm, when Umbridge went to review his class, he just regarded her as a guest and didn't take her seriously at all. He is also one of the best figures in wizarding and fighting in England. He has never been easy to mess with.

You know, Professor Flitwick has the blood of a goblin, and he was targeted and insulted by many peers because of this when he was a little wizard.

Professor Flitwick, on the other hand, concentrated on developing his own fighting skills, and then went to revenge one by one,
When he was young, he would teach every wizard who spoke of his half-fairy blood a very painful lesson. Therefore, no one in the entire magic world dared to speak about his blood.

Umbridge chose Harry's divination class after Finey's school year, that is, Trelawney's class,
Finny has always been on Umbridge's alert, just in time to see what she is going to do, and also went to this class,

As a genius in the mouths of various professors at Hogwarts, it is very easy for Feeney to take a few classes, not to mention that his vision has been awakened, and he is also a prophet with third eyes. Go to Trelawney's Classes are also normal.

Feeney was sitting in the corner of the dimly lit divination classroom. If he didn't pay special attention, no one would notice that he, a person who didn't belong to this classroom, appeared here.

Just when the class was about to start, Finny noticed Umbridge getting out of the trap door on the floor. Suddenly, the little wizards who were still joking in the classroom fell silent.

Professor Trelawney, who was about to distribute the "Guide to Interpreting Dreams" to the little wizards, was also very unhappy because of Umbridge's arrival.
"Good afternoon, Professor Trelawney,"

Umbridge still had a pile of smiles all over his face, and said in a disgustingly sweet voice,
"I'm sure you got my notice? It says check your class time and date."

Professor Trelawney nodded grimly, turned away from Umbridge, and continued with her unfinished business of distributing textbooks.

Umbridge didn't care, and still with a smile on her face, she pulled the chair closest to her to the front of the classroom, sat down,

She took out the clipboard from her gaudy bag, and watched Professor Trelawney wait for the class with full expectation,

Her coherent movements may look very elegant and beautiful to herself, but in the eyes of the little wizards, it is a coherent and contrived behavior that is disgusting.

Professor Trelawney took a deep breath, tightened the shawl with trembling hands, and looked at the classmates through the pair of huge glasses that covered half of her face.

"We continue to learn about prophetic dreams today."

Professor Trelawney's voice sounded louder than usual, but also trembling a little more than usual, as if she was suppressing her fear and nervousness.

"Ask students to divide into pairs and explain to each other what they saw in each other's recent dreams with the help of "Guide to Interpreting Dreams."

Naturally, Feeney will not listen to this class seriously. The most basic content of divination has been fully mastered by Feeney a few years ago, not to mention that he still has the Celestial Eye.So his main task at this time is to keep an eye on Umbridge, confirm all her actions and judge her purpose.

After Professor Trelawney announced the task for this class, he wanted to quickly return to his seat, but suddenly saw Professor Umbridge sitting nearby, and hurriedly stopped and walked towards Parvati and the others. .

After a while, Umbridge probably couldn't find any problems in the classroom, so he stood up and walked around among the teachers with Professor Trelawney.

Standing behind Professor Trelawney, she recorded what she had seen and heard a long time ago, writing and drawing on her writing board without stopping.

In the end, she found Professor Trelawney, asked something, and directly angered Professor Trelawney,
"So, how long have you been in this position?"

Umbridge watched as Professor Trelawney asked,
Professor Trelawney glared at her, folded his arms across his chest, and shrugged his shoulders, as if to shield himself from the brusque investigation.

She paused slightly, and found that she had absolutely no reason to ignore her question, so she could only say in a warm and angry tone,

"Almost 16 years,"

Umbridge heard what was recorded on the clipboard, and continued to ask,
"It's been a while, so you were hired by Professor Dumbledore?"


"Are you the great-great-granddaughter of the famous prophet Cassandra Trelawney?"


Speaking of this, Professor Trelawney changed his previous expression and raised his chin very proudly,
"But I think, if I'm wrong, you can correct me. After Cassandra, are you the first person in your family to have Celestial Eye?"

"These things are often passed down through, uh, usually three generations."

Professor Trelawney opened his mouth to argue for himself, but didn't see the corner of Umbridge's mouth that was already smiling.

Umbridge smiled and said to Professor Trelawney,
"So, I don't know if I have a chance to ask you to say something for me?"

Feeney could clearly feel that Professor Trelawney's body tensed up after hearing these words.

"I don't understand you?"

"I want you to make a prophecy for me!"

Umbridge emphasized again,
At this moment, Feeney also frowned. It seemed that Professor Trelawney was the first cannon fodder.

Professor Trelawney forcefully argues,

"Tianmu Shui is not ordered to look at it!"


Professor Umbridge said softly, not caring at all, and at the same time drew a few strokes on the clipboard.

"I,,, but,,,, but,,,, wait!"

In the end she gave in.

"I think I did see something, it was about you,,, ah, I felt, something very dangerous,,,, something black,,,, something extremely dangerous,"

Professor Trelawney pointed at Umbridge with trembling fingers, making the smile on Professor Umbridge's face disappear,
"I'm afraid, I'm afraid, something very terrible will happen to you."

Professor Trelawney continued speaking, completely oblivious to the taboo of the current situation.

Umbridge glanced sideways at Professor Trelawney, drew something on the clipboard, and said,
"Well, well, if that's the best you can do!"

After speaking, she turned and left,
And Professor Trelawney just stood there blankly, his chest trembling violently,

Seeing this, Finny already understood what the ending was going to be.

Professor Trelawney actually has a very bad opinion among little wizards, but her elective courses are full every year.

Her ending has become a foregone conclusion, there is only one choice, and she will also become the bargaining chip for Umbridge and the chicken who will make an example to others.

Umbridge, who had been standing by the trapdoor the entire time, was the first to descend the silver ladder and leave the classroom the moment the get out of class bell rang.

Feeney sighed, and looked at Umbridge's leaving back. Professor Trelawney can be said to be a victim used to stand up, so Sirius must be an existence that must be targeted.

Especially when the conflict between Finny and the Ministry of Magic became more and more intense, and Sirius still firmly supported Dumbledore's attitude, his being a professor at Hogwarts was helping Dumbledore control Hogwarts, at least From the Ministry of Magic's point of view, they wanted to regain all the powers of Hogwarts, so Sirius was the one who had to be dealt with.

I just don't know when this woman Umbridge is going to use what kind of hand to attack Sirius. You must know that a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and the strength of the Black family is not Umbridge, who pulls the tiger skins of other families. able to offend.

Umbridge's road of censorship did not stop because of Professor Trelawney, but continued,
But the next classroom she appeared in was still not the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but the Transfiguration classroom.

Finny came to the Transfiguration classroom and saw Umbridge sitting in the corner of the classroom.

Professor McGonagall was not surprised by Umbridge's arrival. After all, Umbridge had given advance notice before reviewing the professors, and she would not leave such a handle for herself.

"All right,"

Professor McGonagall quieted down the noisy classroom,

"In this class, we continue to learn the basic principles and usage of human body deformation and reduction."

Umbridge coughed twice and wanted to interrupt Professor McGonagall, but unfortunately, Professor McGonagall ignored her.

Continuing to talk about the content of this class made Umbridge very angry, and she felt as if she was being ignored. This feeling made her feel very uncomfortable, and deeply stimulated her distorted inferiority complex. heart,

So she coughed lightly again, and the voice was louder, and Professor McGonagall had no choice but to ignore it.

"what happened?"

Professor McGonagall's tone was very angry, and his eyebrows were all gathered together.
"Professor, I want to know, have you received my note, which notifies you of the time to check your class status and,,,,"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Professor McGonagall,
"Obviously I received it, otherwise I wouldn't have let you appear in my classroom!"

Professor McGonagall's tone was very bad, and after finishing speaking, he turned around decisively and ignored Umbridge again.

This made Umbridge even more dissatisfied.

"Cough, cough,"

"I don't know!"

Professor McGonagall turned to Umbridge and said angrily,
"If you keep interrupting me, how can you understand my usual teaching methods? You have to know that when I talk, people usually don't allow others to interrupt me!"

Umbridge was speechless for a moment, as if he had been slapped loudly, his face was ashen, and he wrote something angrily on the parchment in his hand.

But no one cares at all, because Professor McGonagall is not only an ordinary professor, but also the vice-principal of Hogwarts. If one day, Professor Dumbledore has an accident or chooses to retire, she will be the administrator of the castle. Or, the kind recognized by the castle,
Professor McGonagall didn't care about Umbridge's actions either,

"As I said just now, there is some relationship between the Restoration Curse and the Vanishing Curse we have learned before,,,,,"

Umbridge didn't act recklessly like other professors in the classroom, because she realized that the one in front of her was different from them, and she would not tolerate some of her things because of Umbridge's identity, especially when she In the classroom, this is not allowed at all,
When Professor McGonagall announced that get out of class was over, she stood up directly and came to Professor McGonagall, her face still ashen and terrifying.

"How long have you been teaching at Hogwarts?"

"It will be 39 years this December,"

Professor McGonagall still didn't give Umbridge any face,

"Very well, you will receive the results of your investigation within ten days."

"I can't wait."

It has to be said that Professor McGonagall's extremely indifferent tone was the greatest insult to Umbridge.

(End of this chapter)

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