The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 261 259 Truth

Chapter 261 259 Truth
It took several days for Lisa's injuries to fully recover, and during this time, Finny also did not leave the wooden house,

He wasn't sure who was trying to kill him, was it the Ministry of Magic, another pure-blood family, the Council of Elders, or all three?
So he can't show his face yet. He needs to hide himself for a short time, so that the magic world thinks he is dead, so that all the black hands hidden under the water will surface.

Rushing to show up in the magic world without clarifying this matter can indeed quell many troubles and chaos that should not have arisen, but it also lays down some hidden dangers for the future.

This time, they can blatantly violate the rules of Turning Alley and attack Finny at the gate of the Silver Moon Potion Store. Next time, they may attack Finny at the gate of the Ministry of Magic, or even break into Hogwarts.

After all, such a thing has not happened before.

Feeney needs to know who the enemy behind the scenes is. Only in this way can he better contain, resist, even counterattack and retaliate.

Now the enemy is in the dark, but he is in the light, he can only choose to temporarily disappear and transform his existence into the same in the dark, forcing the enemy to appear in the light, everything is possible.

Because the participants in the whole incident were either dead or crazy, and even those werewolf wizards who survived were dealt with by the Auror team sent by the Ministry of Magic for a reason.

Although Sirius reacted quickly and saved some of them, no one knew the situation of Finny and Lisa.

Many people wondered if Feeney was dead,
It can even be said that they are extremely looking forward to this possible realization. Phineas Black, this 13-year-old boy, has put too much pressure on these pure-blood families. Why is a pure-blood family that has been in the world for thousands of years controlled by a little wizard for ten years and cannot fight back?

The existence of Feeney, in the hearts of many rulers of pure-blood families, is already a shadow covering their hearts.

Unlike these people who expected Feeney to die, Sirius firmly believed that Feeney did not die, but suffered some injuries, and where he was recuperating,

While looking for Finny, he also began to put pressure on the Ministry of Magic,

Why are there so many dark wizards under the management of the Ministry of Magic openly attacking Finny in the alley, and the Ministry of Magic rushed to the scene after the fact, and even took action against the wizards who protected Finny?
Only relying on this problem, Sirius naturally has no way to pose any threat to the Ministry of Magic. After all, he is not Feeney, and he is not a lunatic who will start a family war at any time.
However, just because Sirius can't do it doesn't mean that other people can't.

The families attached to the Black family, or in other words, the families attached to Feeney himself, cooperated with Sirius and began to exert pressure.
Among them, the Weasley family working in the Ministry of Magic, the Baronton family, the Malfoy family of the nobles in the magic world, the Greengrass family, the darling of the Presbyterian Church, and Ollivander and other neutral families that favor Black are supplemented. caused a lot of trouble.

As time goes by, Finny has not shown up, leading to rumors of his death becoming more and more intense in the magic world, and the actions of the Black family have become more and more tough.

Sirius strongly demanded that the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic be responsible for this matter, especially the head of the Auror department. You must know that the current head is a member of the Rich family. This request put Fudge in a dilemma. To deal with this problem under such circumstances, he would either offend Rich or Black, but he still couldn't afford to offend them now.

On the other hand, many neutral families in the magic world, such as Lovegood, Burst, McMillan, Slughorn and other families also began to end.

The reason they left was not to stand in line, but because there were also underage wizards in their families,

Now that the Rich faction (in the eyes of everyone, it was the Rich faction who attacked Feeney) can openly attack the heirs of the Black family because of the hostility between them and Black, then there will be a day in the future when they can attack the heirs of the Black family because of themselves. There is no reason to attack their descendants for taking refuge in them, and the fact that the Ministry of Magic has not responded now can also be seen as siding with the Rich family's choice.

However, this incident was really not planned by the Rich family. After they knew about the attack on Feeney, they just contributed to the flames and provided some help for the people behind the scenes.

So, gradually, some of the Rich family, the Lestrange family, and the subordinate families of the Selwyn family also began to end, asking the Ministry of Magic to give a reasonable explanation.

This result made Fudge even more overwhelmed. The fate of the Rich family made him, who was politically astute, instantly understand that there were other black hands behind this matter.

If he had reacted before this, he would definitely investigate with all his strength, so that the two would not help each other, and neither would offend. However, now, Rich's power is also at an end.

This caused Fudge to have no chance and time to carefully examine the cause of this matter.

"Minister, this matter may require you to come and see for yourself."

In Fudge's office, there was a fat woman in a fluffy pink cardigan, with a broad, flabby face, and a small black velvet bow on her short curly hair , said to Fudge in a shrill, fussing little girlish voice,

Fudge looked at the woman with a headache, and said with a little anger,
"Dolores! Do you need me to do everything? What do I want you to do? You might as well have a curly-haired baboon in your office, and I'll have to deal with it myself anyway in the end."

said the woman, or rather Dolores Umbridge in her affected, sweet, cloying voice,

"But, Minister, there are really many things that you need to know,"

Fudge stood up impatiently. Although he hated the toad-like woman in front of him, he still chose to believe her. After all, this sycophant really made people feel very comfortable.

Fudge followed Umbridge to the room where the black-robed wizard who attacked Finny was imprisoned at the entrance of the Silver Moon Potions Store, and looked suspiciously at the Auror who was in charge of interrogating the black-robed wizard.

"I found something that I must come over in person?"

The Auror handed Fudge a vial containing a strand of golden memory fragments.

As a result, Fudge's test tube came to the Pensieve in the corner of the room, poured the memory fragments into the silver-white liquid in the Pensieve, and inserted his whole head into it.

The memory reacts when it encounters the liquid medicine, a puff of smoke appears in the liquid medicine, and with the insertion of Fudge's head,
Before he was in a trance for a while, he came to another place. This is the memory of the black-robed wizard, and it is also the memory that his Aurors interrogated and needed him to check in person.

It was a very dilapidated old house, the kind where people upstairs would keep dropping dust when they walked back and forth.
And the black-robed wizard from Fudge's perspective at this time is standing in this room with many other wizards in the same costume, waiting for someone to arrive,
A moment later, with the creaking of the wooden stairs, a short man with gray hair and bald head came down the stairs,
The moment he saw the appearance of this short man, Fudge couldn't help crying out,
"how is this possible!"

It was a man with a mouse-like face and a pointed nose, small watery eyes, pale complexion, little hair, dull, disheveled and patchy baldness, and the most crucial point was the man's The right index finger is missing.

This is a person Fudge is very familiar with, and it is because of him that his authority as the Minister of Magic has been weakened many times.
This man was officially caught by Phineas Black a few months ago, reminding the Ministry of Magic that there were many problems with the trial of Sirius Black, and he was the main person who wronged a hero. Once Sirius Black, Jen Tom Potter, Remus Lupine's good friend, Peter Pettigrew, nicknamed Wormtail!
"It's totally impossible!"

Fudge repeated again,

It's really impossible, or unrealistic,

Because Pettigrew Peter's matter was urged to be dealt with by Feeney, the reality was subjected to the soul-destroying criminal law of the Dementor's Kiss, which is equivalent to the death penalty, and then pushed into the mysterious door of the Department of Mysteries, and there were no survivors at all. It might be right, why did it appear in the memory of this black-robed wizard, and it seemed not long ago?
Could it be that the opposite of that door is not the world of death, but another part of this world, which was escaped by Peter Pettigrew?But this is not right, you must know that the kiss of the dementor cannot be reversed, that is to say, the person who is punished by this punishment can only be a living dead for the rest of his life.

However, Peter Pettigrew stood here shining brightly, standing in the memory of the black-robed wizard.

"The master has issued an order, and you need to complete it at all costs!"

Peter Pettigrew said after looking around at all the wizards in black robes, and at the same time rolled out a baby carriage behind him,

Inside the stroller lies an existence that is even more unacceptable to Fudge,

It was a baby, of course, the baby sitting in the stroller must be a baby, but the baby's features are too obvious, there is no nose, and the skin color is as pale as if there is no trace of blood in the body. The eyes of the pupils of the snake must be fixed on Fudge, or rather it is the owner of the perspective that Fudge is looking at at this moment—the black-robed wizard,
"Find him, kill him, kill that boy who has disobeyed me many times, the little wizard from the Black family, Phineas Black!"

At this moment when he heard these words, all the doubts in Fudge's heart were solved,
Why did Dumbledore stand so firmly beside a young wizard from a pure-blood family like Phineas Black, why Hogwarts didn't care about the attitude of the Ministry of Magic at all, why Finney was attacked, and the Ritchie family Also stop talking, because the mysterious man really didn't die, because the mysterious man was behind the attack on Feeney!

'No!This is not true, this is a fake memory, a memory that has been modified by someone, that person must have pulled out such a completely undisclosed lie to hide himself, the mysterious man is dead, he will not come back up!'

Fudge growled impotently inside, but it was just him deceiving himself.

Lifting his head from the Pensieve, Fudge looked at Umbridge and asked,
"Who knows about this?"

Umbridge still said in a high-pitched voice,
"Only him,"

As he spoke, he pointed to the Auror beside him,

At this time, Fudge could no longer care about hating Umbridge's voice and acting style. He was very flustered now, so flustered that he directly raised his wand at that Auror and shot Avada Kedavra!

"Don't blame me, this matter cannot be revealed, the mysterious man must be dead, and he must not come back!"

At this time, Fudge was already crazy, because the news of the return of the mysterious man made him extremely crazy,

He couldn't accept the return of the mysterious person who had disappeared during his tenure, so his tenure would definitely become a laughing stock, and he had no way to lead the Ministry of Magic to resist the army of the mysterious person.

In order to maintain his prestige in the magic world and to control the Ministry of Magic, he decided to conceal the news of the return of the mysterious man. No, the mysterious man is dead, and he never, never, will ever return!

Umbridge seemed to have guessed that Fudge would do this a long time ago. She didn't care about the Auror's death at all. In other words, she was the same person as Fudge, only caring about the power in her hand. As for whether the mysterious man returned , for them, it must be in their interest not to return,
As for the return of the mysterious man?
Impossible, even if it is a fact, it must be a rumor!

The crazy neighbor rolled his eyes, thinking about how to deal with the attack on Finny in his mind,

It is certainly impossible to find the murderer now, and the resurrection of Peter Pettigrew is not important at all. ,
He now needs to find a few scapegoats, scapegoats that the entire magic world believes in,

The Auror who died just now can be one, the head of the Rich family in the Auror department is one,
The Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, and the Department of Magical Traffic all need people to come out and carry guns, only in this way is enough weight,

Fudge also understands that after this incident, the Ministry of Magic still needs to come up with suitable benefits to make the Black Group give up continuing to put pressure on the Ministry of Magic.

"Isn't Arthur Weasley a member of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Division at the Ministry of Magic?"

Fudge asked Umbridge,

Umbridge nodded,

"That's right,"

"Then he is the head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters, and Lucius Malfoy may be willing to be the honorary head of the Department of Law Enforcement,"

(End of this chapter)

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