The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 259 257 Mutation

Chapter 259 257 Mutation
"How about it?"

Seeing a few people coming out, Phoebus, who had been waiting outside the door and listening to his daughter's screams, hurriedly asked,

Finny smiled and said,
"Fortunately, but because Astoria's body is regrown, she will not be able to control her body for a long time, and needs the personal care of other people, so she will learn from newborns. It’s like walking, it needs a little bit of exercise and familiarity.”

As he spoke, he controlled Astoria to fly into the arms of Mrs. Greengrass beside Phoebus.

Phobos looked eagerly at the three of Feeney, repeatedly confirming,

"So, the curse has been lifted, right?"

Dumbledore nodded with a smile and said,
"That's right, it's lifted, I think, maybe it won't be long, Mr. Greengrass, for you to hear that Finny has been selected as a candidate for membership in the Wizengamot."

Nico nodded with a smile,

"That's right, Finny's discovery this time is very valuable to the wizarding world, and can even change the lives of many people. It is absolutely possible to obtain such a qualification, and Albus and I also helped him apply for it through this matter." The idea of ​​this qualification,"

When Phoebus heard this, his eyes lit up. You know, the Greenglass family has joined the Black family. They are people on the same boat. The Greengrass family will be better if Feeney is better, so he nodded and said,

"That would be great. If necessary, Professor Dumbledore, Mr. Flamel, I will come forward to prove that this experiment is successful for Finny."

Finny shook his head and said,

"Phobos, although I think there is no need to prove it to a large extent, after all, the professor and the senior are here, but if it is really necessary, then you need to be clear that if you testify, it will be Astoria. I handed it over to them for inspection, I never believed that those wizards doing research would be kind enough to guarantee the safety of the inspected people, "

Dumbledore nodded approvingly and said,

"Although I am also a member of the Wizengamot, I have to say that Feeney is right. Those researchers are very contemptuous of life. If they really checked Miss Greengrass, what we did today All your efforts will be in vain.”

Phoebus was also silent when he heard the words, and kept quiet about what he had proved for Feeney in the subsequent conversation.

Seeing this, Finny just smiled, which is human nature. Not to mention, he himself didn't want Astoria, who had just survived the catastrophe, to be checked by those lunatics.

The fatigue caused by Astoria's treatment will not recover from a short rest, so the three of Feeney stayed at Greengrass Manor for one night under the arrangement of Phobos, and left the next day here.

Dumbledore and Nico returned to the French town of Nicolas to spend the last months of Nicol's life.

As for Feeney, he chose to stay in the past later, he wanted to go to London's Turning Lane first,
He has something to go to Lisa,

In the past three days, he has gained a lot. First of all, the Malfoy family has taken refuge in him, which will give the Black family extremely powerful assistance in many matters.
And Lisa, who usually helps Finny handle these matters in the wizarding world and the Muggle world, must need to understand, and began to handover with the Malfoy family, one of the reasons Finny went to her was for this.

What surprised Feeney the most was the support of the Greengrass family. With the power of this family, he could get more resources and support from the Presbyterian Church.

You must know that the content related to becoming a god is monopolized by the Presbyterian Church, and becoming a God is also the goal that Finney must achieve. Therefore, it is inevitable to obtain relevant information from the Presbyterian Church.
Only the alliance of Selwyn and the forces under both sides cannot do this, especially under the opposition of the Rich family and the Lestrange family, so it is inevitable to gain more support from the elders of,
The second purpose of Finny looking for Lisa is to expand his reputation in the wizarding world. It is a good gimmick to lift the blood curse of the Greengrass family, especially after Dumbledore made it clear that he would do it for Finny. In the case of an application for honors,
He approached Lisa with the idea of ​​letting Lisa spread the word through underground channels.

Turning to the alley did not become cold because the magic school in the magic world was on holiday, but it was more lively than other times.

Of course, the excitement here is not worth the sound, but the number of people.

In Turning Alley, there is no such noisy sound as in Diagon Alley. The pedestrians here are silent, and even people who are familiar with each other will not greet each other when they meet here. Because the wizards here all hide their identities and do some shady things. No one wants to be recognized by others when they do shady things.

Here, children have no living space, and it can even be said that there is no safe range of activities.
As long as the little wizards appear in the alley, they will be stared at by the dark wizards hiding in the shadows of the streets and alleys. If they find the right opportunity, they will use a stun spell, and then they will be kidnapped. Others, who happened to be on the street witnessing these things, were not too nosy, and even sometimes they did the same thing.This is the truest state of affairs in the darkest places of the wizarding world.

As usual, Finny didn't come in from the entrance of the alley, because he is also a child. Even with his current strength, it is difficult for him to be in a dangerous situation in the magic world, not to mention walking sideways, but those are all troubles. isn't it?

In order to avoid trouble, Finny still apparated directly to the entrance of the Silver Moon Magic Pharmacy.

Just as he was about to open the store door and walk in, Feeney suddenly squatted down and rolled over to the left.
A silver light hit the position of his head on the door directly opposite the place where he was standing,

After Fini stood still, he exerted a little force on his right hand, and the wand tied to his wrist slipped and fell into his hand. At the same time, he turned his back to the wall and looked in the direction of the spell that attacked him.
Standing there right now was an adult wizard in a black robe, whose entire head was covered by the shadow of the hood,
And beside this adult wizard, there are several other wizards dressed in the same clothes as him. Obviously, they are all together,

As for this attack, Feeney has every reason to suspect that they were organized and planned. After all, in the unspoken rules of the alley, there is no fighting at the entrance of the potion shop.
Because there are very few potion shops in Fandao Lane, and potions are a must for many dark wizards, not fighting outside the potion shop is equivalent to giving face to the boss of the potion shop, so that he can sell potions to others in the future. them.

Therefore, the one who attacked Finny at the entrance of the potion shop must be someone who can do this desperately, and must have made plans and preparations long ago.

Only the wizards who did not belong to Fandaoxiang from the beginning would not care about the unspoken rules of Fandaoxiang,
Thinking of this, Finny's expression became more vigilant,

The strange thing is that the wizard on the opposite side didn't do anything to Finny, but just looked at him like this, as if to prevent him from escaping.
They have other support!

Feeney immediately thought of this extremely bad possibility for him,
Sure enough, just when he wanted to understand this, many wizards in black robes slowly gathered around the Yinyue potion shop, covering their faces in shadows.
Almost the same clothes, the same destination, a fool can see that their purpose is the same, that is Finny,

At this moment, the door of the potion shop opened,
"Whoever wants to die will surround my shop!"

Lisa opened the door and came out, cursing as she walked,
This is a very common scene in Fandao Lane. Here, you have to be more fierce than others, so that you can survive better.
Lisa herself as a werewolf can do this very well.

"Huh? Master, when did you come? And this is,,,"

Lisa was a little confused at first, but seeing Finny's vigilant look and more and more wizards surrounding the place, she suddenly understood and shouted,
"Master, you go first, leave this place to us!"

After the words fell, the only werewolf wizards under Feeney's subordinates in the potion shop came out one after another, surrounded Feeney in the middle of a battle at any time.

"Rick, take the young master away immediately!"

Lisa shouted to a werewolf wizard who was standing next to Finny, who was not a few years older than him,
The werewolf named Rick grabbed Finny's hand and was about to Apparate, but nothing happened. He hurriedly shouted at Lisa,

"Big Sister, a magic that prohibits disapparation has been placed around here!"

Lisa's heart sank. It seemed that today would not be able to pass smoothly. The magic wand only wanted a wizard on the opposite side, and shouted loudly.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A green light hit the wizard immediately, and the instant death effect took effect instantly, killing the wizard,

She attacked first because she knew it well.Since the battle is unavoidable, then seize the opportunity,

Instead of waiting for the opponent to attack and passively meet the enemy, it is better to take the initiative to fight, at least you can seize an opportunity.

Following Lisa's attack, the surrounding werewolves seemed to have received a signal, and green lights shot towards the surroundings like a light curtain.

However, the wizards on the opposite side were not easy to use. After a wizard died, they also started their own actions.
It's just that compared with the uniform movements of werewolves, it's much more chaotic.
These wizards are fighting on their own, using their companions as their shields.

One-third of the wizards died immediately under the killing curse of the werewolves.

They also launched an attack, and the lights of various spells flew randomly over the small open space in front of the potion shop.

There are two young werewolves standing on the left and right of Feeney. At critical moments, they will use their bodies to block fatal attacks for Feeney.

As a little boss, Ralph felt very panicked at this time. From the information he collected, he could tell that there was some relationship between this potion shop and this little wizard.

But he really didn't expect that those werewolf wizards in this potion shop would fight for this little wizard,

Instead, they were the ones who made the first move, which also caught him off guard.You know, he still has many subordinates who haven't rushed here yet.

Just when he was distracted by the trouble, a faded light and shadow flew out from the crowd on the side, and rushed towards him at a high speed.
not good!

Suddenly, Ralph's heart was full of alarm bells, and he hurriedly turned around to avoid it.

But the previous distraction had already made him lose the opportunity, and the white light was too fast, and it had come to his eyes in a moment.
As the white light grew bigger and bigger before his eyes, only remorse remained in Ralph's heart,

Why should he be distracted on the battlefield? It is obvious that he can't do a simple task like killing a little wizard. It is obvious that as long as this task is done well, he can be appreciated by the master, and he is obviously about to reach the pinnacle of life.

Thinking in this way, the white light hit the mask that suddenly appeared around his body,
This layer of mask like a magic barrier was shattered immediately, but the magic spell that almost took his life also disappeared immediately.
As the barrier shattered, the crescent-shaped pendant hanging on his chest and neck also shattered and fell to the ground.

It was a pendant he bought on the black market a long time ago. He thought it was just an ornament, but he didn't expect it to be a magic item, which saved his life.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief and raised his wand to fight back, he felt his head sinking, he was very sleepy, and he closed his eyes tiredly.
Just before he closed his eyes, he vaguely saw a touch of green,
The dead Ralph was just a pawn in this war, and no one would care about his life or death. Whether it was the black-robed wizards or the werewolf wizards, they only had one thought at this time, and that was to kill each other. , kill each other,
This is a very abnormal thing, you know, just now, the thought in the werewolf wizard's heart was to protect Finny and take him away from here, and now it inexplicably changed into such a murderous idea of ​​killing the other party.

As the war progressed, the originally small open space was covered with corpses and blood.

Even Finny has started to use the Death Curse recklessly, instead of Shenfeng Wuying,

You know, he didn't use it even when facing the ancestor of the vampire before, but chose to use other combat magic, but he did it now.

Finny's spells were not limited to the Killing Curse, Fiendfyre was also summoned by him, burning wantonly on the corpse.

The scene was chaotic,
And in such a chaotic scene, taking a person's life is even easier.

Therefore, Feeney is very dangerous at this time,
It wasn't Feeney who was the first to realize that something was wrong, but Lisa, who had always cared about Feeney.

Only she would care about Fei Ni's safety when her heart was full of killing intent.

After reacting, Lisa immediately moved closer to Finny, trying to wake up Finny who was also caught in this unknown wind madness.

(End of this chapter)

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