The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 249

Chapter 249 King's Cross Station

The banquet ended with the cheers of Gryffindors and the dead silence of Slytherins,

The next day the little wizards put the rich emotions of the previous night behind them, knowing that a wonderful holiday awaited them.

Perhaps they would have been happier if the professors hadn't handed out the notice telling them they couldn't use magic during the holidays.

Hagrid brought the little wizards to the train station in Hogsmeade village, boarded the Hogwarts express train to London, chatted and laughed all the way, watched the scenery outside the window slowly passing by and speeding away , the wilderness slowly turned into a village, the scenery became more and more verdant and tidy, driving past one Muggle village after another from a place where there were almost no Muggles living,

The little wizards ate Bibi’s multi-flavored beans, took off their wizard robes, put on shirts, jackets, and jackets, left the world of magic, returned to the original state of the world, and came to King’s Cross Station. Another three-quarters platform.

Because we want to hide the truth about the existence of wizards, we will not allow a whole train of young wizards to leave the platform in a crowd. A large number of people will appear rashly. Even wizards have no way to continue to hide it.
So Finny and the other little wizards left the platform separately under the watchful eye of a skinny guard.

The old guard stood at the partition wall at the exit of the platform, allowing only two or three people to pass through at a time, so that a large number of people would not emerge from the solid wall and attract the attention of Muggles.

"Do you want to come to my house to play this summer? Well, you can all come over, and I will send you owls."

Ron said to Harry, Neville, and Hermione,

Harry nodded and said,
"Thanks, I'll spend the holidays with Sirius later, I think he'll be happy to take me to you."

Fini and Draco stood behind the four of them, quietly listening to the conversation among the little ones,

Draco pursed his lips and was very unhappy. Just now, Finny dragged him away from his two basics, Crabbe and Goyle, and forced him to come out with Harry and the others.
The twins stood beside Feeney, hugging Feeney's neck from left to right,
"Phinny, do you want to come and play with us during the holidays?"

"Yes, yes, if you are not here, our mother will look for us again,,,"

"George, Fred!"

Before the twins finished speaking, they were interrupted by a roar,
Feeney looked around and saw Mrs. Molly Weasley looking at the twins angrily,
That posture seemed to be peeling off the skin of the twins,
In the meantime, Molly walked quickly to the twins, grabbed one of the twins by the ear with one hand, and roared while suppressing her anger,

"How dare you! Do you know how worried me and your dad and Ginny were when we heard the news, and Ginny was terrified!"

Everyone knew that Molly was talking about the twins breaking into the basement classroom and saving Harry.
This matter is indeed a good thing and something to be proud of. However, for relatives and parents, such a dangerous thing seems to them to be able to do it or not to do it. things,
They don't expect their children to achieve any achievements, they just hope that their children can grow up safely and healthily, get married, start a career, marry a wife, and have children.

Although the twins felt a little wronged, they didn't say much or justify anything.
They are smart since they were young, and they know very well that this incident really scared their mother, so it is also good to let their mother reprimand them a few words,
Moreover, according to their mother's character, after the reprimand, they will definitely praise them for protecting their younger brother. The so-called reprimand is just because they did something dangerous, and the praise is because they are worthy of her pride.

In fact, this is also the case. After greeting Draco and Molly, Finny left with Harry.
He wanted to talk to Harry's uncle and aunt about the vacation he wanted to spend at Black's house,

"Goodbye, Potter!"

"Bye, Harry!"

All kinds of farewells were shouted out by the little wizards. Harry gained a friendship he had never had before at Hogwarts, so he was very happy, especially thinking that he could be with Sirius and With Finny spending time in the magic world, I am even more happy and looking forward to it,

"I said, are you ready?"

A very majestic, but stern voice came from the prisoner beside him,

Finny turned his head to look, and there was a man with a red and purple face and a big beard, fat and strong like a kind of edible domestic animal, looking at Harry with angry eyes,

Beside him, there is also a woman who is as thin as a telephone pole compared to him, who may be fine if you don't look at the obviously vitriolic face, and a little boy who is also extremely fat. They are using Looking at Harry with a terrified expression,

"Is that them, Harry?"

Finny asked lightly,
Harry nodded with difficulty. At this moment, Mrs. Weasley walked over and asked,
"You must be Harry's family?"

The fat man, Harry's Uncle Vernon, said,
"You could say the same,"

and looked at Harry,

"Come on, boy, we can't afford to lose all day,"

Turn around and leave after saying that.

"and many more!"

But he was stopped by Finny,
Vernon obviously didn't expect a wizard to stop him, he paused, and turned around tremblingly to look at Finny,

"Is there anything you need?"

"Nothing important, just to tell you that I will pick up Harry to my house during the holidays."

Feeney said in a very cold tone, although he does not reject Muggles, but that means that for people from a certain ancient country, British Muggles are really not in his eyes, and he does not reject them. , not targeting, doesn't mean he has a good impression of them,
"That's impossible!"

Vernon said without thinking,
Finny shrugged and said,

"Oh, I almost forgot to mention that my brother is Harry's godfather,"

Vernon was taken aback, glared at Harry, and asked in confusion,

"Godfather? You don't have a godfather!"

Harry said cheerfully,
"I have, he is the best friend of my parents, but he was convicted of murder and just got out of the wizard's prison not long ago,"

Vernon's eyes contracted visibly, obviously startled by what Harry said,

Finny smiled and said,

"Well, although there are some gaps in the details, it is indeed the case. My brother just came out of the wizard prison before this semester,"

Seeing the terrified look on Vernon's face, Harry smiled happily,

Feeney continued,

"He'd love to keep in touch with Harry, so specifically I want me to tell you we'll be picking him up in a week,"

Speaking of this, he paused, as if he suddenly remembered something,
"Oh, by the way, we don't need to be responsible for killing Muggles, well, we usually call people like you who don't know magic Muggles,"

After finishing speaking, Finny smiled and waved to Harry, and took Draco out of the station, completely ignoring the terrified Vernon and his family, especially the little one who had shrunk behind his mother. fat man.

Draco was also very happy, maybe because he saw Harry's family, or maybe because he saw how Finny played tricks on Muggles who he had never looked down upon.

In short, he is very happy.

Walking out of the station, Feeney saw Sirius riding a shiny new motorcycle,

Sirius probably also saw Finny, got off the motorcycle excitedly, and tried to hug Finny with open arms.

"Finny, long time no see, how are you doing at school?"

Sirius and Finny hugged and asked,

Feeney shrugged,

"Not bad, I think you also know that I am so strong in the academy, and the unspoken rules of Slytherin have no binding force on me, so naturally I live very well."

Sirius smiled cheerfully,

In the past few months since he came out of Azkaban, Sirius has changed his previous appearance. He was originally thin and skinny, but now he has muscles on his body, and his sloppy hair has been treated. The Beatles Classic Release,

The first two buttons of the shirt on his body were not buttoned, revealing the metal pendant inside, but Finny didn't see what it looked like, of course, it was just a trivial detail that didn't need to be taken care of.

The sleeves of the shirt rolled up to the elbow are even more obvious that Sirius has a special momentum,

Although Sirius left the family at a very young age and stayed in Azkaban for ten years, he is also the heir of the Black family, one of the largest nobles in the magic world. Can't hide it.

Finny smiled and pointed to the sluggish Draco beside him and said,

"Now, this is Draco Malfoy, cousin Narcissa's son, our nephew,"

Although Sirius has a bad sense of the Malfoy family and doesn't want to interact with them, he still wants to give Finny the face, and he wants to make up for his little brother.
So he nodded to Draco, with a very ugly smile on his face, and Finny didn't care, and continued,

"Although Lucius has indeed done some bad things before, and the attitude of the Malfoy family as always is also very annoying, but Draco is our junior after all, and cousin Narcissa is our only remaining relative, so , it is quite necessary to restore relations with the Malfoy family, "

Speaking of this, Feeney smiled, lowered his voice a lot and said,

"Besides, the Malfoy family is not impossible to win over. We need more voice in the Presbyterian Church. Lucius also wants the Malfoy family to become the vowed family of the Presbyterian Church again. I plan to visit them tomorrow."

While saying this, a golden flash flashed aside,
Feeney stopped talking, turned his head to look, and saw a couple in gorgeous clothes, but with an unknown reason that made people feel disgusted, walking over.

Looking at the skilled face and the tall golden hairline, Feeney recognized the person.

"Mr. Malfoy, Cousin Narcissa,"

He smiled and greeted the visitor,

"I was just telling Sirius that I would visit you tomorrow,"

Lucius froze for a moment, glanced at Sirius,
Sirius still had a very forced smile on his face,
Lucius had already told Narcissa that he would reconnect with the Black family in the matter of Feeney's treatment of the vampires, so now, in the face of Feeney's kindness, he hastily expressed his kindness,

"Really? Then I need to prepare well. It's the first time you've come to your cousin's house, Feeney,"

Lucius didn't call Finny Mr. Black, nor did he call him by his full name. Instead, he called Finny only when he was very close to him, and he also used his cousin's house when he called his house, which directly brought him closer. the relationship between the two,
And his attitude is very respectful, and his manners are also very thoughtful. While bringing the relationship closer, he did not ignore the essential gap between the two families - compared with the Black family, the Malfoy family is really not enough.

Finny smiled and said,

"No need to be so troublesome, I just put it in a simple way, which belongs to the kind of communication between relatives, not a formal arrangement,"

Feeney emphasized,
A formal visit requires greetings a few days in advance, and then both parties must make preparations. Visitors need to bring some gifts, usually a bottle of red wine that is not too expensive.
The visitors need to understand the habits of the visitors in advance, prepare food, refreshments,
If it is a large-scale social event like a dance party or a tea party, it is also necessary to understand the habits of the visitor's female partner, the requirements for dance music and refreshments, and the visitor's preference for tobacco.

Because after a large-scale social meeting, the male hosts often come to the study room to taste tobacco and red wine together, and at the same time discuss some topics that are not suitable for their female companions to hear, such as politics, business, and cooperation between them. There are all kinds of unsightly jokes and gossip.

And if it is private, there are not so many rules for the visits between friends and relatives, as long as the notification is made one day in advance, or earlier in the day, there is no fixed process of tasting tobacco together, and there will be no various cumbersome social interactions process,
Visitors can also freely decide whether to prepare gifts, and the types of gifts will not be limited to red wine. Of course, the value is also not regulated.

However, no matter which way Finny visits the Malfoy family tomorrow, in the eyes of other families in the wizarding world, it is a formal social interaction between the Black family and the Malfoy family, especially when Hogwarts starts this year. Well, after the fact that Finney took the lead for the Malfoy family, it was tantamount to announcing to the magic world that the Malfoy family had joined the Black family's faction, and they would be members of a team in the future, supporting each other,
Of course, in fact, it is more about the support of the Black family to the Malfoy family, and the Malfoy family needs to stand in line when the Black family needs it, or do some things that the Black family is inconvenient to do as pawns.

(End of this chapter)

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