The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 244 Summary of Stage 242

Chapter 244 Summary of Stage 242
You know, his best choice now is to keep a low profile, try to improve his strength, and at the same time, secretly do things and plans for the mysterious man, and then watch Harry and the mysterious man fight to the death.

Before becoming a legendary wizard, he must find a way to pay attention to whether the legendary wizards in the Presbyterian Church have become demigods, because those will be his competitors and enemies,

In order to prevent himself from having such completely irrational thoughts again, Finny decided to hide in the Room of Requirement today,
After finding the twins and Jordan in the corridor, he said directly,

"Dumbledore's plan is estimated to be successful tonight. The arrangements at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor will not be cleaned overnight. Therefore, if you want to take risks, tomorrow morning is the most suitable time. At that time, all the dangers and calculations are over, and the guards in the corridor on the fourth floor will not be so strict, so you can experience the situation there."

The twins were a little disappointed. After all, when Finny told them about it this morning, they thought they could go on an adventure tonight.
However, tomorrow morning is nothing, it's just a few hours at night, they still believe in what Fei Ni said, since Fei Ni said that it would be dangerous to go now, then they will not go now.

The twins and Jordan returned to the Gryffindor common room freely, and then found that their brother Ron was not in the dormitory,
Thinking of Dumbledore's test on Harry that Feeney said, and the danger that would appear there tonight, I couldn't help feeling a little worried,
Without bothering to call Jordan and Feeney, he left the common room directly and headed to the end of the corridor on the fourth floor.
As for what they experienced that night in the secret room where the Philosopher's Stone was hidden at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, Feeney didn't know.
At this time, he is sorting out tonight's harvest in the Room of Requirement,

First of all, in terms of tasks, the inheritance tasks of the four founders have naturally been completed.

Today's magic in the magic world is very different from ancient magic. As the four powerful wizards who created Hogwarts, the earliest magic school in Europe, their strength is beyond doubt. Then these four powerful wizards Are there any legacy of ancient magic?Side missions, to find and inherit the inheritance left by the four legendary wizards.Complete all tasks, and get a total of rewards: Specified magic/skill talent +1; full-level patron saint spell; proficient level apparition spell; Legilimency, Occlumency proficiency level.At the same time, he was awarded the title of Inheritor of the Four Saints, and a copy of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry castle title, which needs to be collected at the principal's office (right behind the portrait of Principal Gaunt, who was born in Slytherin College.)
The task of exploring Hogwarts was also completed when they entered the secret room and found Slytherin's laboratory, and now Finny was free to receive the reward.

Explore Hogwarts: Visit all places in Hogwarts (except *****) including common classrooms, corridors, stairs, etc. (completed) four college common rooms (completed) professors' offices, kitchens, and everything you need The house, the secret way (completed) The inheritance treasure of the four founders (completed)
Unlock hidden achievements, 'Explore Hogwarts' current progress 100%, get rewards, Fiercefire mastery (including anti-curse),
Compared with other tasks, this achievement task is what Finny has always wanted to complete. After all, it is the Fierce Fire Curse, a very powerful existence in black magic. In other words, there is no channel to learn,
Of course, if he is willing to find those elders who live in seclusion in the Black family, he can still learn.

This magic cannot be learned by reading books, it requires a lot of practice, and a lot of magic power, and when learning, there must be a wizard who has mastered the magic of controlling Fiendfyre, after all, once this spell is out of control, it will lead to death They are all light, flames that can burn everything, and will burn everything until there is nothing around.

Fortunately, this mission reward also rewarded the anti-curse, that is, the method of controlling Fiendfyre. Such a reward directly turned Fiendfire, a big killer, into a weapon in Finny's hands. If there was no anti-curse, Finny would really not Dare to use this magic,

After all, it is better not to use the magic that accidentally burns oneself to death.

The rewards for exploring the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets are also very important to Finney, because it means that the door for him to enter the great wizard has been pushed open. If you practice to a higher level and skillfully manipulate other people's memories based on these two magics, you will be considered a great wizard.

Now I’m looking at Feeney, I have mastered the Animagus, the achievement magic of Transfiguration, I have mastered the Fiercefire Curse, the most difficult of all black arts, and I still have the most difficult Patronus Charm in Charms, and I still have mastered it. The instigating and Occlumency techniques that have stepped into the threshold of a great wizard, as well as the evocation magic developed by himself, such a magical reserve is not unusual for a legendary wizard, not to mention that at this time he just thought that he was a little boy. As for the wizard, although this little wizard is much stronger than the average adult wizard, his magic power reserves go straight to the big wizard.

Naturally, the summary of oneself is not just that the task has been completed,
The old ones are gone, and the new ones will naturally arrive. At the moment when these three missions are completed, Feeney also received two new missions, or a new series of missions, The Mystery of Time (please follow the order of the missions Finish),

Task [-]: Obtain a time converter, understand the mysteries of time magic, and master a time magic through your own power,
Task [-]: Take a time travel alone through the time converter or time magic, and return safely.

Mission Three: Take a time travel through your own time magic and change the past without being detected, but without affecting the present life. (Not detected by ****.)
The appearance of these three tasks made Finny very uncomfortable.
Or rather entangled, because the timing of this mission is too coincidental,
If it had appeared earlier, the first two missions would have been free for Finny,

As long as he selects all the subjects during the course selection last semester, he will get the right to use a time transformer that Professor McGonagall has applied to the Ministry of Magic. Unfortunately, his third grade is over at this time, and he has no Chances are once again to gain access to the Time-Turner for a full semester this way.

Without an effective time converter in hand, Finny has no way to understand the mysteries of exploring time, and there is no way to complete the first mission, and the subsequent time travel missions will be even more difficult.

However, this series of tasks also requires that tasks cannot be skipped and can only be completed in order. Otherwise, Finny can find a way to travel in time and try to change the past, so that the last two tasks can be completed.

But now, there is only one way for Finny to complete these three tasks, and that is to find a way to get an effective time converter, and then crack the mystery of time,

But in fact, the emergence of these three tasks is also very confusing for Finney. You must know that even legendary wizards have not mastered the mysteries of time. If becoming a great wizard is to control memory, then legendary wizards are going one step further on this basis. master the magic of the soul,

Unfortunately, the two extremely powerful attributes of time and space are not mastered by any wizard or god, or in other words, none of them thought of this,
According to the information known to Feeney, in the entire history of the magic world, there was only one demigod who tried to master the mystery of time, but delayed his chance to become a god. After that, all time converters in the magic world were based on that Refined from the materials left by the demigods, including those time converters refined by Ravenclaw,

It's a pity that the ones made by Ravenclaw were all damaged, otherwise it would be easier for Finny to complete this task.

It's a pity that facts are facts. There are no ifs in this world. Even if there are, someone has changed the past through a time converter.

However, whether the past has been changed or the past has been accomplished is another question.

Feeney still remembers the only description of the Time Converter in the original book, that is when Harry and Hermione traveled back in time to save Sirius and the magical creature,
However, in the description of that story, what Harry and the others did in the past seemed to have happened from the beginning, as if it had always been like this. They did not change the past, but made the past and the present.

Leaving this difficult series of tasks behind, Feeney began to write his third thesis,

This is to complete the task of publishing five academic papers. He has already sent out two papers, which are improvements to Wolfsbane Potion, which are the cheaper and weakened versions sold in his Silver Moon Potion Store, and For some guesses about this potion,
In fact, this part of the content was researched by a potion master under Feeney, but that potion master didn't care about any honor in the magic world at all, or he couldn't care if he wanted to. The potion master, who was dedicated to improving the werewolf environment, was bitten by the werewolf he had been using for experiments just after he developed the results. In the end, he didn't survive the process of transforming the werewolf, and died directly. Therefore, this paper is said to be Feeney's, and no one will be surprised, and questioned.

The second paper is some research on ancient runes, which were researched by Feeney himself. With the inheritance of Ravenclaw, his talent and knowledge accumulation in runes surpasses that of the entire The magic world doesn't know how many years, of course, this is to exclude Pandora, Dumbledore and Nicole Flamel,
As for the piece he is writing now, it is some research on transfiguration, especially the research on some methods and techniques when transforming things in the energy form of elements.
In fact, it is simplified evocation magic,

Feeney has already decided that his fourth paper will be the research on the Sorcerer's Stone and the estimated production process. Of course, he will not write all the content. After all, the Sorcerer's Stone is against the harmony of heaven and requires a lot of research. Life is a sacrifice, and Finny will not let others know the real way of making it,

As for the last paper, Feeney intends to use it to improve some of the magical foundations of the magic world, which is where the entire magic world is weak.

You know, even Hogwarts doesn't study the essence of magic so thoroughly when teaching young wizards, what kind of rune arrangement, magic combination, and the meaning of spellcasting techniques, these things need little attention. Wizards have accumulated enough magic to self-understand, which has also led to fewer and fewer wizards who can cast spells without a wand and silently. ,

And if Feeney's paper is written, the entire magic reminder will be recast, and the main and side branches will be clearly listed, so that all little wizards will change from learning the use of magic to learning why this magic is so. use.

That is, from what becomes why.

This is very important to the entire magic world. In fact, no one has thought about it, but they will be blocked by the pure-blood family after revealing similar thoughts, or even silenced.

Because the pure-blood family does not want the secrets of magic to be obtained by all Muggle wizards, in their view, this part of knowledge belongs only to their pure-blood wizards, and it is difficult for pure-blood wizards to invent new spells or master them. The reason for the more advanced way of casting spells.

With Feeney's continuous planning and writing of new papers, time passed quietly,

came the next day,

Because the exams have already been completed, Hogwarts has already attended classes at this time, and everyone stays here just to wait for their results and the last Quidditch match, Gryffindor vs. Ravenc Law, under normal circumstances it is a close match, but after today, it will no longer be,
Because today there are rumors that Harry Potter was admitted to the school hospital for some reason, and also the batsman of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, the twins of the Weasley family.

Feeney was very shocked when he heard the news, because he remembered clearly that the twins had no problems last night, and he also told them that they would go on another adventure this morning, as long as it wasn't the adventure last night it won't hurt.

Thinking of this, Finny finally remembered what he felt forgotten since last night, it was Ron,

Ron was with Harry last night, and the twins must have heard the news, worried about the safety of their youngest brother, so they went to the corridor on the fourth floor, instead of taking risks as Finny imagined,
If that's the case, then the twins are really nice, although Finny always knew they were nice, even if they were, in many cases, very adventurous.

(End of this chapter)

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