The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 230 228 Norwegian Ridgeback - Noble

Chapter 230 228 Norwegian Ridgeback - Noble

Although in fact few or almost none of the young wizards at Hogwarts took Draco's rumor about Hagrid raising a dragon seriously, but Harry and the others still fought with Draco because of this incident, resulting in Several people were locked up.

After Finny knew about this, he realized that Hagrid had already obtained the dragon egg. In other words, Harry's copy of the Forbidden Forest this semester was about to start.

"Finny, do you have time for that?"

On the second day after Finny returned to school, Harry found him with some embarrassment.

Feeney looked at Harry suspiciously, feeling very puzzled in his heart. According to the original book, Harry's main task at this time is to send the fire dragon away. There is no need to come to him at all.
"What's the matter, Harry?"

Harry lowered his head and said with dodge eyes,
"Did you hear about Hagrid raising a dragon?"

Finny shrugged.

"If it is someone else, then this must be a very fake thing, but if it is Hagrid, then it is very likely to be true. After all, for Hagrid, a fire dragon is just a very 'cute' thing. It's just a creature, and he's always wanted one."

Harry was taken aback for a moment, he thought Finny didn't know about it, or thought it was false news like everyone else,
As a result, Finny knew it was true but didn't care at all,

"That's a fire dragon, you don't think that, Feeney,,"

"Are you surprised?"

Feeney smiled and said indifferently,

"Well, let's put it this way, under the name of the Black family, there is a dragon farm in Romania. If you are interested, I don't mind taking you to see it during the holidays. Well, tell me, you can find me to the end what's the matter?"

Only then did Harry slowly explain his purpose. It turned out that Ron was bitten by a dragon last night when he was visiting Norbert, Hagrid's dragon. They didn't care about it at first, but when they woke up this morning, Ron was bitten by a dragon. Eun's bitten hand had swelled to twice its original size.

They didn't dare to go to Madam Pomfrey yet, after all, they weren't sure if Madam Pomfrey could see the dragon's bite,

Finny sighed and said,
"Did you know that the teeth of dragons are poisonous? I think Ron's wound has turned a very ugly green by now."

Harry nodded, Ron's hand had really turned an ugly green color, and he felt like it was broken now, and Draco was still teasing him about it.

"You really didn't send Ron to the hospital?"

Feeney asked again, if Harry and the others really didn't send Ron to the hospital for treatment, he must be very uncomfortable now,

In fact, this is also the case. Ron became very manic and irritable because of the toxins from the wound. He began to sweat. Even in the coldest weather, he was still sweating profusely, and he was very energetic and couldn't sleep.
If you have to say what this symptom is, it is actually almost the same as a Muggle symptom called rabies.

Shaking his head, Finny suddenly felt a little pity for Ron, this unlucky kid must be very sad now,
Then he followed Harry towards Hagrid's hut,
Because Ron's wound is too obvious, even if it is bandaged, and they have no class today, so they are resting at Hagrid's now,
Of course, it's not with the dragon, otherwise the injury would have to be added to the injury.

Arriving at the door of Hagrid's hut, Finny saw Ron, Neville and the hunting dog Yaya sitting outside the door at this time, and Yaya's tail was also bandaged,

And Hagrid was in the house, with the window open, and said to them,
"I can't let you in,"

Hagrid gasped,

"Noble is very difficult to deal with now, and there is nothing I can do about it,"

Finny frowned, took a few steps forward, and asked,
"How is it doing now?"

Hagrid dodged his eyes a little, and said,
"Oh, it's nothing. Little Norbert is having a temper tantrum with his mother. It's okay. He's just biting my boot. That's playing, isn't he? After all, he's still a child."

At the same time Hagrid said this, Norbert was hitting the wall with its tail, making a burst of roaring noises, and at the same time knocked the windows and made a rattling sound.

"Hagrid! You can't do this. You may not be afraid of dragon bites, but Harry and the others can't. I think you've seen Ron's wounds too. It's serious!"

Hagrid's eyes were filled with tears, he looked at Finny and said,

"Noble is just a little mischievous,"

Finny shook his head, and snapped at Hagrid,

"Hagrid, you must know that what is lovely to you may be a terrible creature capable of killing others! This dragon must be dealt with as soon as possible!"

At this time, Neville said weakly,
"Well, we've written to Ron's Charlies, and he'll be at school this Saturday to pick up Norbert."

Finny sighed, looked at Neville,
"So, did you make another mistake?"

Neville didn't dare to look at Finny, who was a devil to young wizards of his generation, but Ron said,
"Malfoy came to me and took a book before. I put Charlie's letter in that book. Damn it, he must know our plan."

Finny sighed and said,

"To be honest, it was a mistake for Hagrid to entrust this matter to you."

Ron blushed instantly when he heard this. If Neville hadn't pulled him, he might have come to Feeney and shot him.

It can be seen that Norbert's bite has caused him a very serious situation.

Seeing this, Feeney couldn't care less about mocking the three little ones, snapped his fingers out of thin air, summoned Puff, took the box in Puff's hand, and took out a few bottles of medicine from it.

Passed one of the bottles to Ron,
"Drink it."

Ron turned his head away and didn't want to take the potion and drink it. He even had a tendency not to talk to Feeney.

Feeney wasn't annoyed either, he was just curious now, when Ron's symptoms recovered, what would happen when he remembered what he did today?

"If you don't drink this stuff, you might die from the dragon's bite."

Ron himself is a very timid person, and he is very resentful of his life, so when he heard what Feeney said, he didn't care about getting angry with Feeney, took the medicine quickly, opened it, and poured it into his mouth inside.

Because the range of motion was too large and the speed was too fast, I even choked.But he still drank all the liquid in the small bottle of potion,
Seeing this, Finny just smiled and shook his head, grabbed Ron's hand, unwrapped Neville's gauze, and carefully inspected the wound.

Well, Ron's wound was not deep, and it should be scratched by Norbert's teeth when feeding him food, rather than being bitten by Norbert himself.

This was beyond Finny's expectation, because the fire dragon didn't bite down after seeing the blood, but just let go of Ron's hand, which shows that this fire dragon still has a certain amount of wisdom, or in other words, its personality is considered Moderate.

Thinking about the movements in Finny's hands like this without any delay, waving the wand in his hand,
"Clear water into the spring!"

A stream of water was summoned from the wand head, washing Ron's wound,
After the debridement was over, Feeney opened all the medicines left in his hand and poured them on the wound,
Perhaps it was the pain caused by the wound encountering the medicine,
Ron's whole body was shaking violently when Feeney made this action, and at the same time he wailed in pain,
Harry looked at Ron's current appearance, and even had some doubts in his heart, whether Finny was taking personal revenge because Ron contradicted him before.

After the potion was poured, Ron also passed out because of the severe pain.

The wand waved, and the bandage wrapped around Ron's hand again. This time, the bandage was much better than Neville's manual bandage.
"In the next few days, don't let his hands get wet, and don't use force. He will recover in about a week. Oh, yes, he can be sent to the hospital this time. Ms. Pomfrey can't tell that this is It's a wound bitten by an animal, as long as you say it was bitten by a dog, it's fine."

Harry nodded, thanking Finny,

Finny waved,

"You're welcome, you and Neville will send Ron to the hospital. I'll go and see this fire dragon named Norbert, and I'll help you solve the matter that Draco knew about your plan."

Harry didn't realize anything, but Neville thought of something about Finny in the wizarding world, and asked Finny,

"Wait, Black,,,, Feeney, what are you going to do to Norbert?"

Feeney stopped and looked back at Neville, a little surprised,

"Have you thought about it? It seems that you know me very well. This is the only way, isn't it? You know, raising a dragon privately is a felony, and you will be admitted to Azkaban,"

Hearing this, Hagrid trembled involuntarily, but he quickly covered it up.

"Fortunately, I'm the one to deal with it today. Otherwise, if someone else finds out and tells the Ministry of Magic, Hagrid will go to Azkaban, and Norbert will still be executed according to law,"

Hearing this, Harry also realized what Finny was going to do,
"Wait, Finny, are you saying Norbert is going to die?"

Feeney shrugged and asked,
"Otherwise? You know, there are actually quite a few wizards raising dragons in the magic world, but the Ministry of Magic has never dealt with anyone, because when they found out that Ren raised dragons privately, they directly executed the dragons. A wizard, if he is not from a noble family and is willing to get Gallon off, he will also enter Azkaban. However, as long as he can raise a dragon, he must have a large manor in his family. There are enough Galleons to exonerate yourself. Do you think Hagrid has enough Galleons, and there is a way to bribe the Ministry of Magic? Galleons are okay, after all, Hagrid is close to the Forbidden Forest, and there are all Valuable things, but what about channels?"

"Is there no other way?"

After listening to Finny's words, Harry also knew that what he said was true, but he was still very unwilling to do so, since they were only a short distance away from saving Hagrid and Norbert.

"This is the best way. It is impossible for me to prevent Draco from doing something. According to his character, after knowing this, he will definitely teach them with McGonagall on Saturday night. So, now Let me kill the dragon inside is the best choice, so that you can release Charlie pigeons on Saturday, and let Draco's report on you turn into a false accusation of you,"

Harry, Neville, and Hagrid all shook their heads at Finny with tears in their eyes,

Finny sighed and said,

"Then there's only one other way, Harry, you have an invisibility cloak, don't you?"

Harry nodded, not surprised that Finny knew that he had the Invisibility Cloak, after all, when he received the gift was during the holiday with Sirius, or Sirius told him that the Invisibility Cloak was really What about his father's stuff?

As the younger brother of Sirius, it is not a strange thing for Finny to know this,

Feeney continued,

"Then, on Saturday night, I can knock out the dragon inside called Norbert, and you cover it with the cloak of invisibility, and give it to Charlie, and while sending Norbert away, it also touches Hagrid." However, you will definitely be caught by Professor McGonagall who Draco brought over. If I remember correctly, you were locked up not long ago."

Harry and Neville glanced at each other, then shook their heads at Finny and said,

"it does not matter."

Finney asked with a smile,

"Is it really okay? Although I don't know what you were doing in the last confinement, but if you think about it, it's not so easy to clean the trophy or the toilet this time,"

Having said that, Finny turned to look at Hagrid who was still in the house and asked,

"By the way, Hagrid, is there something wrong with the Forbidden Forest recently?"

Hagrid froze for a moment, then nodded and said,

"Indeed, I just found a dead unicorn in the Forbidden Forest this morning,"


Harry and Neville said in shock,

Hagrid nodded,

"That's right, a creature in the Forbidden Forest killed a unicorn. Under normal circumstances, no creature would attack such a pure creature, so something must have happened in the Forbidden Forest,"

Finny looked at Harry and Neville again and said,

"So, I have to say, if you are sentenced to confinement during this period, you will most likely be sent to Hagrid's side and accompany him into the Forbidden Forest."

The expressions of Harry and Neville suddenly changed.
Hagrid said comfortingly,

"Don't worry, it's really dangerous if you enter the Forbidden Forest alone, but if you enter the Forbidden Forest with me or Yaya, there won't be any creatures in it to harm you,"

Finny nodded in agreement and said,
"It's true. The creatures in the Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts and Hagrid all know each other, and because of Hagrid's identity, they have a good relationship."

"Hagrid's identity?"

Neville narrowed his eyes for a moment, and noticed the brilliance in Finny's words. It seemed that Hagrid still had an identity he didn't know.

(End of this chapter)

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