The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 225 223 School Start

Chapter 225 223 School Start

I don't know when Finny will think of this, or in other words, when Finny will be able to calm down,

At this time, he was very irritable, pacing back and forth in the cave constantly, scratching his hair from time to time, kicking vigorously at the ground or the ice pick residues that had not been completely cleaned up in the corners.

What should be the liquid in the golden cup? This question kept lingering in Finny's mind, which made him even more at a loss when he was already irritable.

Time passed slowly, and Puff on the side couldn't continue to watch Finny vent like this, so he came to his side and said,
"Master, how about Puff taking you back to have a rest,"

You know, as house-elves, they cannot provide their own advice to their master, the wizard. All they have to do is obey, obey, and obey.

Therefore, it is a very risky behavior for Puff to make this suggestion at this time. Not only does it violate the iron law of the house elves, but it also has a great possibility of angering Finny, who is emotionally unstable.

Fortunately, even though Finny's mood was very unstable at this time, he did not lose his mind. Knowing that Puff's proposal was the most correct choice at this time, he nodded and agreed with Puff's suggestion.

After a peaceful night in the Room of Requirement, Finny realized that it was already January [-]th, which meant that Hogwarts classes would officially start the next day.

Those little wizards who went home today started to go back to school.

And the conversations between the little wizard and his companions after returning to school are roughly similar.

"Have you finished your vacation homework?"

"What did you get for Christmas this year?"

"Where did you go for Christmas?"

Of course, Feeney and the others who stayed in school also had vacation homework, but Feeney forgot.

"Have you finished your vacation homework?"

Well, Feeney had to ask the same question as the twins and Jordan.

"One more thing, I'll go to the library and look up some information later and I can get it done."

Jordan distributed the food he brought from home to the twins and Finny, and at the same time answered,

They were in the room of the Room of Requirement at this time, which is where they spend most of their time when they are not in class, especially after Finny moved out of the Slytherin common room, the twins and Jordan preferred to come Find him here, read magazines together, make jokes, play with joke props, or play chess, gossip, and do research.

Compared with Jordan, the twins are not so hard on homework. They answered Feeney's question in unison,
"There is no problem on our side, it's all finished."

Jordan is naturally very familiar with the personalities of the twins, and mercilessly exposed their tricks.

"Is it copying each other?"

The twins still speak in unison,
"No, it's called borrowing,"

Feeney shook his head speechlessly,
Jordan looked at Feeney suspiciously and asked,
"Phinny, you don't usually ask about our homework, why did you think of asking this today?"

Finny smiled wryly and said,
"During the vacation, I was entangled in some things, and I forgot about my homework."

The twins and Jordan were stunned when they heard the words, they looked at Feeney in a daze, and asked in disbelief,
"Finny, are you saying you didn't do your vacation homework?"

George asked in shock,
Fred screamed in surprise,
"You really didn't do your homework?"

Feeney was helpless, nodding in acknowledgment.

Jordan sighed and said in disbelief,

"Who would have thought that the number one in our class didn't write homework for the Christmas holiday. So, you asked us to copy our homework?"

Feeney shook his head, and said in unison with the twins,

"No, this is called borrowing!"

But once again, laughter filled the small room of the Room of Requirement,
And Feeney also got the assignments of the three of them, some of which took time and were not unique, so Feeney directly copied the assignments of the three of them, no, borrowed from the assignments of the three of them.

As for some papers on the understanding or application of magic spells, Feeney wrote it himself. After all, at his current level, it is still very easy to mix up a third-grade paper.

As a result, the day after handing in the homework, Professor McGonagall found Feeney,

"Mr. Black, I have to remind you that even if your grades are good, you still have to do your own homework instead of copying the homework of Mr. Weasley and Mr. Jordan, even if you change a few differences. .”

As he said that, Professor McGonagall handed back his homework. Apparently, Professor McGonagall discovered the flaw in Feeney's homework and directly thought of the source of Feeney's homework.

Feeney took the homework and nodded and said,

"Professor, didn't I delay some things during the vacation? Besides, you also know my current level. These assignments really don't help me much."

Professor McGonagall sighed. She also knew that the homework they left before the holiday was completely dispensable to Feeney, so she couldn't help feeling a little frustrated, and said,
"Well, let's forget it this time, but if there is a next time, I will punish you in confinement."

With that, she turned and left,
Looking at the back of Professor McGonagall, the twins clapped each other excitedly and celebrated warmly.
"Great, she didn't spot the problems in our homework,"

Feeney and Jordan glanced at each other and shook their heads together. Don't mention Professor McGonagall, they could all see the problems in the twins' homework. It's just that Feeney, who has a very good grade, didn't do the homework and copied it intact. Copying made her very angry, and she just ignored the twins.

So speaking of which, the twins have to thank Finny for attracting Professor McGonagall's attention.

"Actually, Professor McGonagall must have seen through your tricks a long time ago, but I let you go because I was standing in front of you. Believe me, Professor Snape will not let you go so easily. .”

As a Slytherin student, Finny was still the oldest, and Snape naturally gave him a lot of privileges, one of which was that he didn't need to do homework in Potions class.

Therefore, Feeney had no way to attract attention to the twins in front of them and divert their hatred.

His words soon became a reality, Finny had no way to excuse the twins in front of Snape,
"Take it back and redo it!"

He stared at the twins with a pair of cold eyes, and said in a strict voice,

Looking at the depressed twins who needed to rewrite the homework because they failed the homework, as if they had lost all vitality, Jordan smiled unkindly, patted Fred on the shoulder gloatingly and said,

"Okay, you know, that's Snape, and the best punishment for you if you don't lock you up. Speaking of which, you're really lucky."

George suddenly said,

"I think Snape can see through our thoughts, and Dumbledore gave me a similar feeling."

Finny said remindingly,

"It's Occlumency, remind you, don't look at Snape, his eyes can easily see through you, he is a master of Occlumency. And Occlumency masters are often Legilimency Read Master."

The three of them looked at each other, apparently shocked by what Finny said, but not surprised at all. Finny knew many secrets in the magic world, and this was the same cognition that the three of them had for Finny.

The homework is over, but the difficult days for the twins have just begun. After Christmas, the training of the Gryffindor Quidditch team has become more intense.

It seems that because of Harry's joining this year, Wood's desire to win the Academy Cup has become heavier, and the requirements for the players are stricter than ever, even in the continuous rainy weather after the heavy snow.

"He's just a lunatic,"

"A training freak,"

"We can't stand him anymore."

The twins would complain to Feeney and Jordan in the Room of Requirement every night when they could rest and not practice.

In fact, it is not incomprehensible that Wood is so crazy, because as long as they win the next game against Hufflepuff, they can beat the Slytherin team with their equal score in the Academy Cup championship game.
After all, this is the first time in seven years that the distance from the champion is so short, it can almost be said that it is within reach, how could Wood not pay attention to it, not crazy.

You know, the last time Gryffindor won was seven years ago, even when Charlie was still on the team the year before last, he couldn't win the championship.

"We'll lose the game like this! Snape will definitely find excuses to deduct Gryffindor's points."

The twins complained to Finny,

They had only recently learned that Snape would be the referee for the match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff,

This is absolutely devastating bad news for the twins,
Feeney was puzzled.

"Snape as referee?"

the twins nod,
"What Wood told us is absolutely correct. I guess Snape must be the referee because we might beat your academy team. He will definitely not judge fairly!"

Finny shook his head and said,

"Snape often refers to Gryffindor, but this time, he may not be refereeing against Gryffindor. Imagine carefully, the first game of the Gryffindor team before this semester. It was Ms. Hodge who was the referee. Afterwards, Harry was cursed and almost had a problem. Then as long as it was a Gryffindor game, the referee was always the school's professors, Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Sprout Professors have been referees."

George confirmed to Feeney uncertainly,

"You mean, Snape was refereeing to protect Harry?"

Feeney nods,

"This may be very big, I remember I told me about the relationship between Snape and Harry's mother Lily, he may hate Harry because of James Potter, but because of Lily For the sake of my senior, he will definitely protect Harry so that his life is not in danger, of course, if possible, it is okay to let Harry suffer and suffer."

In fact, the twins only felt Yu Meng and complained about Snape being the referee, and they were a little bit unhappy.
Contrary to them was Harry. After he knew the news, he lost his fighting spirit and even became a lot more decadent. Ron and Neville even gave him some bad ideas, trying to escape the game, but unfortunately, He was the only Seeker in Gryffindor, and there was no way out of the game.

When Harry came back from the Christmas vacation, his personality changed a lot, which almost all the little wizards noticed.

He is no longer as inferior as he was before the holiday. Yes, although Harry often acts heartless, but when facing many young wizards from wizarding families, he is somewhat dissatisfied from the bottom of his heart. Confidence, it seems to be inferior to others,
However, after returning from this Christmas holiday, Harry acted more like the sole heir of the Potter family, with a wizard aura on his body. Simply put, the mysterious style became more obvious. It is a change from the inside out due to the richness of the background,

The change in everything about Harry is nothing more than the fact that during the holiday, Sirius taught him the common sense in the wizarding world, taught daily magic, and found Harry's most talented black magic. The defense class and the training on combat magic made Harry a lot better than his peers.

As time passed, the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff was slowly approaching.
Naturally, Feeney didn't plan to watch this game, he planned to use this time to think about what liquid should be placed in the gold cup.

However, until the day of the competition, Finny hadn't thought about what this liquid was. Just when he was about to give up, he finally remembered that he was still a prophet who had opened his vision.

Finding a crystal ball that can be used for prediction among his pile of magic items, Finny began to ask about the liquid in the golden cup.

Different from several other prediction methods, if the crystal ball prediction is successful, the smoke in the crystal ball will disperse to form the predicted picture, and everyone can see it.

After casting a certain amount of magic, you can even fix this prophecy in this crystal ball, otherwise, this prophecy will slowly dissipate and turn into white smoke again.

Finny held the crystal ball in both hands, silently chanting his own question in his heart,
He only felt the spirit in his mind tremble, and then saw the smoke in the crystal ball slowly dissipate, revealing the pattern inside, which was the correct answer to the question Finney asked,

The truth about the liquid that should be placed in Hufflepuff's golden cup.

(End of this chapter)

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