The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 200 199 The Truth About the Deathly Hallows

Chapter 200 199 The Truth About the Deathly Hallows
If his thinking is correct, he may have indeed discovered the truth about the Deathly Hallows, and may even find the path many legendary wizards are looking for,
And he believes that if his idea is correct, as long as this idea is announced in the magic world, it will definitely cause a disaster not inferior to the witch extermination operation thousands of years ago.

However, Feeney hesitated. He knew that as long as he walked along the path guided by these souls, he would know whether his guess was correct, and he would know the real secret of the Deathly Hallows. However, he still Hesitated,
The raised foot could not be taken no matter what, as if there was something preventing Finny from taking this step.

Finny understood that it wasn't anything else that stopped him but himself.

He is hesitating, because he is unknown and uncertain about the road ahead, and he doesn't know if he can go back if he really goes on and finds the truth, whether he can walk back along the road he came from,

I don't know what will happen if I really go to the bank of the river and take off the invisibility cloak on my body, whether I will encounter some uncertain crisis or return to Dumbledore's office.

Feeney had an intuition that the former was more likely. At this time, he took off the invisibility cloak and could return to Dumbledore's office and the original world.
However, once he does go, what will happen is uncertain, and he may never return.

It was precisely because of this intuition that he hesitated so much, wondering whether he should understand the secrets about the Presbyterian Church, about God, and even about the world, which were at his fingertips.

However, just leaving this unknown place and giving up these things that are at your fingertips, Finny is also very unwilling,

The key is that my golden finger is still a dead system. Before, one or two missions would occasionally pop up. Now, let alone missions, if Feeney doesn’t call, it has any possibility of showing its presence. After a long time, Fei Ni himself almost forgot about this system that allowed him to far surpass his peers in the early stage.

In other words, in the current situation, the system cannot give itself some answers or hints.
Whenever a task pops up, Feeney is determined to go on, but it doesn't. If it was before, Feeney would still doubt the place in front of him. This may not be worth mentioning, and it is not valued by the system at all. However, after a holiday, after half a year passed, Feeney clearly confirmed that his system was really half dead at this time, no matter how important or how small, there would be no response, and there would be no new task

Feeney also tried to ask the system why there were no new tasks, but unfortunately, he didn't get any answers. After all, his system didn't have any auxiliary intelligent programs.

After thinking about it, Feeney still made a decision. Now he still has a lot of things to do in the magic world, and he still has a lot of regrets from his previous life. There may be a chance to investigate the secret of the Deathly Hallows in the future, but if it is true It's like his intuition, if you can't turn back if you go on, then he will definitely regret it.

So, he decided not to continue,
However, as I said before, Feeney was a little unwilling to leave like this, so the old wand in his hand moved,
"Call God Guard!"

As the incantation and casting gestures are completed, a white puff of smoke emerges from the tip of the wand,

Unlike the gray-white of the souls around Finny, the Patronus is brighter and brighter,
The originally dark surroundings and the oppressive atmosphere brought by these souls also relieved a lot after the appearance of the patron saint.
However, Finny still found that using the Patronus here is more difficult and more expensive than normal.
After a while, those bright white mist gathered together, forming the appearance of the patron saint of Finney, a cat.

The kitten patron saint is jumping and folding around Fini, constantly releasing joyful emotions to Fini, and slowly pushing away the sadness and unwillingness of himself.
The surrounding souls also slowly retreated under the influence of the patron saint, and then began to dissipate.

At this moment, Feeney seemed to understand something, but also seemed to understand nothing.

Originally, he planned to check forward with the help of the patron saint, but the appearance of the patron saint made the surrounding souls disappear, and then the road leading to the front also completely disappeared, and the road that disappeared together The river in the distance, and the tall figure on the other side of the river.

Looking at the reappearing bookshelves, candlelight, magic props, and the old man with the white beard, Finny confirmed one thing.

He returned to Dumbledore's office without taking off his invisibility cloak.

Professor Dumbledore also seemed to feel something, looking at where Finny was standing at this time, with a puzzled expression on his face,

Feeney took off the invisibility cloak, looked at Dumbledore, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something.

Dumbledore got ahead of him,
"Where did you go?"

Finny shook his head,

"I do not know."

Dumbledore frowned and said,

"Let me first talk about what happened after you put on the invisibility cloak. When you first put on the invisibility cloak, everything was fine, and I could still feel you standing there. I thought you would leave the office and go to the castle After turning around, you suddenly disappeared there, without any trace of breath or magic, "

He paused, then continued,

"Afterwards I went upstairs, and in that model, I didn't see any clues about you, you seemed to have disappeared from Hogwarts, oh, yes, I undid that confusion spell of yours , you can go up and do it again later.”

Finny nodded, sat on the chair, panting heavily,

At this time, he felt that the robe on his body was soaked with sweat. Originally, he just thought that he had gone to that unknown place for a while.
Now it seems that there is a lot of pressure on him, which can make him break out in cold sweat until the sweat soaks the robe, which is enough to see that the place is not simple.

"I don't know where I went. When I first put on the invisibility cloak, everything was normal. After I touched the resurrection stone, I could feel the effect of the invisibility cloak strengthened. All traces are covered up."

"Afterwards, for the purpose of research, I used the resurrection stone. After turning it three times, I could vaguely feel that the Elder Wand in my hand played some functions that I didn't understand."

(End of this chapter)

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