The Mightiest Wizard of Hogwarts

275 Chapter 273 Dumbledore's Lecture

Chapter 275 Dumbledore's Speech

Finny shook his head and said,
"Forget about her, let's eat. Dumbledore may have something to say next."

Sure enough, when the little wizards were full, Dumbledore stood up again.

The originally noisy voice suddenly quieted down, and everyone turned their faces to Dumbledore's direction, waiting for his next speech.

"Okay, since we are digesting another extremely rich and delicious meal, then, I ask everyone to be quiet for a while, and listen to me talk about things that need everyone's attention in the new semester as usual,"

Dumbledore's words are still so strong and steady, just listening to his voice can make you feel at ease,
"First-year freshmen need to know that little wizards are not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest in the hunting ground. Our senior students also need to pay attention to this point,"

As he spoke, Dumbledore glared at the twins, George and Fred, as in previous years,
"Mr. Filch, our keykeeper, asked me, and he told me it was 423 times, to remind you all that spells are not allowed in the corridors between classes, and many other rules, listed there There's a long list, and it's taped to Mr. Filch's office door."

"This year, we have made two changes to our faculty and we are delighted to welcome Professor Sirius Black as our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for the new school year. We are equally pleased to welcome Dolores Umm Ms Rich, as Senior Hogwarts Inquisitor."

There was a sudden commotion in the auditorium. The position of Hogwarts senior investigator has never appeared before, and, from the name, it can be seen that this is a position set up by the Ministry of Magic for Hogwarts. , Is the Ministry of Magic going to take action against Hogwarts?

While many politically sensitive little wizards were thinking deeply, Dumbledore continued,

"The selection for the Academy's Quidditch team will be,,,"

Dumbledore stopped talking suddenly, and turned to look at Ms. Umbridge inquiringly.

Ms. Umbridge didn't show any change in height when she was standing at this time compared to when she was sitting. Even after careful analysis, it can be found that she has become a little shorter.It is precisely because of this reason that no one knows whether she is standing or sitting, so naturally they don't know why Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking,

At this time, I heard Umbridge clear his throat,

Dumbledore only showed a look of surprise at the moment when the incident happened, and then he sat down very alertly, focusing on Ms Umbridge, as if expecting her next speak,
On the contrary, the faces of the other professors were a little ugly. After all, according to the rules, this is the time for the headmaster to speak. In the Ministry of Magic, it is equivalent to when Fudge is speaking. As a subordinate, it is impolite to interrupt the leader's speech rashly. .

Feeney also frowned. Umbridge has never been a person who doesn't know how to measure, otherwise she wouldn't be able to climb to her current position in the Ministry of Magic with no background and an ugly situation. This woman has never It's not easy,
Therefore, the reason why she is doing this now, Finny is very suspicious of whether she deliberately wants to lose Dumbledore's majesty, but she may be thinking too much, and Dumbledore never cares about this.

I only heard this woman like a toad say in that greasy shrill voice,
"Thank you, Headmaster,"

Thank you?Sure enough, this Umbridge was suppressing the prestige of Dumbledore's professor intentionally or unintentionally.
Umbridge still smirked and said,

"Thank you for your warm welcome,"

Her voice has always been a high, high-pitched, airy little girl-like tone. When she deliberately maintains it, imitating the youthful voice of this young girl makes people feel very happy. disgusted,

Everything about this woman is so repulsive, from head to toe, from her voice to her pink outfit.

"Well, I must say, it's really great to be back at Hogwarts. It's great to see these happy little faces looking at me. I'm eager to get to know you all as soon as possible. I believe we will Be very good,,,,,,"


Hearing this, Finny couldn't help but vomited, and almost vomited out.

Feeney didn't lower his voice, and directly interrupted Umbridge's words,
Umbridge looked at Feeney with an ugly face, and wanted to reprimand him for interrupting his speech, but, probably because of Feeney's identity, she was very hesitant, so her face was very livid, and she stood there. It's like a jumping clown.

This feeling made Umbridge very acceptable. You must know that she was able to do the act of denying her biological father for the sake of a so-called false name.

After taking a few deep breaths, Umbridge calmed down and continued,
"The Ministry of Magic has always believed that educating young wizards is a very important thing. If some of your inborn precious talents are cultivated, educated and exercised under the careful and meticulous guidance of the Ministry, there may be no As a result, ancient arts that are poisonous to the wizarding world must be passed on from generation to generation, or they will disappear."

"The precious magic accumulated by our ancestors is only a treasure trove, which must be preserved, replenished and perfected by those who have been fortunate enough to practice the noble profession of education."

Having said that, Umbridge suddenly stopped talking and bowed to the other professors, but all the professors ignored her,
Speaking of which, this woman is also really powerful. Feeney's previous behavior of deliberately embarrassing her was already too much. As a result, she only looked ugly for a while, then recovered, and could continue to talk about her ideas at length.

"The previous headmasters of Hogwarts have all made innovations when shouldering the important task of viewing this famous historical school. This is completely appropriate, because if there is no progress, it will only stagnate or even decline. However, progress for the sake of progress is absolutely not allowed. Our traditions have been tempered, and often do not need clumsy corrections. To achieve a balance,,,,,, "

Umbridge really deserves to be an employee of the Office of the Minister of Magic. This long speech has no point, and she can speak with relish in the whole speech,
Finny was dizzy and couldn't concentrate, especially the other little wizards, whispering and whispering, the noise in the auditorium formed a sharp contrast with the silent environment when Dumbledore was speaking. Compared,
The little girl Astoria was smiling at this time to pick up food for Feeney, and it was only then that Feeney noticed that the plate in front of him was already covered with various foods, such as steak, chicken legs, winter melon soup, mashed potatoes, ,,,,

"Leah, I've already eaten,,,,"

Feeney said helplessly that he didn't know what happened tonight. In previous years, when Dumbledore was speaking, the food on the table should have disappeared, but this year the food on the plate in front of him and Astoria They were still well placed there, and even the plates that had been eaten were replaced with a new plate of food.

Astoria smiled and said,

"I know, but I haven't finished eating. I'm going to take those back to the dormitory."

Feeney was ashamed for a while, so he became her tool man?
Speaking of which, this can be regarded as taking advantage of the loopholes in the Hogwarts auditorium feeding system. The house elves in the kitchen below the auditorium will transfer the food on the table when the banquet is over, but only if the little wizard is in front of him. The plate is empty. If there is food in it, it will stay for a while. If there is no other change in the plate, it will be transferred away.

But now, Astoria adds something to the plate in front of Fini every once in a while. It's because I'm done eating.

Looking at Astoria, who was chewing slowly and taking a long time to finish a piece of steak, Finny sighed. Sure enough, how could the little girl finish the meal at such a speed?

Astoria seemed to see what Finny meant, her face flushed slightly, and she whispered,

"Isn't it what you said that Professor Dumbledore can still talk? I plan to eat slowly so that I won't be bored."

On the staff table, Umbridge continued her long speech. She didn't seem to notice the restlessness of the audience. Perhaps, even if there was a terrorist attack in the auditorium, she would not interrupt her speech Well, on the contrary, those professors are listening carefully under the observation of Feeney.

and many more!

No, not all of them were listening carefully, Finny suddenly found that Professor Flitwick, who was on an equal footing with the little wizard, fell asleep,,,,

Yes, he fell asleep. Although Professor Snape was looking in the direction of Umbridge, but looking at his slack eyes, Finny guessed that he was calculating some potion formula in his mind, McGonagall The professor is very serious, but looking at her raised eyebrows, she should be holding back, in the rules and politeness she recognizes most, it is not easy to interrupt Umbridge, and sometimes it is difficult not to listen to her speech carefully.

Hey, after sighing, Finny looked at Astoria and asked,
"By the way, Leah, did you live in the bedroom near the principal's office last semester?"

Astoria heard the words, wiped off the stains on her mouth caused by eating foie gras, nodded and said,

"Yeah, I used Fox's flame to suppress the curse to prevent my body from getting weaker due to the rapid increase in magic power when I was about to enter school, so I could only live near Fox,"

Feeney nodded, indicating that he understood.

In the castle of Hogwarts, there have never been many bedrooms. Although it is a school today, it was the territory of the Slytherin family and their castle thousands of years ago. When it was the most prosperous But living in a big family that far exceeds the number of Selwyn's family, how could there be so few bedrooms,
At that time, there was one bedroom per person, instead of four dormitories in four colleges today,
The four dormitories today are merely remodeled from the dormitories at that time. Some bedrooms in the castle were hidden and used as dormitories for the professors, or for emergencies when needed. For example, Astori the one where ya lived,
"You should know the rules of Slytherin House, right? The rule of the shadow prefect,"

Astoria nodded, indicating that she had heard of it,
"I heard from my father, what's the matter?"

It is not surprising for Astoria to know this. The parents of Slytherin's school are almost definitely Slytherin's schoolmates. Therefore, the rule of Slytherin that has lasted for thousands of years can always exist. The little Slytherin wizards who are about to enter Hogwarts will get news from their parents before they come, and they will also receive part of the magic education before going to school.
In the past few years, Slytherin House has been dominating the House Cup. Although there are factors such as Snape's tendency to deduct Gryffindor points deliberately, and Slytherin's underhandedness in Quidditch competitions, it is more because of Slytherin's smallness. The wizards are really outstanding. Among the entire Hogwarts, Ravenclaw is the house with the most geniuses and the best grades. The second only to it is Slytherin. Sometimes, the first school year is From Slytherin, because they are all educated before entering school, there is no comparison at all,

Although this is very unfair, how can there be absolutely fair things in this world?

Speaking of this, I have to say that the Greengrass family has different habits from many Presbyterian families. This family has no students from Schuyler. Yes, every generation of their family is the Slater of Hogwarts Forest.

Finny smiled and said,

"It is estimated that you have been living in a single room before, and you may not be used to the dormitory with multiple people. The privilege of the shadow prefect has a private dormitory. You may try it. Of course, if you fail, I will also give it a try. I can give you my dormitory, anyway, I don’t usually live in the dormitory anymore.”

Astoria hesitated for a moment, and said,
"Then let's try, I don't think these little wizards will be my opponents."

Feeney was taken aback, and looked at the freshmen who were also sitting on the long table in Slytherin. Indeed, there were very few freshmen in Slytherin this year, and only one of them came from a relatively large family, unlike the Pankinson family. The same kind of Avery family, and the rest are either from mixed blood or from small and pitiful families.

Compared with the little princess of the Greengrass family, there is indeed a big gap,
Thinking of this, Feeney smiled, and stopped bringing up the topic. ,
(End of this chapter)

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