The medical black technology system of the top student

Chapter 22 Screening of new drugs

As the university begins, the deserted campus becomes noisy again.

Damn, he's so awesome.

Lu Liang was woken up by his roommate early in the morning. He got up from the bed and found that Cheng Ming and others were discussing something excitedly.

This made Lu Liang a little confused for a while. These people stayed up so early in the morning. What were they discussing here?

Lao Lu, you are finally up.

After seeing Lu Liang get up from the bed, Cheng Ming greeted him.

Lu Liang frowned and asked, What are you discussing so early in the morning?

Cheng Ming said excitedly: Lao Lu, let me show you something.

As he said that, Cheng Ming raised his phone in front of Lu Liang, and a video was playing on the phone.

When he saw the title of the video, Lu Liang's sleepiness was instantly swept away, and he immediately woke up.

I saw a girl in the video holding a bottle of medicine and a review report. Lu Liang's eyes were fixed on the bottle of medicine in the girl's hand. The bottle of medicine had the three names of Bai Shuke on it. Big letters.

At this moment, this video has been played more than 10 million times.

A bottle of medicine costs 500 yuan, and it is also a medicine for treating chronic myelogenous leukemia!

Cheng Ming said excitedly: The most important thing is, I checked and found that this medicine was developed by a team of professors from our school!

You're so awesome, I knew it, I knew I filled in the right place when I applied!

Cheng Ming seemed to be very proud of this matter.

Liu Qi on the side also smiled and said: I just don't know which professor did it.

Lu Liang grinned, it wasn't the professor who did it, it was him.

Of course, his two roommates wouldn't believe it if he told such a thing, not to mention that Lu Liang was not prepared to say it either.

Cheng Ming continued: The most important thing is that with this medicine, our monitor can go back to school again.

When Cheng Ming said this, Lu Liang also thought of the monitor who was on leave last semester. A bottle of medicine costing 500 yuan was completely affordable for those patients.

He had done something good, Lu Liang thought to himself.

At this moment, Lu Liang's phone suddenly rang. Lu Liang picked up the phone and took a look and found that it was Wang Donglai calling.

Apparently he came to announce the good news.

Lu Liang walked to the corridor outside the dormitory and just answered the phone.

Soon, Lu Liang heard Wang Donglai's excited voice on the other end of the phone.

Mr. Lu, our medicine, our medicine has finally been sold!

Lu Liang grinned: Mr. Wang, I already know, don't be so excited.

Compared to Wang Donglai's excitement, Lu Liang was obviously much calmer.

The huge sales of second-generation drugs was completely within his expectation, so Lu Liang didn't have too many surprises.

The only thing that may have surprised Lu Liang was that he originally thought that Bai Shuke would be spread by word of mouth among the patients who had personally used it, and would eventually become famous among the patient group.

But unexpectedly, the video posted by Jiang Mi on the Xiaopo website directly omitted this step. The huge number of views made most CML patients aware of Bai Shuke's existence.

Moreover, Jiang Mi used herself to prove to those patients that there was nothing wrong with Bai Shuke's medicine.

Speaking of which, I really have to thank him.

Lu Liangliang thought about it.

However, this also made Lu Liang aware of another problem, and he asked: Mr. Wang, do we have enough inventory?

Wang Donglai was stunned by this question.

Because according to normal logic, even if Bai Shuke is sold, it will be in a slow growth trend, and sales will slowly increase. After all, the effects of the drug are spread by patients word of mouth, and then they build their own reputation. That is also It takes time.

But the current situation is that reality is not logical at all.

The popularity of Jiang Mi's video directly made Bai Shuke's cheap and easy-to-use new drug appear in front of all patients in an almost airborne manner.

At the same time, Jiang Mi's identity as a chronic myeloid leukemia patient and her review report are far more convincing than the so-called advertisement.

The most important thing is that the cost of drug trial and error is also very small. After all, compared to Gleevec, a bottle of Bai Shuk costing 500 yuan is as cheap as cabbage in the vegetable market.

This has led to those patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia to be willing to try Beishuk.

Therefore, various factors have come together to form the current sales volume of Bai Shuke that is growing in an explosive manner.

In the face of such huge sales, Wang Donglai is really not sure whether the company's current drug inventory is sufficient.

I will arrange production immediately and ensure the supply of drugs as much as possible.

After recovering from the excitement and joy, Wang Donglai quickly calmed down and said in a deep voice.

Okay, then I'll trouble you, Mr. Wang.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Liang focused on his system.

Currently, the number of source points in the system has soared from 0.36 source points to 0.75 source points.

The most important thing is that the number of source points is still rising in a slow trend.

[Source point +0.001]

[Source point +0.001]

[Source point +0.001]

It seems that drug sales will only provide you with source points, but not experience.

Experience also needs to be accumulated through learning.

Lu Liangliang was thinking.

However, if this trend continues, it won't take long for him to gather a source point.

It's time to think about what medicine you should analyze next.

Lu Liang stuffed his computer into his backpack and prepared to go to the library.

Lu Liang still prefers to go to the library than to the graduate study room.

Although there are dedicated seats in the study room, and other people in the research group are also there, and they can ask each other for help if they don't understand something, there is one thing that makes Lu Liang really intolerable.

That’s because the internet speed is so torturous!

If you open any website, it will take half a day to refresh.

Seeing the small circle showing buffering on the browser, Lu Liang felt his blood pressure soar.

If the library hadn't been closed during the summer vacation, who would have stayed in this crappy study room.

Now that the university has started and the library is open again, Lu Liang naturally chooses to return to the library.

On the way to the library, Lu Liang lowered his head and thought about drugs suitable for analysis.

The first things Lu Liang took into consideration were naturally those drugs that were in high demand.

Because only in this way can he sell the researched drugs in the shortest time and obtain the most source points.

The first thing Lu Liang thought of was cold medicine, because the demand for cold medicine was huge and everyone was likely to catch a cold.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by Lu Liang.

Because there are currently a wide variety of cold medicines on the market, and they are also cheap.

If the cold medicine analyzed by yourself does not have obvious advantages, it will be difficult to sell it in a short period of time.

If the drug cannot be sold, there is no way to obtain source points.

Therefore, drugs that can be analyzed are not only in high demand, but also expensive.

Only in this way can he sell the drugs quickly at low prices.

After being screened by Lu Liang, Lu Liang set his sights on a disease.

Type 2 diabetes.

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