The Male Lead’s Villainess Fiancée

Chapter 171 - The Most Popular Boy (1)

The winter vacation started not long after the graduates left. Like the last vacation, Louise stayed at the Academy a little longer, as the healer had said there would be a lot of snow on New Year’s Day.

His forecast was as accurate as ever, and on the night of New Year’s, Louise, Stella, and Professor Hill, armed with coats and fur boats, fought a battle to clear the snow around the greenhouse. Human power could not easily overcome nature however, and by the time the snow had stopped, the three of them had fallen asleep in the greenhouse.

When Louise opened her eyes, she saw that the professor had grilled some meat. The outside was a little too burned, but when she ate it she felt strength return to her weary body.

“I thought I was going to die.”

Louise swallowed the last of the food and stretched herself out on the table. Meanwhile, Professor Hill filled her glass with grape juice.

“It will be sunny tomorrow afternoon, so you can head right back to the capital.”

Just in time to stay with family for the New Year. Professor Hill gave her a kind smile.

‘He’s not stuttering anymore.’

Louise liked this new, confident Professor Hill. She had a theory once that his stammering was from the lack of sleep, but in truth it was his guilty conscience that compromised his speech. Though much of the burden must have lifted from his shoulders by now, she occasionally glimpsed a shadow of regret. Louise answered with as bright a smile as possible.

“I’ll leave tomorrow afternoon. What about you?”

“I’ll spend the new year with my family, of course.”

Louise guessed that the family he referred to were the plants and insects in the greenhouse.

“What about you, Stella?”

Louise watched as Stella lifted her fork with trembling hands. Louise thought the cold had affected her, but from the dark circles around Stella’s eyes it must have been exhaustion from lifting the shovel. The professor had cut up her meat for her, but even picking it up seemed a hard task for Stella. Louise took Stella’s fork and put it right in her mouth.

“You’re a demanding girl, Stella.”

“Hey, I can do it!”

“Not with that hand. Chew your food carefully. So, when are you going to leave?”

“I’ll…I’ll stay here during vacation.”

Stella avoided everyone else’s eyes. It was possible this was a thorny subject for her. Royal guards were stationed at the Lapis manor, and she may not want to go back there for vacation. Her relatives were hardly supportive of her, either.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll be bored because there’s no one at the Academy. Would you like to stay with me instead?”

Stella shook her head vigorously at Louise’s suggestion. Hmm, why would that be…? Though Stella didn’t say anything, Louise sensed there was something fishy.

“Are you doing something secretly fun at the Academy?”


“Really? Then come with me to the capital. The Sweeney greenhouse always welcomes guests.”

The answer to Louise’s proposal, however, came from Professor Hill.

“I think that’s a great suggestion! Please go ahead, Miss Lapis!”

Stella looked noticeably upset by the professor’s words. Louise studied Stella’s cute face as she held the fork in her hand. That expression…Louise had seen it before in illustrations. Stella made that face when she didn’t want to separate from Ian, but she couldn’t confess it to him!

Louise looked alternately between Stella and Professor Hill.

“Come to think of it, the healer said it would snow again.”

Louise smiled and as she put another forkful of food into Stella’s mouth.

“The professor needs Stella’s help, right?”

“Oh no, Miss Sweeney. I’ll be alone…!”

“If Stella stays here, she can relax and enjoy her vacation.”

The professor’s face turned pale as if it were too much trouble.




Louise’s parents threw her a small party when she returned home, which served as a celebration of both her first year at the Academy and her birthday.

After that, Louise rarely left her room, let alone the house. From morning until evening, she lounged in bed, reading novels and falling asleep while playing puzzle games with her mother. There were many days she got up far later than the sun, but no one bothered to scold her. Her father said to always work hard, but to rest hard as well.

News about Ian came from the newspapers. He was hard at work, devoting his mornings and evenings to the affairs of the country. Simon was safely able to go abroad thanks to the former queen’s help.

There were interesting rumors about that. When Ian saw Simon off, Ian either had an angry expression or he had shed tears. People argued which story was true or not, but Louise knew the answer. It was likely both were true. Ian was angry that he did not have the power to fulfill Simon’s wishes, and he was also devastated in losing his dear cousin.

Louise wrapped herself in a warm quilt and sat on a window sill as she reminisced about her two friends. If she snuggled up in a cozy place like this, she would naturally remember all the good times. There was a voice and a touch involved in every memory. As she counted each one of them, her loneliness receded away, and a small smile spread across her face.




As the days went on, the wind chill lessened and she started to open the windows more often.

Louise was packing her bags for the Academy once more. She ran her fingers along a dress she was considering taking, as she hadn’t had the chance to wear it last year.

“I’ll have a chance this year.”

Finally, she packed away all the clothes and accessories she needed. She left early for the Academy and boarded her carriage even before the sun rose. When she arrived, the Academy was as silent as if it were still vacation. Louise deposited her luggage in her dorm and headed to the student council room.

She remembered how she had come here alone last spring, completely unaware that Ian would be there. Louise paused and stood like a statue in front of the door. She knew that Ian and Claire wouldn’t be inside…


The door opened, breaking her train of thought. Dean Crissis stepped through the door with a massive yawn.

“Oh, you’re here?”

“Yes. So are you.”

Louise answered in a sullen voice, after having been interrupted from her reverie.

“You’re here early?”

Louise quickly rearranged her expression into something friendlier. She didn’t want to fight with her friends on the first day of the new semester.

“I couldn’t help it.”

Dean dug into his pocket and pulled out a note. There, written in Claire’s handwriting, was a message.

‘Go early and welcome Louise on the first day!’

“Is that why you’re here to welcome me?”


He had a drowsy expression on his face as he clapped his hands slowly in sarcastic applause, and Louise gave a chuckle.

“This is a great welcome. I’ll be sure to give Claire my review.”

“Yes. I hope the new student council president will tell Claire how satisfied she was with my welcome. Good luck.”

He patted Louise on the shoulder and grinned. The meaning of his smile was clear—now that Louise was the new student council president, she would have to work hard until she was worn to the bone. Louise, of course, did not intend to do the work alone.

“Yes. And when I answer to Claire, I want to tell her how hard Dean worked with me. What do you think?”

“Oh, I wasn’t going to do student council this year…”

“But don’t you want to continue the achievements Claire left behind?”

“Claire’s achievements?”


“Of course I want to.”

Louise quickly held out her hand.

“Then let’s shake hands. We’ll inherit the wonderful student council she’s built!”

Dean, who had automatically reached out his hand, suddenly snatched it behind his back.

“You’re using me.”

“Oh, come on.”

“No, no matter how successful Claire was, I can’t be in the student council.”

He was on full alert now, and Louise looked down regretfully.

“I see.”

“Yes. So try rope in someone else. You have a lot of other friends.”

“Alright. That’ll be difficult though. What about Claire’s seat?”

Louise’s eyes shone mischievously.

“Maybe the position should be given to this year’s top student?”


“Maybe everyone covets that seat. No matter what anyone says, Claire has the reputation of the new assistant to the Crown Prince.”

“You’re a real devil, Louise Sweeney.”

“I’m not sure. I was just considering the seating. So, would you like to sit there for a while?”

Dean stood there swallowing the bitter medicine. But for the life of him, he didn’t want anyone else to sit where Claire had been.

And so, this was how Dean Crissis was forced to work on this year’s student council.

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