The Lord of Ice and Magic

Chapter 131: A New Path Forward

Ezekiel sat in the office of the Falmouth Falcons' scout, a formal contract spread out before him. The parchment was enchanted, shimmering slightly under the office's dim lighting.

The scout, a seasoned wizard with sharp eyes and a no-nonsense demeanor, leaned forward. "This is your final chance to reconsider, Malverne. Once you sign, you're officially a Falcon. No backing out."

Ezekiel didn't hesitate. He took the quill, dipped it into the ink, and signed his name in bold, confident strokes.

As soon as the ink settled, the parchment glowed, magic sealing the contract.

"Welcome to the Falcons," the scout said with a rare grin. "You'll report for training during the summer. Don't be late."

Ezekiel smirked. "I won't be."


The hardest part of his decision wasn't signing with the Falcons—it was breaking the news to his Ravenclaw teammates.

At their next meeting in the locker room, Ezekiel stood before them, arms crossed as his teammates watched with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I'll get straight to the point," he began. "I've accepted an offer from the Falmouth Falcons. I won't be playing for Ravenclaw next year."

The reaction was immediate. Some were shocked, others excited for him, but his captain, Roger Davies, looked conflicted.

"You're really leaving us?" Roger asked.

Ezekiel nodded. "It's an opportunity I can't pass up."

A moment of silence stretched between them before Roger sighed and extended his hand. "I can't say I'm not disappointed, but you deserve this. Congrats, Malverne."

One by one, his teammates congratulated him, and before long, the disappointment turned into celebration.

As he left the locker room for the last time, Ezekiel couldn't help but feel a sense of finality. His time as a Hogwarts Quidditch player was over—but his real career was just beginning.


With his future in professional Quidditch secured, Ezekiel turned his focus to finishing his fourth year strong.

Daphne and Alys were deep in their studies, often dragging him into long study sessions in the library. While Ezekiel was confident in most subjects, he still needed to maintain high marks, especially now that he was balancing Quidditch with his responsibilities as Lord Ravenclaw and heir to the Malverne family.

The exams themselves were grueling as always, with some subjects pushing even him to his limits.

When the results finally arrived, Ezekiel scanned his parchment with satisfaction.

Charms – O

Defense Against the Dark Arts – O

Transfiguration – O

Potions – E

Herbology – E

Arithmancy – O

Ancient Runes – O

Alys and Daphne both passed their second-year exams with high marks, earning their own praise.

"Another year down," Daphne murmured as they sat by the Black Lake, going over their results.

Alys smirked. "And now, we get to enjoy the summer without stress."

Ezekiel leaned back against the grass, exhaling. "Yeah… but next year is OWLs. No escaping the stress then."

Daphne nudged him playfully. "We'll survive."

He smirked, wrapping an arm around her. "With you two around, I don't have much of a choice, do I?"

Daphne and Alys exchanged a glance before smirking. "No, you don't."


The last few days at Hogwarts passed in a blur. House Cup points were tallied, and while Ravenclaw had put up a strong fight, Gryffindor once again claimed the House Cup—thanks to Harry Potter and his role in dealing with the Basilisk.

The final feast was as lively as ever, with students already buzzing about their summer plans. Ezekiel received more than a few curious glances from both students and professors, many aware of his recent signing with the Falcons.

As the Hogwarts Express pulled away from the station, Ezekiel sat in his usual compartment with Daphne, Alys, and his two close friends, Adrian Selwyn and Elena.

Adrian gave him a smirk. "So, you're going to be the youngest Chaser in the league next season. How's it feel?"

Ezekiel chuckled. "Ask me after my first match."

Elena grinned. "Just don't let the fame get to your head."

Daphne scoffed, leaning against Ezekiel. "Too late for that."

Alys laughed, and even Ezekiel couldn't deny the amusement. "I suppose we'll find out soon enough."

With that, the Hogwarts Express sped toward London, marking the end of another year at Hogwarts—and the beginning of a new chapter in Ezekiel Malverne's life.


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