Chapter 123: Return to Hogwarts
The holiday break had come to an end, and with it, Ezekiel and Daphne prepared to return to Hogwarts—but this time, things were different. They were no longer just students. As a married couple, they would be residing in the exclusive Married Quarters, a section of the castle reserved for those who had wed while still in school.
The familiar Hogwarts Express awaited at King's Cross Station, its crimson body gleaming under the winter sun. The air was thick with steam as students hurried onto the train, exchanging greetings and last-minute goodbyes with their families.
Ezekiel and Daphne arrived together, hand in hand. His parents, Thomas and Marissa Malverne, stood nearby with Alys and Celeste, the latter clinging to Ezekiel's coat.
"You'll visit, right?" Celeste asked, her big eyes filled with worry.
Ezekiel crouched down, brushing a strand of her golden hair back. "Of course, little star. You can write me anytime, and when we have free weekends, I'll come home."
Celeste huffed. "Not the same."
Alys smirked, nudging their father. "She's going to cry the moment the train leaves."
Celeste glared at her. "Am not!"
Marissa chuckled. "Alright, you two. Let them go." She turned to Daphne, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Take care of each other."
Daphne nodded. "Always."
With one final goodbye, they boarded the train.
As soon as they found an empty compartment, Elena and Adrian Selwyn arrived, taking their usual seats.
Elena grinned. "So, how does it feel being Hogwarts' official married couple?"
Daphne smirked, leaning against Ezekiel's shoulder. "Feels the same. Except now, I have an entire manor to boss him around in."
Adrian laughed. "And here I thought you already did that."
Ezekiel rolled his eyes. "You're all hilarious."
As they settled in, the train whistled, signaling its departure.
The night was crisp when they stepped off the train and onto the carriages leading to Hogwarts Castle.
Whispers followed them.
"That's Lord Ravenclaw and Lady Ravenclaw, right?"
"They got married over the break…"
"Bet they have special privileges now."
Ezekiel ignored the murmurs, focusing on Daphne, who seemed completely unfazed.
Once inside the castle, Professor McGonagall approached them, her sharp eyes softened just a little. "Welcome back, Mr. and Mrs. Malverne."
Daphne's lips twitched at the formal greeting, while Ezekiel nodded. "Thank you, Professor."
McGonagall handed them a sealed letter. "These are the details regarding your new living quarters. You may proceed there now before joining the feast."
Unlike the usual house dormitories, the Married Quarters were located in a separate, more private wing of the castle. Upon entering, they found themselves in a beautifully furnished common area with a fireplace, bookshelves, and enchanted windows that reflected different outdoor sceneries.
There were only a handful of rooms, each belonging to married student couples, but as Ezekiel and Daphne walked to their own, they could tell their suite was the grandest—most likely because of Ezekiel's title as Lord Ravenclaw.
Inside, the room was spacious, complete with a large four-poster bed, a private study area, and an en-suite bathroom. The walls bore intricate Ravenclaw sigils, glowing faintly with old magic.
Daphne set her trunk down, exhaling. "Finally. A proper bed."
Ezekiel smirked. "Getting tired of dorm beds already?"
She turned, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Maybe. Or maybe I just want to make full use of our privacy."
His arms instinctively pulled her close. "Daph…"
She smirked. "Later." Then she kissed him quickly before pulling away. "We have a feast to attend."
Ezekiel groaned. "Fine."
Hand in hand, they left their new quarters, stepping back into the familiar halls of Hogwarts—this time, as husband and wife.