The Longest Shortbus / Warhammer 40k

Chapter 16

Inquisitor Grendyl didn't even blink at my words and only slightly tilted his head to the side as he seemingly saw past me and finally spoke. "You wish for Guardsmen and Enforcers... And food to supply them with? That is it?"

I nodded and after taking a breath I straightened my back and answered frankly. "Indeed, in terms of weapons, ammo, armor, and other supplies I can take care of all those issues. I just need food for the people I will be enhancing to defeat the evils skulking in the dark."

Grendyl refocused on me and his eye stared me down as he said flatly. "If you did not have the Golden One behind you. I would execute you for the abomination of an Astartes you created."

I didn't look behind me at Barghest or the Custodes as I retorted flatly. "Then you are a fool, as Barghest isn't an Astartes at all, as she doesn't have any of the extra Astartes organs. She is an Ogryn that has had her genes cleaned of any inefficiency."

There was a long moment of silence as the Inquisitor looked at me and I didn't bother to raise my Light in preparation as I saw his hand was resting on a modified laser pistol that although very powerful. Woudnt go through my Crysis suit that had a layer of energy shielding.

So even if he did attempt to do something... For one I believed that the Custodes would kill him before he could even draw his pistol. But also he couldn't harm me with what he had on him at this moment.

And as though knowing that the inquisitor chuckled in his raspy voice. "Hmmhmm... Well, then I suggest you take yourself out of my sight then. As already my tech priests want you executed for tech heresy for the armor you are wearing, let alone your weapons and the biological heresy you have performed."

I couldn't help rolling my eyes at that bullshit as sure... I could see Mechanicus wanting to kill me for daring to make something more complicated than a toaster, but I knew they wanted to study my technology even more than they wanted to kill me. Either way, I finished the conversation as I turned around. "Fine, send the guardsmen to a couple ships, Ogryn, man woman, or even Felinids I don't care. I will make them the greatest warriors that aren't Catachan Devil Fighters or Astartes themselves." 

With the Custodes behind me, I left with Barghest following as well beside me as I silently headed back towards the hanger to hopefully hitch a ride back to the surface of Atoma Prime.

"Uhm boss, what about Adeleith." Barghest asked quietly and I could only shake my head as I responded slowly.

"She has her orders. She needs to make her report but even then, she is a Sister of Battle, she will likely be busy doing her missions." I consoled Barghest who looked rather sad at hearing the silver-haired Sister wouldn't be following us.

We quickly made our way to the hangar without any issues and I made sure to not take any detours as I knew we were being watched via the ship's cameras and other forms of surveillance.

Once we got to the hangar I was greeted by a trio of rows of people who promptly saluted with their heads up. "Commissar sir!" 

My lips twitched as I realized what had happened... That bastard Grendyl had named me a Commissar to validate having men under my employ so I stiffened my back and spoke out loudly. "At ease! Collect your supplies and get onto your ships for deployment!" I ordered and like clockwork then green armored painted soldiers spun on their heels with the leaders of each squadron which consisted of what looked like thirty people with a squad leader for each ten people leading the other soldiers to make sure everything was in order.

And then a man walked over to me stiffly and held out a comms tablet. "Sir, these are the orders for our squadrons that you are expected to take care of before you are free to make your own missions and objectives." 

I raised an eyebrow and then without a word I took the tablet and after reading the mission I snorted and muttered out. "Hmph, not messing around at all are they." I looked up at the guardsman who stiffened under my eyes and I said. "Get back with your squad soldier, and make sure they pack enough rations!" I ordered as the guardsmen saluted and backed away.

Once the guardsmen were gone and a dozen Valkyries and large gunships were being prepped for leaving with guardsmen and supplies being loaded up I looked back at the tablet and my lips twitched as I re-read it. [Liberate and secure the Leeman Russ factory in the eighteenth quadrant. Heavy resistance is to be expected along with lesser daemons to be found infecting the machinery in the area.]

'Sending me right into a hellhole... Does he think I am some kind of Kriegsman who wants to throw his life away? Or is this a test?' I thought that the meeting with Grendyl was odd.

An inquisitor should have been more tactful or at least more circumspect in his actions. And near as I could tell, he had promptly sent an order for me to have the men I demanded with all of them following my orders as he for some reason made me a Commissar... 'Can he actually just make me a Commissar or is that a trick?' I thought with annoyance.

As Inquisitors had damn near infinite power in doing whatever the hell they wanted to do. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually did it and was just waiting to see how I performed... But in the end, there was nothing he could do overtly with the Custodian standing behind me.

My thoughts were cut off however as while I got onto the ship assigned to us with every servant, and guardsman bowing their heads to the Custodes I blinked as I saw Adelith already sitting down with a new chain sword resting between her legs while she was still wearing the armor and other weapons I gave her.

"Adeleith you are coming to kill heretics too!" Barghest asked excitedly and the Sister of Battle had a quirk of a smile showing on her face before she suppressed it and with her face a placid mask she nodded and said.

"Aye. I am to be Jake's bodyguard for when the Honored One is doing his own duties."

I nodded in understanding and then stilled as the voice of the Custodes hit our ears again after hours of silence. "My eyes have watched formless darkness for years without blinking, I have heard the souls of millions burning away in holy flames for millennia without flinching. Jake will be watched at all times, you are unneeded as I am not alone either."

'Wait... Does he mean more than one Aquillan Sheild Custodes is hiding somewhere?' I thought and unbidden I smiled as I imagined Grendyl pulling his hair out while frantically looking for the 'rogue' Custodes prowling around his ship.



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