The live broadcast brings goods, and the whole network sells like crazy

Chapter 300 Chapter 300: As soon as a person got off the plane, he was attacked?Crit!

Chapter 300 Chapter 300: As soon as a person got off the plane, he was attacked?Crit!
Technology changes the way people travel.

Let the distance between each other become closer, and make the world more inseparable.

Only ten hours.

Su Yi and others went from east to west.

From a familiar country environment to another brand new world.

Eagle Country.

**International Airport.


"Boss, is your eagle language so good?"

Xu Wen, Luo Yiqing and the others were surprised.

Only when you come to an English-speaking environment, can you really show your own advantages in language ability.

Su Yi is basically a seamless connection!
Mastering intermediate language ability can be said to be proficient in many language dialects.

Naturally, the little Eagle's language was nothing to worry about.

There is no sense of difficulty and disobedience when looking at the surrounding text instructions to promote.

On the contrary, Su Meng and the others were a little dazed, a bit like a countryman entering the city.

I get a headache just looking at those letters~
There are also people who speak foreign languages ​​around, chirping like birds.

"It's okay!"

"Basic communicative reading is still fine."

Su Yi nodded slightly.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a gold finger product.

That has to be a boutique!

If you don't know the language of a place or a country, it is still difficult to really understand and integrate into it.

For example, the domestic language!

If gringos don't know Mandarin, they won't even be able to touch the basic cultural threshold.

But it takes a lot of time and energy to really learn the language of other countries.

Better to live in that place!

What I learned in the textbooks and in the film and television dramas is very insufficient.

"Let's go!"

“Go to the hotel first”

Su Yi then continued.

Nowadays, when people come to a new place, they must settle in the place where they stayed.

As for the challenge, things are not so fast.

At that time, there will naturally be staff from Red Bull and the track to notify me of the docking.

This is also the reason why Su Yi chose to cooperate with Red Bull. The other party can indeed provide a lot of convenience and assistance in foreign regions.


Eagle Country is the home base of the official Guinness World Records organization.

"Tsk tsk!"

"It doesn't look very developed~"

"Building and infrastructure seem to be inferior to domestic second-tier cities."

The crowd discussed.

In fact, many people have never been to the UK.

My impression of this place is still in writing, or on the Internet and news reports.

That's all very one-sided!
It is undeniable.

This is a developed country.

It even developed in two or three hundred years.

It's high-end in many ways, but that doesn't mean it's full of modern skyscrapers or high-tech equipment.

Cities in Europe and the United States have retained the traditional appearance of two or three hundred years.

of course!

It's not that the country is much stronger than others.

It's like the gap between someone who has been rich for a long time and someone who is suddenly rich.

On the surface, they seem to have similar strengths.

In fact, there is still a little difference in the interior~



Suddenly there were bursts of shouting.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd in front ran away like crazy.

In this situation,
As long as it is not a fool to understand the situation.

Humans are a group of creatures that seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When they see the benefits of excitement, they like to join in, and when they see dangers and disasters, they are the first to run away.

Looking at it like this is definitely not a good thing.

What should be reflected in the front.


Su Yi listened to the shouts ahead.

Then he quickly shouted to the people around him.

Suddenly MMP in my heart!

What kind of situation is this?

Could it be that I waited for others to be so unlucky?
This happened to me when I first came to Eagle Country.

Doesn't it mean that the law and order abroad is good?
But right now, why did he see a group of people in front of them holding weapons and fighting directly.

And come in this direction.


Su Meng and others also reacted.

That must be the first time to protect the boss.

In the eyes of everyone, many figures appeared one after another, holding weapons and so on, chasing and hacking crazily.

Many passers-by were harmed and injured!
The airport was already crowded.

More chaos after the accident.

All kinds of shouts and smashing sounds mixed together, just like martial arts in film and television dramas.

in fact,

From time to time, there will be several violent conflicts or biubiu cases in Eagle Country.

There have been quite a few sensations around the world, and even many netizens in China are often hacked.

In fact, the same is true in China!
Humans are complex individuals!

In many cases, it is not the government and the country that can control it. It can only be said to maintain law and order and stability to the maximum extent.

An example is hard to put an end to!


At this moment.

Naturally, Su Yi would not act bravely.

It will be troublesome when you hurt the person on your side.

Reality is not fiction!
The average ex-soldier can't single-handedly take down a mob armed with weapons.

Maybe they will be killed by others!

Even Su Yi can't guarantee that he can protect everyone in front of so many people.



When everyone is running.

Xu Wen was directly and severely pushed down by the big black guy, even bringing Luo Yiqing to harm the innocent.

In many cases, girls' disadvantage is here.

Individual ability is definitely not as good as that of men, and it will be shown when encountering crisis risks.

Suddenly, he was pushed away.

It's hard not to get hurt!

Su Yi was also very angry.

Looking at the black shadow that had already run away, he cursed, and then quickly stopped to check Xu Wen who had fallen to the ground.

"Are you okay?"

Su Meng and others hurriedly protected them.

So as not to be trampled by the crowd later.


"I sprained my foot!"

"Brother Yi, you go first."

Xu Wen was sweating in pain.

Tears were pouring out, but Su Yi and the others were not allowed to run away.

"You protect her!"

Seeing that the group of people was ready to come.

Su Yi also immediately made a decisive move and took the initiative.

Otherwise, after a group of armed people approached, they would know the result after thinking about it.

These thugs attacked all the way.

No matter men, women, young or old, they will fight when they see it.

Su Yi didn't want to cause trouble!

Now I have to stand up.

Fortunately, the other party didn't take the troll.

Otherwise, it's really cool this time!

Sometimes luck is mysterious.

Bad things that don't necessarily happen once a year happen to you.

You can choke on your teeth if you drink water!


group of people.

There are at least a dozen of them.

Seeing that Su Yi dared to take the initiative to meet him, his anger instantly doubled.



Su Yi took out his mobile phone and shot out.

The ability of the intermediate dart stunt instantly made the tall and strong man with the knife in the middle lose his combat effectiveness.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
Shoot people first!
as predicted,

The others were stunned when they saw it.



Su Yi seized the opportunity and rushed up.

Kill them while they are distracted!
In an instant, just one face-to-face will kill a few.

That picture is simply amazing~
Su Meng from behind also reacted quickly and ran over to help, preventing his boss from being beaten by two fists and four legs.

It's good to be a meat shield to help block!
(End of this chapter)

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