The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 8

A young man walked along the village path.

He was wearing a blue jacket, and it seemed that he had not seen the sun for a long time, and his skin was pale and weak. His body is also slender and thin, but his expression is calm and calm, and he clearly wears a rag. The village trails are also uneven, and there are even cow **** and chicken shit, but they let him out of a sense of leisurely walk.

At the time of ploughing, everyone was busy plowing the land, and there was hardly anyone to see on the road in the village. Occasionally someone’s mother-in-law worked in the yard, and when she saw the person walking on the road, she looked at it for a few moments before recognizing who he was.

“God, where is this going?”

Xue Tingyan looked at the woman who had spoken to him and smiled, “Auntie, I will just walk around.”

This is just a casual sentence. The woman did not talk to him any more. She turned around and took things into the house. The mother-in-law in the house asked her, “The third wife, who are you talking to?”

“The dog in the second room of Xue Lianxing’s house. Hey, mother, you said it was strange, just before he hit the door, I didn’t recognize him for a while, and I always felt like I changed.”

Her mother-in-law disagreed: “What can it become, but it can’t be changed into a skin bag, I remember that the kid was not sick recently.”

The daughter-in-law said: “I see if I plan to go to Houshan.” There is a mountain behind Yuqing Village, where the villagers are buried and the Xue family’s ancestral graves are also there.

When she heard this, her mother-in-law sighed: “Don’t mention it. It’s a pity that the second child of Lianxing’s family is gone. Both of them are gone. It is pitiful to leave a baby.

This is nothing more than gossip between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and while they are talking, Xue Tingyan has taken Heizi into Houshan.

Houshan is called Houshan, the mountain behind Yuqing Village.

This mountain is unknown and its height is not high, but it is extremely deep. Anyway, so far, no villager has been able to walk back and forth from this deep mountain old forest, most of which are activities outside the mountain.

The Xue family’s ancestral tombs were built on a small hill not far from the village. This Xue family is not just the Xue Tingyan family, but the ancestors of the entire Xue family clan.

There is a mountain on the top, the patriarch’s vein is in the middle, and the branches are spread out. The vein of Master Xue is at a place near the foot of the southwest mountain.

Because the two couples died early in the year, Xue Qingsong was killed in a disaster, so he was buried at the edge.

When Xue Tingyan reached the place, he began to pull the grass around the tomb.

There are not many weeds, just cleaned up during the New Year, he gathered these grasses on the ground at will, and sat down in front of the grave.

A piece of mountain land, two small graves, each standing in front of the grave a small blue stone monument, on which is simply written the name of the two houses and two couples.

This monument was originally recruited to find someone to do it.

Nowadays, there are three kinds of people who are dead and can’t set up monuments. They die, die, and die. Xue Qingsong is a dying cross.

Although everyone didn’t say anything in their mouths, people who consciously died after death had grievances, which was not conducive to feng shui in the ancestral tomb, so they did not set up a monument. I also want him to forget who he is, so as not to confuse things.

But at the same time, there is also a saying that after the death without a monument, it is a lonely spirit and a wild ghost, and cannot bear the incense of future generations.

At first, the funeral of the couple in the second room was handled by the Xue family. They defaulted to the old customs. At that time Xue Tingyan was still young and didn’t understand it at all.

She told the Xue family to build a monument, but was blocked, and the Xue family persuaded. Later, Zhao’er didn’t tell anyone. He used his money to find someone to make these two simple monuments and stood in front of the grave.

When the Xue family knew it was too late, they could not dismantle the stele in front of the villagers. They could only act as if they had nothing to do. After all, they were still ashamed.

The villagers were also surprised when they saw this monument, but they could understand how the second son of the Xue family died.

Therefore, Xue Qingshan also has a good name. He would rather fight the feng shui at home, and also build a monument to his brothers.

With various thoughts turning in his mind, Xue Tingyan took out a cloth from his arms and slowly wiped the tombstone.

The words on it are still written by him, and the strokes can be seen as immature. In the end, it can still make people distinguish what is written on it.

Today is the day of death for Grandpa Zheng. Zheng Hu brought his two sons to worship at the grave.

The villagers did not pay much attention, just prepared some buns and wine, and the father and son burned paper money in front of the grave.

Zheng Hu has always had a deep affection with his father, and it was inevitable that he was in a low mood, so he let the two sons go back first, while he was sitting in front of the grave while smoking a dry cigarette while talking to his father.

After a while, he stood up and planned to go back.

There was still work waiting in the field. Zheng Hu planned to take a short cut without delaying time. When he walked around Xue Lianxing’s ancestral tomb, he suddenly heard someone crying.

The two hills near here are graves, one surnamed Xue and one surnamed Zheng. This kind of unconventional days is not like Zheng Hu’s elders in the family, but no one will come to this place.

In particular, there may be a large number of dead people and dense trees. Sometimes the sky and the sky are also gloomy. In this case, when hearing this strange sound, Zheng Hu was scared of cold hair and his legs were soft.

He lived for decades in the end, he listened quietly, and after a while he understood the voice of a male baby.

Thinking about whose grave is here, he bravely walked closer, bypassing a large tree, and in the distance saw a teenager in cyan clothes sitting in front of the grave with his back to his back.

There was also a **** dog flicking its tail.

It is the dog of Xue Lianxing’s second room.

Zheng Hu was relieved, and the voice came into his ears carefully: “… Dad, you said what should I do? Uncle wants to send Juncai to the school in the town, I thought I could do the same Go … but the aunt came to the house a few days ago, but said to let me let Rang Juncai, before obviously … “

The young man ’s voice was full of hesitation and helplessness. Zheng Hu did not expect to hear Xue ’s private affairs in such a place. He was so shocked that the dry smoke in his hand fell unconsciously, and he didn’t react until his foot was smashed by the pot. He picked up the pot and hurried away.

He did not know that the lonely and helpless boy in his eyes stopped crying after he left.

In the past few days, Xue Tingyan has been thinking hard, looking for an appropriate opportunity, and somehow thought of Zheng Hu.

Zheng Hu ’s father, Grandpa Zheng, died during the spring cultivation, not joy or mourning, but accident. He was accidentally squeezed by his own cattle under the ridge and fell to his death.

Tian Gezi was not tall enough, and countless villagers fell off Tian Gezi every year, and Grandpa Zheng died unluckily. At first, this matter was in the village for a while, so Xue Tingyan remembered it very clearly.

Since it is the day of death for father, Zheng Hu, his son, will definitely come to the grave, and Zheng Hu is used to walking near the road, so he will definitely go through this piece, so who is more suitable than him.

The most important thing is that this Yuqing village does not seem to be big. In fact, the surnames Xue and Zheng have always been different from each other. The uncle of Zheng Hu is Lizheng. He knows it, and Zheng Lizheng knows it.

Xue Tingyan didn’t stay much, and soon took Heizi back home.

There was still silence in the yard. He found a ladle and put it in front of the door. He sat quietly and basked in the sun, but he was thinking of going to the town.

Zheng Hu hurried along the way, without even returning home, he went to Zheng Li’s home.

Zheng Li is the Li Zheng of Yuqing Village and the head of the Zheng family. The house in the family is naturally unique in Yuqing Village. If it can be compared with it, it is the house of the elder Xue family.

A water brick house with blue bricks, the courtyard walls are also made of blue bricks, the most conspicuous is the Zheng’s ancestral temple, but the ancestral temple will not be opened until a specific time. The two black ones Tongmu gate is closed all year round.

Around the side is the courtyard of Zheng Li’s family.

The yard is huge, unlike other sheds, barns, stoves, etc., which are located in the front yard. The front yard of Zheng Lizheng’s house is an empty yard. Only two sycamore trees are planted in the yard. Whenever there is something serious in the village, this yard is always crowded with people.

Ying face is three main rooms, left and right are east and west rooms, all are blue bricks and black tiles, especially style.

When Zheng Hu arrived, only Zheng Lizheng and his mother-in-law Tian were at home.

When Tian’s nephew came, he said hello: “Tiger, how come this time? Have something to do with your uncle?”

“Hey, something is wrong.”

With that said, Zheng Hu hurried to the house. Tian shook his head, thinking what was really going on, to know that Zheng Hu was always very steady.

When Zheng Hu entered, he turned to Dongwu.

Sure enough, his uncle Zheng Li was sitting cross-legged on the East Onda Kang and smoking a dry cigarette.

“What, panic.”

Zheng Hu sat down on a pier under Kang, panting, unable to speak for a while.

Zheng Lizheng is in his 60s, with a long face and big and small eyes. From the appearance, it is just an ordinary old man, even the clothes he wears are ordinary. Only the unmoving composure is a long-established relationship.

With a cigarette holder in his mouth, he pushed the teapot on the Kang table forward, and Zheng Hu was not polite. He stood up and poured a bowl of tea, and he grumbled down.

“Bo, let me tell you, I ran into something today.”

“What’s the matter?”

“This is not my father’s day, I brought it early in the morning …”

When Zheng Hu said halfway, Zheng Lizheng sat up from Kang and listened carefully.

Seeing the uncle like this, Zheng Hu knew that he was right. After hearing the cry of the second son of Xue Lianxing’s second room, he realized this was an opportunity to suppress the prestige of the surname Xue in Yuqing village.

He said it in more detail, almost repeating it word by word, and Zheng Lizheng’s eyes narrowed as he smoked dry smoke.

Zhaoer didn’t come back until the second half of his life, and when he came back, his face was a bit uncomfortable.

Xue Tingyan looked at the basket behind her. Every time Zhaoer came back before, the basket was always filled with dangdang, but today he knew that there was nothing in it.

“what happened?”

Zhaoer was thinking about it. When asked by the little man, he froze for a moment before saying: “Nothing. I brought you a steamed bun from the town. I’ll heat it up for you later.”

How could it be nothing, just something.

Xue Tingyan glanced at her face, but since she didn’t want to say more, he didn’t want to force the question.

Zhaoer went back and forth to the town, covered with dust, and she went to the stove to boil water and took it to the bath. The Xue family has a room for bathing in the vegetable garden in the backyard. The house is not big, three meters square, the floor is covered with blue stone slabs, and there is a drain in one corner of the room. The bath water can directly flow into the vegetable field along that port.

Taking off her clothes, Zhaoer rubbed her soap horns on her body, but she felt a sorrow in her heart.

In fact, something really happened, but she didn’t say that she was afraid that the little man would worry.

She found the way to get money was robbed.

The robber was no one else. It was the owner of the embroidery workshop who had collected her embroidered shoes.

In fact, Zhao’er is relatively smart. I bought rags from the owner of this embroidery workshop, but the finished product was not sold to this one, but changed to another one. It was just that she did not expect the two bosses to be relatives or how the other party knew. When she went on this trip, the other party did not want to sell her rags.

Not only is there no rags in this embroidery workshop, the owner of this embroidery workshop ordered people to buy all the rags from other embroidery workshops. Zhaoer didn’t know about it until he ran many embroidery workshops.

She had already made plans to pay for the little man to go to town to study. Then she asked the Qinghe Academy, and every year the beam repair would cost five or two silver. Among them, because many school children live too far away, they can choose to stay in school. If you are studying in a boarding house, you will need to add food and accommodation every month.

Zhaoer wanted Xue Tingyan to read in her heart. She felt that this Xue family was not a good place to study. There were too many things at home, that is to say, she had to prepare six or two silver to send the little man to the school.

She had thought that doing this business twice would make up enough money, who had thought that such a thing would happen.

Between her thoughts, Zhaoer had already taken a bath. She wrapped her hair in a veil and put on her clothes before returning to the house.

Xue Tingyan was sitting on the kang to read a book, and he read it from his only “Childhood Qionglin”. Seeing her coming in, he looked up at her and said, “It’s still cold, quickly dry your hair.”

Hearing this, Zhaoer felt warm.

These days, the little man has changed a lot compared to before. This change is naturally good, so she was worried, and she couldn’t help but smile.

She climbed on the kang, took the cloth towel out of the kang cabinet, and Xue Tingyan sat on the edge, inevitably giving her sideways. As she passed by, a sweet scent mixed with soap horns penetrated into the tip of his nose. He couldn’t help moving his nose, and his eyes fell on her.

The author has something to say:

Thank you all the little fairy Lei, what tweeted

Throwing 1 mine minelesslyTime: 2017-09-2601: 00: 47

The cat under the roof threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2017-09-2610: 37: 24

Coke is cool enough to throw 1 mine Throwing time: 2017-09-2611: 46: 14

Crystal Apple threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2017-09-2611: 59: 47

Long dim sum threw 1 mine Throwing time: 2017-09-2612: 44: 59

Cuties throwed 1 mine at the heart throwing time: 2017-09-2614: 23: 18

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