The Legendary Monster Layer!

18 – Post Adventure

Ari watched the seven-foot antlered doe-girl trot off into the forest—with an unsteadiness to her gait, thanks to their thorough intimacy a few minutes prior—then sat up, rubbed her head, and groaned to her two teammates:

“Okay, that’s definitely the last I can handle, today.”

There weren’t any disagreements from Lori or Claire. Ari’s stamina potion had been split three ways, which meant it hadn’t gone far. Sure, they’d handled four encounters, but that was far from the goal of ‘going all day’, like a regular adventurer might have been able to.

The antler-wearing monster girl disappeared from sight, and her heart briefly ached that she hadn’t offered for the girl to join the Menagerie. But Ari needed to be more discerning about things, since they only had three slots left. With a limit of five, they were two-fifths filled up. And while Ari wanted to offer to everyone, there needed to be some rationality behind her decisions. She needed to save slots for ‘useful’ allies.

Though, seeing how her Menagerie members could level up, any of them could become strong. A better way to put it, she supposed, would be that Ari needed to be picky about the monster girl archetypes she allowed in. Not so much because some classes were better than others—though that was something most people held as true—but because a balance of classes was important in a party.

Ari herself might not have combat classes, but as demonstrated by Lori, her Menagerie members did. Maybe they’d want to party up, eventually. Ari wouldn’t be able to join them, which she was still a bit sad about, but if they decided to venture out as a group for normal combat, then it was up to Ari to make sure she was accepting members who filled a balanced party composition.

Lori had shown herself as a damage-dealer, but Claire, she wasn’t sure about yet. Her race labeled her as a ‘Honeybee Defender’, which seemed to imply a defensive class.

Either way, Ari shouldn’t go filling up all five slots of her Menagerie in the first two days she received her class. There might be an argument to be made for ‘maximizing experience gain’ since every member meant more passive experience for her, but she didn’t buy fully into that train of thought. Better to be careful.

Plus, if she filled up all her slots and found someone she really clicked with … she’d have no way to add them. So that was another reason to be careful.

Why couldn’t she just add every cute girl she ran into? Sure, that would be overpowered, but still. It wasn’t fair!

Ari finally pushed herself to her feet. She took stock of herself. Four encounters worth of extremely thorough intimacy had left her a disaster. She was covered in dirt, grass stains, and—most crudely—buckets worth of caked-on, dried monster-girl goo. And plenty from the last encounter that wasn’t even dried yet.

She was quickly finding out that Lori had been an exception—that most of her opponents were endowed in the same way Claire was.

And the craziest part, even better endowed than Claire … Claire’s impressive eight inches was actually on the small end. It had been no easy effort accommodating her partners, today. The doe-girl especially had stretched Ari out in a way she hadn’t even known possible.

Ari’s heartrate picked up, just thinking about it. She’d really wanted to add Elly to the Menagerie just for that fact alone. Because Ari would make very, very good use out of that monster between her legs.

I’ve been fucked five or six times today. Why am I still horny?

Was it her class? Or had Ari’s abrupt introduction to her new, lewd lifestyle awoken something she hadn’t known existed? The second, if Ari were being honest with herself.

Then again, how would she know if her class was affecting her mind? That wasn’t something classes did, to her knowledge, so she didn’t think it likely … but it was really embarrassing to admit that it was Ari herself who was such an insatiable creature.

She cleared her throat, and Lori shot her an odd look.

“Right,” Ari announced loudly, flushing despite Lori obviously couldn’t tell what she’d been thinking. “Let’s get cleaned up … like I said, that was the last for today.”

Lori and Claire both made mumbled noises of agreement. Ari had been in plenty of fights in her life in preparation for her career as her adventurer, so she could confidently say that this style of exercise was the far more exhausting one. A clean, efficient fight could be over in a matter of seconds. But bringing a partner to orgasm, trying to drag things out as long as possible as to be provided more experience and better rewards? It took its toll.

She wobbled over to her backpack—her legs had grown shakier throughout their adventures, and now she could barely walk straight—and pulled out a towel. It was already caked in cum and dirt from earlier cleanings, but it still helped in getting her somewhat wiped off.

I hope I don’t smell. Not that that was unusual for an adventurer returning to the Guild, but Ari’s particular smell might be … revealing. Though, even if sex had a distinct smell to it, most people would dismiss such an assumption as ridiculous. Because what, they’d think Ari had ventured out into the forest and returned in dirt and cum? Obviously not. She was safe simply by the sheer absurdity of the situation.

Though, she guessed they could assume she’d simply ventured out with a friend for some ‘personal time’. She grimaced. She’d have to start lugging along a better way to freshen herself up.

After wiping herself down, she tossed the towel to Lori, who did the same, then passed it to Claire.

Ari briefly admired the sight: the two naked girls knelt down in front of her, red-faced and covered in lewd filth. To think Ari would have this site for the rest of her life … that ogling, and having fun with, a variety of busty, well-endowed monster girls could be considered her daily routine now. She really had gotten the best class in the world.

“So,” Ari said, taking charge. She felt like she was the ‘party leader’ of the group—was obviously that person, however she wouldn’t have expected to ever fill that role. “Uh. Great work, everyone. We, um, got a lot done. Thanks.” She cringed at the awkward phrasing.

Not that Lori and Claire seemed to care, or even notice. Honestly, they looked a bit too exhausted to muster up anything besides slouched shoulders and an exhausted demeanor. Maybe I should’ve stopped earlier. The two had definitely been having fun, the same as Ari, but Ari guessed she had a higher natural endurance than them. She chided herself … she should’ve payed closer attention to her partners’ statuses.

“The same, tomorrow?” Lori asked.


Ari collected her thoughts—what were her plans for tomorrow?





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