The Legendary Gamer Girl is Obsessed

Chapter 71

[Anonymous has donated 100,000 won.]

─”Still, aren’t you disappointed that all you’re giving out is based on a draw? How about adding a brownie and playing a game?”

[Wow, 100,000 won]

[Mouse click]

[It’s just pocket change for our host.]

[She plays well, has a great voice, is rich, and even has a big chest—how does such a creature exist?]

[Mighty Seol]

[If you’ve got 100,000 won to donate, why not just buy brownies and eat them?]

Every time I play games, I worry I’ll lose, so I tried this new content, and I didn’t expect it to be this popular.

But now it’s getting a little frightening.

“What, do you all starve this much? Should I quit streaming and just open a brownie factory instead?”

[It’s not because of the brownies—it’s because of you.]

[There’s no resisting your homemade brownies, even if they’re labeled pre-legendary.]

[Legendary brownies, wow.]

[If I receive one, I’ll go back to my hometown and confess to her.]

Who is this “her,” by the way?

Sending out ten homemade brownies and gift cards worth twenty is already quite a bit of labor.

There’s no way I can keep increasing this.

I’ll have to say sorry and let everyone know there will be no more brownies.

Just as I think this, another donation comes flying in.

[Anonymous has donated 10,000 won.]

─”It’s too disappointing to win purely by luck. You should give us a chance to prove our skills.”

What he says makes me a bit curious.

Does this person have confidence in their abilities?

In front of me…

In front of this body…

To think they have the confidence to say they can beat me…

I’d say the chance this is misplaced confidence is about 99%.

Still, I’m curious to check out whoever is willing to say that.

“What game would you like to play?”

If they suggest a game I don’t know or something purely based on luck, I plan to just pass over it.

[Anonymous has donated 10,000 won.]

─”How about ‘Dagger Bread’?”

“Dagger Bread?”

[Oh haha!]

[Wow, they’re confident!]

[Rank 100 with an 86% win rate—how dare someone challenge Mighty Sol to Dagger Bread?]

[Are they Challenger or better?]

[What’s the chance this person doesn’t know the game?]

[If they’re outside the top 100 rankings, they clearly don’t know the rules.]

But judging from the chat window, it seems like some kind of in-house rule game within Teamfight Arena.

“Why are you all laughing? What is this Dagger Bread?”

[It’s about Level 1 Dagger Artists in the Dragon’s Nest trading only Q attacks.]

Dagger Artists have no basic attacks.

Instead, their Q skill serves as their basic attack by throwing daggers.

Typically, regular attacks are targetable attacks, meaning they never miss, but for Dagger Artists, their Q can miss.

They fight in a confined space at Level 1—it seems this is the concept of Dagger Bread.

“So, it’s like a skillshot showdown?”

Right now, someone is suggesting we compare our ability to dodge and hit.


This body?


[What’s this?]

[Feels like an insultingly arrogant laugh?]


[Who’s challenging the Host?]

[These Masters with too much skillshot evasion have been carried too many times.]

[Maybe this person believes their team has bad luck and that’s why they haven’t improved?]

[Does anyone know who it is? Could they be a big player?]

[Let’s see how this goes.]

“If you’re that good with daggers, let’s head to the rooftop!”

I open Teamfight Arena, log in, and create a custom game.

“But won’t selling entry tickets by donation exclude those who don’t want to donate? So I’ll let participants in on a first-come, first-served basis. The password is… ”

Wait, who is this punk?

“What is this? How did someone get in without me saying the password?”

Gluelegsqueeze-[Don’t use a 4-digit number for the password]

Even though it showed up in the broadcast as , he guessed and entered it. What kind of person does that?

The tier of the person who entered showed Diamond 3.

Honestly, it seems meaningless, but for the sake of testing participants…

‘Could this be the return of Nightmare of the Marshes?’

Back then, I started a teaching stream with the ambitious plan of nurturing rookies, but I realized how hard it is to find truly talented people.

I was like a frog in a well, unaware.

Unaware of how incredible our group of frogs truly was.

Frogs that could eat eagles, cheetahs, and lions.

I only realized recently, but Victory has evolved into some kind of flying dragon-frog.


The poor ‘Dagger Boy’ friend failed to hit me with a single dagger and died instantly.

Gluelegsqueeze-[Wow, you’re really good!]

“You were talented too, Teacher. Password-guessing talented.”

[Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!]

[Losing credit cards would be very useful for someone like you.]

[But you’d end up in jail if you used them. ha ha ha ha ha!]

[Challenger’s dignity: ‘No Hits’]

[Indeed, Legendary Ham.]

[Pre-Legendary! Pre-Legendary! Pre-Legendary!]


Will I fall asleep if this kind of person keeps coming?

I’ll take three more and then call it a day.

With that thought, I created another room and announced the password.


A polite friend has entered.

Wait? Their tier is Grandmaster?

[Isn’t that Cherry?]

[Pro join spotted! lol lol]

[Suddenly feels like a Championship match!]

[Cherry watching Pre-Legendary’s stream lol lol lol]

I almost typed “Are you pro?” but deleted it before hitting enter.

What does that matter?

Anyone watching is a viewer.

Anyone who has joined the match is an enemy to be defeated.

“Let’s go, then.”

I never planned to do this half-heartedly anyway.

If I keep giving out more brownies, I’ll end up in serious trouble.

But the mention of pro makes me a little excited.

Please, don’t disappoint me.

Also, don’t get so good you’ll add unnecessary work for me.


It’s better if you crumble after a close match.

The Q Dagger Throw from a Level 1 Dagger Artist.

At maximum range, you have enough time to see and dodge it.

But the closer you get, the harder it is to see it and dodge.

If you’re stuck close-range, it would be nearly impossible to dodge.

Since we’re both Dagger Artists, it might seem like distance doesn’t matter.

But there’s a difference.

Between me… and others.

The opponent immediately moved to close the distance with me.

Which pretty much proves that fact.

‘I cannot reliably dodge a maximum-range skillshot.’

Not every pro has exceptional reaction speed.

While having a response time too slow to play competitively is rare,

at least, not everyone specializes in reaction speed.

I can reliably dodge a maximum-range Q, 100%.

At 70% range? I still mostly dodge it.

At 50% range? If I’m extremely focused, I can still dodge most of them.

So I kept us between 70% and 50% range.

A distance where I can see and dodge, but my opponent must anticipate and dodge.

[Nah, MC!]

[Hitting and dodging everything!]

[Did the pro let you hit on purpose?]

[How is that possible? Can’t believe what I’m seeing!]

[Mighty Seol]

[Lone wolf playing the game at 0.5x speed.]

[Pro laugh laugh laugh!]

[??? : Taking down a brownie is too hard.]

[Then count yourself lucky.]

[Was the previous donator Cherry?]

[Indeed lol]

Dagger Bread is a short game.

You win after hitting with about 10 Qs.

“Unfortunately, you’re out. Next!”

That was a pretty good fight.

Definitely on a different level from the boring ‘Dagger Boy’ friend, who almost put me to sleep.

Still, out of my 10 hits, the opponent’s dagger only grazed me twice.

A decent sense of achievement.

ASC selen-<I humbly request a match.>


If I recall correctly, players with weird English prefixes in their ID are often pros.

[Woah! Selene!]

[Do pros always guess passwords correctly?]

[First-come, first-served system is insane lol]

[That’s how pros get in so quickly.]

[More surprising—isn’t it that even Selene watches Pre-Legendary’s stream?]

[With 30,000 viewers, it’s not that surprising who watches.]

[I’m a K-pop idol in my teens; all my members watch Pre-Legendary too.]

[Brainfreeze nope]

Something’s going sideways here?

[!– Slider main container –]

[!– Additional required wrapper –]

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