
Ghul had a dream...

He was about 10 years old in his dream, riding on his beautiful horse, Epona, traveling on the Great Bay Coast. The gentle waves of the sea were making a splashing noise as it hit the shore.

The seagulls were flying above the sea. Upon a closer look, it seemed like they were flying above a particular area.

Ghul squinted his eyes to get a clear view.  He saw a humanoid thing floating in the sea. The waves were carrying it to the shore.

Ghul moved closer, the humanoid thing was a Zora. It was a race of aquatic people. They looked like humans but with fins and blue skin.

The Zora was mortally wounded. It stood up gingerly, as it walked two steps before falling again.

"I am Mikau of the Zora people... guitarist in the Zora band... I think this is it for me... Will you please listen to me?" Mikau said in a weak voice.

Ghul nodded...

Mikau stood up with passion and started playing his guitar even though he was gravely injured. Jamming his guitar, he sang about his story.

Oh, baby, baby, listen to me!
The carnival's beginning soon.
We're the ones they're waiting to see.
But that girl, our vocalist...
She laid some strange eggs.
And she's lost her voice.
You can't hear what she says.
Whoa-oh! in the Great Bay now
somethin' is a happenin'.
Is it now?
Oh! Baby, listen to me.
I don't wanna beg.
Gerudo Pirates!
They stole that girl's eggs.
I left the cape to stop the Gerudo
Pirates, then pow and bam!
I got knocked down, now here I am!
Baby! If I die like this...
Even if I die...
It won't be in peace...
That's for sure!
Somebody, please rescue her eggs
before the pirates take their toll.
Oh, somebody, somebody,
please heal my soul."

With a final swing of his guitar, Mikau fell on the ground, as life left his body.

Ghul looked at the dead body before him. He felt something odd. This was real, but he also had a strange sense of Déjà vu. This whole moment felt odd. He couldn't remember anything except this moment. He didn't know who he was. He didn't know what he was doing here. He didn't know anything about his past

Ghul looked at his tiny hands. He had a nagging feeling in his heart that his hands were much bigger. Everything felt surreal, but everything was real.

Ghul took out his ocarina and started playing the song of healing. He didn't know why he was doing that.

Mikau spirit seemed to be flickering in his body like it was separating from it. His body lay dead on the ground, as his spirit exited his body. With his hand on his chest, he deeply stared at Ghul.

"Carve my farewell song on my grave... I'm depending on you to help that singer girl..."

After saying his parting words, Mikau's spirit disappeared, as a mask fell on the ground. The mask resembled a Zora's face. Ghul picked it up.

Ghul buried Mikau's dead body in Great bay for a proper grave. Mikau's guitar put on the place where he was buried. It was a giant fishbone. He bowed and left holding the Zora mask,

Ghul stared at the ocean that stretched up to the horizon. Who was he? Where was he? Is this real? Did he even... exist?

He had to move forward, he didn't have any past to lean on. He had to move forward and beyond.

Looking at the Zora mask, Ghul looked back at Mikau's grave. He had an objective, he had a path. Ghul slowly put the mask on his face.

But... As soon as he put it on, the world turned white. A white light was streaking across the horizon, devouring everything in its wake. The light was getting closer and closer to Ghul. He felt like he was disappearing... from existence itself.

Ghul woke up.

He still found himself underwater with the Lizalfos dragging him down. But, he didn't felt uncomfortable anymore. He could breathe underwater, and the water felt like it was his home. He could move freely underwater when he saw that his arms weren't of a human anymore. It was blue and there were fins on it.

Heck... He wasn't a human anymore. He was a Zora. The race of aquatic people.

Ghul tried to do a spin maneuver, as the Lizalfos gripping him got knocked off, and Ghul ripped right through the water like a speeding car. Before he knew it, he was out of the water, and in the air 6 meters high, as he landed on the riverbank in a superhero pose. He felt a sense of Déjà vu.

But, he wasn't going to run like before. Ghul hurriedly equipped his Eightfold blade and waited vigilantly for the Lizalfos. The Lizalfos were too nimble that using the Traveler's Claymore would be a stupid decision.

Ghul waited for a bit but the Lizalfos didn't come out.

They probably got carried away by the river downstream.

Ghul relaxed a bit and started checking his new look. He... was speechless. H was a freaking Zora. And the dream was too strange. It was so vivid that he could recall everything, and he knew what that dream was. The dream was a scene from the game LEGEND OF ZELDA: MAJORA'S MASK.

Majora's mask was another game from the Zelda series. The dream he had was another event that should have happened many years ago in the past. He was getting more and more confused. He had countless questions in his head with no answers.

Ghul shook his head and threw the questions to the back of his mind, he knew he had to take one step at a time.

First things first, I need to be a human... eh, Hylian again.

Ghul imagined that he was taking the Zora mask off his face. Suddenly, his body started changing, his greenish-blue skin was being replaced with his normal skin color, his fins were growing smaller and smaller until they disappeared, and he regained his blonde hair.

Ghul hurriedly started wearing his clothes again, and equipped his gear,

The more answers he wanted, the more questions he got.

The mystery thickened.

"Ah... Ghul, you're just on time. It's time to go." Esme said with a smile as he saw Ghul walking towards them.

Ghul nodded. He was a bit too silent right now. There was a lot on his mind.

Esme saw that and chose to remain silent. he respected other's privacy.

Tobias had some internal injury, so he sat with Raihan on the cart.

Ghul was riding on Tobias' horse. Don't ask how he knew to ride a horse. He hadn't even touched a horse in his previous life. But he remembered that in his dream he was riding his horse Epona.

The clattering of the Horse hooves was the only sound on the road, as everybody was silent. The attack in the morning had involuntarily affected everyone.

"You're awfully silent today. What happened, Kid?" Raihan said being the nosy person he was.

"Nothing..." Ghul shook his head.

"Your face tells a different story..." Raihan said while picking his nose.

Ghul hesitated a bit, as he said: "I'm confused... about life" Ghul minced his words from existence to life. If he did say existence, Raihan would probably say he was mental.

Raihan laughed as he said:

"Want this old man's advice?"

Tobias coughed, he looked like he was coughing from his injuries, but god knows.


"Life's a journey... Life's a bitch... Life's a race... Life's a question... Life's a story... Life's an answer... Life's a cruel mistress... Life's an opportunity... Life's a curse... Life's a blessing... life's a-"

"What's the point?" Ghul glared at Raihan.

"Haha... Life is anything you want it to be. You want life to be a journey. Life's a journey... You want life to be an answer. Life's an answer. At least, that's how I see life..." Raihan shrugged.

Ghul chuckled.

"Were you a charlatan, old man?" Ghul shook his head.

"His father owned a circus." Tobias chimed in.


Night fell, as Ghul and the team started camping. They didn't cover much ground today because of the morning attack.

Ghul took the duty of guarding tonight.  It was a big deal for Ghul because it meant that they trusted him with their lives. Everybody was asleep except Luke who was staring at the stars. He had a melancholic expression.

Ghul stared at the sky as well. The starry night sky reminded him of his parents. He silently stared at the beautiful view.

"You've changed, Ghul..." Luke suddenly said, still looking at the night sky.

"Huh!" Ghul couldn't react. He didn't know what luke was talking about, but he did feel a bit different after having that dream.

"Your aura has changed since this morning," Luke said as he stared at Ghul's eyes. His eyes were completely pitch black. Ghul felt like those pair of eyes were staring direcctly at his soul.

"Nice eyes..." Ghul complimented.

Luke's gaze intensified, as Ghul felt like the night became darker than ever.

"I don't know myself..." Ghul said.

"Lie..." Luke said as he turned his head.

"I'm sorry Luke. I am full of questions myself." Ghul apologized, Luke had already shown his sincerity by revealing his cards first. But, Ghul himself didn't know what was happening.

Luke nodded. Ghul didn't know why Luke trusted him so easily, but he had a guess.

"You weren't actually angry at that time right?" Ghul asked.

Luke stared at Ghul, and after a while, he shook his head.

"Even though I am the youngest in this group, these guys are much more-"

"Stupid?" Ghul smirked.

Luke stared at Ghul with his deadpan eyes.

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