The Legend of Utsumi- Reincarnated into another world as the strongest

Chapter 4: A Magical Evolution and a Starry Conversation

Shayde continued to teach Utsumi magic for the next two days just as promised and she even displayed how to create a shelter from magic.

"No matter how many times I see it, it's truly beautiful."

Shayde watched Utsumi as she focused; suddenly, the surrounding Mana gathered to her hand, displaying a beautiful rainbow of Mana that circulated around her hand.

Once Utsumi had gotten used to using Mana while suppressing her Magical Presence, she was able to materialize her Mana just like Shayde had shown her previously, but her Mana didn't show one specific color like Shade's did.

Instead, her Mana displayed all the colors of the rainbow simultaneously. Shayde had explained to her that this was due to the fact that her humans held a compatible affinity for every single type of magic.

Utsumi smiled as she observed the glowing and radiant rainbow of mana that danced in her palm. 'I can't believe I'm actually glad to be born a human! Humans are super OP!'

Shayde smiled as she silently observed the rainbow of Mana held by Utsumi. She had thought she would never see someone who held multiple affinities in her lifetime, but seeing the Mana of humans was truly a blessing; she was happy she had gotten to witness.

'Even more so, she even asked me to be friends! I must have the best luck in the entire world!'

"Shayde, can I ask you a question?"

Utsumi's sudden call came from behind her, causing Shayde to flinch in response; The sudden giggle from behind her quickly brought Shayde to the realization that Utsumi had teleported behind her again.

"Utsumi~ why do you always want to give me a heart attack?"

Shayde affectionately joked with Utsumi as she turned around to meet her inquisitive stare. Utsumi's golden eyes looked ripe with Mischief as she responded with a resounding giggle.

"It's because your reactions are so funny, Shayde!"

Utsumi received a resounding pluck on her forehead from Shayde as she turned away from Utsumi with a huff.

"You get too much enjoyment from playing tricks, hmph!"

This type of playful banter would've seemed farfetched to Shayde two days ago, but the two of them had quickly created a strong bond between themselves. So much so that Shayde felt okay playfully arguing with Utsumi.

"Shayde, I'm sorry for playing tricks on you… will you forgive me?"

Utsumi fiddled with her fingers as she apologized to Shayde, finally giving way for Shayde to turn around, but she was greeted by a smirk curling the corner of Utsumi's lips, causing Shayde to roll her eyes.

"Honestly, what am I ever going to do with you?"

Shayde annoyingly began walking toward the current camp they were sheltering in, creating a distance from Utsumi. Of course, Shayde was well aware that if Utsumi really wanted to, she could follow her anywhere.

Utsumi didn't like to abuse her magic though, as in doing so, she believed that it would detach her from her new reality. Utsumi quickly followed Shayde to the camp as the night sky began to descend.

"Shayde~ wait up, I really did want to ask you a question!"

Shayde quickly stopped and turned around as Utsumi caught up to her.

"Really? What did you want to ask me, Utsumi?"

Utsumi quickly took a deep breath before looking Shayde clearly in the eye and opened her mouth to ask, "Um… how old are you…"

Shayde deadpanned at Utsumi's question and sighed before quickly answering.

"Last Month I turned eighteen years old."

As soon as Shayde answered, a breath of relief washed over Utsumi who was worried that Shayde might have been a thousand-year-old Grandma because of the long lifespan of Dragons.

"Ahh, thank goodness you're not a one-thousand-year-old Grandma Dragon."

Shayde's expression of annoyance suddenly became anger as she used her scaley feet to harshly step on Utsumi's feet, but instead, Utsumi smiled and fawned.

"To think I lived long enough to be stepped on by a Dragon~ I can finally die happy now!"

Shayde's face quickly reddened, and she sprinted away from Utsumi, quickly growing her wings and taking off into the air.

"Get away from me, Pervert!"

Utsumi giggled as she watched Shayde fly off into the air. The past two days learning magic from Shayde have been such a fun treat that Utsumi purposely hid that she had learned flight magic from Shayde to delay their departure to Dragovia.

"I originally thought that going to a nation full of Dragons like Shayde would be fun, but once she takes me to Dragovia, she's gonna be burdened by Princess duties, I suppose. I wish we could hang out every day like this, but that's asking too much of her, and she is taking time out of her life to teach me magic… I guess it's time to start being truthful with her."

Utsumi finally decided that when Shayde returned, she would tell her that she learned how to use flight magic and that they could depart to Dragovia.

'I suppose she should have some free days to hang out with me. She did agree to be my permanent magic teacher.'

With the rate at how quickly Utsumi learned magic, she realized that eventually Shayde would have taught her everything she possibly could and from then on, they wouldn't meet as often. Shayde was a Crown Princess after all and it's not like she could spend time hanging out with Utsumi every day.

"Well, I'll just enjoy the time until then; it's not like there's any use in thinking about that now."

Shayde, who had been quickly descending back to the camp, caught the sudden statement from Utsumi and a slight bit of sadness clouded her face.

"Does she mean she is going to abandon me once we get to Dragovia?"

Shayde muttered to herself before turning around and shooting back into the sky. The wind slapped against Shayde's face as she quickly climbed in altitude, but the uncontrollable tears continued to flow endlessly.

'So, she really has already grown bored with me?'

Shayde continued to fly upwards until she finally flew above the clouds. Giving way to a beautiful sight of a full moon hanging in the starry sky.

As Shayde stared at the Moon from the comfort of floating above the clouds, her thoughts too painful to continue to think about in silence suddenly began to spill out of her mouth.

"I shouldn't let myself get too down about this; she's a human and I'm only a Dragon. It's not like it would be easier for anyone else to become long-term friends with her. She's an existence far beyond me, so I shouldn't wish for the impossible… even if it hurts…"

Unbeknownst to Shayde, Utsumi had secretly followed her into the sky when Shayde suddenly turned around and flew away from Utsumi.

As Utsumi got closer, she noticed the quiet sobs and teardrops that were falling from the sky and silently eavesdropped on Shayde's words.


Utsumi's presence caught Shayde by surprise when she felt Utsumi's warm embrace wrap around her from behind.

"Shayde, I don't know what I did to make you cry, but I promise I won't do it again!"

Utsumi shouted loudly, even slightly startling Shayde with the sincerity of her words, but Shayde didn't want to confide in Utsumi, who she believed was going to depart from her once they reached Dragovia.

"Utsumi let go."

However, Shayde's unwillingness to confide in Utsumi steeled her resolve even more, and she refused.

"No. Not until you tell me what is making you so sad. I can't apologize and make up with you unless you tell me."

Utsumi's stubbornness finally forced an answer out of Shayde, and she released her pent-up frustration.

"Why are you always like this?! You give me false hope, acting like you genuinely wanted to be friends with me, just so you could abandon me to find someone new to hang out with! Why play with my emotions like that… when you can just tell me from the start… that you… never…"

Before Shayde could finish, Utsumi cut her off and released her hold on Shayde. Utsumi then grabbed both of her shoulders and flipped around, slightly getting slapped by Shayde's extended wings in the process.

When they were face-to-face, Shayde's anger and sadness turned to shock when she saw the expression Utsumi was making.

"Abandon you?! What the hell are you even talking about?!"

Utsumi's shout was accompanied by dripping tears that flowed from her eyes unconsciously.

"Utsumi I…"

"Shut up! You're such an idiot sometimes! All my life I always wanted to meet a Dragon, and once I met you I thought it was nothing short of a miracle! Even though we had our ups and downs, I thought we had genuinely become close friends! I was even sad that when we departed for Dragovia, you would be so burdened with your work as a Crown Princess that we wouldn't have that much time to hang out! I was even sad that once I had learned everything that you could teach me, you would slowly drift away from me!"

As Utsumi shouted at the top of her lungs at Shayde, the pillar of doubt between Utsumi and her friendship was destroyed.

'If I still don't believe in her now, I would be quite foolish. I can't believe I ever doubted her; she's just way too sincere…'

Shayde suddenly hugged Utsumi and both of their hearts mended in that moment, silently crying above the clouds in the night sky.




"So, you did know how to fly after all." Shayde teasingly poked Utsumi on her cheek with a playful smile.

"Yeah, I pretended that I didn't know so we could spend more time together before we went to Dragovia." Utsumi finally admitted

"I guess I should have told you that in Dragovia, my advisor handles nearly all the paperwork that I get. I would quite literally never be lacking in any time to spend with you."

Shayde puffed her chest out and boasted with a look of pride, bustling through her lively expression.

"I don't know if being a certified slacker is something you should be proud of, Shayde~"

Shayde's boastful smile dissipated as her face quickly reddened with embarrassment after Utsumi quickly used her own words to tease her.

"Ugh, you!"

Shayde flipped her head around to ignore Utsumi's giggling and teasing before she suddenly saw Utsumi's pinky finger extended to her.

"What are you doing?"

Shayde turned back around and met Utsumi's beaming smile with confusion.

"A pinky swear. In my world, it means an unbreakable promise."

With Shayde's questions answered, she was even more curious about the promise that Utsumi wanted to make to her.

"So what promise are we swearing to?"

Utsumi laughed slightly before standing up on the branch as the glow of the moon radiated off of her; Shayde looked up toward her as if she was entranced.

"To be best friends forever!"

Shayde slightly laughed before standing with Utsumi and began extending her pinky finger as well, but she suddenly stopped.

"Ugh, it's not like we're gonna separate from each other in the future. There's no reason to make a promise like that. I'm going back to the camp; I'll race you there, Utsumi!"

Shayde quickly jumped off the branch and began flying back toward their camp at an incredible speed, causing Utsumi to quickly follow her with slight confusion.

"Slow down Shayde!"

Shayde didn't understand why at that moment, but for some reason being 'Friends forever' with Utsumi left a sour taste in her mouth.

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