The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 99: Principal's office

"Chilled lemon juice!"

Following Jon's order, the huge ugly stone statue lazily jumped aside and gave way.

Jon took a deep breath and calmed down his emotions... This was his first visit to the principal's office.

Passing through a spiral staircase at the back, and pulling open the lion-eagle-headed knocker on the door, a spacious circular room is greeted.

The walls were covered with portraits of old principals, men and women. They basically closed their eyes and pretended to be asleep; but Jon felt that many of them were actually looking at him secretly.

"Good afternoon!" Albus Dumbledore raised his head, and his pale blue eyes blinked slightly at Jon.

"Good afternoon, Professor..." Jon bit his head and stepped forward.

He had no choice. Because of what he had written in the letter to Mrs. Amelia Burns, he must now tell Dumbledore about Sirius Black.

"Professor, I have an important thing!" Jon summoned his courage to make his tone as fearful and panic as possible: "Ciris Black! I saw him with a telescope a few hours ago, and he was there. Beside the beating willow by Hogsmeade Lake..."

Dumbledore held out a finger and stopped Jon from continuing.

"Jon, maybe you have to calm down first and listen to me!" Dumbledore said gently, still chewing on a string of cockroaches: "Would you like some, it tastes good!"

Without a word, Dumbledore dropped a bunch of them.

It seems a bit disgusting, but it is actually made of chocolate, with a lot of sugar added, it tastes sweet and even a little greasy... But this makes Jon rule out a possibility, after all, Veritaserum and sugar will fail if taken together of.

"Some are too sweet!" he said softly.

"No, I think it's just right!" Dumbledore retorted, putting all the last string into his mouth.

Then, Dumbledore glanced at a portrait on the wall, and said at the same time: "As far as the information I have so far, Sirius Black may not be as cruel and vicious as the Ministry of Magic said!"

Jon tried to put on a surprised look.

"I have some special information channels, Jon!" Dumbledore introduced calmly: "For example, I was on Privet Drive, and there was an informant-she informed me that Sirius Black appeared one day at the end of July last year. He was on Privet Drive; and it happened that that day, young Harry left his uncle and aunt's house due to an accident and appeared on the road."

"I was a little panicked at the time!" Dumbledore paused and continued: "I quickly contacted Kingsley and asked him to send a Cavalier bus to take Harry to a safe position... But what surprised me was that Harry waited unharmed until the arrival of the Cavalier Bus, and Black did not appear in front of him at all."

"Can this prove that he is innocent?" Jon asked in a low voice, "What if he didn't touch one..."

"This is enough to make me suspicious!" Dumbledore nodded and continued: "In recent years, I think I'm quite accurate in judging people. I don't think Blake is the kind of crazy person... and... …"

"Yes, I can prove it!" A scream came from the wall, and Jon was startled: "My great-grandson betrayed his family and blood, he is a wicked bastard...but he is absolutely impossible to betray his friends. And kill innocents indiscriminately!"

On the talking portrait was a middle-aged wizard with curly hair and middle-aged bald head. His expression looked very excited.

"Calm down, Phineas!"

Following Dumbledore's opening, a wizard next to him pretending to be asleep quickly ran over and took out his wand, controlled Phineas Black, and prevented him from making any noise.

"So I specially hired a friend of Black’s youth, Remus Lupin, to teach at Hogwarts!" Dumbledore said with a smile: "In order to persuade Minerva, Philius and Sever Luss and the others, getting them to agree to let a werewolf be their colleague, but a very difficult process!"

"Werewolf?" Jon raised his tone quickly.

"I think Severus has given you enough hints. You shouldn't have guessed the true identity of Remus..." Dumbledore gave Jon a deep look.

"Yes, Professor..." Jon lowered his head quickly: "It's just that I haven't been thinking about the worst!"

"Let's go, let's go!" Dumbledore suggested, "I might need you to do me a favor!"

"Where are we going?"

"Hagrid's cabin!"


Just walking out of the office, Jon suddenly felt Dumbledore pat his shoulder.

Then, a feeling of coldness instantly spread all over the body.

Jon lowered his head and suddenly found that his body and arms had all become illusory, as if they were integrated with the environment.

"Phantom spell!" Dumbledore explained with a smile: "A spell that can make us invisible to others. The mission of our trip is more secretive!"

Following Dumbledore out of the castle, Jon passed by many acquaintances, and no one found his trace; obviously, Dumbledore's disillusionment curse would not be seen through at will.

They passed through the greenhouse, walked by the Hogsmeade Lake, and finally bypassed the beating willow... Finally, they came to the back door of Hagrid's cabin, behind an oak tree with a thick trunk.

Buckbeak, the eagle-headed horse-winged beast, was locked in the pumpkin field in front of them.

Jon couldn't help but frowned; if I remember correctly, this should be the place Harry and Hermione had hidden after using the time converter.

He glanced at his body in an invisible state, protected by the phantom spell. Probably even if Harry and Hermione came over, he couldn't notice It seems that Hagrid already has guests! "Dumbledore said to himself.

Jon pricked his ears and heard the voice of dialogue from the cabin...very familiar, the voices of Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

"It's Harry and his friends!" Dumbledore frowned, as if thinking about something.

"Connelly, go here!" A very familiar voice came from a distance.

Jon's face changed suddenly and he looked into the distance... Minister of Magic Fudge wearing a plaid cloak, executioner McNeill with a big axe, two witnesses from the Ministry... And another Albus- Dumbledore!

Five people walked slowly towards Hagrid's cabin.

Jon glanced at the distant Dumbledore with some horror, and glanced at the one in front of him.

"What's the matter...Professor..." he couldn't help but asked tremblingly.


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