The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 47: Hogwarts back on track

   At breakfast the next morning, Jon was spreading thick jam on his sausage.

   On the rostrum, the current acting principal, Professor Minerva McGonagall, suddenly stood up.

   "I have some news to announce." She shouted, and then added: "Of course, it's good news!"

   The students who were eating breakfast looked at each other. Under the panic caused by the monster in the secret room, no one could think of any good news.

   "Our principal, Professor Albus Dumbledore is back!" Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "He has eliminated the Slytherin monster!"

   After a brief reaction, the crowd quickly erupted into eager cheers.

   "Long live Professor Dumbledore!" The Weasley brothers sang joyously.

   "I knew that the Slytherin monster is definitely not Professor Dumbledore's opponent!" Ernie McMillan had a confident expression on his face.

   "Hannah and Susan, they should be back soon..." Ailoise-Midgen whispered.

   "What about Quidditch." Oliver Wood shouted excitedly: "Is the Quidditch game about to resume?"

"Yes, Wood!" Professor McGonagall nodded. "So I think the Quidditch teams in each college need to hurry up to train. A week later, it will be Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and LaVine. Crow and Slytherin’s Quidditch match!"

   "By the way, where's Harry, where did he go?" Gryffindor second-year student Dean Thomas asked, "I haven't seen him go back to the dormitory since last night..."

"Mr. Potter played a vital role in destroying the Slytherin monster!" Professor McGonagall said with some pride: "He is full of courage to show Gryffindor, but he suffered a little in the battle. Minor injuries, now being treated by Madam Pomfrey."

  All the Gryffindor students began to cheer again.

  Except for Wood, he frowned and had a frowning look...probably wondering if Harry could recover in time to catch up with Hufflepuff and Gryffindor's Quidditch game.


   Jon Hart is listening to Professor McGonagall.

   The destruction of the Basilisk and Dumbledore's return did not surprise him.

   After Ginny Weasley was fished by him, she would have mistakenly thought that the notebook was in the Hufflepuff common room, and then sneaked in to try to steal it and prevent her secrets from revealing.

While the Hufflepuff common room looks unprepared on the surface, in fact, house elves have been guarding them all the time. The house elves’ magic is quite powerful, and certainly not a first-year girl can deal with it; Jon is also visiting When the kitchen got snacks, he "unintentionally" told Klein that the school was in trouble, and "raised" him to be careful of strange people in the castle.

   After Ginny Weasley was captured alive, based on the clues she left behind, the teachers could easily follow this line to find the truth about the secret room.

Moreover, the basilisk is quite terrifying for the students; but for the adult wizards who are well prepared, they are not too difficult opponents...not to mention the teachers at Hogwarts, most of them are not ordinary adults. wizard.

   But through Professor McGonagall's words, he got an important message... Professor McGonagall mentioned that the "Slytherin monster" has been eliminated, but the "Slytherin heir" was not mentioned.

   In other words, "Tom Riddle's Diary" should not have been destroyed yet.

   So the question is, who should hold the diary?

   First eliminate a wrong option, which is definitely not in Ginny Weasley's hands.

   Is it the same as the original plot, in the hands of Harry Potter?

   Then who did the attack on Percy and Penello?

   seems unlikely to be in Harry Potter's hands!

   He didn't think that Voldemort could control the savior to open the secret room and launch an attack in broad daylight.

But now that the basilisk has been wiped out and Dumbledore has matter who holds the diary, Tom Riddle will probably not be able to run rampant easily; and Dumbledore, who is proficient in the idea of ​​"Plutocratic", must have known it. The existence of the diary should only be a matter of time before finding it.

   Professor McGonagall is still talking about the changes in school regulations:

   For example, abolish the curfew law and the ban on associations.

   Also, please write to the students who have left school as soon as possible, so that they can return to school and continue their studies.

   The rule that students need to be accompanied by teachers during class and meals has also been deleted.


   Before the Hogwarts gate, a thin figure followed by a tall figure.

   "Dumbledore...Professor..." Hagrid wiped his tears, crying like an 800-jin child: "So, the Slytherin monster is..."

"It's a basilisk, and its gaze is enough to cause fatal damage." Dumbledore smiled faintly and explained: "It is a natural enemy of spiders. You must know that spiders are full of eyes in all directions, and they Can’t close his your friend didn't even dare to say its name."

   "It turns out... the heir... is actually Tom... I always thought he was my best friend in school..." Hagrid continued to cry, "Harry... how is Harry?"

   "It's just a small injury..." Dumbledore continued to laugh: "You know, my old bone is getting more and more useless, and I can't even hold my wand in a fight..."

   "Fortunately, Harry was there. At the most dangerous time, he drew a sword from the sorting hat and gave the monster a fatal blow!"

   The principal’s words stopped, a blue light flashed quickly on his half-moon-shaped glasses, and he glanced at the uninvited guest in front of him: "Good morning, Lucius!"

"Okay!" said Lucius Malfoy, staring at Dumbledore with cold eyes. "You actually came back, Dumbledore... the board suspended your position, but you still returned to Hogg on your own terms. Watts."

"Oh, that's it, Lucius," Dumbledore said with a calm smile, "Yesterday afternoon, the other eleven directors all got in touch with me... Owls flew over one after another, it was really troublesome... …They told me a strange thing: some of them seemed to think that you had threatened that if they did not agree to suspend my position, they would be a complete enemy of the Malfoy family."

   "What about the attack?" Lucius Malfoy said viciously, "Did you solve it?"

   "Of course!" Dumbledore waved his hand. "It's the same person who was last time, Lucius... With his diary, Voldemort summoned a basilisk, and we have eliminated it."

   "Humph!" Lucius Malfoy let out a cold snort, and walked away.

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