The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 45: Slytherin's Secret Chamber (Part 1)

   Harry Potter followed Professor McGonagall to between the first floor and the basement.

When he saw that the destination was actually the bathroom where the three of them secretly prepared the compound decoction, Harry's face turned pale...At this moment, he thought they had stolen Snape's medicinal materials and arranged forbidden drugs. The Dongchuang incident happened.

   "Meg...Professor..." He stammered.

   "What are you stopping for!" Professor McGonagall said anxiously, "Principal Dumbledore is still waiting for you!"

   Professor McGonagall’s impatient tone was understood by Harry as harsh.

   After hearing Dumbledore's name, he even became staggered.

   Could it be that Professor Dumbledore is going to get angry about this and want to fire himself? It's over...It's estimated that in ten minutes, he will pack his things and get out; what would the Dursleys say when they saw him at the gate?

   went into the bathroom, he was surprised to find that besides Professor Dumbledore, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout and even Professor Snape were all here.

   The door of the compartment where the crucible and the residual materials were placed was still closed, showing no sign of opening.

   "Good afternoon, Harry!" Professor Dumbledore said gently: "There is one thing, maybe I have to ask you for a favor!"

   "Help?" Harry couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Seeing Professor Dumbledore like this, it seemed that it wasn't because of the compound decoction and he wouldn't be fired.

   "Come here!" Professor Dumbledore patted Harry on the shoulder, motioning him not to be nervous.

   Harry nodded, and bent over as Dumbledore ordered.

   "Bang", the bathroom door was pushed open!

   Two second-year students broke in.

   "Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley!" Professor McGonagall frowned.

   Harry's face changed suddenly, and he winked at Hermione desperately.

   It's a pity that Hermione's attention has been on Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore since entering the bathroom.

"Professor McGonagall, it was not Harry who did it, I did it!" Hermione’s tone was like a gunfire: "I came up with the idea of ​​borrowing books in the restricted area for compound decoction. I lost the dung eggs in the medicine class, and I stole the powder of the two-horned beast and the skin of the African tree snake from Professor Snape...If you want to punish, just punish me; and Harry and Luo It doesn't matter!"

Hermione’s idea is very simple. Harry and Ron have already been credited for having a big pass after school starts, and if anything goes wrong they may be expelled; she must memorize all the pots, at least Professor McGonagall still likes her very much, at least She will not be expelled for a big mistake.

   Ron was breathing heavily beside her, but there was no time to stop her.

   In the bathroom, the scene became a bit awkward.

  Professor McGonagall's angry face was green.

   Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout looked at each other and looked at each other.

  Professor Snape was stunned, and it took several seconds to react.

   "Very good... Granger..." Snape sneered, "Now I know!"

   Looking at Harry's unlovable expression, and then at the reactions of several professors, Hermione suddenly realized that she was in trouble.

"What's wrong?" A defense against the Dark Arts teacher who didn't know the truth walked in, breaking the awkward atmosphere inside; he glanced at the crowded bathroom: "I remember this is an abandoned Girls' bathroom...

   "Oh, Principal Dumbledore... Merlin is here, you are actually back!" Guidro Lockhart shouted excitedly.

   "Good afternoon, Guidro!" Dumbledore smiled and said hello to Professor Lockhart: "We just discovered the Slytherin's secret room, are you going to come and break it together?"

"Slytherin's Secret Room..." Professor Lockhart's face changed suddenly, but he immediately changed his expression: "I'm honored...No, I mean, I knew this bathroom was Slater a long time ago. Lin's secret room, I have always planned to get rid of it, but there is not much time recently..."

   Dumbledore ignored him, but turned his gaze to Professor Snape: "Severus, at this time, maybe we shouldn’t pay attention to the minutiae!"

   "The minutiae?" Professor Snape sneered, "Well, if you insist, Dumbledore!"

"Of course, it's just relative!" The expression on Dumbledore's face regained seriousness: "Miss Granger, I hope you can visit my office tonight, and we can drink a good Prince of Wales tea together; Near the spiral staircase on the top floor, before a stone monster, the password was'lemon ice cream'."

   "Okay, Professor!" Hermione nodded anxiously.

"Let’s get down to business, then!" Snape snorted coldly, "Potter, come here... See the side of this bronze dragon head, is there a small snake engraved... Say a few words to it. Snake-mouthed Say a few words!"


   There is a dazzling white light from the water faucet, UU reading www.uukanshu. com then began to spin quickly.

   Then, the pool moved; they watched the pool slowly disappear from sight, revealing a very thick water pipe that can accommodate a person in it.

   "It's amazing!" Guidro Lockhart couldn't help exclaiming, but he glanced at the unkind eyes of several colleagues and quickly put on a deep expression.

"It seems that only one person can be accommodated at a time!" Dumbledore smiled and said, "Gidlow, or please ask first; as our Defense Against the Dark Arts class teacher, have you been looking forward to destroying the Slytherin monster? It’s time for you to perform your duties!"

  Professor Lockhart's mouth grew wide and he didn't know what to say.

   Snape gave a light kick behind him, only to hear a scream, Lockhart fell.

   The other teachers looked away and pretended not to notice anything.

   Harry was about to follow Lockhart and got into the pipe, but was caught by Snape; Snape only gave him a cold look, then jumped into the pipe a second time.

One teacher after another with students got into the pipe... Professor McGonagall was going to let Ron and Hermione go back to the Gryffindor common room, but Professor Dumbledore stopped her and he agreed to let two Sophomores also joined this "hunting".

   It feels like rushing down a dark, slimy, endless slide; their pipe twists and turns, and the **** is steep all the way down.

   After a few minutes, they came out of the nozzle one by one and fell to the damp ground with a puff.

   This is a dark stone tunnel, big enough to hold several people standing in it.

   They may have reached miles below the castle.

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