The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Chapter 107: 2 World Cups

A beige car parked at the gate of No. 86 Eastleigh Road in Hampshire, Southampton.

The owner of this house, Mr. Eric Hart, walked out of the cab of the car. Judging from the expression on his face, he did not seem to be in a good mood.

After getting out of the car, Mrs. Judy Hart and young Jon Hart, their faces were full of fatigue from the long journey.

Obviously, this trip to America for a family of three is not pleasant.

This has to be said a few months ago-

After nearly 30 years, the World Cup was once again held in an English-speaking country. Excitedly, Eric booked air tickets to and from London and New York, hotel itinerary, and tickets for the final one year in advance.

However, a few months before the start of the World Cup, England played nightmarishly in the final round of qualifiers and was finally eliminated by Norway and missed the World Cup...

The leave is ready, the tickets are bought, the itinerary is also booked... and the team is gone!

In desperation, he had to go on to the United States with his wife and children.

What made Eric even more painful was that the Brazilian team he hated the most, won the championship in front of him in the final on July 17.

"Those South Americans do not play football at all, they lack the most basic discipline." On the way back to the city, Jon heard his father complain about this no less than ten times: "They should be playing dancing or something else. ..."

So obviously, after spending so much money (in Eric’s words, was cheated by the Yankee) and finally got angry, this trip was obviously a terrible trip.

The family of three opened the door without saying a word.

Entering the room, Judy collapsed on the sofa and complained: "I have to rest for a few days, I'm exhausted..."

But Jon keenly heard some sounds, as if they were coming from his room upstairs.

"I'll go up and take a look!" he said quickly.


Since there was no one to live in and clean up for a long time, Jon Hart's room was already covered with a light layer of dust.

Jon raised his head and soon discovered the source of the sound.

By the window, there are more than a dozen owls circling densely; some of them carry letters, and some carry packages.

At the same time, they patted the windows with their wings from time to time, which was also the source of the noise just now.

"Oh, I forgot!" Apparently, Jon neglected to open the window when leaving home for the United States; so that the owl could send letters and packages here.

Hurriedly ran over, opened the window, and let in a bunch of owls there.

Almost every owl pecked Jon violently before dropping something.

Jon rubbed his injured hand and quickly wiped a bit of Modra rat juice; he quickly opened the letters and packages.

The earliest one was the transcript sent by Hogwarts. Jon opened it and took a look, then slipped it into the drawer.

Most of the packages are birthday gifts sent to him by friends...

July 15th is Jon Hart’s birthday. Unfortunately, at that time of this year, he was still at the Rose Bowl Stadium in Los Angeles, taking a photo with a shy young Brazilian player named Ronaldo.

But now, Jon had to hurry up, take out these birthday gifts, and reply to his friends one by one to explain the situation to them.

Many of the cakes and other foods are gradually stale in such a hot weather... Jon can only stack them in a pile and take them to the trash can downstairs together.

However, a few owls had already leaned over, pecked open a box of cakes, surrounded them unceremoniously, and ate them.

The other gifts were the same as in previous years, and Jon took a look and put them aside in different categories.

Among them, Astoria Greengrass attached a letter in the gift, again inviting Jon to watch the Quidditch World Cup together.

However, Jon knows that this Quidditch world will have a group of "Death Eaters" who are idle and painful. After the excitement after the game, they choose to humiliate a "Muggle" family in public...

There was also a more loyal Death Eater who directly released the Dark Mark (Voldemort's mark) on the court, scaring away the painful "Death Eaters".

In the end it caused a huge panic...Almost let Harry Potter be mistaken for Voldemort's faithful servant, almost hit by a bunch of Stunning Curses.

All this farce made Jon no idea of ​​joining, especially with Astoria-in case her parents were also one of the group of "Death Eaters" who humiliated the Muggle Gatekeeper family.

Mrs. Longbottom also invited Eric to take his family with him to watch the Quidditch World Cup a few weeks ago, but Jon also refused.

Such a group of wizards with nowhere to vent their energy gathered together, and there was no exception to any mass incidents they could do; whether it was himself or his parents, Jon was unwilling to fall into this chaos and danger.

What's more, I don't have much interest in Quidditch games.


After processing those gifts, only the last mail is left.

It is a daily prophet:

Jon glanced at the headline:

"Shame, England became the first team in the world to start preparing for the 1998 Quidditch World Cup."

Jon suppressed a smile and scanned the content.

The Quidditch World Cup opener started yesterday afternoon (July 20), with England playing against Transylvania.

I thought it was a hearty victory, but the result was the same, but the relationship between victory and defeat was completely opposite to what everyone imagined. Before the game, Transylvania, who was not optimistic at all, finally defeated the host England team 390:10 and won the first victory of this World Cup.

In this way, the England team is also honored to be the world's first team to spend the game...

Jon looked up at the map on the It took a lot of time to find the area "Transylvania"... Located in a small principality in northeastern Romania, the map is about the size of Sesame .

Sure enough, no matter what the World Cup, the England team is the same... Jon thought to himself.

After that, Jon habitually read all the contents of the newspaper.

Finally, in a small corner of the sixth edition, he saw something useful.

The content is as follows:

"Ms. Bertha Jorkins is still losing contact,

Bertha Jorkins, a staff member of the Ministry of Magic and Sports Department, has been out of contact for two months.

However, Mr. Ludo Bagman, the director of the Department of Magical Sports, is still optimistic...

‘Jorkins just doesn’t have the concept of time, and will come back in a week or two. Said Mr. Bagman. "


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