The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

43 – Twists and turns make my head hurt

"Alright you two, how about you start explaining yourselves?"

Under Edel-chan's supervision of course, we gathered my girls as well to hear what these guys have to say. Given that I have no memories and these guys kept insisting that I am a princess… I am curious what they have to say.

"I see. So you suffer from amnesia."

Huh? Why did this guy smile? It's not a good thing to lose your memory. He soon regained a stern expression and started telling his story.

Apparently, I am a warbeast of Kwan Kwan. And not just any warbeast. I am it's princess. Currently Kwan Kwan is ruled by my elder sister. Our parents died and the throne was passed down to her. Originally Kaa and Laa were supposed to be the weapon for the new ruler. But they rejected my sister.

Because of this, various political aspects happened. Some thought that my sister was not worthy of the throne. Some radical factions even tried to kill me. And apparently that's why I am in this situation. According to these 2, my sister loved me so much, that in order to protect me, she cast me away. 

This pretty much matches the time I recall waking up with no memories. These jackals are also saying that now, since all the radicals have been dealt with and my sisters' rule is set in stone, she sent them in search for me. So I can come home. What can I say … I'm happy that someone is looking for me, but… I don't trust their story all the way. There are some holes that need to be filled.

"We can prove our words if you would just… What the!?"

Zyr wanted to touch my shoulder with his hand, but his words were interrupted. Kaa and Laa suddenly increased in size. They wrapped around me and started making menacing hissing noises and displayed their sharp fangs. Now that's a first. They usually don't act without my permission, but it's like they went into overprotective mode. And because I can also communicate telepathically with them…

"Lies… don't trust… danger…"

They don't speak in full sentences, but it's clearly a warning. These guys aren't entirely who they say they are.


"Sorry guys, but it seems these 2 don't like you. And I have a new family now. Nothing ties me to Kwan Kwan anymore, so you can get lost."

"Didn't work, huh?"

Zyr's expression changed completely.

"Honestly I thought we could do this the easy way, but it seems that isn't the case. So enough beating around the bush. I'll be blunt. My master is interested in gaining the Great One's favor. But for that, he requires you. So, it's obvious that we intend to make his wishes come true, so we can also grant our wishes."

Edel-chan was quick to release her aura and murderous intent. She's scary. But before she could make any moves.

"Now, now, Your Majesty, I wouldn't make any unnecessary moves if I were you."

From behind some trees, footsteps could be heard. Until finally, in our line of sight…

"Did you actually believe there were only 2 of us?"

A third jackal appeared… and he had Tiki restrained. Tiki, the kind elf girl I befriended and guided us around the owl sanctuary. What's more…

"I assume you can guess by the way she's being held, but one wrong move, and her neck will easily snap."

"Your Majesty… I'm sorry. He took me… by surprise…"

"Tiki! You bastards!!"

"Now, if you know what's good for you, little miss Ayaka, drop your staff, please. Also everyone here, step back."

"Girls… do as he says."

I dropped Kaa and Laa on the ground. As I let go they returned to their original size. And all my girls also dropped their weapons and took some distance.

"Okay, what next?"

"Next? I'm going to beat you to pulp until you're unconscious. Then it will be a simple matter of hostage exchange."

"Ayaka, please don't worry about me! Fight and…"

"Shut the hell up, or my hands might slip."

"I get it. If you release Tiki, then by all means, come at me. I won't fight back."

"My pleasure! Haaa!"

A powerful fist filled with rage was headed my way. This guy… something weird is enhancing his fists… regardless, as promised, I didn't move a muscle. His fist made direct contact with my head. A powerful shockwave was generated, but…

"Ouch ouch ouch! Oi… what the hell? That fucking hurts. Just what did you do?"

"Nothing. Did it look like I did something?"

"This doesn't make any sense. Why am I feeling pain? My fists have the power to crush boulders."

"Do I really have to state the obvious? Just because you can crush boulders doesn't mean you can crush my head. My skull is way harder than that. I'll be blunt. You can hit me as much as you want, but your body will be the one that will collapse. To put it as simply as I can… you aren't strong enough to hurt me."

"Such a thing… can't be…"

All 3 jackals started to panic. It's not my fault they're too weak. My cuteness forms an impenetrable wall around me, so it only makes sense that I shouldn't be able to get hurt.

"Listen up. You come with us or else this… elf… ??"

The air froze in place. My instincts were screaming at me once more. Something bad is coming… while the jackal that was holding Tiki tried to threaten me again… his head just suddenly fell off.

"No way! You little bitch, what the fuck did you do!?"

I couldn't care less what this guy was shouting. A presence was swirling around us. Something strong and terrible. It wasn't me that killed that jackal.

"Honestly, you guys are scum."

The voice of a female could be heard and soon after, the second jackal was sliced vertically in two and his blood splattered all over.

"Hiii! Who's there? Don't you know who we work for?"

"It's because I know who you work for, I am doing this."

And with that, the last jackal also was splattered all over the place. Tiki quickly ran over to us and hid behind Edel-chan. Just in time, as the mysterious voice showed herself.

"I guess I should say sorry for all the commotion. But you really should strengthen your barrier. It's not as impenetrable as you would think."

Cold sweat ran across Edel-chan's face. Does she know this woman?

"Err… excuse me, but I am getting tired of all this. Too many fucking things keep happening one after another in quick succession that it's hard to process. Who the hell are you?"

The woman turned around towards me, and with a smile on her face, she answered me.

"Me? I guess you can call me Sophia, little one."

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