The Lazy Loli is Actually Quite Active

36 – The Queen just wants a friend

~Queen's point of view~

"Don't waste your breath."

Damn it! Why can't I talk normally? As a queen I have many responsibilities, but because I grew too strong, this stupid Charisma skill has taken over my way of speech. I can't act at all in a casual manner. Calm down, Edelweiss. You can do this. Avoid any misunderstandings.

"I am Queen Edelweiss Liebenfrau! You're probably mesmerized by my beauty, but flattery will get you nowhere."

"Is she mad at us?"

Gaah! They're misunderstanding already!! That's not it! I'm not mad at you! I don't hate you either! It's just… it's just because of my stats...


Name: Edelweiss Liebenfrau

Age: 31

Race: Unknown

Class: Combat Spell Weaver

Level: 90

Attack Power: 25870

Defense Power: 27250

Magical Power: 30005

Speed: 17300

Intelligence: 10805

Magic: All Element Mastery, Language Comprehension, High Speed Regeneration, Debuff Immunity, Rapid Growth, Charm, Physical Boost, Levitation, 

Special Abilities: Full Counter, Charisma+, Sewing, Chains of Valhalla


Calm down me. I am a queen, but at the same time I freaking have no friends!! Is it just too much to ask to make 1 friend? These guys don't know me yet. And they are the last visitors this sanctuary had in 5 years. I need to take control of this situation. I have to do my best.

"State your business. What do you desire from this place?"

This should be a typical normal question one would ask. I also did my best not to raise my voice. Come on Edelweiss… don't blow it and make a friend already!!

"Well, my goal is to live a slow and lazy life. A granny told us that this place might just fit that bill. I don't want to get caught up with the war or any other troublesome things."

Oh, my gosh, she's so cute! That goal might be weird, but I've heard my fair share of weird requests. "I want to study owls" or "I want a demon wife" or even "I want to be one with the trees here". You can do this, Edelweiss! Don't give a weird response now.

"Hmm. I see. That's not the weirdest thing I heard during my reign. You have earned the owls' trust, so if your wish is to simply establish a home, I don't see any problem with that."

"Sounds right to me!"

YOOOSH!!! I did it! I managed to give a normal response! I managed to have a normal conversation. I could just jump up and down.

"By the way, miss, it's said you are really strong. Is that true or just a rumor.


"Hou? A rumor? Would you like to test that rumor on your own skin?"

NOOOO!! Why did I have to say that? I just wanted to show off and impress them. But they're going to misunderstand me again.

"You know, we're pretty strong too."

"Don't get cocky and let your success you got in the past go to your head. That attitude might get you killed."

Whispering: "Lina, did we do something to piss her off that much?"

That's not it!! I just want you guys to be careful. I've witnessed many people get hurt from overconfidence and I don't want you guys to get hurt. Why can't I communicate like a normal person!?


Alright. The child is going to say something again. Let's quickly go over some scenarios! Battle plan commence!!

Scenario 1: she says "So is this place safe? Can I stay here?" and I'll say "Yes. As I mentioned before, since you have the owls' trust it's ok."

Scenario 2: she says "Is there anything we need to be aware off in this place?" and I'll go "Hora, we have a few rules we must respect. Come closer and we'll go over them together."

Scenario 3: she says "Will I be safe here if I make a home out of this place?" and I will respond "There's no reason to be scared. As long as I am around, it's safe. Everyone here is under my protection."

There!! I've covered all the possible events! I'm prepared for anything.

"Miss Queen, why are you wearing such lewd clothes?"

"Excuse me? A ruler has nothing to hide or be ashamed of. Everyone needs to accept this me."

Gaaah!! Why the hell did you have to ask such a question? You're not making things easy for me at all!!

"That sounds reasonable actually. Does this place also have some laws or customs I should be aware of?"

THAT'S IT!! The pattern. Now respond just like I rehearsed.

"We have a few rules we must respect. Come closer and we'll go over them together."


*Awkward moment*

How did it end up like this? I did tell her to get closer, but why is she sitting in my lap? God, she smells so good. I so want to hug her right now. This pose… is totally breaking my concentration. I can't think straight. Except for combat this is the closest contact I had with someone in years…

My heart is skipping a beat right now. Calm down… I need to carefully explain all our rules. Just hang in there a bit longer… I can do this!


~Ayaka's point of view~

I guess the Queen didn't mind that I sat on her lap. Her thighs looked soft compared to our wooden carriage. Besides, I'm a kid, kids can get away with being silly. I can understand why people call her scary, but for some reason, my instincts aren't reacting. They are telling me this person is safe.

Who knows, she might be just a big tsundere. We went through the few rules this place had rather quickly. This really seems like the right fit for me. I feel like I can be happy here. And so will my girls. We can spend our days playing and having lots of sex. And the forest provides us with all the food needed. The river gives fresh water and fish. We have everything for me to never have to work.

"Well, I think we've covered everything. Just one more question, miss Queen. Is this place truly safe. My biggest concern is that I don't want to get dragged in the war."

"Who do you think you're talking to? Only the ones invited by the owls can find this place. Moreover, in case something does happen, I will personally handle it."

"Does that mean you really are as strong as people say?"




"Miss Queen?"

"If you doubt me, how about I show you?"

A demonstration of my abilities will impress them and they will beg me to be their friend.

"Oh? So you want to spar a bit with me? I don't mind. I feel in the mood for some exercise anyway."

What have I gotten myself into?

"It would not be fair for me to face a child. I request that all of you face me. I will gladly show you the difference in our abilities, but first…"

The Queen urged me to get off her lap. She then waved her hands as if conducting a symphony. And in the next moment, a bubble expanded rapidly and the world turned green. Is this a mirror dimension? That's impressive actually. It's not something that anyone can pull off. She probably wants us to go all out and avoid damage to the sanctuary.

She then took a few steps backwards and extended her right hand.

"Now, all of you, come at me. I will determine your character in battle."

Something… changed about her… a second ago my instincts were relaxed, but now… they're saying danger. This… might be different.

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